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Think We Need A New Planet


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We don't need a new planet, we just gotta make use of the ones we already have.

Corpus and Grineer Space stations orbiting planets.

We could use like raid: 4 guys on archwing and 4 on land. The guys on the station doing hijack mission then the archwing ones need to escort the ship that will carry the "package"...

Or some battle betwen grinner and corpus and we need 2 team to infiltrate the 2 ships and sabotage both...

DE are not exploring the full potential of the archwing now, IMO.

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Sure, let's just spawn a planet into the solar system!

It's a games , it does'nt need real area , if they really wanted they could make anothers system really far , or in void 


here : https://www.google.fr/search?num=100&safe=off&es_sm=93&q=jupiter+planete&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDgz0HsxCHfq6-gWWhhYkSnKWlnp1spZ9YXFKUn5efW6mfnJqTWlySmZgTn5-UlZpcYlWcmZJanlhZ_Py8eUqjXIBM5dXlFeyWj669f9haBgBjqnwgXAAAAA&sa=X&ei=KjEkVeDgB83oaKjxgvAE&ved=0CNEFEDEoADBz&biw=1920&bih=955


if you don't want to click , search saturn / jupiter and check related research , you will see there is still some planet to add : Io , Callisto , Titan and Sirius , I'm sure you can do crazy map for Titan and whatever you found , and just to remember a bit more , in planet you have different kind of living form , so we could found something else than Corpus , Grineer , infested

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It's a games , it does'nt need real area , if they really wanted they could make anothers system really far , or in void 


here : https://www.google.fr/search?num=100&safe=off&es_sm=93&q=jupiter+planete&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDgz0HsxCHfq6-gWWhhYkSnKWlnp1spZ9YXFKUn5efW6mfnJqTWlySmZgTn5-UlZpcYlWcmZJanlhZ_Py8eUqjXIBM5dXlFeyWj669f9haBgBjqnwgXAAAAA&sa=X&ei=KjEkVeDgB83oaKjxgvAE&ved=0CNEFEDEoADBz&biw=1920&bih=955


if you don't want to click , search saturn / jupiter and check related research , you will see there is still some planet to add : Io , Callisto , Titan and Sirius , I'm sure you can do crazy map for Titan and whatever you found , and just to remember a bit more , in planet you have different kind of living form , so we could found something else than Corpus , Grineer , infested

I vote for Ganameyde as the new planet /moon.


Bounty hunters and Space Cowboys know why lol

Edited by (XB1)LordPuck
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I have always hoped we would get a new Solar System and slowly get new planets added into the system as we progress in differnt updates. Heck something like this would be great when the Sentients show up.


Also Moons and starbases would be great additions as well if a new solar system is out of the question for the developers, anything new on the starmap at this rate would be a nice change of pace I would have to agree.

Edited by Monybags33
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Yeah, because, like, all of them are totally habitable, right?! *sarcasm*

None of the planet we are on except Earth are habitable.. and none of the planet we have in the game (except Mars) could logically be suitable for colonisation so yeah.. your argument is ridiculous.

Edited by Alphafox
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Oye! Chums! I want your help:


If the Corpus Outpost that is currently used on Mars, Pluto, and Venus had to be moved to a singular planet that wasn't one of those three, where would you say it should go?


Yeah, I'm callin' out the BIG planetary geeks for this one!

Edited by Morec0
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