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Chroma, The New Dragon Frame (Re-Megathread)


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Oh just shut already people, a dragon that resembles the every day dragon we see in pretty much everything dragon related doesn't belong to warframe, one can question some of the latest warframes as to that regard as well, but chroma really follows warframes roots and looks great. The closest thing to the everydray dragon you'll see is pendragon helmet, get that if you're unhappy or pray any of the alt helmets will please your boring taste.

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But if it had scales he would?

No, I said if they changed the design.




You immediately assume people that dislike the appearance want a spiky rhino.


The hell is wrong with you?


Created march 5th 2015? That is a troll account isn't it?

Most mature people don't want a spiky Rhino. You also immediately assumed that everybody disliked Chroma when he first came around.

No, this is not a troll account. Stop making excuses just so you can think you "won", because nobody has and nobody will, it's all an opinion. Scales will make Chroma generic.

Edited by Public_Stalker
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No, I said if he changed the design.




Most mature people don't want a spiky Rhino. You also immediately assumed that everybody disliked Chroma when he first came around.

No, this is not a troll account. Stop making excuses just so you can think you "won", because nobody has and nobody will, it's all an opinion. Scales will make Chroma generic.

Nailed it, you bet most of the nay sayers must be teennagers, next thing you'll know they'll want a vampire frame and complain that he doesn't resemble twilight vampires. *sigh*

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Oh just shut already people, a dragon that resembles the every day dragon we see in pretty much everything dragon related doesn't belong to warframe, one can question some of the latest warframes as to that regard as well, but chroma really follows warframes roots and looks great. The closest thing to the everydray dragon you'll see is pendragon helmet, get that if you're unhappy or pray any of the alt helmets will please your boring taste.


Gr8 b8 m8, no h8 I str8 appreci8 your post 888, though l8 is still gr8.

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Nailed it, you bet most of the nay sayers must be teennagers, next thing you'll know they'll want a vampire frame and complain that he doesn't resemble twilight vampires. *sigh*

How about this vampire? :D


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Most mature people don't want a spiky Rhino. You also immediately assumed that everybody disliked Chroma when he first came around.

No, this is not a troll account. Stop making excuses just so you can think you "won", because nobody has and nobody will, it's all an opinion. Scales will make Chroma generic.

I don't see how liking the fan concept makes someone more or less mature. Also we did win in our quest to have a frame that doesn't look like a derpy sea horse. Constantly making ad homonym attacks because you can't win the argument makes you seem quite immature.

Edited by Takatashi
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No, I said if he changed the design.

If they changed the design they could have changed it to be anything.



Most mature people don't want a spiky Rhino. 

Come on now...not everyone even considers endrians design a "spiky rhino" so that classification is one sided

And certainly it does not follow through to suggest that taste in warframes reflects maturity. 



Nailed it, you bet most of the nay sayers must be teennagers, *

This is some really weak stuff.


Scales will make Chroma generic.

I don't think that is quite fair.

I don't consider it generic to put feathers on birds or leaves on trees....

technically without those things they are more unique but at the same time there is reason for things to be what they are.

Edited by Ronyn
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Nailed it, you bet most of the nay sayers must be teennagers, next thing you'll know they'll want a vampire frame and complain that he doesn't resemble twilight vampires. *sigh*

Because most mature people don't continuously whine about something they don't like.

Edited by Public_Stalker
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No, I said if he changed the design.




Most mature people don't want a spiky Rhino. You also immediately assumed that everybody disliked Chroma when he first came around.

No, this is not a troll account. Stop making excuses just so you can think you "won", because nobody has and nobody will, it's all an opinion. Scales will make Chroma generic.

"Most mature people" dont act like you either just so you know. 


Did I assume everyone disliked chroma? When did I say that?


How will scales make chroma generic? Please tell me. 


Who is making excuses? I never made one.

Nailed it, you bet most of the nay sayers must be teennagers, next thing you'll know they'll want a vampire frame and complain that he doesn't resemble twilight vampires. *sigh*

Your blatant trolling is despicable. Go back to your PS4.

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Thanks, but not a 'b8', as others seem to share the opinion that à la game of thrones, magic the gathering, reign of fire and whatever else doesn't belong here.


Nope, you don't care about Chroma's design. You care about inflating your own ego. Getting to feel superior due to your exquisite "taste" in art.


Well, I have a fine wine to sell you at an insane markup. Are you interested?

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Oh just shut already people, a dragon that resembles the every day dragon we see in pretty much everything dragon related doesn't belong to warframe, one can question some of the latest warframes as to that regard as well, but chroma really follows warframes roots and looks great. The closest thing to the everydray dragon you'll see is pendragon helmet, get that if you're unhappy or pray any of the alt helmets will please your boring taste.

"Follows warframes roots". AHAHHA, yeah, that is funny. Take a look at excal then take a look at chroma. DEM ROOTS RIGHT THERE MAN. THEY TOTALLY EXIST! (Not).

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Cause i was fine with the original look.

The game actually going back to frames looking like weird machines from thousands of years in the future.

And an alt helmet that was going to be released at launch with a different look was going to obviously happen so i dont see a reason to change what you had. I mean, the original helmet was going to create plat sales from people that didnt like that look. Obviously these folks were more numerous and if the original helmet in now an alt...they are not going to buy it so DE lost some sales with this. People were not going to not get the frame simply because of the helmet. That's just ridiculous. 


So for the people that think you succeeded in your design can we get a little something for that?

Give us the option to pick which helmet we can build.

This creates 2 alerts that you can use to pad the alert system so we dont get 3 heat daggers alerts close to each other.

We dont know how we acquire this frame but adding the option to farm a second helmet can also extend the life of whatever boss or special mission this thing drops from.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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"Follows warframes roots". AHAHHA, yeah, that is funny. Take a look at excal then take a look at chroma. DEM ROOTS RIGHT THERE MAN. THEY TOTALLY EXIST! (Not).

Warframe "roots" are futuristic, sleek design, I guess.

But then again - many frames are probably not from Orokin Era. At least thats what I think.

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People were not going to not get the frame simply because of the helmet. That's just ridiculous. 

You underestimate some people.


on-topic edit: Sure, why not. The original helm looked pretty neat.

Edited by Vyrnaazus
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