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So. The Manic Can Use Dispel Now.


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"As of Hotfix 16.0.4, Manics can use Dispel even if the ability does not directly affect it (tested with Iron Skin, Hysteria, and Blessing). It seems, however that the Manic uses this ability less frequently than the Stalker."






The Manic is broken as hell and needs to be tweaked, but instead, it gets a buff?


And on top of that, it seems like everyone and their dog can just no-sell or Dispel our powers now.  Is there even any point to being a Tenno anymore?  Maybe we should just play as a Grineer Lancer instead.  Our powers would matter about as much, then.

Edited by DergyDergon
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If you're scared, just play frost all the time. The bubble keeps him harmless still.


I'm not scared.  I can kill Manics just fine. 


I'm annoyed.  One of the things I enjoyed about WF was the stigma of being a powerful badass Space Ninja, which is severely detracted from when you're being out-ninja'd by the GRINEER and everyone is capable of magically dispelling your powers because of reasons.  No, it's not severely detracted from; it's flat out nonexistent.

Edited by DergyDergon
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I agree. This makes no sense.

I can understand some advanced corpus tech can get our powers silenced, but i already thought nullifiers were a mistake. I think some sort of miniboss would make more sense of that ability, like the upcoming Riot moa...but not a simple crewman with a shiny backpack.

And now it's a geneticaly degenerated clone with anger management issues with teleporting and invulnerability powers that can mess up your buffs by touching you. Without any further explanation.

The design council really #*($%%@ up this time.

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I honestly don't get it, then. The Muty Ospreys, Corrupted Bombards, and Nullifiers were bigger problems than this guy.

Just wait til we get Silverbone's Juggernaut infested, though.


I have to disagree. Mutalists are annoying, but not dangerous. Bombards are annoying and dangerous, but survivable. Nullifiers are a gigantic pain in the backside, but they don't directly kill you.

I've been killed twice by Manics now whilst playing in a group, running Chroma, with maxed-out armour from Vex and augmented health from Flame Ward. Each time, they jumped on me and tore me to pieces whilst I was still trying to work out which side of me they were on, thirty seconds after I became aware of its presence. One of those times was fifteen feet off the ground after sprinting off a platform. He still mauls you in midair, by the way, gravity doesn't apply until it lets go. Enemies that can instantly reduce you to zero HP because you couldn't work out which direction to parry in - yes, you can apparently parry or block the lunge, which is great if you know where they are - are not fair game, especially when you're running with 900HP and well over 300 armour.


Juggernauts aren't going to be able to teleport, either.

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I don't like methods like this to pretend our powers our balanced. However, that means we need to take a long look at the balance of our powers (and the mods that change them) if we want these things (including Dispel, Nullifiers, Parasitic Eximi) to be limited or removed. Right now, they're band-aids for how easy the game would be if we had full access to our mods and powers all the time.

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I'm all for this personally, they arent just super fodder enemies. I just dont like the invulnerability phase. It should just be toned down to like 90% reduced dmg. I can deal with that. Since during their invulnerable phase they usually regen their health

Edited by KingIzek
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I agree. This makes no sense.

I can understand some advanced corpus tech can get our powers silenced, but i already thought nullifiers were a mistake. I think some sort of miniboss would make more sense of that ability, like the upcoming Riot moa...but not a simple crewman with a shiny backpack.

And now it's a geneticaly degenerated clone with anger management issues with teleporting and invulnerability powers that can mess up your buffs by touching you. Without any further explanation.

The design council really #*($%%@ up this time.



Game mechanics =/= Lore. I don;t see why every mechanic in the game needs a Lore explanation behind it. I don't see how this infrgines on Lore as at best it's a deterrent to the Tenno, the tenno can still easily kill them.

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I agree. This makes no sense.

I can understand some advanced corpus tech can get our powers silenced, but i already thought nullifiers were a mistake. I think some sort of miniboss would make more sense of that ability, like the upcoming Riot moa...but not a simple crewman with a shiny backpack.

And now it's a geneticaly degenerated clone with anger management issues with teleporting and invulnerability powers that can mess up your buffs by touching you. Without any further explanation.

The design council really #*($%%@ up this time.


Nah, the screwup's entirely DE's. Check the vote threads, all the stuff that makes the current Manic tedious is not what we voted for... not even close.


Poofing about in clouds of red-pixie fart dust in bright sunlit areas? No, the one we voted for actually struck from unexpected angles like the ceiling. Invul phases and dispelling abilities? Were never part of the creator's concept, i.e. the one we actually voted on. Hell, even the tackle that knocked you prone was meant to allow the player to use their sidearm to shoot if off/kill it so there was actual counterplay.


We voted for Tina Fey; DE's the one that gave us Sarah Palin. :-P

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I have to disagree. Mutalists are annoying, but not dangerous. Bombards are annoying and dangerous, but survivable. Nullifiers are a gigantic pain in the backside, but they don't directly kill you.

Well I'm not going to argue about stuff you've experienced first hand. I just haven't been killed by maniacs. They seem harmless to me. Maybe I actually juke them by moving too slow ;)

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I really can't say much, as ps4 has yet to get manics, but one thing I think warframe has always been missing is an "oh s#!t enemy. I love playing a game, getting a grove going, and hearing a loud threatening noise notifying you that some bad@$$ is coming to put an end to your massacre. Like a tank or hunter from l4d, butchers or boomers from gears of war, or (insert baddy here). That being said, the way they have been implementing these enemies leaves me worried. I'm fine with bombards and nulifiers being op, but having them spawn constantly just makes them merely a nuisance. The only time I have seen DE do this right is with the stalker and g3 (they just need to increase the spawn rate of them).

Edited by (PS4)B0XMAN517
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I dunno what problems people have with this particular enemy. The Grineer Manic is one of the few enemies that provide a decent challgen to the playerbase and yet you all reject it. The Corpus Nullifiers also provide a decent challenge in that you can't use ypour abilities on them. But even that doesn't stop me from killing thousands of Nullifiers because they are weak. They just dispel your powers but whatever, they take a bullet to the face, they die. And the mutalist moas are just annoying, although the Tar Moa is a nice addition. The only pain in the butt is the swarm moa because you can't see S#&$ when the swarm gets you.


And the Grineer Manic? He provides a decent challenge in duelist combat. The trick not to get hit by him is to constantly move around, jump, roll and do everything else you are capable of movement-wise to keep him off your arse. It isn't that hard to not get hit by him and kill him anyway. And every encounter with a manic is an encounter I look forward to because I like to duel with that guy. He is more of a challenge than the Stalker is (which doesn't make any sense but whatever) and I adore that. I like the idea. The Grineer Manic would get killed easily if he hadn't his regen and teleport powers. If I can catch him blinking around and shoot him a couple of times he just falls over and dies. The only reason the Grineer Manic can survive this long is because it actually takes skill to aim properly. He is not standing around like all the other grunts.


I mean, I gotta say his slahs proc is a bit strong tho. I mean, if I get slash proc'd by him once I am basically dead because he just takes away so much health. But that's kinda the thrill of it. Kill him or be killed by him. I like the idea and finally we got enemies that provide a decent challenge for once. And yet the community is whining about it because he is apparently WAY too strong and MUST be nerfed.


Come on, guys. In my eyes, the community is demanding too much. enemies like the Manic and the Nullifiers add challenge and balance to a game where we as players could once run around unscathed by any enemy we encountered and were ludicrously strong. This also applies to a lot of recent game changes players are oh so upset about. Credit rewards nerfed, Frost Prime being removed, challenging enemies added - guys, that all happens for a reason. DE may be blunt with their changes to the game and not always tell the community what's up but they're on the right path. Just give it some time. The way I see it DE is prolonging Warframe's lifetime but if the community just demands too much nobody can work properly.


It's an issue of communication from DE to the community and it's an issue of the community just wanting and wanting and taking and taking without ever thinking about why changes happen that happen. People here always see the bad side of things when changes happen but never think about what good it can bring to the game, what reason there could by as to why certain changes are made.


In my eyes the addition of the Grineer Manic greatly improved the gameplay on Grineer Tilesets. I am always excited when I hear his audio cue and I am always awaiting his arrival for that I may duel with him once more. Dunno what your problem with this particular enemy is. Sure, he needs some fine tuning but geez, give it some time guys.

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