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April 17Th: Community Hot Topics!


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Yea! Rework looks awesome,SuperForma idea can work ok but still think it should be able to obtain in market because come on they got to make some money right ? ( ;  and a superForma cant be more difficult then having to farm a forma bp + obtain its components + lvl up a weapon to 30.

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I have the most input on 3 & 4, but some thoughts on the rest:



1) I voted no. To me, for Excal to be a viable "sword frame", his stats need improved more than he needs a sword to be spawned as his ult. He is slow, and lacks in a single stat to build him around. His lack of survival without having a healer or personal energy vampire slave to let him spam his powers is pretty bad. As a true sword frame, his ult should be able to be cast on the move (ie, NOT having to draw a sword from where ever). ALL of of powers should be cast on the move. He should be able to survive based upon mobility alone. Elegant, quick, tough (health and armor, shield won't be staying up long enough if you are actually melee'ing with him), agile (all abilities cast on the move), versatile, STEALTH, BADASS   <---- that is how I want to be able to describe Excal after the rework.  


On another note, console players don't have the skana prime and have a lack of attachment to that sword, and the skana is just a faded nightmare to some of us as a mastery fodder weapon that was horrible to level up. Do we really have to relive that EVERY time we use his ult (shudder)? The only thing worse as a melee weapon was the dual skana and the fraggor (horrible!)


2)I don't mind weapons as a requirement, but I don't like weapons that take rare resources to build as part of the requirements. Especially when you have built them, and then gotten rid of them as mastery fodder. I would much rather see mastery fodder weapons actually become viable weapons for use, be it augments (and augment slots), or just stat reworks. 


3)I use them as much as I can without having to break a build totally to use them. I would use them for every frame if there was a dedicated slot for them. This idea rolls into the new forma idea a bit, but like an aura slot, MAYBE the slot for augments could also add mod capacity to your warframe, or at least remove the drain from the augments all together and they come pre leveled up when you buy them from the syndicate?  That would be pretty awesome. As it is now, if you just added an extra slot, and didn't add any warframe capacity, it would then turn every frame into a 3-4 forma build at minimum just to use an augment, which would prevent most people from wanting to use them. It definitely would me. 


4)Yes, doing the forma process is a tedious and boring process, which would also help some of the "less viable" weapons in the game out as you could then actually try to find ways to use them with a full forma build and not put days into a weapon just to find out you don't like it in the end. Also, if we do the work to forma/level x4,5,6 or whatever number we put into them, can we have the ability to CHANGE the polarity on the fly? It can be frustrating to get a build worked out with your current gear, but a new mod comes out that totally breaks your build to try and use. You are then stuck. Do you totally reforma that frame or weapon X amount of times, just for the one mod that "should" make your build better? It also limits you from having several builds for the same weapon. 


Since we have different load outs for weapons, being able to change the polarites in a system like I was saying between the loadouts would be a great addition as well. Load outs: A - graineer, B - corpus C - infested (or tower) and in each different load out, you can have a different polarity on each slot. It would really help keep weapons from being only good at one thing. Of course, this would need to be implemented without adding the need to add more forma. Also, augment mod slots as well. 


5)Chat, yes, please. Need a reporting function built in for ps4. Kickbot/sasbot can only do so much with the alternative spelling. Region and recruiting chat are horrible places on ps4. Some days are decent at best, but most I damn sure wouldn't want my kids to be reading (yes I have kids). You can obviously tell a lot of them are kids ages 8-14 in there talking the filth they do talk, because they "brag" about their age for some reason. 


A warlord chat for alliances would be a great addition as well. Also, being able to send messages to someone via the "inbox" when they are offline would be really beneficial. If a trade rework is actually done, I would like to see trade chat gone. 

Edited by (PS4)excat_56
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The frequency of augment mod usage depents on which frame certain persone use. Some are great some are pitifull. However augment only slot addition would be very nice.


I simply dont use augments cus its inferior for mod I have to remove...


As long as augmented mods brings variety not power creep its good to have additional augment only slot.

Edited by Kripion
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I personally like the sound of the future excalibur changes. In fact when i told one of the above mentioned source thread authors(tigara565) about them he went ahead and made the thread to post his disappointment with them (and actually joked that he wanted his money back :P), but Im still of the opinion that these changes are good and at this point I can not add anything of value to the conversation. For me not only does it give excalibur a good update to his kit but reinforces his theme of a swordsman. Thought the whole energy sword idea does sound a bit like like hysteria, thus its distinguishing factors must be so radical that they seem like entirely different skill (as they should). Giving him something like -100% shield regen delay will give him the needed boost he needs in his defense or even when the the energy waves hit an object they explode giving him shields if he's nearby is again something that should be considered if he is to survive in battle and as the swordsman frame.


Weapons as Crafting Requirements

I personally love the concept, but the execution is a bit off... The biggest problem people have with this system is that they spend days to get this weapons and they suck in the end. They should be end game material if they require a prior weapon. Especially if they require an already good weapon. I think some of the issues and gripes would be alleviated, if with the release of the weapon people were informed of its requirements so that something like the dual raza doesnt happen again( I was rather surprised when it turned out I was right when I said it’d require the dual kama as a joke).


Augment Slot

I personally think that there should be either 2 augment slots in which you can put any augment or 4 augment slots for each ability and you can only have one per ability which allows players to experiment with augments, opens up opportunities for new augments and multiple ones for abilities. It will create build diversity and allow people to customize their frames the way they like. Of course all augments will need to be balanced and equal, so they're sidegrades and to make you think about what you pick.


Super/Prime Forma

I still think this should have been added when ability mods were removed. I think upgrading your forma to make it polarize two slots or not reset the items rank is good and adds some diversity in between your grinding and not to mention its convenient.


Chat 2.0

The current chat is functional, but thats as much as I can give it. Its clunky at best. It limits what you can do and needs to be more customizable. That remind me, did the idea of a customizable menus get scraped? Well its the perfect time to bring it to life again. The chat system is of need of an upgrade. It needs to allow you to see multiple chat window at the same time. It also needs to have kick functionality for hosts as well as the ability to suggest people through it. Maybe if you type a @ before a word(in this scenario name), everyone can click on it and interact with it( like inviting, whispering and so on). Things that will help its usability especially in the midst of battle.


On a side note Id like to also comment on the tribute weapons. The soma is a small damage, fast firing rifle with wind up, high crit and abysmal status chance. The aksomati is also a small damage, fast firing smg with wind up, high crit and abysmal status chance. But the dual raza? It has high damage compared to other weapons of the same type and is also slower. Shouldnt that be switched for it to fit the theme? Shouldn't it also have something like build in berzerker that stacks with it so it perceives the wind up part of the other weapons. Something like +15% attack speed per stack.

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The ones that I enjoy using, I usually use the whole time, otherwise they're ignored.  Banshee, Frost, Trinity, and Loki almost always have one augment on them all the time for me, while Rhino and Ember I never use augments with.


Super/Prime Forma a good idea?

I was originally going to say I didn't want this new forma to be a requirement to build some weapons, or maybe have the option to use multiple forma or use one Super/Prime forma to meet the build weapon requirement, but I almost don't care now.  Want to make a special flavor of forma, go on ahead, it will likely sit in my inventory until there is a point where it is "needed" to be used for something.

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For the first time, ALL of these are "it depends" for me:


Do you like the idea of Excalibur getting an ability-activated weapon (ie, an energy Skana)?

I said yes, but obviously it depends on whether it is really worth that 4th slot. Damage doesn't scale, but the similar power Hysteria does because of the immunity. If you want a skilled swordsman, then good choices could be he is able to channel cheaper (or automatically with a power?), major stamina discounts for melee, get melee combos faster and they should last longer, etc.


In your opinion, should weapons be included as crafting requirements for other weapons?

I said for some weapons, but the additional caveat is they should be better than the previous weapon(s) in some way. The Tipedo was better than the Bo and Redeemer was a very different experience. I don't have experience with the other weapons, but it sounds like they worse, or so marginally better that they are only good for MR.


How frequently do you use Augment Mods?

Well, there is the answer to the question, and the answer to the question considering what is really being asked. In this case, the answer to the question is - nope, never. However, do I think a slot similiar to the Aura would be a good idea? Absolutely.


In your opinion, is a Super/Prime Forma a good idea?

This is a maybe for me, because it could be pointless, nice but not worth it, or MUST HAVE NOWS! This depends on what exactly it does, and how it is acquired. With the number of complaints about leveling after applying forma, which I never really understood, I'd say "meh give it to 'em" and not care myself. Polarizing two slots instead of one is slightly more interesting, just from a time savings perspective. The "two polarities in one slot" is the most interesting, as it would really help with different builds. I started my own clan for my IRL friends, so I'm not exactly flush with forma. If it cost 3 to build it would be a very long time before I'd consider it.


In your opinion, does Warframe’s chat need a rework?

Yes, to paraphrase Kickbot: "2.0 all the things"


First, I don't really use chat but as you can see from my name, I'm on the console. Region gets to be a cesspool pretty quickly or filled with people trying to Trade/Recruit because those channels are considered "dead".


IIWDE (If I Where Digital Extremes) I would focus on fixing trading and matchmaking and kill those channels completely. I like the idea of a Trading Post, maybe on the relay, where you can put what you have and what you want. Anything in-game would probably be better than trade chat IMO. As for matchmaking instead of the Recruiting channel - better "lobbies" would be my goal. Completely off the cuff, I would have a room in the Dojo (Observatory perhaps?) and Relay where tenno could hang out and indicate what they were looking for. My first stab would be "Specific mission" selected from the solar map, "Specific planet" and "Void" where you could indicate "Hosting" or not, and if you have a specific mission/tier in mind. Once you get rid of those (and the reason to spam Region OT) then I'd be done.


Region will always be the way it is and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with Clan/Alliance/Squad chat except is it not very usable on the consoles. Not much DE can do about - not text entry is easy with the base console. I believe there was talk about chat monitors to catch stuff the filters don't - it would help I suppose, but I won't be hanging out there regardless.

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Super Forma - Depends on how you can get it. Is it platinum only? Can you get it by doing void runs as a rare reward. things like that.


Also suprised the whole Nullifier megathread that was recently made wasn't included here. I think it deserves to be here as Nullifiers are very often a topic spoken about in the community.

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Excal: What I have been hearing of the energy Skana sounds really awesome.  If DE could get it to something that augments the current melee stance (even if not bringing the current melee weapon), I think I'd just fall in love.


Weapons to Craft Weapons: I like when it's used reasonably logically.  The less logical ones at least a bypass for the weapon, and in general, a system that brings across potatoes/forma is needed if you really want to use these weapons as progression.


Augment Slot: Given the choice, I'd rather the 9th slot be a utility slot, with some augments being marked as utility.  Something like Irradiated Disarm is strong enough on it's own to fight for a main slot, while something like Funnel Clouds should be competing with the same sort of slot as Thief's Wit or Heavy Impact, not a primary mod.  The goal should be to make builds more different while surviving to your breakpoint, not to just add more power.


Super Forma: A forma that gives a Rainbow Polarity would be something worth crawling into raids for, even at an extremely low drop.  I think it would be better to have a Forma drop the level to 5 instead of 0 so you can at least put a basic damage/defensive mod on, and make it less of an annoyance for people who'd rather work to level up the weapon.


Chat 2.0: Nice ideas, however these seem like low priority things.

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Swordsman concept: A warframe that excels at swordplay, dancing between enemies and generally adept at avoiding damage and stunning his enemies. A harrasment frame that helps draw attention away from his allies so they can pummel their ugly faces with bullets. His melee style should be his excellence point. No primary required, only something like Kunai in secondary and a sword in melee. 

Edit: Magical sword blade of death .. no. Stahp. ;_;


Weapons as Crafting Requirements: I've never seen a problem with doing this. You want the Sharp Stick weapon? Well, you need the stick first! Derp. One concern though is needing to have 2 weapon slots for a single weapon; which is silly. If you need two weapons to craft one weapon, then allow us to stack weapons. 


Augment Slot: Yes, please. It functions differently to other mods and, imho, should be treated as such. It's currently done for Aura, makes sense to do it for Augments. 


Super/Prime Forma: Ability to polarise two slots instead of one, with different polarisations for each slot? Yes. Multiple ploarisations? As in one slot with more than one polar? If so, yes - would open up interesting builds I think. 


Chat 2.0: Look to popular MMO games like WoW and GW2, those chat features work just fine, imho. (Hint hint: build a trade/auction house ;)

Edited by Kenboushou
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Do you like the idea of Excalibur getting an ability-activated weapon (ie, an energy Skana)?

Maybe - depends on what it does, getting locked into melee with Valkyr isn't something I want on anything else.
Ranged attacks are needed, so if Excal could get a type of "thrown" attack for some range (like a glaive) to go with that sword skill I'd be much happier. Ranged > Melee.

In your opinion, should weapons be included as crafting requirements for other weapons?

No. Possibly the ak/dual/twin version but no other weapons, ever. Useless guns should go in the trash, not get some semi revive with us needing them later on to build a better equally poor gun. Balance your weapons or let us get rid of them.

How frequently do you use Augment Mods?

When they are good enough.

In your opinion, is a Super/Prime Forma a good idea?

Depends on what it does. A forma that would let us diversify our builds = yes. A powercreep forma = no.
Applying a polarity without having to level could be ok too. I just don't want to find 1000 bps of this when I'm looking for something i actually want.

In your opinion, does Warframe’s chat need a rework?

Open own rooms/groups. Close them when we want to, have active "links" to what we could sell - tied to some market thing. Regions mattering when trying to team up. Maximum ping setting is useless when your in a "make it yourself-group" as you can't see it before.
in game conversation with a lot of emotes that doesnt mean anything + players from different countries speaking in different languages, + the lack of waypoint options (something that has been suggested for over a year). Also the "_1" and chat being the way to recruit people to play games isn't that funky at times.

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1) KEYBOARDS & CONTROLLERS:  As a PS4 user, it's been a nuisance since Day 5 or so that I have to hit an input on the controller to be able to type with my keyboard.  I feel like Warframe chat should support a keyboard input to initiate text input for chat.  The controller shouldn't have to be involved at all.  Similar chat systems initiate input with an Enter carriage or the apostrophe/quote key, and that works well.


2) EASY IN/OUT OF CHAT SYSTEM:  During a mission, I currently have to bring up the "pause" menu with the Options button, then hit L2 to activate the chat window, and then hit Square* to begin typing a message.  I have 3 recommendations regarding streamlining this: a) meshing the chat pane with the options screen, b) being able to map a Quick Chat button to the controller that will bring up the chat pane and immediately ready for input, as well as shut it all down and return to play, and finally c) if using a Keyboard, we should have a key that we can press that will go directly to chat and ready for input.

(* Please review #1 on getting rid of this step.  PLEASE.)





1) CHAT CHANNELS: We should be able to choose/activate the chat tabs we want open, and even the order they appear in.  We should be able to set our default channel.


2) OPTION TO SUPPRESS CHAT ACTIVITY WHEN CHAT PANE IS CLOSED:  If I'm not chatting, I currently have to send a private message to someone and leave it alone if I want to play the game without a chat feed scrolling by.  There are times I like the chat feed, and others where I couldn't care less, but could do without the visual noise on screen.

Edited by (PS4)Hooligantuan
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Re: Excalibur

So first off, I am very excited for the Excalibur rework. While I am a bit sad that it takes precedent over Frost - who I adore - I am hopeful he'll come after.

With that said, the ability to activate an energy weapon like Valkyr's Hysteria isn't innately good. It isn't the fact that Valkyr can grow claws that makes her useful - it can actually be a detriment as it locks her out of primary weapons. The one thing that makes Hysteria useful is the fact, that the ability activation makes her 1) immortal and 2) makes her regain health when dealing damage.

When crafting his new ability (or abilities), please consider how the ability will work as either a defence or utility for Excalibur. For example, while manifesting an energy weapon might be cool - if it isn't useful against level 50 enemies, it will never be used. Secondary effects can save abilities. If we imagine the energy weapon will have a channel effect, it might be useful that 1) each attack with the weapon regains a tiny amount of energy and 2) each hit can stun a single enemy a short duration (1-2 seconds).
This would ensure that 1) you could aim for maximum duration by trying to hit as many enemies as you can and aim for keeping the weapon activated forever (at the cost of locking you out of your primary weapons like Valkyr) and 2) when damage fall off becomes too great, it'd still be useful to provide a small amount of CC with the potential to actually act as an energy regeration provided you score hits fast enough.

This might not be a great example (I'm no designer), but I hope I got my point across. Abilitis often need a secondary effect to be viable in higher levels.


In regards to Excal's status as the "Swordsman" I am rather excited that his energy sword will get a unique design. And I hope, that whenever there will be released augment mods for his abilites, they could alter the design of the sword, maybe evoking the idea that each "sword" in his arsenal will provide alternate effects, i.e. different augments.

That will - however - make him more of an all-round swordsman, instead of focusing on his ability to wield "excalibur". I'm not sure which direction the designers want to take him.


Re: Weapon crafting

While I have nothing innately against weapons requiring different weapons, I must say that it was an absolute chore to craft the Dual Raza's for a player who still doesn't have tonnes of neural sensors and orokin cells. Especially because the end product was so horribly average. I'd argue, that if this is a trend that the designers want to use in the future, please make sure that progressions lead to actually better weapons. I know that no melee weapons are viable for enemies over level 40, but the stats of the Dual Raza's were nowhere near the level of for example Jat Kittag - which is a weapon that is a lot more useful and a lot cheaper to craft.

Personally, I'd prefer that the weapons that are required will never be a product of a different weapon. I don't want to go spend 24 hours building two kamas, then 12 hours crafting the dual kamas so I can finally spend 12 hours to craft the inferior Dual Raza's. It could have been done the same way with just building two kamas.

The idea of using existing weapons as ingredients is interesting, but not when it just works like a time-wall and the process isn't justified by its stats. If we have to overcome such a dull and expensive crafting affair, make the end product an actual upgrade and something to strive for.


Re: Augment mods

I absolutely love the idea of augment mods, but I have a difficult time finding the space for it on my frames. Being a solo player, I might require more survivability than other players, so that leaves that space less for vital "damage" mods, which leaves augments at the bottom of the priority pile. As plenty of other players have suggested, having one augment mod slot dedicated for augments would leave player free to "specialize" in a specific skill of choice. If you're going advanced, then maybe there's one agument per default, but installing an orokin reactor might double the mod capacity and install a second agument mod slot. That leaves the mod capacity of 60 a bit low, though.

In an ideal world with a lot of augments per skill (maybe in the future), I'd actually prefer the Diablo 3 version, where specific runes are directly slotted under their respective skills, leaving room under every skill to customize. That'd make the ability the "base" version with advanced gameplay consisting of finding the right combination of augments to your skills that work best to alter the frame to how you play best.

This would only be a thing to consider in the future, and it would be too overpowered to include directly into Warframe unless slots were unlocked per Mastery Rank. But it's something to consider, as it keeps the gameplay new and exciting each time you alter your skill setup.

Edited by HedgeEis
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That Super Forma better wear a little red cape and strongman pants like my boy, Clark Kent.



As for Excalibur's new energy sword, an important thing to remember DE is that the best powers in the game have some scalability.

Which you guys have done some really good jobs with in terms of alot of the newer frames.


But obviously Excal cant just suddenly grow a massive suit of armor like Valkyr or Chroma.

Remember when deciding on what his new sword does, giving it some sort of % based growth based on Power Strength or Range or both is best for keeping him balanced.


Little things like:


- Excal's new sword converts a % of an enemies max health into damage when they are hit


- Excal's new sword has % amount of crit and lifesteal that increases by a % per hit like a melee counter.


Really theres endless things you can do with the idea, but as long as it's % based, it will always be useful.

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For chat 2.0, among other things perhaps, but off the top of my head, I would to be able to merge chats(players would have to accept merge, perhaps). A friends tab would be helpful, when they replied, it'd be in a whisper, but at least you would be able to address all friends at once, without so many tabs needing to be opened.

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Augment Slot

The augment slot is an idea that has been suggested many times since the Augment Mods were initially announced.The suggestion is typically that an additional slot be added to make Augment Mods easier to include in warfame builds. Do you use Augments frequently enough to benefit from an Augment Slot? Do you think an Augment Slot is a good idea? 
Source thread:



I think an Augment Slot is a good idea precisely because I rarely use augments currently.  Most of the time I can't justify giving up a mod slot for an augment, but I'd gladly use them if they had their own slot.

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Energy Skana :

Mixed feelings, i don't know what are you guys up to. But it'd better be toggle without duration limitation, so we don't get locked into using the Energy Skana until the duration is over. But i don't even know will we still able to shoot with our guns or not if we summon it.. or can we block bullets with it? if we can, will it consume stamina?

I like the "Swordsman/Master of the Sword" theme for Excalibro. A frame that can turn the tide of battle with his sword!

Example idea for Excalibro 4th skill :

When 4 pressed, a shining energy skana drop down from nowhere like the excavator!

Knocking down every enemies around it and damaging them. You can pick it up to unleash awesome combos with slashing wave with every moves!

Or you can just leave it there and make every enemies near it got slash procs and terrified at the sight of the holy energy skana!


Weapon eat weapon

I think it's okay if it's direct upgrade like Dragon nikana or Dual version of the required weapon. If you want to make a new weapon required another weapon to craft, it'd better be stronger than the sacrificed weapon.


Augment Mods & slots

I hate it when you guys remove 2 slots and then introducing augments mods. Only some augments are good, the rest are either bad, silly, unimportant or even only as band-aid to bad abilities.

I prefer you guys give us back the old 10 slots system, change the augments to alternate abilities mods.

Example: When building Saryn i got the basic Venom, Molt, Contagion and Miasma. Suddenly Red Veil give me new alternate abilities named Contagius Ammo. I can't equip Contagion and Contagious Ammo at the same time, because Contagius Ammo is the alternate version of Contagion. If Contagion coat Saryn melee weapon with toxin, Contagius Ammo will coat her primary or secondary ammo with toxin.


Super Forma

It's weird idea, but not bad.

But i think you guys have better stuff to do.


Chat 2.0

Just make the chat box customizeable.. It will be hard to fullfill everyone fetish, after Chat 2.0 implemented there will be another complaint or suggestion, or even uproar to bring the old Chat back. Just let them customize it.


Hope this helps!

Thanks for your time guys.

Sorry if my engrish is bad, it's not my native language and it's already almost 1 AM here. :)

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Re: Augment mods


In an ideal world with a lot of augments per skill (maybe in the future), I'd actually prefer the Diablo 3 version, where specific runes are directly slotted under their respective skills, leaving room under every skill to customize. That'd make the ability the "base" version with advanced gameplay consisting of finding the right combination of augments to your skills that work best to alter the frame to how you play best.

This would only be a thing to consider in the future, and it would be too overpowered to include directly into Warframe unless slots were unlocked per Mastery Rank. But it's something to consider, as it keeps the gameplay new and exciting each time you alter your skill setup.

I'd like that. Perhaps a spin on the polarities affecting the skills.

"D" - for defenseive "augment"

"V" - for offensive

"-" - for utility

and possibly

" - for some unique spin of it.

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i don't understand those masochists, who voted yes for weapon as crafting requirements...

Lets take a look for dual raza. 72h for research + 36h to craft components+ 12h to craft itself=120h, or 5 days. Really?

How about credits? 40k raza + 180k for components=220k credits

It's a bit too much like for me. Lab weapons shouldn't have other weapons as crafting requirements, since it's already have 72h to research, just my opinion.

Edited by Aila
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Excalibur ability activated weapon:  I put maybe for the moment, I feel like I need more information as to what the ability would be.  I'd probably vote yes if there was more detailed information. 


Weapons as parts for new weapons:  I am ok with this, and I like the idea of it, but only on some new weapons, and only if they are upgrades to the weapon used as a part.  Also, as an example, dual weapons like the new Dual Raza, should only take two of the single Kama, not dual Kama.  That is one to many steps in making it.  Also, I really like the idea of Prime weapons using the base weapon as a part to build them.  I don't know why people are surprised that DE keeps using this concept.  When they first tried it with the Tiberon the feedback was widely positive, though that may have been because it was generally an upgrade from the Latron, not just a different weapon.  Its a good concept/mechanic, its just that DE has kind of not done it well with some of the weapons they introduced that use it. 


Augment Mods:  As of right now I almost never use them, they just aren't worth it.  Most of the time they result in handicapping your builds rather than enhancing them, or even just providing a slight different play style to an ability.  We REALLY need at least one dedicated augment slot, if not two.  They need to be separated from the normal warframe mod pool/slots, they never should have been mixed it to begin with, it seems to have defeated the idea of removing mod cards from the game. 


Super/Prime Forma:  The only way this sounds good to me is if they gave us a type of forma that would allow for more than one polarity on one slot, to maintain build variety on a forma'd item, I'd be ok with that.  Some of the other ideas I don't like, like polarizing more than one slot at once, or not setting the weapon/frame back to level 0, that is already fine as is. 


Chat 2.0:  Yes, a million times yes.  The current chat system feels so bare bones, it desperately needs an upgrade. 

Edited by ClockworkSpectre
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i don't understand those masochists, who voted yes for weapon as crafting requirements...

Lets take a look for dual raza. 72h for research + 36h to craft components+ 12h to craft itself=120h, or 5 days. Really?

How about credits? 40k raza + 180k for components=220k credits

It's a bit too much like for me. Lab weapons shouldn't have other weapons as crafting requirements, since it's already have 72h to research, just my opinion.

You're welcome to pretend you can craft a sharp stick from thin air; the rest of us who voted yes understand that you need a base weapon (a stick) to make another or better weapon from it (a sharp stick).


That said, the mats, credits and time requirements are way too high. 

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Weapons as Crafting Requirements

Absolutley fine with it.



Augment Slot

No, fit it


Super/Prime Forma

Forma, adds/swaps slot for STD frames/weapons/sentinels/Kubrows  (12 hours to build)

Super Forma, adds/swaps 2 slots   (24 hours to build)

Prime Forma, adds/swaps slot on Prime weapons/warframe/Sentinels (24 hours to build)



Chat 2.0

Ability to stop invite spammers.

Recruiting for clans and alliance talk

Squad finder for squads.


Agree with Chat 2.0 suggestion, don't care about logging chat whilst im in a mission though

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Relativelaly about Excalibur possible change to have a energy based weapon its a interesting concept, Excalibur at the correct moment already uses his blade to do 3 of the 4 skills, if this idea of creating a 4th new power with a energy weapon ( not a skana,i beg to you DE ) but a weapon only ususable by Excalibur, as for exemple Mesa with her regulators and Valkyr with her claws, these are frame bounded weapons that use there energy as "suply" to continue to shot or cut/slash.

The idea of a prime forma is a interesting, with the concept of not needeing to reset the level of the frames and weapons or possible changing 2 polaraties, if this is not to be made possible to not trade, make it a rare peace as rare as orokin reactors that some times may come under a Gift of Lotus alert, as a invasion reward to draw players to the invasion missions, or possably as a reward of a raid mission.

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Do you like the idea of Excalibur getting an ability-activated weapon (ie, an energy Skana)?


Yes, but it can't work like a regular weapon.... It has to be unique and completely different from anything in the game. COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. The kind of thing that will make everyone go...."Holy crap that's badass!". 

Edited by Aaron86V
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Weapons As Crafting requirements: I don't like this concept at all, my reasoning may not be very strong but it's why I personally don't like the idea. I enjoy my old weapons. Take the AkJagara for example, I don't want to give up the AK Bolto I've had since update 7 for a new weapon I don't really want. I wouldn't mind if the option to simply add the materials required for the AK Boltos was present.

Excalibur Changes: Yes

Super Forma: Yes

Chat 2.0: Yes, more specifically, I think trade chat should be separated into three different tabs one for those who want to buy, one for those who want to sell, and one for those who want to trade. I'm not saying add more tabs to the chat window, say once you click on the trade tab three more options appear above it trade, buy, and sell.

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(Excalibur) I really miss when Excalibur was Rep Farm material.(OPJAVELIN) Im new too Warframe, not as in I just started yesterday but I havent been here for Years like most of the Community. I Love Warframe and I feel Every Frame should be strong and efficient in different areas and useful in different High level nodes. No Warframe should feel Obsolete At All IMO. I Love Excalibur and Love My Proto-Skin too. Although Ash is My Favorite Frame. Excal is Fun and stylish. I hope too see something interesting in his redesign of Abilities.

(Chats) I think Ordis should give you a Heads up like...Ordis:"Operator, You have a Message" TBH I dont see alot of messages when im in game and i dnt like to reply because I will Die. lol

(PrimeForma) I dnt know what to say about this topic, but tbh why not Prime Auras? Or Maybe 2 extra Slots just specifically Made for Warframe Augments? just tossing out Ideas hope they are considered/ =)

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