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I Should Definitely Get Refund


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As You can see I won 99 No Name modules with nice excalibur picture 
but ...I did not get It as my reward when mission completed :(
It is best drop I ever had,finally some luck smiled upon me  I like to think about It as my mr 12 reward for my patience
and I did not receive it :^(

I would really appreciate if support could refund me 99 No Name modules ing name:MidoriFuse
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The game communicates with the server to determine your reward. If you're unable to connect to the server the game gives you the first mod in the alphabet or something like that. Ancient Retribution just happens to be that mod but it has never been released and prolly won't ever.

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That mod is a placeholder mod. 

It doesn't actually have any physical presence, value, or use.

feels bad maaaaan :^( I thought this mod is like really fun to use because ''Description'' sounds like something from cephalon suda really smart and mystical

reminds me of mirage and limbo quests

I would love to have 99 of this 


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feels bad maaaaan :^( I thought this mod is like really fun to use because ''Description'' sounds like something from cephalon suda really smart and mystical

reminds me of mirage and limbo quests

I would love to have 99 of this 

 You simply can't get it, it's just a placeholder, has no use at all

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Dont feed the troll gentlemen

I think he's trying to be funny. I find it funny.

That aside, RIP in peace Ancient Retribution. You are now nothing more than "Placeholder" instead of the beautiful beat of "7.5%damage against Infested 7.5% Damge against Infested 7.5% Damage against Infested".

Gotta write an Elton John song for it now.

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