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Hotfix 16.0.4


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Does this rhino nerf only apply in the pvp?


If it applies to PvE too, then that a hornets nest just waiting to be kicked.....



a better way to fix frames for pvp is restricting certain abilities from being used, not nerfing them to the ground to a point of making them near useless.


Its hard to balance pve and pvp, but they should be completely different sets not linked together......

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Volt's 4 in PvP is still a huge, lingering AoE that one-shots people and is virtually invisible with black energy color.  I know you want to reward people for energy control, but there is very little counterplay here.  Especially when this frame also has the extremely high utility of Electric Shield and Speed.


I'd say you also went a good bit overboard with some of the weapon buffs.  If you wanted extremely accurate weapons to one-shot people (thinking of Lex here) then why did you nerf Paris when it has projectile time on top of that.

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Does this rhino nerf only apply in the pvp?


If it applies to PvE too, then that a hornets nest just waiting to be kicked.....



a better way to fix frames for pvp is restricting certain abilities from being used, not nerfing them to the ground to a point of making them near useless.


Its hard to balance pve and pvp, but they should be completely different sets not linked together......

PvP and PvE changes are separate.

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Knockdown for kogake is upsetting a lot of players in pvp and had many instances where Excal's radial javelin is completely randomised on kills. Had it where it's hit a guy WAAAAY out of the way, yet other times not killed a dude right next to me - no LoS involved, just completely random.

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Still need a fix for hacking Grineer consoles with a controller; the 'jump' button doesn't work, nor does the 'interact' button, forcing controller users to put down their controller and slap their keyboard around; not game breaking, but still an annoyance

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The thing I dislike most about PvP 2.0 is ... you killed regular conclaves.


It was fun to play a 2v2 or 2v1 within a friends-only environment. Why did you take that away from us? Dojo Duel is not sufficient since the area is... tiny... and only 1v1 is possible. So what is the Conclave rating used for? Right..., Tactical Alerts. A PvE part of the game measured with PvP in mind. You do realize that certain mods are so low in Conclave rating because they are worthless against players, but really useful against NPCs?


The ridiculously tiny amount of mods in the pvp selection is also a bit strange, especially the decision to go back to damage 1.0 ? One flat damage type? And now you nerf the sliding down to regular, instead of just a smaller multiplier, making it a lot less rewarding to pull it off properly.


To be honest, I don't think you are going the right direction with pvp. A player should not need to learn an entirely new game to play the pvp version of the title. And this is where you are currently going - alienating the mechanics of the Warframe we know to no avail. Instead, streamlining the PvE content to be more similar to what you would expect to fight other players would do PvP more good than bad in the end. Because you need less balancing, less segregating and would have us be less alienated.


I would also like to note one change for Rhino that would be appreciated in PvE just as well as in PvP;

Remove the status invulnerability when Iron skin is on. It should be a damage shield, not a "get out of jail free" card. Let him be knocked, staggered, thrown around, getting bleed procs, whatever.

And then, in the future, you can bring a Warframe that uses an ability similar to Iron skin, which doesn't save you from damage, but rather from status procs and other movement impairing effects *wink wink nudge nudge*




so nerf him further? if they make this only for pvp the by all means go ahead, but if this applies to rhino in pve, then that is a rot waiting to happen, not to mention another nail in the coffin for waframe in general......

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