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April 17Th: Community Hot Topics!


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Sadly Excalibur does not get used in high levels games as the abilities and frame are not good enough.  Additionally the radial Javelin has now been nerfed so as to make it a frame to avoid, so adding a gimmick to the frame and not re-addressing the frame itself to fit into high levels support roles is useless.



Weapons requiring the inclusion of other weapons is not a bad idea, i love the mental groans that come from the Clan when they realise how much effort ti will take.  The rubbish part for me is when the new weapon only performs the same  or more badly than the original. 



Augment mods are a good idea but i use them less frequent than I would, as they take up valuable damage mod space on a weapons or ability space on a Warframe.  I believe an extra slot or two like the Aura mod is a requirement.



Forma, like it or loathe it it is a requirement. I understand some of the arguments posted about working through the 0 to 30 every time.  I think building a SUPER FORMA should be challenging but could make the formered slot 'Gold' and accept ANY mod as it was of the correct polarity for that slot (Almost like a RARE 5 core) now that would be worth the effort !

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As Excalibur is named after a sword, it should be no doubt(probably) that he's potent with melee. I think his energy Skana stance should allow him to do shockwaves/ strong multi hit attacks, to make his new 4th ability really stand out. And scale with melee weapon equipped of course.

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Chat needs a timer of some sort so on missions where everyone has trouble communicating they can at least see a constant stream of info in the box


as for augment mods: I firmly believe that the augment mods system is a spiritual precursor so a fully fleshed out focus system (maybe like update 19 lol)


I really like what you're gonna do with Excalibur so I have no complaints or suggestions on that end I would still love to see a Volt rework that addresses the problems with his powers in a similar fashion  *cough cough shock cough cough overload cough cough* 


i'm not really sure about the forma i haven't found much use for it perhaps I still don't understand the full extent of it's utility  

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A) Excalibur with an energy Skana as a skill:


Sure, being melee focused was never the issue, the issue is that melee doesn't scale well to Mid-to-late game content. Reason why Valkyr isn't used as much by more experienced players, at least for actually tough missions.


B) Weapons requiring other weapons:


I don't like it at all, it's just another level of wait and grind to build a weapon. Ask for twice the amount of resources if you will, but I already have to wait 12-24 hours to craft a weapon, another 12-24 hours is just testing my patience.


C) Augment Mods:


We really need a Mod slot exclusively for augments. It would allow for much more variance and encourage players to actually use them more. I think there's only 4-5 augment Mods that are used with enough regularity.


D) Super/Prime Formas


I don't care much about formas. Balance the weaker weapon classes first like shotguns and Melee, then we start talking about buffing builds.


E) Chat Re-work


The recruitment chat works fine, never had problems there. The trading chat could be improved by making some tool that allows you to see the items the player is Selling/Buying just by hovering their name or by clicking on a separate page.

Edited by Importuno
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Excalibur: energy sword or not, it MUST be good and not inferior to normal melee weapons (like Valk hysteria is!)  Make it deal finisher damage so it wont become useless vs lvl20 armor. 


I already said all I had to about augments. 


Chat: to make it usable at all fix the constant chat disconnect/timeout error. Currently it's broken half the time. 

I don't know why do I bother writing it, there is 0 chance of devs paying attention. All these been posted many times by me and others.

No, the game doesn't need superforma, it takes what, ~15-20 minutes to max a weapon from 0 to 30 (except archwing with its miserable xp gains, but who cares about forma'ing archwing). If people don't want to play to upgrade the weapons - they dont need the upgrades, cause they don't want to play anyway.

Edited by Monolake
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Hi there,


I've been thinking about super/prime forma while reading the comments and was thinking about, more polarities or no-level reset? I think that would not do any revolutionary.


I wouldn't stick with the main idea. We can modify our polarities, but what about our basic stats? Yes I know that is what mods are for but they modify the basic stats. Super/Prime (or whatever just a bit different) Forma should alter our basic stats before the mods. (More personalization, modify (with mods) the modified stats yeey!! :D). This would also reset your warframe/weapon's level

Maybe it is better if I'd give you an example:


What a Super Forma can do with your Warframe/Archwing/Kubrow/Sentiniel for example?

• increase your (base) health capacity by reducing your (base) shield capacity [1:1 ratio] (and vice versa)

• increase your (base) power by reducing your (base) health or shield [1:1.5 ratio] (and vice versa)

• increase your (base) shield capacity by reducing your (base) armor [3:1 ratio] (and vice versa)


What a Super Forma can do with your Weapons for example?

• increase one of its damage types while decrease another by [1:1 ratio] (of course this isn't possible on weapons what have 1 base damage type (for example Gammacor)

• increase one of it's other (base) stats while decreasing another [varying ratios depending on which stat was changed to which]

This way players can re-balance unbalanced weapons as they (always) wanted :)


Of course you can not increase/decrease a stat too much. There would be a limit. Lets say maximum 25 or 50% altering per stat (ofc it affects 2 stats at the same time, 1 go up and 1 go down). And you can't alter again a stat what is already altered [only if you reset it, if you can ;) ]

Edited by Doxorn
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1. Excalibur and the Energy Skana:


In and of itself, I have no issue with Excalibur getting an Energy Skana. The problem I foresee is that it will limit Excalibur's ability to compete in high-level mission types; especially with the changes made to Radial Blind and Radial Javelin. Having three direct damage skills seems a bit much; I feel he'd do better with a utility skill instead.


2. Weapons as crafting components:

Again, I have no issue with the idea itself; the problem I have is with implementation. Things like Lato -> Bolto are fine, as are Dual Skanas + Vasto -> Redeemer or the Dual versions of weapons requiring two of the basic version. When it comes to things like the Panthera or AkJagara, the crafting process is a massive grind and a drain on components, and that is before considering the weapons we get at the end. The Panthera is a major downgrade to the Miter, and the work required to even get a Miter makes going for either of those a task for those who really want the Mastery points.


The Dual Razas require weapons needing 215, 000 Credits, 10 Neural Sensors, 1, 800 Circuits, 2, 400 Ferrite, 2, 400 Polymer Bundles, 2 Orokin Cells, 200 Alloy Plate, and 200 Cryotic all up and requiring at least two days of crafting time.


For all this, we get a weapon that comes with no innate polarities and which uses the Crossing Snakes stance. Or we can spend a fraction of the resources and time involved and use the Dual Zoren, which have a Stance many find easier to use, have a faster attack rate, and have a higher crit chance, plus an innate D polarity (not the best, but still better than no innate polarities) and as a result do what the Dual Razas were trying to accomplish already. I think it would have been better if the Dual Razas built off the Dual Zorens and had a higher crit chance than they do to make the weapon stand out.


Or there's the AkSomati, which are a great weapon but require a Clan Tech item that needs Forma to build and comes with a single default Polarity slot. I feel AFuris would have been a better base weapon given its clip size and primary damage type; I also feel it should have had a default V polarity to go with the default -.


The process should be more similar to the Lato->Bolto or Latron->Tiberon crafting series where they are a direct upgrade (or at least side grade) to the original weapon. I also think the weapons that are being used should share more in common than a puncture damage dual pistol set in the AkBoltos becoming a slash pistol set in the AkJagara or the puncture damage rapid fire Stilletos becoming crit-dealing slash weapons in the AkSomatis.


3. Augment Mods:


In general I make more use of the ability Augments on frames I didn't previously like (Trinity with Energy Leech, or Nyx with Mind Freak) which languished without Forma after I maxed them out. The frames I do enjoy using all typically have 6 slots with polarities on them, making it difficult to fit an Augment mod on space-wise especially given the sacrifices that would have to be made in other areas. Mods like Energy Leech, Greedy Pull, Mind Freak, and Despoil are great exemplars of how the Augment system can work, but others like Pool of Life or Swing Line are just sad.


An Augment slot may help alleviate the space crunch and open new build possibilities. I suppose one way of implementing it would be to halve the amount of mod capacity Auras grant and have the Augment slot work the same way.


4. Primed/Super Forma:

No real opinion on this. If I like a weapon, I pour enough Forma into it to handle all the builds I want to use already.



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How frequently do you use Augment Mods?

Not often, and rarely more than 1 per warframe. I would like each Warframe to get 1 extra slot which only houses augments, but augments should still be available in regular mod slots still.


This is a good idea. I was thinking about something like that too. 

Give all Warframes an augment slot where player can put one augment mod for free (no costs) AND allow them also to put augment mods on normal ones, with the normal rules of points cost of course. 

In this way everyone should be happy because people who want to use more Augment still could, and people who want to have an augment slot will be satisfied. 

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Instead of augment slots how about more dual stat mods: ones that are a combination and a compromise.  I think this would be more interesting than a dedicated augment slot.  Then we players would have to decide if a dual stat mod would be sufficient in order to free up another space for an augment.  However, I think having to choose mods carefully is a great part of the system: so no, no augment slot.  Make us choose, it makes us better players anyhow and preserves balance.  If we get more slots, the game will become easier and DE will have to make even tougher enemies to compensate.  Hold the balance please.

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Excalibur Energy: 

Yes the rework it a step in the right direction,  it would be great if the energy worked with any current melee the user has equipped.


Weapon Upgrades: 

The only time this is acceptable is the Dragon Nikana requirements. 


Mara Detron requiring the Detron is also a good example and I dont mind requiring weapons as only if they are direct upgrades.


Augment Slots: 

Using augments quite often, later on in Warframes development augment slots are definately needed. 


Only one or two would be more than helpful any less or more will have balancing issues.


Prime/Super Forma: 

Whether its an extra two polarity's or no loss of rank, this is a long awaited feature I hope makes it in the next few updates.


Chat 2.0:

A rework not a complete overhaul is needed. Perhaps a search function when trading, an event tab, conclave tab.


Report function should return as well. Resizable tabs so I can place the trading stuff on top right and clan chat on bottom right of the screen.

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Augment slots

My concern is maintaining some sort of balance so that warframes don't become too powerful over enemies. Especially when some are concerned about how enemy scaling currently works. I like that there is currently a trade-off the player makes when choosing to use an augment mod or not.


Prime forma

I like the idea of polarizing multiple slots at once. I would keep the rank reset.

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Instead of an augment slot, why not make some augments defalt effects of some abilities? I mean, a lot of augments do things that could have been reasonably demanded from the base ability (ex: Afterburn, Ballistic Bullseye, Divebomb Vortex, Ice Wave Impendance, Tidal Impunity, Fracturing Crush, Pacifying Bolts, Piercing Roar, Regenerative Molt, etc...).

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I just really don't like the idea of Excalibur's Ult being locked into a single weapon. He's never been locked into one before, and he shouldn't be now. I think the ability should work so that you can either use the energy sword, or switch it out for your equipped weapon (and the ability would then act as a buff to that weapon). 


This. I hate weapons as abilities, why not enhance the current melee weapon of the Excalibur?

Edited by ---Excalibur---
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Weapons should only be used as crafting components when it's a direct upgrade of the component weapon.  Stuff like the Tipedo is a good example, but the aksomati is an example of when you "upgrade" an akstiletto into a weapon with similar damage but way lower accuracy.

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It's already possible to spend energy to increase melee damage.  There are already a lot of abilities that do less or as much damage than weapons and no one uses them unless they have some CC.    Why spend energy to do damage when you can do damage without spending energy?


Weapons as Crafting Requirements:


Weapons as Crafting Requirements = Using mastery fodder to build more expensive mastery fodder.  A weapon is not any less obsolete, or any more of an investment, because it's an ingredient.  Nor is more player choice offered because of it.


Weapons have a cosmetic and feel angle to them and that gets flushed down the drain when they are made into ingredients and mastery fodder.


Weapon Tier Potatoes would be a better alternative than "yo dog, I heard you like junk.....":

1)  Every weapon has a purpose.

2)  Every purpose has a metric.

3)  Every metric has a maximum.

4)  Every weapon advances along the metric of it's purpose to it's maximum.

5)  Mutipurpose weapons require a mathematician to create.


Augment Slot:


I use about three augments on three warframes I don't play much.  Most of the augments are not worth sacrificing a commonly used mod and should be standard on the abilities.  So, +1 to augment slots because then augments could be used for flavor at least.


Super/Prime Forma:


Sure, why not?


Chat 2.0:


I don't see how it's possible to turn Chat into a satisfactory matchmaking/trade system.  If it were possible, every game would have done so decades ago.  The problem isn't chat.  The problem is using chat for things better done through dedicated systems (as most games do nowadays).  It's not possible to keep putting off essential QoL features by way of Eternal Beta Status.  After a while, people are going to start wondering what happens at DE all day.  There is more to a game than just items and characters.

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Do you like the idea of Excalibur getting an ability-activated weapon (ie, an energy Skana)?


My answer would be yes, it's just that I'm sceptical on how you will make it happen. Prove my fears baseless please.


In your opinion, should weapons be included as crafting requirements for other weapons?


Since you ask platinum for slots, it's plain and simple unfair to do this. It's a rather blatant way of forcing the players to spend more platinum. Sorry, but I'm against stuff purely there to smooch out more coins. Not to mention it is pathetic and quite PerfectWorld-ish.


How frequently do you use Augment Mods?


Whenever I benefit from those :). Honestly speaking I'm still annoyed that you removed 2 slots from warframes, robbing me a free mod slot I gladly used and a complete level of customization. Then you even added more mods to put in there. If I were to form my opinion, it's pretty damn evil to do such a thing.


Would have been MUCH better if you didn't remove ability mods but instead of augment mods you would have added extra ability mods for warframes. Now that would have been customization - right now the augment mods are basically plain upgrading your ability so the question is not about using them but on what to sacrifice from the mods residing in the already trimmed mod slots.


In your opinion, is a Super/Prime Forma a good idea?


Feels similar to an added extra resource, like Oxium, Argon, Cryotic or Tellurium. Unnecessary and only there to hug more space from the droplist. Of course depending on what it does so to not come off as completely cynical and sceptical towards DE, let me show you an idea about how I could accept it:

- Forma BP no longer exist, all current FormaBPs are converted to completed Formas.

- Forma BP no longer drops, completed Formas drop instead.

- Instead of the currently dropping completed Formas drop Super/Prime Formas (how is it prime if it's orokin to begin with?).

- Super/Prime formas allow complete customization of an item, all slots.

- You can build a super/prime forma from 6 pieces of normal forma and some credits.


That could work. A super forma that can change polarity without 0-ing the item might work too but honestly I don't see the need - and I'm kind of suspicious since you always say the drop lists are deluted, so why add something like this that is not necessary?


In your opinion, does Warframe’s chat need a rework?


Unstable/bugged rather frequently and looks quite poor. Still no /command for all individual channels, also can I switch off the "little bit" annoying feature of whispers appearing in every single channel, causing my chat tabs to flash as if I actually got some real message in all of them? Incredibly bothersome when I'm actually waiting for someone's reply and I have to always switch tabs back and forth to kill the flashing or I have to tell the guy whispering to shut up, which no matter how I put it won't feel too good to him.

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