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So, Ogris Was Reskinned, What About Other Weapons And Warframes?


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ceramic dagger and dark dagger, since they're basically the exact same model for cronus and dark sword respectively.


Think what they did to the gram, since it used to just be a big plasma sword

I think it's the Dark sword that needs the remodel. I think the D Dagger looks perfect for a dagger. However the D sword looks kinda awkward, at least to me.

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I think it's the Dark sword that needs the remodel. I think the D Dagger looks perfect for a dagger. However the D sword looks kinda awkward, at least to me.


I'm fine with the sword or dagger getting a change with the dark sword/dagger and the cronus/ceramic. they're two different weapons, and I think the only pairs that share the same model like that (not counting stuff like event weapons, I'm fine with that sort of reskin, but these pairs just bug me)

Edited by SilentCoin
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Paris Prime.


Stated three times above me. This makes four.


I like it just the way it is.  In fact I'm really hoping that keeping the original ogris skin becomes a possibility.


I'm fine with the sword or dagger getting a change with the dark sword/dagger and the cronus/ceramic. they're two different weapons, and I think the only pairs that share the same model like that (not counting stuff like event weapons, I'm fine with that sort of reskin, but these pairs just bug me)


Cronus/Ceramic Dagger and Dark Sword/Dark Dagger could really use the next reskin.

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Some models (even weapons) have been or still are placeholders - intended to be replaced by something better/more suiting. Burston was a placeholder till Grineer got their very own Hind for example. Ogris is being adjusted to suit the visual style of Grineer. Looking at the current arsenal though, I do believe most of the stuff is kinda final now. There's not much left that looks "out of place"...

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Haven't thought about it for a while, but all the people saying Paris Prime makes me remember when i was disappointed with how bulky and unimpressive the paris prime looked compared to the dread and original paris. It's an interesting redesign, just not an appealing one. I'll jump on this train.

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Frost and Mag Prime


This so much, I respect others liked their concepts but do please give alt changeable skin/helm rework (that way both sides can keep their fav). Frost Prime Grill BBQ/Mag Prime Miner Hat just isnt my cup tea IMO. 


Paris Prime


Edit: Tenno'd


I liked it at first but I grew distasteful with the looks after using it for quite a bit (looks like a vase sorts) :x ... so yes rework is always welcomed for it :v

Edited by Fionntan
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