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Chroma- (Dragon Frame) Feedback Megathread


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Considering the forums usually are very picky on frame designs, i'd say Chroma at the very least went back to warframe's original roots and the designers took into consideration some of the things people complained about for past frames.


He looks more abstract than other the previous set of frames. Just like if you saw saryn, Loki, Excal, you can't tell his theme based of looks alone. While i love mesa limbo, hydroid ect, people usually claim they are too thematic, and too a degree they are correct.


People complaining about his seahorse segment forget that we have Hammerhead Loki, Thunder thighs Ember and Lobster Tail Trinity. So his sea horse helmet is just his defining trait like all other frames have thiers.


He's more biomechanical/organic than previous frames. Mesa/Limbo which look like awesome cosplays, than frames. Not like nothing wrong with that.



Is it my favorite design for a frame? No? I'm not a fan of the seahorse look, but it's not that bad when you look at the general look of other frames coming before him and in the past.

Edited by cozzi21
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Claps for OP.


I got to admit, at first his appearance took me by surprise, but the more I look at him the more I like him. His thick build, his hidden faceplate... the more I look at him the more convinced I am he is an hybrid of knight and dragon.

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I'm just going to keep posting this wherever people are complaining about Chroma (sorry, WiiCon).


I'm glad it doesn't look like a Dragon... One of the things I disliked about Mesa and Limbo especially is they looked like they belonged in another game. This frame looks uniquely Warframe.




"Awwww! Limbo looks like a magician! This is bullS#&$!"


"Awwwww! Mesa looks like a cowgirl! This is bullS#&$!"


"What the Hell! Chroma Doesn't look like a dragon???? THIS IS BULLS#&$!"


DE, stop trying to please these people. It'll never work for you.

Edited by Morec0
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