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Nobody Likes The Cloud City That Much (Alert/syndicate Mission Choice)


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For whatever reason, if there are corpus involved in an alert or syndicate mission, there's like a 90%+ chance it will be on the cloud city tileset.


It's a nice set, sure. It has some perks. It needs some serious optimizations, but it has a lot going for it.


However, there is no reason that EVERY SINGLE CORPUS MISSION should take place there. Most of these aren't even taking place on jupiter, so I'm really at a loss.


I don't know WHY I keep ending up in the corpus cloud city tileset every time there's any kind of special mission, but I do, and I'm tired of it. Whatever keeps causing singular-digit FPS there still does so, and the fact that I'm facing it CONSTANTLY is grating.


There's the ice map, the good old corpus ship, heck, there's even some non-traditionally corpus tilesets that there's no reason (seeing as we're using off-world tilesets anyway) that they couldn't be used. It'd be nice to fight corpus on earth or an asteroid base or something every once in a while.


Mix it up a bit. Let there be variety. It gets very boring when every special mission with the corpus is perpetually bathed in soft orange glow. There's 9 other tilesets, give 'em a chance.


While on the subject, the grineer aren't doing much better. There's around a 60% chance that any special mission featuring grineer will take place on the desert tileset. It's not *quite* as tedious as the corpus thing, but it's still happening off-world, and I'm kind of getting bored of seeing so much sand.


There's 10 other tilesets, give them some more rotation. PLEASE.

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you of all people should know that speaking for the community as a whole and deciding for them is a big mistake.

however ofcourse i'm certainly not too thrilled about the major performance spikes that seems to happen in Gas City tiles, points that cause the game to choke to a halt for a few seconds, and then return to the usual performance.

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you of all people should know that speaking for the community as a whole and deciding for them is a big mistake.

however ofcourse i'm certainly not too thrilled about the major performance spikes that seems to happen in Gas City tiles, points that cause the game to choke to a halt for a few seconds, and then return to the usual performance.

Okay, get me a group of players that wants to play nothing but corpus cloud city missions for weeks on end, dozens of times per day. Bring them all in. Let's hear why they find it superior to all other tilesets, to the point it needs complete and total exclusion of any other tileset ever being played.

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Okay, get me a group of players that wants to play nothing but corpus cloud city missions for weeks on end, dozens of times per day. Bring them all in. Let's hear why they find it superior to all other tilesets, to the point it needs complete and total exclusion of any other tileset ever being played.

I'd do Jupiter missions over Europa any day.

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Okay, get me a group of players that wants to play nothing but corpus cloud city missions for weeks on end, dozens of times per day. Bring them all in. Let's hear why they find it superior to all other tilesets, to the point it needs complete and total exclusion of any other tileset ever being played.

ofcourse it's unlikely someone will want to do the same thing over and over until the end of time.

that doesn't mean you should speak like a messiah :p

i know you know that. it's just the way it's worded, not the message you're sending that has a concern.

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Sounds like a bug, since they stated alerts would take place with the tile set of the correspondent planet, it used to not do that, like it was in ceres but used the regular old ships of the grineer.

Edited by 7grims
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+1 to Llyssa

Personally, I'd rather do missions on the ice planets than Jupiter. It's so much brighter and happier than the nasty looking green clouds. Not saying I don't like Jupiter! They did a great job on it and we need the diversity of planets. I just prefer clean blue ice over dirty green pollution.

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Unexplained framerate drops aside, I love the Jupiter tileset. I don't like the Europa one (pain in the arse to navigate) and I absolutely hate the Grineer ship (arc traps, permanent magnetic doors, some of them with un-shootable "sensor bars")

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Just chiming in to say that Jupiter's gas city is easily and by far my favorite tileset.


But I do agree with your general hope to see more variation within Syndicate tasks.  More variation just keeps things interesting, so I welcome that thought.

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Jupiter and Earth have the most unique tilesets in the game.  Jupiter is a lot of fun because the different rooms are so expansive and diverse.  It's one of the few tilesets with a lot of verticality.  Only Jupiter has those enormous staircases and that elevator shaft that you can parkour up if you want.


Jupiter does have a couple of annoying problems, but that can be said of any tileset.  Specifically: tiles are frequently reused.  I remember doing a mission where we go through that large room (multiple consoles, walled off by a glass wall with a cluttered hallway on the other side) down an elevator to the exact same room.  Arguably, this is because the Corpus designed a modular space station with multiple rooms having the same physical designs with different functions (not unlike cubicles...space-cubicles).


In general, I like Jupiter, and can't think of any changes it needs, except maybe for a few new tiles.

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I, for one, like the cloud city that much.


I think it's better than Corpus outpost and Corpus ship; It has this sense of size to it, the lighting is great and the skybox is gorgeous. I don't visit Jupiter all that often, so I'm glad I get to see it in special missions.

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Okay, get me a group of players that wants to play nothing but corpus cloud city missions for weeks on end, dozens of times per day. Bring them all in. Let's hear why they find it superior to all other tilesets, to the point it needs complete and total exclusion of any other tileset ever being played.


I'll do it.


Frankly I'm surprised people even notice what tileset they are on after having run 2000+ missions. I mostly keep flicking my vision to my mini-map because I use Enemy Radar all the time, and need to know where enemies actually ARE.


The only thing that being "forced" to play one tileset on loop will do, is make me a super-optimized killing/jumping/Parkour machine on that tileset, able to judge all jumps and drops and ledge grabs to the millimeter, which in turn gets me rewards faster, which - surprise surprise - seems to be all that a good percentage of people care about.


I don't have drops in framerate on that tileset, so have you considered that YOU notice the repetition because it's highlighted by the framerate problem?


I used to play when the game started on ONE tileset basically, and a limited one at that, now we have players that are getting bored with the "scenery"?



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I, for one, like the cloud city that much.


I think it's better than Corpus outpost and Corpus ship; It has this sense of size to it, the lighting is great and the skybox is gorgeous. I don't visit Jupiter all that often, so I'm glad I get to see it in special missions.

If you liked it THAT much, you'd play nothing but jupiter. So you obviously don't.


To everyone else going "Don't speak for us! We totally agree!", um... yeah. Okay.


Still haven't seen anyone saying Jupiter is the only tileset they ever play, to the point of refusing to play anything that doesn't take place there.


I'll do it.


Frankly I'm surprised people even notice what tileset they are on after having run 2000+ missions. I mostly keep flicking my vision to my mini-map because I use Enemy Radar all the time, and need to know where enemies actually ARE.


The only thing that being "forced" to play one tileset on loop will do, is make me a super-optimized killing/jumping/Parkour machine on that tileset, able to judge all jumps and drops and ledge grabs to the millimeter, which in turn gets me rewards faster, which - surprise surprise - seems to be all that a good percentage of people care about.


I don't have drops in framerate on that tileset, so have you considered that YOU notice the repetition because it's highlighted by the framerate problem?


I used to play when the game started on ONE tileset basically, and a limited one at that, now we have players that are getting bored with the "scenery"?



I used to play when the game started on one tileset, and it's not "scenery" if you never see any other tilesets. Also, all 3 factions shared the tilesets, so there was variety in that.


It's highly notable because it's always the same corpus, always the same small pool of rooms, the frame freeze thing, the extra parkour needed to check every room for medallions(including at least 2 rooms that have no way to actually "parkour" to all of their locations, requiring air melee and teleporting), the perpetual orange glow, the general repetitiveness of needing to perform the same tasks to kill enemies that have the same routes through the same rooms over and over again, with almost no variety in mission goals.


I suppose someone who's really bad at the game would get a lot of mileage out of the repetition, but when you're not, once you've mastered the rooms, seeing it(and nothing else but it) endlessly every single mission is exceedingly stale. The devs know that, that's why more than 1 tileset exists(why make more than 1, otherwise?)


However, it's almost borderline buggy that it has some level of exclusivity going for it in the randomly generated solar system.

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I used to play when the game started on one tileset, and it's not "scenery" if you never see any other tilesets. Also, all 3 factions shared the tilesets, so there was variety in that.


It's highly notable because it's always the same corpus, always the same small pool of rooms, the frame freeze thing, the extra parkour needed to check every room for medallions(including at least 2 rooms that have no way to actually "parkour" to all of their locations, requiring air melee and teleporting), the perpetual orange glow, the general repetitiveness of needing to perform the same tasks to kill enemies that have the same routes through the same rooms over and over again, with almost no variety in mission goals.


I suppose someone who's really bad at the game would get a lot of mileage out of the repetition, but when you're not, once you've mastered the rooms, seeing it(and nothing else but it) endlessly every single mission is exceedingly stale. The devs know that, that's why more than 1 tileset exists(why make more than 1, otherwise?)


However, it's almost borderline buggy that it has some level of exclusivity going for it in the randomly generated solar system.


Look, I'm not disagreeing that yes, game maps WILL seem repetitive after extended runs. Played Global Agenda PvE? There was like 4 maps that had a handful of "paths" that were walled off by doors just to give a LITTLE variety. By comparison, WF is like the map generator in Minecraft.


I had 600 hours in Global Agenda, mostly on those maps. You simply ran the mission, and you did not really pay THAT much attention. It never really occurred to me to make a vocal complaint that the place we were attacking needed better Feng-Sui or a decorator, it's an ENEMY compound for goodness sake.


I understand what you are saying that because "game" and because "DE caters to players" then "spice things up", but I think you are over reacting.


To please me, extra tiles or tile sets would not be the go, I'd just want more missions objectives, more reasons to cross-navigate tiles, more events happening that tie in with events, like for example, the place "frosting over with ice" or REALLY starting to catch on fire in a BIG way when we destroy Reactors, even say, have the current tiles gain blockages from debris, or just have sections destroyed or buckled.


It's not the "repetitiveness" of the tilesets that actually get to me, just the fact that not much we do seems to cause any effect other then some random siren, or a few blinking lights.


You know that thing that Volt does with Overload that blows all the lights and makes tiles dark? I reckon we need more stuff like that, just so we feel like things are happening.

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 Still haven't seen anyone saying Jupiter is the only tileset they ever play, to the point of refusing to play anything that doesn't take place there.

If all level ranges existed permanently within the Jupiter tileset, along with the option to attain all possible drops/rewards, and along with the ability to face potentially any and all enemy types, well I'd basically stick to Jupiter for all the things forever.  I would occasionally leave to test out a new tileset upon release of course, but then it'd be right back to the good ol' Gas City.



 It's not the "repetitiveness" of the tilesets that actually get to me, just the fact that not much we do seems to cause any effect other then some random siren, or a few blinking lights.


You know that thing that Volt does with Overload that blows all the lights and makes tiles dark? I reckon we need more stuff like that, just so we feel like things are happening.

[size=1]Snipped out part, but the whole post is relevant to what I'm saying below.[/size]

This is definitely the type of stuff I'd enjoy seeing.  It would make the game have a more fluid/dynamic feel with environments changing mid-mission.

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Cloud city is best corprus tileset. Great atmosphere, interesting layouts.

Corpus ship is decent. Cropus ice planet is bad because it's difficult to navigate and I keep bumping into object edges when doing manoeuvers.

Just like infested hive ship or what's it called. The protruding terrain often obstructs the camera, too. Gah, I hate that. Earth maps do it better. Phobos, too, but the fleshy colour makes me feel sick.


And what's with the super narrow passages (hive ship, ice planet) lately? Who thought that would be a good idea? More camera obstruction, bumping into things and being wedged in by a horde spawning in front and behind.

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If you liked it THAT much, you'd play nothing but jupiter. So you obviously don't.


To everyone else going "Don't speak for us! We totally agree!", um... yeah. Okay.


Still haven't seen anyone saying Jupiter is the only tileset they ever play, to the point of refusing to play anything that doesn't take place there.

...You might be a great "Master" at Warframe, but your arguing skills are laughable.  "If Jupiter doesn't suck then why don't you play there??"  Because:


I don't want to.

I'm good on Neural Sensors right now

I have enough Fieldron Samples

My gear is too unleveled

My gear is too high-level


Just because Jupiter is a favorite tileset doesn't mean people play there exclusively.  That's narrow-minded and stupid.  My favorite tileset might be the Grineer mining base.  It's easy enough to navigte, has a plethora of choke points and wide-open spaces for truly balanced gameplay, and it's one of the most common maps used in the Solar System.  I'm rather bored with the platform raising and lowering defense map because I use it to farm orokin cells while I level some gear.  Folks use the maps that they're gonna use, there's no two ways about it.



I used to play when the game started on one tileset, and it's not "scenery" if you never see any other tilesets. Also, all 3 factions shared the tilesets, so there was variety in that.


It's highly notable because it's always the same corpus, always the same small pool of rooms, the frame freeze thing, the extra parkour needed to check every room for medallions(including at least 2 rooms that have no way to actually "parkour" to all of their locations, requiring air melee and teleporting), the perpetual orange glow, the general repetitiveness of needing to perform the same tasks to kill enemies that have the same routes through the same rooms over and over again, with almost no variety in mission goals.


I suppose someone who's really bad at the game would get a lot of mileage out of the repetition, but when you're not, once you've mastered the rooms, seeing it(and nothing else but it) endlessly every single mission is exceedingly stale. The devs know that, that's why more than 1 tileset exists(why make more than 1, otherwise?)


However, it's almost borderline buggy that it has some level of exclusivity going for it in the randomly generated solar system.


This point is good.  I'm rather tired of fighting the Corpus on Jupiter.  Whenever the Grineer invade, I'll usually help the corpus just so I have something not-corpus to shoot on Jupiter.  The problem, too, is enemy diversity.  Jupiter is still low-level enough that it won't use the higher-level enemies like Oxium Ospreys and Nullifiers.  If you're trying to farm Oxium, Jupiter is kind of a bad place to do it, even though Oxium Ospreys are all over Mars and (to a lesser degree) Venus.


If you're bored with Jupiter, fine, I understand.  If you're tired of running missions on Jupiter, then don't.  Go someplace else.  I'm not a fan of the Earth tileset (mainly because I hate being nipped at by Wild Kubrows every 10 seconds), but I don't mind running E-Gate or whatever in order to have something different to look at while I kill things.

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