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Arcane Enhancements, What Have You Done De?


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Now, Arcanes... to craft a helmet or syandana it cost you 500k credit, for what? right below is what you get, Situational, Expensive and Negligible,, even if you buff the chance percentage X10, it is going to be useless.

So what is this? some kind of crappy common useless Arcane helmets?


Arcane Awakening: ON RELOAD: 3% chance +15% DAMAGE to Pistols for 4 seconds.

Arcane Strike: ON HIT: 2.5% chance for +5% FIRE RATE to Melee Weapons for 3 seconds.

Arcane Trickster: ON FINISHER: 2.5% chance of going invisible for 5 seconds.

Arcane Warmth: +10% chance to resist a Cold damage effect.

Arcane Healing: +10% chance to resist a Radiation damage effect.

Arcane Ice: +10% chance to resist a Heat damage effect.

Arcane Guardian: ON DAMAGED: 5% chance for +15% ARMOR for 5 seconds.

Edited by (PS4)IIIDevoidIII
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They are stackable (adding the same arcane to the same cosmetic) which improves their "buffs" to you according to Scott.

Source? If this is true I'm curious as to if it stacks the %chance, the effect, or both. Also makes them viable if you put enough effort into something for a build.

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Source? If this is true I'm curious as to if it stacks the %chance, the effect, or both. Also makes them viable if you put enough effort into something for a build.


My source, DE Scott or Grineeer, whatever you prefer to call him. Ask him if you want to know if I'm telling the truth or not.


I really can't tell you anything, I literally talked to him via in game chat, and that doesn't leave records and I forgot to talk a screenshot. 

Edited by NovusNova
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So when I heard about Arcane Enhancements, I thought it was going to be something like this:


Deal Twenty Headshots Kills. Gains temporary health regen.


What we got:


10% chance of blocking fire proc. 


While Fire procs are insanely powerful at higher levels...

10%? What's the use of that?

Die 90% of the time?



This is supposed to be year of quality.... Obviously it's the year of [DE]lirious [DE].

So many things got nerfed in the last update, the most outrageous one is dark sector pay halved (same for Void but still need to be confirmed), but we'll leave that to another topic.


Now, Arcanes... to craft a helmet or syandana it cost you 500k credit, for what? right below is what you get, Situational, Expensive and Negligible,, even if you buff the chance percentage X10, it is going to be useless.

So what is this? some kind of crappy common useless Arcane helmets?


Arcane Awakening: ON RELOAD: 3% chance +15% DAMAGE to Pistols for 4 seconds.

Arcane Strike: ON HIT: 2.5% chance for +5% FIRE RATE to Melee Weapons for 3 seconds.

Arcane Trickster: ON FINISHER: 2.5% chance of going invisible for 5 seconds.

Arcane Warmth: +10% chance to resist a Cold damage effect.

Arcane Healing: +10% chance to resist a Radiation damage effect.

Arcane Ice: +10% chance to resist a Heat damage effect.

Arcane Guardian: ON DAMAGED: 5% chance for +15% ARMOR for 5 seconds.

10x would be good in my mind.


Invincibility against some annoying procs, 25% of turning invisible on something i always do...

Edited by jjpdn
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They are stackable (adding the same arcane to the same cosmetic) which improves their "buffs" to you according to Scott.

Even so. applying the same arcane 10 times for 5 million and what you get? 30% chance?

Another question: what stacks? the chance perc, the effect or the duration, or all 3? and how many can you stack? I don't think you can stack as many as you want, and guess what? Still way to expensive and time consuming

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Even so. applying the same arcane 10 times for 5 million and what you get? 30% chance?

Another question: what stacks? the chance perc, the effect or the duration, or all 3? and how many can you stack? I don't think you can stack as many as you want, and guess what? Still way to expensive and time consuming


This. Stacking something this terribly bad is still going to be awful, especially if it only goes up to level four like people are saying. Even if you could do it infinitely, I really don't think they would be worth it. The difficulty and time required are abysmally high for something so bad that I don't even have words to describe it.

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Hammerheathen, that's not the point. It's a 15% buff. The average/normal armor value is 60. When Guardian procs, then, you have 69 armor... for all of 5 seconds. The amount of difference that makes wouldn't even be noticeable.


And what about all the caster frames with 15 armor? They get 17 armor for that same 5 seconds.


Even for the heavy armor frames, its use is extremely limited. A Steel Fiber mod that you've ranked up ONCE increases your armor by 20%, for comparison. I'm assuming these Arcane enchantments will work like the old Arcane helmets, in that the bonus is based upon the frame's base armor--not their enhanced armor--and is applied after everything else. That means Valkyr would go from 600 to 690, Chroma from 350 to 402, and Frost/Rhino from 190 to 218. None of those is all that extraordinary, and lasts only 5 seconds if you're lucky enough to get the 5% proc.

Edited by Siubijeni
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Considering the fact you get to add these on top of whatever else you gain through mods, it's actually rather nice. They shouldn't be insanely powerful, and the [DE]lerious one is you for believing otherwise. Your favorite scarf should not be granting godmode, no matter what you've convinced yourself of otherwise.

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They shouldn't be insanely powerful


I'm going to stop you right here to disagree.


They should be insanely powerful. Because quite frankly, the path to acquiring them is the hardest path in the game by far. Raids are extremely hard content that flat out require a large, highly organized team of crack Tenno, preferably with third party voice chat and a highly optimized formation of frames and weapons. You have to literally herd cats and face off against extremely punishing challenges to acquire these arcane effects. They have to be worth the effort, because raids are extremely difficult content.


Worth the effort of gathering up two cells of skilled tenno. Worth the effort of investing in a mic. Worth the effort of everything these missions entail. And these effects here? They're garbage. You could multiply them by 4 and they'd still be garbage. The only one that isn't garbage if you mult it by four is the pistol damage buff, and that's assuming you multiply both the proc chance and effect by 4 for a rank 4 arcane.

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Considering the fact you get to add these on top of whatever else you gain through mods, it's actually rather nice. They shouldn't be insanely powerful, and the [DE]lerious one is you for believing otherwise. Your favorite scarf should not be granting godmode, no matter what you've convinced yourself of otherwise.

No one said they should be insanely powerful, but, they shouldn't be ridiculously useless. 

I don't know if you have commented in the right topic, no one here is asking to be granted godmode, just a reasonable chance percentage.

Still... you have to admit that the resistance to effect are a bit useless. Have you ever used the mods ( X% chance to resist X effect) ?

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Considering the fact you get to add these on top of whatever else you gain through mods, it's actually rather nice. They shouldn't be insanely powerful, and the [DE]lerious one is you for believing otherwise. Your favorite scarf should not be granting godmode, no matter what you've convinced yourself of otherwise.

Its not about being godlike, its about the cost-benefit ratio. If you break it down to the average boost, they are really just not worth it.


I.e. the attack speed arcane: 2,5% on hit gives you 5% attack speed for 5 secs. The average boost is 0,125% attack speed per strike for 5 secs.

Or the reload pistol one: 3% on reload gives 15% attack boost. The average boost here is 0,45% damage per reload.


They are not even mediocre or slim - they are utterly and completely unnoticable. The guardian proc? Well, stacked a couple of times it MIGHT be useful, but the cost just outweight the point of it.


They are supposed to be endgame content, but by now we all know that the endgame is either too easy to bother with any perfection, or requires cheap tricks with overpowered abilities (like Mag who deals dozens of millions of damage with her new augmentations or constant loki disarm and nyx chaos). There is just no place in this game for such tiny bonuses. So yeah, ok, i get dat 15% proc for my pistol. And then there is a Mirage who simply multiplies her damage due to why-the-F-not.


And it wouldnt be a problem if they were something like syndicate offerings for 10k standing or so - they require you to run what is supposed to be the most challenging mission and then pay 500.000 credits, while they simultaneously cut our credit income from dark sector. Tbh i wouldn't even know where to farm creds now. Dark Sector isn't worth it and they took away our T4 key source from the offerings. This game turns more and more into one of those free2pay games, where they will bleed you dry of resources to force you buy plat.


P.S. I think it is the [DE] way of responding to us *@##$ing about the new Chroma. You know, kinda like "Oh yeah? You don't like our infested anteater-seahorse? Well, then your raid rewards are going to be utter crap"

Edited by Kasseopea
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Considering the fact you get to add these on top of whatever else you gain through mods, it's actually rather nice. They shouldn't be insanely powerful, and the [DE]lerious one is you for believing otherwise. Your favorite scarf should not be granting godmode, no matter what you've convinced yourself of otherwise.

I've already been beaten to pointing out that no one here asked for them to be god-mode. Considering the fact that these get added on top of whatever else you gain through mods, it's actually still rather sh**ty. Especially for the difficulty in getting them. You clearly haven't done or even read about what the Raid mission entails.


Even passing over all of that, DE originally indicated that these would be skill-based things, not passive procs. The only one that fits that description is the one with finisher kills, but even that one got a tiny proc chance attached to it. Whatever happened to the things triggered by getting the combo-multiplier up to 3.5x? Or getting 15 headshots in a row?


These are utterly worthless in any honest light.



This. Exactly. So much worthless. Very bad. So worst. Wow.

Edited by Siubijeni
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I was expecting... you know, arcane enhancements. Like the ones you saw on Arcane Helmets. +10% power efficiency. +10% power strength. +25% speed. Things like that. Stuff that you'd actually notice.


This is just sad. Given that the raid is also full of incredibly unfun level 70 enemies and has some really stupid puzzles with really stupid punishments from what I've heard, I'm regretting that I ever bought the blueprint to make the raid key.

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My views on the entire Arcane Enhancements are that DE decided to go conservative for the first wave, as they didn't want to make them exactly like the Arcane Helmets which were problematic to say the least. They knew what they didn't want in the Arcane Enhancement system, but now DE has to dial in what they do want which will take some time.


Also, making sweeping generalizations about DE's "Year of Quality" is like spitting bile on a potentially insightful argument or discussion. Doesn't exactly look good for anyone involved and only serves to beget the same responses from the peanut gallery.

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Its not about being godlike, its about the cost-benefit ratio.



And the cost to equip this on every frame you own? ZERO. No mod slots wasted, not a single mod point used up. You are, objectively, 100%, better off than all other players that do not have this.There is no tradeoff whatsoever.


Therefore, ANY power it provides you at all is nice.

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