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Here's Why Bombards Need A Nerf.


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To illustrate how broken and cheatingly unfair Bombards are:  you can't hide, they can knock you down and kill trough solid thick walls, floors or any cover, not even having a line of sight to you.

When you run away and cut corners rocket will hit geometry and still hurt you or worse knock you down, then comes anoether one - and at higher levels it meas death.




Its utterly broken, it disregards player movement and skill, it disregards game rules by damaging through level geometry. And it's not an insignificant or cosmetic, it makes the game worse. Please DE, fix it already.

+1 to this post!

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Bombards need a rework not a nerf because the unit itself is broken. 




The main post has so many issues listed that using the term nerf in regards to the Bombard(ier)'s associated mechanics might as well be irrelavent (and a word gimping the post's attention from people who don't commonly put much effort into reading/responding to threads with the term nerf in the tilte). the OP should change the title from nerf to rework so it doesn't turn away some of the jaded forum members.

Edited by Vougue
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1 time I felt like a planet... because I suddenly got a satelite of a missile which seemed to literally orbit me.

The other case was when missile actually used a door properly and then made a sharp turn to hit me taking cover behind the corner.


So I agree, Bombards need tweaks and quite badly. But tbh if you remove completely ridiculous tracking (limit it to 5-10 deg cone in front of the missile, loses tracking when no LOS but can regain it), speed up the projectile a bit and fix the bug of "rocket minigun" they should really be fine.

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the OP should change the title from nerf to rework so it doesn't turn away some of the jaded forum members.

If they decide to make a silly comment automatically shunning the post without bothering to read it and any of the subsequent replies for and against the suggestion, that's their problem.

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The fact of the matter is that they dish out damage and take it.

They spawn frequently.

Mobility is made irrelevant. MOBILITY 2.0 GUYS!

Fire quickly.

They literally have no downsides as an enemy type, so there is no way to engage them intelligently.

So I agree.

Edited by (XB1)ShapelessHorr0r
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Their explosions ignore solid walls and doors with no possible way for the blast to affect you short of magic and they can fire while stunned. It doesn't matter if you blind him or knock him down, the bombard will continue firing while grasping his face or sniffing the floor. If I could control his fire rate with CC, take cover, or destroy/repel his rockets, anything at all they would be a valid challenge. As it is the only thing that works is killing them.

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Their explosions ignore solid walls and doors with no possible way for the blast to affect you short of magic and they can fire while stunned. It doesn't matter if you blind him or knock him down, the bombard will continue firing while grasping his face or sniffing the floor. If I could control his fire rate with CC, take cover, or destroy/repel his rockets, anything at all they would be a valid challenge. As it is the only thing that works is killing them.

They fire when CC'd?!

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I think this is a precarious situation. We need challenging enemies like this. Bombards are a necessary evil for the game, but I agree with a lot of what the op says. It's buggy explosions, nearly perfect knockdown chance, and impossibly perfect rocket tracking abilities that make these guys so broken. They should be high damage, dangerous, a real threat when you see them; right now though, once you hit higher levels they become a 1 man death squad. I don't have the perfect solution but I do know that a flatline nerf on them is the wrong way to go. They need adjusting, not nerfing. I also think they need more point blank defense, the knockdown is good and all but I think there can be more. Otherwise, once they water down the rockets, they just become meaty melee targets. I've always had a personal dream of having certain key units that control lesser units like in one of the WF trailers, where they flag forward the softer targets. Bombards, nullifiers, ancients, commanders, ect could easily fill this niche, assuming the coding allows for that, and would place much more emphasis on priority targets (possibly inadvertently providing a purpose for skilled snipers)

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What i will suggest is others' suggestion on this page:

1) Bombards need to be audible, both the charging and the missile itself needs to make sound/noise.

2) Remove tracking completely, but severely increase rocket flight speed.

3) Set chanche for knockdown either at 0% or 100%. If you get hit, you know the consequense of it.

4) Fix blast going through obstacles.


Any form of parkour can get you out of harms way if you are quick enough / far enough away to be able to react. Since you can hear a rocket coming, you have time to plan your movement, even before it is fired. These changes do not remove the skill of dodging a Bombard missile, but removes the bullS#&$.

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Here's a thing,


If a Heavy Gunner opens fire, I can hear it, I can hear where it's firing from, and I can quickly respond to focus fire that unit to take it down fast.


With a Bombard, unless you actually see it in the crowd coming for you, the first you know about it is usually when you get thrown on your !.


This whole issue could be mitigated greatly by giving the firing of the rockets a clear and distinctive sound, as well as giving the rockets a noise while in flight.


And another mechanic the game could do with is a reduced recovery time from knockdowns, if you were in a crouched position at the time of impact.  After all, if you're in that position then you present a smaller profile to the blast, and should be less effected by it than if you were standing up.


Combine being able to hear a rocket coming, and having a way to respond to it besides just getting knocked down, and player skill is brought into engagements with Bombards.

Edited by polarity
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^Anyone remember this nasty little enemy by chance?...


vOr this one?



^just be glad that bombard rockets are norwhere NEAR as athletic as this...


Now what they can do is make it more obvious where the rockets are like the projectiles above, to make it easier to spot them and not be taken by surprise...

Edited by R3DBelmont456
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What i will suggest is others' suggestion on this page:

1) Bombards need to be audible, both the charging and the missile itself needs to make sound/noise.

2) Remove tracking completely, but severely increase rocket flight speed.

3) Set chanche for knockdown either at 0% or 100%. If you get hit, you know the consequense of it.

4) Fix blast going through obstacles.


Any form of parkour can get you out of harms way if you are quick enough / far enough away to be able to react. Since you can hear a rocket coming, you have time to plan your movement, even before it is fired. These changes do not remove the skill of dodging a Bombard missile, but removes the bullS#&$.



Further additions

5) cut the fire rate in half

6) have the tracking rocket be a secondary move with a visual and audible charge before launching

   (less tracking than current bombard rocket and half the speed of the new, non-tracking shot)

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And it's not so much because of their damage, which is utterly insane.

When you go into a T4 void mission, you expect to deal with high damage.

It's because of four things;

-Their rockets are hard to see in the void. They look almost exactly like corrupted dera projectiles, and in a busy firefight, you're usually not going to notice them until they've blown you up.

-They fire fast. I don't know how fast, but I swear I've seen one churn out a rocket every second.

-Their rockets have ridiculous lock-on ability. To the extent that any mobility, rolling, jumping, coptering, will often not let you avoid it. Running around a corner will still leave you with a rocket heading towards your backside. This also causes problems with Zephyr's Turbulence, which is already slightly unreliable; deflected rockets will just turn around and go for you again.

-Explosions go through shields and are not blocked by objects. Not warframe shields, but volt and frost shields. Shields that are meant to block incoming fire do not do so. The rocket is stopped, but the explosion continues unhindered, hitting any behind it, and somewhat defeating the purpose of having a shield in the first place. This also applies to solid objects, like walls and closed doors.

All these things put together make a very powerful unit, and it doesn't even have a real reason for it. The cause is simply broken mechanics that haven't been properly assessed instead of genuine challenging design.

This is a unit that outclasses every single unit of the same level, and that is bad for gameplay.

Also, the rockets are silent. Thanks, Obama.

I don't have problems with bombards

But i have a problem with 1 bombard inside a nullifier globe .. instant death!!

I remember one time where 3 bombards and a heavy gunner inside a single nullifier globe -_- much fun

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-Hard to see, that dont have to be fixed.

-Fast fire rate, true, usually rocket launchers dont fire 1 rocket per second, or even faster. It must be fixed. 1st rocket hit you (with AoE), if you didnt die, knock you down, while you are on the floor, 2nd rocket will hit you, if you survive, after 2sec you are up and next rocket hit you again, probably knock you down again, if you again survive, process is repeating until you die. Even if you using Handspring, and you need 0.5sec to get up from knock down, its hard to fight 1v1 Bombards at this rate, 1 rocket per sec with knock downs, with time their fire rate is even faster, like 2 rockets per 1 second.

-Lock-on ability is OK. If you are fast to dodge it, their rocket end in wall, etc.

-Explosions made high damage in big area, its also OK, its rocket...


Overall, its OK for rocket to be silent (rocket dont making very loud sound like shotgun), locked-on (they will usually hit the wall all the time without locking) with high explosion area, damage and knockdowns (its rocket, suppost to be strong blast thing; Frost with 145% bubble range can block AoE blast), just make 500% slower fire rate, eg. every 5 sec one rocket, when Bomber see you, he will shoot, and he will shoot again after 5 sec, with longer fights usually 5x Bombers comes at the same time, and everyone usually die from 1-3 rockets. At this rate, with longer runs, increased buffs, thay will fire 1 rocket per 2.5-3 seconds, that is still OK for fight, lets say you need 2 seconds to recover from knock down effect, you still got time to run away, or counter him.

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Occassionaly its annoying when you get 1hit out of no where, but that just means you werent being careful and ccing enough. Im totally fine the way bombards are though. If I see the rockets early enough I can dodge 90% of the time. If anything, make the rockets show up when you have enemy radar or enemy sense equipped, possibly with a warning signal that rockets are homing in.

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