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U16 Arcanes - Why They're A Bad Idea.


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Yeah, I know, they're not out yet, so "how dare you post feedback about them?!?!"

I think it's better to talk about it now, before they're released, rather than after, when the damage is done and DE has to deploy rollback scripts and whatnot.

Let's proceed.




So, one of the things "revealed at TennoLive" that I did not know about before was the Arcanes system.

The moment Scott described it, I just heard a loud "OH GOD NO" in my head.


Well, simply put, it's more of tying stats with cosmetics, something that caused lots of drama in the past.

There's only one reason I see DE is going that way instead of a completely independent system, and that's money.

(Yeah, little tinfoil man in my head is screaming "PWE!, PWE!!")

Getting people to buy lots of (maybe even the same) cosmetics in order to create various builds.

That's pretty much the only thing positive for the game (or at least the monetization of it) that this system brings.




So, what's the bad and how to fix it?


Some people may not want to wear a helmet on their warframe, and prefer a regular helmet. Same can be said for syandanas, people may not want to wear any either, for many different reasons, most likely the less-than-perfect cloth physics.

Those cosmetic items you'll now be forced to wear, because if you don't you're not minmaxing your build.



And how would I fix it?


Arcanes are drops in raids, right?


1.Make them void "stones" or whatever.

2. Create "arcane infusion" slots on the mod screen, or somewhere around it (basically, upgrade tab of arsenal)

3. Drop those infusions in there

4. Ta-dah!

4b. If monetization really is an issue, charge plat for unlocking infusion slots, recovering infusions (or if desperate, even replacing them) - sounds scummy to some of you? It's still better than what we're going to get.




The issue of tying cosmetics with "stats" is also present on Chroma, with his elemental attunement based on energy color. I dislike that system as well, although I don't find it as game-breaking as this.


That's it from me. I'm really not liking how it's coming out to be, and if DE doesn't change it, it will just be another huge "stain" on the game for me, much like how Kubrows are now.


Since people seem to nitpick on tiny things instead of discussing the issue as a whole,


Edited by Shifted
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1.) They are only usable on Syandanas and Helmets.


2.) They are nothing like the current Arcanes.


Before I go any further, they said what they actually did.


Are you aware of what they said they would do?

1) Cool, thanks for clarifying.


2) Doesn't change my point in any way though.


PS. Drop some source, bro.


What they do, it's something like this:


You use a specific infusion on a helmet.


Now when you get X amount of headshots, you get X% HP regeneration for a short time.


Just because they're temporary effects it does not make min-maxing your build (thus making my point valid) much (if any) less relevant.

Edited by Shifted
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Agreed, OP. However, we don't exactly know how these things are going to be tied into the cosmetics, so we'll have to see.

Plus, cosmetics are available free from the void trader -- I don't believe the skins will be able to have arcane properties...

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1) Okay, didn't know that


2) Doesn't change my point in any way though.

I do like your idea for having infusion slots.


As for what they do, it's something like this:


You use a specific infusion on a helmet.


Now when you get X amount of headshots, you get X% HP regeneration for a short time.

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PS. Drop some source, bro.


Just because they're temporary effects it does not make min-maxing your build (thus making my point valid) much (if any) less relevant.


I believe it was said in the Tenno Live PAX stream.


And, as I stated already, yes you have a point.


You didn't need to go back and edit that in.

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agreed i sensed a hint of rudeness, since his whole complaining of arcane was debunked due to ignorance

Your "sensor" is overheating. It appears it seems to "debunk" whole arguments based on tiny irrelevant thing.


Now I'm getting rude, mainly because you're derailing a thread for a non-existing issue.

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Tons of ducats and credits are hardly "free".


How is this rude exactly?

They are free, though, because they aren't premium currencies. They can be earned through in-game means. Platinum on the other hand...

While I find issue with that statement, I overall agree and disagree. Having stats on my favorite cosmetics is something I find amusing, and do not mind. However, being the cosmetic @#&*( I am, I loathe being locked into one cosmetic over another because I put cool stats on one, but not the other. Honestly? We'll wait and see. This seems more like a test of an idea versus an actual fully implemented feature. We shall see what these arcanes hold for us.

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Some people may not want to wear a helmet on their warframe, and prefer a regular helmet.


They've already confirmed you can put these arcane upgrade things.... on default helmets.

Edited by Soup2504
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I dont believe they force anyone to do anything


get it good, with Baro kitty we can have free cosmetik as well and so in events



if yu need more... join corpus crew

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Like a lot of people have already said, you can apply the upgrades to each of the frames default helmet...and, idk, if you are going to asume that some people don't like cosmetics then perhaps I should mention that I haven't met a single player beyond MR8 who doesn't own a cosmetic item of any kind. 

It doesn't seem like a cash grab at all to me, and as far the upgrades go they don't seem game breaking/must haves to neglect those who don't care about cosmetics. 

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The old arcane helms had issues like some  of them were so good they almost become mandatory ie Rhino Speed helm. Then there is the other end of the coin where I love the Trinity helm that hurt her powers and if I wanted that helm I had to lower my efficiency as a Trinity. 


The new system not really like the old system other than in name.

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Both Syndanas and Alternate Helmets can be obtained without spending platinum. If it can alter how well you're able to perform in combat (if it changes the way you play) then it can be obtained without the need to spend platinum. That's how it's always been and that's how it seems it will always be. The system is pay for convenience. And yes, DE does want you to buy platinum... but that's because they want to make money (at the end of the day they are a company, and they only succeed when they can pay the bills, put food on the table and have some extra left over to put towards expanding the company or savings for potential future projects).


Beyond that, let's wait until after it's released before we start doomsaying and claiming that it's a cash grab.


From what I understand, even the default helmet(s) will be infuse-able with stats.

And how would I fix it?
Arcanes are drops in raids, right?
1.Make them void "stones" or whatever.
2. Create "arcane infusion" slots on the mod screen, or somewhere around it (basically, upgrade tab of arsenal)
3. Drop those infusions in there
4. Ta-dah!
4b. If monetization really is an issue, charge plat for unlocking infusion slots, recovering infusions (or if desperate, even replacing them) - sounds scummy to some of you? It's still better than what we're going to get.

This is essentially how DE described it as working; chances are there will be a "helmet" and a "syndana" slot in the mod screen where players drop in a "mod" (or spirit stone or however they decide to name the stat-granting thingamajig), or each helmet (defaults will likely be included) will have their own slot which the stat-granting thingamajig can be dropped into. The only monetization is really platinum spending due to convenience (getting a specific helmet now instead of waiting for the respective alert, or a syndana now instead of waiting for baro ki'teer or having to grind all that syndicate rep).



P.S. No, it's not PWE. It's never going to be PWE, because PWE had no involvement whatsoever at any point with Digital Extremes, period.


The company you're thinking of is Perfect World, not Perfect World Entertainment. Perfect World Entertainment is a North American publishing company notorious for butchering free to play games. Perfect World (a.k.a. Perfect Online, Perfect World Holdings) is a Chinese company that manages several Chinese MMOs and helps publish Non-Chinese games in China (such as Dota 2 and Torchlight 2). Although Perfect World manages Perfect World Entertainment, they are not the same company nor do they perform the same duties.

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