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Coming Soon: Devstream #49!


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Performance of the game is getting smoother over time; looking forward towards more lore in the game though and the updated parkour stuff in the future. One question though, will there ever be specialized lobbies for specific playstyles? I was in a survival mission where one player wanted to camp a room for efficient farming and the other ran around everywhere because they felt camping was too boring. It's an issue in Survival where some players are leveling up and others are farming and in normal missions with speed runs vs casual runs.

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Will there ever be a look at ammo? IMO many weapons should have some sort of ammo rework to better represent on how it functions. Many dual versions of pistols have a very high ROF but totally eat ammo making them less viable for later tiers. Even powerful weapons like the opticor have 540 ammo and will never use it all (similar to how penta was) It just seems like ammo economy is off and lacking.



Also will melee weapons get a look at? It seems like you can just slap a catalyst on them and never need to forma them unlike the other weapons we bring. And overall most people resort to guns over melee once enemies start to scale. This in itself makes melee weapons less used overall. Id love to see more melee content where they are part of viable combat once enemies get to higher levels instead of power spam and gunplay. While channeling was a nice addition I hardly ever see people actually use that or even bother to use melee outside coptering and ground slams to KD some enemies. Even combo's themselves seem underused in a fight and it looks more like they are just used for the extra points while people spam the E button.

Edited by dragonkingdx
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1. I think that the situation, that has developed around your unconditional re-nerf of the symbol and pride of this game - Excalibur, deserves much more of your worries and anxiety, given the disappointing community of testers loyal to you.
it was not a question. Just a point of view from the veterans, who wholeheartedly tests your raw game for more than two years.

2. What about Arch? I really very like it. I know many players who, like me, want to play in this mode. But infinitely sitting on interception becomes very tedious.
 We interested in expanding the types of mission and tilesets for Archwing mode. What can you say?

3. Relay optimisation. Players complain of frequent breakdowns or inability to trade with Void-trader because of lag while in Relay. I had an idea about the availability of relays in solo mode for those players. is it possible in the near future?

3. Also interested about Focus system

sorry for my bad English and thnx

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Dev Thoughts on:


Augment UI




Arcane Enhancements



Prime access




-Also is there any chance on getting a list of assets that have and haven't received PBR?

-Can we have greater options for particle effects? (I want mine back to how they use to be)

-Any chance of Down sampling being supported?

I support the Augment UI. Tho we're possibly looking at months possibly years of additional augments, Imo it'll create diversity between builds and more playability.

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A question about Sentients.

Will they be like the other enemies the Tenno face or will they be like the epic strong as hell enemies?

Being a veteran player finding challenging enemies is fun, the monotonous Greneer killing is getting a bit boring.

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So, given the continuous issues with p2p hosting, such as disconnects from hosts and host migrations and bugs that ARE A DIRECT RESULT OF USING THE P2P PARTY SYSTEM, are you currently looking into acquiring dedicated servers for Warframe? This would help solve a plethora of bugs that are directly due to someone being a client instead of a host (see the Accuracy change made where accuracy was rebalanced so that it didn't feel like hosts were getting sniped and clients were dodging bullets with the ease of a lazy summer's day), and would without a doubt be a fantastic investment into Warframe going forward, so I was wondering why it hasn't been done yet.

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1. How will the explosion of the void work?


2. What happened to wanting to reduce the grind for the player base?


3. When will the Tethra set be re-introduced into the game fully?


4. Are we ever going to get more emblems and sigils like the quantum badge or rift sigil that add something more dynamic to the cosmetics(energy particles) in the future?


5. How will the prime vault work? (My thoughts on this below)


My idea is that the vault can be accessed with the keys.You can use the keys based on the planet level e.g. Tower 1 MD would be on mercury or something. The keys can only be used in their mission type and you have to find the void vault and open it like the derelicts(gets people exploring the tilesets like the syndicate medallions did), inside has all the primes that are available for that tower key and mission type and you get to choose which part it is that you get.
This makes it so there is way less RNG involved(you still gotta farm the keys themselves tho) and DE get to place primes on a variety of maps and mission types as it goes along so they can give attention to some of the lesser played game modes(looking at you hijack). This then frees up the void itself for newer primes, argon crystals, void vor, the tethra set and some other rewards they can think of while also making it slightly harder(not the nullifier way jfc those are annoying) so the void becomes the top place to challenge yourself for vets without going into endless missions.
With that they can make it so the derelicts are for forma bps, built formas, rare as hell catalyst and/or reactors, neurodes, orokin cells and whatever else they wanna put in that isn't lack luster :P
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With the coming of the sentient can you tell us a bit about their general strategy(Infested  melee swarm, Grineer are bullet sponges who have a high number of heavies and the corpus are fragile heavy hitters who have some mech support such as shield osprey, mine osprey etc.)


Also how will they effect how the other factions interact with each other. Will things remain the same or will everyone unite in instances involving sentient(besides infested of course)


Finally of what importance will the stalker be in the future since like us he was a warrior of the orokin so this might be a personnel issue even worse then the one he has with us. Also will he get a overhaul so he can get all the stuff we have but he doesn't such as stance, sentinel archwing and kubrow along with some more unique abilities. Also since he isnt a tenno him having a warframe doesn't make sense since the frames were made specifically for the tenno. Him have a suit that is very different from a frame but distinctly orokin would make more sense.

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Will we ever have other ways added to gain mastery rank points (account mastery) aside from new Warframes and Weapons(And the one time map clear bonus)?

Especially with ranks limiting progress, I really feel like that at least some ranks should be attainable by other means, preferrably gameplay, to make mastery rank actually somewhat reflect player skill level.

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I have sold several weapons and warframes on accident that I wanted to keep.

Will there be a way to lock them onto your account?



There are many, many weapons in this game that are completely worthless.

Will there be a way to make any weapon end-game capable?



I spend most of my time in solo mode do to erratic internet connection.

Sometimes it's perfect, sometimes I can't even try to connect to others.

Will solo-players ever get extra companions?

Perhaps the ability to equip a sentinel and a kubrow at the same time during solo play?


Will we ever get a Tenno Assistant?

A equip-able Tenno companion,

that can be outfitted with whatever left over weapons, warframes and mods you have?

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1: To DE Devs, Can we Expect a Deathmatch PVP Game mode soon? you know like First 50 Kills PvP Deathmatch !

2: Do you plan a Excalibur Skill Rework? ( Change every skill of Excalibur ) to make the skill competitive on other frames . #Slashdash&RadialJavelin

3: I wanna say Hi to DE Rebecca, I named my Kubrow after you :)

Edited by Rayzenfloss
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Companion Question:

Is there going to be a kubrow or sentinel expansion eventually? It feels like the lack some impact in the gameplay. Like for example, Wild kubrows end up grabbing items with their mouths (spotted them now and then) while sentinels just seem to stick in one place. They could at least look a bit more lively. Not just that, but wouldnt it be nice to have unique kubrow skins or some kind of mutation (on the way they look) through breeding rather than having the same skins sold in stores? Might make imprints more interesting in the market. And would be nice to see more variety of kubrows too :3 Mind telling us if our fellow companions will have a brighter future in our hunts and missions?

Gameplay Question:

Regarding Gameplay. I had a small question in some invasions since farming certain materials seems too hard. Same when it came to alerts. Right now, finding vauban helmets have been quite a problem. Havent seen a single one after I got my own vauban. (other than a vauban helmet for cosmetic). Most players seem to be complaining about it quite a bit. Mind telling me what you have in mind regarding this small problem?

And regarding some maps. Have anyone else had problems in some maps while doing back flips? They end up ether teleporting you back behind somewhere else where you came from or sending you off map if you end up at the wrong wall. Is there a way to save ourselves from this?

Lore Question:

Will we get an expansion for our codex intel? :3


Will we ever get permission to explore new worlds than the ones we currently have?

And will the corpus get a couple of new mobs? Too many cuddly Moas.

Edited by LivingWeapon
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what ever happened to the expanded dojo rooms like the aquarium etc.. was that just for pure concept or could it be a real thing in the future ? 


also why is it when i come back it somehow gets much harder to farm "Rare resources" such  as Gallium / neural sensors / orokin cells etc 


last question:


When will void get a complete change in resources in the void ? Nearing millions of alloy plate / control modules etc etc is not very helpful considering there is hardly anything that requires intense amounts of those resources 


why not other resources that fit with the void like orokin cells ? that way you can remove that off the stupid general drop table witch is problem *polluting drop table with useless stuff*

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