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Why Archwing Missions Are Largely Ignored


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Rarely ever do I see people grouping up for archwing missions. This is why I feel this is, and a solution.




Entirely new sets of mods


Archwings are essentially a new warframe, with their own weapon systems. This by itself is not bad. DE adds new weps and frames all the time. The problem here is when DE does release a new warframe or weapon it doesn't release entirely new sets of mods for those frames.


When you get your archwing, you are essentially starting a brand new Warframe account, you have nothing. This is not conducive to any player who has played over a week. No one wants to start from scratch all over again.





Scrap the archwing mods, or make them all legendary versions, and allow us to simply use our normal frame mods and weapon mods, so we are not starting from scratch.


I believe this would introduce a lot more players into the archwing missions as they are no long completely starting over.



Thank you,

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i played archwing until i had all the mods, weapons, etc. 


i don't play it because it's not really "attached" to anything else. and there's nothing new to do there.

i'm essentially finished with archwing until there is new content to absorb. (and by content i don't mean weapons to level on maps i've run 100x or more)

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Actual problems:

Lack of variety in mission types

Lack of variety in archwings

Lack of variety in archwing weapons

Terrible performance of most archwing primary weapons

Not a lot of things that actually make the mode fun

Insanely frustrating, game-breaking melee bug that can cause instant death just because an enemy is near a wall

Mods getting flung out into space for clients, where they can't go get them



Sort of a problem:

Lack of any actually useful stat value on some of the mods (efficiency mod gives less than Streamline for twice as many ranks, wtf)



Not really a problem:

Leveling new mods

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To be honest, what even is the point of Archwing?


Grind weapon parts to build said weapon parts to then... grind more weapon parts?




Yeah, no thanks, I'll just do void missions and actually make something out of it rather than an endless, unrewarding grind towards nothing because there is nothing.


P.S. The Dual Decurion grind made me severely bitter and salty. Never doing it again.

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Excessively large maps mean tiny targets dancing around in the centre of your screen which you can't see because your warframe is in the way.  3D mode with 2D map.

Oh and you'll never find any drops because no Loot Radar.

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The solution is not to get rid of the mods. 

However the initial problem of getting people into archwing is the mods. 


The crazy thing is that was also the problem for original warframe. Then we got the new tutorial which gives you a couple of essential mods and also lets you get "cracked" or "damaged" mods. These give you the ability to have some of the key things your warframe will need to but at a reduced power to the actual version. 


DE had this problem with the original game and came up with the above solution that fixed all the problems. 

Then they add archwing in and created the same problem again!!!!!


Archwing lacks any kind of real tutorial. You have the quest where you are forced to deploy your freshly built archwing and then that's it... QUEST LINE OVER! 


It failed as an introduction to archwings. What needed to follow that mission was a couple more orientation missions for archwing to get you used to it. These missions could drop cracked mods so that you have the starting stuff you need till you replace them with real versions. They could even make these similar VR missions using the same tileset that mastery tests use. Plot wise it would be you helping ORDIS with the calibration of the archwing. They could have gotten us to file through rings, do speed tests and shoot down virtual enemies. 

Edited by MDRLOz
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I don't do Archwing because it lacks mission types, scenery, and enemy variety.  And maybe so forethought.  Endless modes like interception, survival/excavation, and defense can be based in an open type area like the Grineer Asteroid fields, regardless of faction.  Missions like exterminate, sabotage, deception, rescue, mobile defense and spy should be placed in maps built akin to the Corpus wreck for both factions.  


I expect sabotage mission in the Grineer desert (Phobos/Mars) archwing tileset to take place in canyons complete with everything from Lancers to Ogma stopping the Tenno from reaching and destroying the artillery cannons they were sent to destroy.  However, defense on the same map would have Tenno escorting a mobile objective like a train across an open desert with several plateaus and rock spires for cover.  There would need to be several Archwing missions per planet/tileset.  Earth might feature toxin injectors in place of artillery guns for a sabotage objective.


There's a lot they could do, they would just need to buckle down and actually do it... and do it right.  I don't want every Grineer mission to be "open" space, and every Corpus mission to be a series of corridors.  The rule is: if the enemy is coming to a specific point on the map, "open" space/ground maps work best.  If the player is going towards something, corridor/tiles work best.

Edited by Littleman88
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It would help a lot if there were meaningful rewards in Archwing missions. Apart from Archwing related parts, ie. something that would be useful in the main game.


This is what I am getting at. Archwing and Warframe play are essentially two completely separate games altogether

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If Archwing wasn't a game mode, but instead it was a stand alone game, I think there would be many more players. Why is this? It's an expansion for an existing game* and the expansion is still in "Alpha" testing.


Just imagine if you bought StarCraft 2 and when the Wings of Liberty expansion was released, it came with a little note from the developer, "We're not even close to being done with this thing yet, but give us some time and all of the features, units and maps will become available." So you wait and wait and wait, but nothing new comes out. There are still tons of bugs, glitches and crashes. You search tirelessly for any information and after months of waiting and research, all of the information you have compiled about fixes and additions would fit on a handful of Post-It notes written by a 7 year old.


*Yes, I know. Warframe is still in "Beta" testing. It's been around for 2+ years and it's still in Beta... Right...

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Archwing problems:
- Loot. The loot is bad. The stuff you need to build archwing gear is hard to get, certain parts are just brutally rare, especially if RNG likes you. I still don't have Elytron harness and Fluctus Limbs. And someone over there thought it would be a good idea to even add keys making it even harder to get something worthwhile. Thanks. If I knew you dear source of this genius change, I would ask "Are you crazy/sadist or just don't understand what it is you have done?". Also the introduction of Tellerium was... well, I don't want to offend the devs or anything but I could elaborate how highly I think of those coming up with all the new resources. Fire them plz? We don't need many resources. Never did, never will. You have a ton already, do those properly. This one, akin to Oxium back when it was added and Argon just acts as an artifical extra slowing mechanic. No need. Worth mentioning that you need XP to play the maps where you can gain proper xp for your gain but to level those to that you need to play the other missions with weaker enemies. And those missions give practically nil xp. Joy.
- Boredom. Missions take long while they offer zero variety. Same enemies (yay, one is red, one is grey... one has shields... no matter, you can't tell from that distance or while meleeing), maps are the same too.
- Lack of tactics. You are best off hacking away but no way to use cover (you might impale yourself on a wall or object if you melee too close for example - I died 3 times like that in recent days) if you were to choose shooting. You can keep your distance but you might get attacked from behind and since you can't tell who has the homing missiles you might be offed within 1s if you are not careful. If you keep moving... good luck hitting anything.
- AI. Enemies are stupid. Big time. They do not move around, just fly there and shoot you. It's like a shooting gallery akin to the normal game, without the covers, parkour, with even less control in melee (though not much less than calling EEEEE a combo...), and less style. It's like button smashing if using melee or moorhuhn if shooting. Yay, joy.

Other than that it could be decent.

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I have a simple answer - because they are frustrating garbage which offers nothing instead of useless archwing mods and some common resources. 

Why should i play missions that i hate to recieve rewards which only usefull in those specific hated missions?

Edited by Grom-84
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When you get your archwing, you are essentially starting a brand new Warframe account, you have nothing. This is not conducive to any player who has played over a week. No one wants to start from scratch all over again.




What, like in every MMO out there? Where every class has to unlock the map again? Collect new gear again? Be unable to use gear shared because of SoulBound or level locking?


Are you sure you play computer games?


Why does practically everyone forget that Warfarme "updates" are not a DLC? The game expands gradually, and nothing is written in stone. Archwings and normal missions will eventually crossover.


Just because something does not feel complete in it's current state does not mean "this is what we are stuck with". in Another year Archwing might have more mission types then the normal game. Just because you people can't wait for a free game to just hand you stuff it's not DE's fault.


Go play something else and come back in a year.

Edited by DSpite
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When archwing was announced i predicted that de will either make more content for ground combat and "forget" about archwings or archwing will make ground combat obsolete.


And yeah i have 2 fully formaed archwing setups and all archwing mods and i simply doesnt have reason to play since i cant get anything else from there unlike ground combat where grind is also frustrating but at least i have slight hope that after another 3382348 void survivals ill get what i need. It doesnt matter if i enjoy it way more than ground combat when theres simply nothing to do.


Archwing is in the game but like pvp it isnt a 2nd way of playing it needs another complete team which would roll out content for it as fast as for ground combat. Single team wont be able to roll out enough content to have both archwing and ground combat constantly updated.


Then many ppl who say archwing is bad and needs changes havent actually even tried it or at best tried 1 mission.

Edited by Davoodoo
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What, like in every MMO out there? Where every class has to unlock the map again? Collect new gear again? Be unable to use gear shared because of SoulBound or level locking?


Are you sure you play computer games?


Why does practically everyone forget that Warfarme "updates" are not a DLC? The game expands gradually, and nothing is written in stone. Archwings and normal missions will eventually crossover.


Just because something does not feel complete in it's current state does not mean "this is what we are stuck with". in Another year Archwing might have more mission types then the normal game. Just because you people can't wait for a free game to just hand you stuff it's not DE's fault.


Go play something else and come back in a year.

Without mention mods are super easy to get, to max and offer huge bonuses, you just quoted a big crying baby, that cries for the hell of it.

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Actual problems:

Lack of variety in mission types

Lack of variety in archwings

Lack of variety in archwing weapons

Terrible performance of most archwing primary weapons

Not a lot of things that actually make the mode fun

Insanely frustrating, game-breaking melee bug that can cause instant death just because an enemy is near a wall

Mods getting flung out into space for clients, where they can't go get them



Sort of a problem:

Lack of any actually useful stat value on some of the mods (efficiency mod gives less than Streamline for twice as many ranks, wtf)



Not really a problem:

Leveling new mods

^ This. Except the primary weapon part, most are good enough for the available enemies once modded. 


And I really liked archwing at first...


I'm sure it will get better with new modes, maps, and enemies being added "soon". Till then my gear will sit unused. 

Edited by (PS4)Bowjangelz
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Perhaps the Archwing should have been a new Tenno Warfame. They could go with a conversion using the existing wings with various Warframe parts for lore purposes to create it. As of now, I love the idea of it. I just wish there was more to do. That doesn't mean just shooting and blowing things up. Mining, hacking, rescues, infiltration. Giant boss battles. I might suggest De look at Armored Core and the AC battles against the LLCs.

I also find myself thinking the Archwing space flight mechanic would better be reserved as something for the Lisets and a more expansive UI that could be best explained by viewing YouTube footage on Elite Dangerous and how those ships navigate a single solar system.

Edited by (PS4)FriendSharkey
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Problem with using existing mods: archwing stats are different than regular mods. I.e. Rush is R5 with 30%, Hyperion Thrusters is R10 with 27.5.

Also some mods won't be useful, bleed outout damage, cipher, etc.

Balance would be a pain, just like how PVP will have a mostly exclusive set of mods Archwing will too, balance across systems is to much.

Serration-165% DMG. Rubido Lined Barrel-60%.

The issue is not mods its total content. There are 3 game modes across 6 mission nodes. Compare that to regular missions

Edited by Lightsmith
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