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Gifts! Glorious... Gifts?


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"I have it and I don't want anyone else to have it!"

A reasonable assumption.

Consider the following, though.

What is the point of logging in on anniversary to get the anniversary present...

If you can just wait for the next anniversary?

Seems like an anniversary present is like an incentive for people to log in on that day. But... then the incentive fails if you're just going to regift it next year along with that year's gift.

If Anniversary Gifts are indeed supposed to be login incentives, I hope DE doesn't intend to continue this trend or they'll defeat themselves.

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Holy moly OP, you dont have 2 cents on this. You have nothing to complain about, if you hadnt played the 1st, and started up this year, your "slice of cake" would be just as big. As a matter of fact, its still quite larger than theirs considering that it IS a free slot. You always need more slots, whether you think you do or not. You should be well aware of that if you are a "veteran".

A reasonable assumption.

Consider the following, though.

What is the point of logging in on anniversary to get the anniversary present...

If you can just wait for the next anniversary?

Seems like an anniversary present is like an incentive for people to log in on that day. But... then the incentive fails if you're just going to regift it next year along with that year's gift.

If Anniversary Gifts are indeed supposed to be login incentives, I hope DE doesn't intend to continue this trend or they'll defeat themselves.

What is wrong with you? Its literally free gear. You get it now FOR FREE, or regret NOT getting it all year long. THATS the point. 

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A reasonable assumption.

Consider the following, though.

What is the point of logging in on anniversary to get the anniversary present...

If you can just wait for the next anniversary?

Seems like an anniversary present is like an incentive for people to log in on that day. But... then the incentive fails if you're just going to regift it next year along with that year's gift.

If Anniversary Gifts are indeed supposed to be login incentives, I hope DE doesn't intend to continue this trend or they'll defeat themselves.


It's not a login incentive-

it's a ritual gift to celebrate an occasion.


Like a holiday event or a birthday-

"Oh, 1 year ago today this game was released-




"Let's give players something to brag about and show off to all their "friends" who will never have it because they signed up a year later then they did."


It's toxic BS like that that made me leave my last game.

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Oh. My. God. How MANY threads do we need about this??

Everyone is getting it, period. It makes no difference whether everyone gets it or not and your argument is invalid due to the fact that it was NEVER stated as exclusive neither now nor the first time it was released, accept it.

Your feedback is noted but theres nothing you can do about it now

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What is the point of logging in on anniversary to get the anniversary present...

If you can just wait for the next anniversary?

Seems like an anniversary present is like an incentive for people to log in on that day. But... then the incentive fails if you're just going to regift it next year along with that year's gift.

If Anniversary Gifts are indeed supposed to be login incentives, I hope DE doesn't intend to continue this trend or they'll defeat themselves.


The "point" is that you don't have to wait a year for another chance to get it.  "Incentive"?  It takes all of 20 seconds to log in and get your free crap.  That's not "incentive", that's "Thanks for playing."



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Your opening yourself up to be insulted and mocked by the majority by making this thread.


Though it would have been nice if you've been here for the two anniversarys you get the Dex darkra but if you were here for only one you get the Dex furis. 

Edited by Zalgo
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i find it quite sad they give away same things every year, like candy canes during christmas and now this

and damn i spend plat on those PROTO skins eons ago becouse devs said it would be one of a kind limited time offer

and now they just start to sell it again ;\ 

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i find it quite sad they give away same things every year, like candy canes during christmas and now this

and damn i spend plat on those PROTO skins eons ago becouse devs said it would be one of a kind limited time offer

and now they just start to sell it again ;\ 

cant tell if joking or serious >.>

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I don't care about how old you are.

No one has ever asked me about the Founder star sigil I use.

No one ever asked me about my Excalibur Prime.


Nobody cares about your Dex Furis, because they don't work thirty minutes into a T4 survival as well as a Boltor Prime.


I bought Excal Prime under the pretense that it would never be available again, no such thing was ever said about these guns you care so much about.


If you want them to be special so badly, Forma it eight times with eight D polarities. It'll definitely be one of a kind after that.

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So, I logged into Warframe today and received the 2nd Anniversary gifts.




But then I noticed we also got the 1st Anniversary one... In fact, everyone did... I couldn't avoid feeling a little bit disappointed. I mean, the gifts are always nice, and those Dex Dakra are really, really awesome! But the issue I have is with the fact we all got the 1st Anniversary gifts too. 


I was around for the first Anniversary and was really happy to be 'rewarded', at some extent, by doing so. But now I feel slightly crestfallen when I see everyone, veterans who were here for the first Anniversary and new players, both getting the Dex Furis. I can't see how it's that 'fair' for those players who have been around for a long time to get a second Dex Furis... And I've been told several times that I could sell the second one and get a 'free' slot.. But the thing is I personally have no need for more slots.


Now, I understand It's reasonable to give the new players the Dex Furis too, but I feel like they got a bigger piece of the cake. Yeah, as long-time player I may have got way much more cake than they did so far... But I don't know, I guess I had to write my two cents about this issue.

Great, another self-entitlement thread. Had you actually BUILT the weapon in question you might have a right to be sorry. You know, veterans such as myself missed the last anniversary too for various reasons, guess we just had though luck, right? 


i find it quite sad they give away same things every year, like candy canes during christmas and now this

and damn i spend plat on those PROTO skins eons ago becouse devs said it would be one of a kind limited time offer

and now they just start to sell it again ;\ 

I keep wondering a couple of things, but the most prominent question that leaps to mind is the one I will not ask because I'd get a warning point. Now, it has been said literally HUNDREDS of times that the Proto Excalibur skin is, indeed, NOT a "one-of-a-kind limited time offer". Instead, it's a skin that will only ever be available DURING the anniversary week. So, you know, instead of being an entitled... person... try reading properly next time around?
Edited by Gale47
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In the year I have had my Dex Furis, I have equipped them twice, once to get to level them to 30, and once more because I was bored of the Wraith Vipers.

They were never a very good exclusive in the first place.

My 5 Forma Snipetron Vandal is a far better mark of being a Veteran than some silly purple pistols that aren't even that good.

Regardless, in the end they are just pixels.

Nobody gave a damn when you had it and they didn't and nobody gives a damn now, either.

Then nobody gives a damn about your opinion, nobody gives a damn about Excalibur Prime, nobody gives a damn about anything. Well, according to your logic.

I give a damn. And I hate that the Proto-excal skin came back, I shouldn't have a second chance at getting it since I missed it last year. It's not about e-peen. It's to show our veterancy, in a way. To signify on how much we've actually cared to put time into this game to make it what it is now. I love it when I see a founder actually using Excal Prime, proudly wearing his Grand Master emblem/sigil for an example. So far, I've only seen that once in-game. Be proud, Tenno. Don't forsake your roots..

Edited by Hawk_of_the_Reborn
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I keep wondering a couple of things, but the most prominent question that leaps to mind is the one I will not ask because I'd get a warning point. Now, it has been said literally HUNDREDS of times that the Proto Excalibur skin is, indeed, NOT a "one-of-a-kind limited time offer". Instead, it's a skin that will only ever be available DURING the anniversary week. So, you know, instead of being an entitled... person... try reading properly next time around?



maybe devs should state it in item description then ? dont you think so? dont you think they should change "availible for limited time only" for "availible every year during anniversary week" ? 

becouse ALL THOSE "HUNDREDS OF TIMES" mean nothing if they dont actually state it in game

its sad you missed last time anniversary giveaway but it is impossible to get all the items, i dont have braton vandal and prod vandal and gargon wraith and many others items but i deal with it becouse its how the game works

but seriously, why give away same items again and again? will i get third dex furis next year? why cant it just been reskined and called vandal furis or something? 

also hate is bad for blood pressure

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Lol at this thread.

Idk why being a "veteran" means so much to people in a video game. This game is only two years old. People really think they deserve special things for clicking "Download" first.

You guys had an opportunity to prove your "veterancy". Excal Prime Access happened. You don't have it, then I don't even see why you're complaining cuz how "veteran" can you be. If you do have it, you have your status symbol already.

Seriously you didn't have to work for it or anything. You just were here.

It's DE's games birthday. They just decided to share their cake.

It's really not that deep..People will use any opportunity to try to be better than others lol.

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While only Founders stuff, and CBT Vandals are the only fully exclusive gear. Dex Furis and Proto Armor was a way to show that you have been playing during First Annivesary, now its just another weapon, and another skin

Edited by markus230
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You guys are all pathetic.


You pick up a rock before someone else, and be proud of it's rockiness. But then, someone comes along a minute later, picks up a rock from the same place, and BAM! You're jealous because someone also picked up a rock AFTER you did.


Just because you knew about the game before it was popular, doesn't mean all the good stuff is yours. Just because you bought something when someone else didn't have money, doesn't mean they can't also buy it.


So shut up and take your free weapons with free slots and free potatoes, and enjoy the game already.

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Uck, I only see two kinds of posts on this thread right now


The idiotic entitled pricks

and the reasonable human beings.


So far, neither side is winning-

The reasonable human beings aren't dumb enough to agree with the ludicrousy of the entitled idiots-

and the entitled idiots aren't smart enough to realize they've already had their arguments riddled with holes so they keep on going-

this is the kinda thing that can just go on forever.


Yuh huh, Nuh uh, Yuh huh,

Nuh uh, Yuh huh, Nuh uh

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