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What Should I Spend My Platinum On As A New Player



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- inventory slots (for weapons and warframes)

- orokin catalysts and orokin reactors (these will double your mod capacity on your weapons/warframes. only use on weapons/warframes you plan on using for a long time)

- maybe get a color palette or 2, among other cosmetics if you like that kind of thing

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Get two frames and 6 weapons to 30 first

Then buy a few frame and weapon slots.

Other than that, pick out a couple of colour palettes that you really like, and save the rest until you need it.

Also as tempting as it is, avoid trade chat, most people there want well above what an item is actually worth.

And above all else, don't buy frames or weapons, its a waste early on.

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Slots and potatos, mate, slots and potatos. Don't worry about accessories or rushing, just get your slots and potatos.


Worry about the other stuff later when you learn the ways of gaining plat from the trading tab (which you unlock at Mastery Rank 2)

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Slots for weapons and warframes only. Because you can't farm it.


You can buy you first Orokin Catalyst/Reactor to upgrade you favorite stuff. You can farm it but they are quite rare and you may miss some of them (alerts) especially if you are not "Hardcore player".

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So I have 670 platinum as a new player and I am stumped on what I should spend it on, any advice?


You will be asked to buy slots for weapons and frames as you add those.


The main thing you will need to buy are orokin reactors and catalysts, since those are the rarest items in the game.


After those 2 then you can trade for mods I guess.

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Dont buy any frames or weapon bundles/packs.

The 3 hardest frames to get are Vauban, mesa and hydroid, but you need to find your playstyle before buying them, they aren't cheap and are pretty specific for situation frames.

Buy like 15 weapon slots and start buying/crafting stuff that you won't like, this way you can get rid of them after squeezing all the mastery out of them and have room for more.

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Buying potatoes now is waste of platinum. Look how many of them there were lately. If not alarm, then invasion. Slots are the only neccessary purchase.


They are random, some weeks you can get a few and some you will get 1.  Also they are usualy in areas a new player won't have access to.

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670 Platinum? Well here are your first spends in my opinion.


7 Warframe slots = 140 Platinum

20 weapon slots = 120 Platinum

(This will give you enough slots to go on with.


Colour Palettes = 150 Platinum

(Smoke colour palette = 75 Plat)

(Classic Saturated = 75 Plat )

That will give you pretty much most of the colour options you could want.


Carrier sentinel = 75 Platinum

This is a must! It is a BARAGIN!!!! Building sentinels you want to use still takes one orokin reactor and one orokin catalyst. That is 40 plat worth so buying this thing at 75 is basically 35 plat and saves time and effort. Also getting this sentinel ASAP is a must it is SOOOOO helpful. Don't ask why just do it and thank me later!


485 So far


185 remaining

This give you options. If you want a kubrow you can buy a starter kit.


You can use that to buy reactors and catalysts which would give you 9 to use on things you enjoy using.



Some advice


It might seem good at first but the more you play the easier these things are to build for free. So just keep playing and those things basically become free and easy to build.

Edited by MDRLOz
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Why for the love of god do you all NOT tater ALL THE THINGS?!

Only weapons I haven't tater'd were the burston (already had the prime built) and the orthos(same as burston)...

Hell, I tattered rhino and sold him cause a) not a rhino fan, and b) he has a prime. Same for Loki, ember, mag, and frost even.

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I'm only 250 hours in and still feel new... When spending platinum early in the game I went with affinity booster to get my first frame and weapons levelled up faster to make better progress in the game , other then that I'd suggest slots too.

And before buying a frame research how hard it is to obtain through game play first , some are really easy , others are worth buying if you really want to use them.

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670 Platinum? Well here are your first spends in my opinion.


7 Warframe slots = 140 Platinum

20 weapon slots = 120 Platinum

(This will give you enough slots to go on with.


Colour Palettes = 150 Platinum

(Smoke colour palette = 75 Plat)

(Classic Saturated = 75 Plat )

That will give you pretty much most of the colour options you could want.


Carrier sentinel = 75 Platinum

This is a must! It is a BARAGIN!!!! Building sentinels you want to use still takes one orokin reactor and one orokin catalyst. That is 40 plat worth so buying this thing at 75 is basically 35 plat and saves time and effort. Also getting this sentinel ASAP is a must it is SOOOOO helpful. Don't ask why just do it and thank me later!


485 So far


185 remaining

This give you options. If you want a kubrow you can buy a starter kit.


You can use that to buy reactors and catalysts which would give you 9 to use on things you enjoy using.



Some advice


It might seem good at first but the more you play the easier these things are to build for free. So just keep playing and those things basically become free and easy to build.

I'd agree (except for smoke color pallete lol, personal taste and all :P) but i'd be more willing to spend the 65p on the Kubrow starters set, IF you want a kubrow.  If not just wait till an egg drops for you from destroying kubrow dens on earth.

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