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Does Stamina Ruin Archwing?


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Let's remove ammo as well. Having to wait for your ammo to recharge ruins the game. Get over it, if they gave us unlimited sprint the enemies would never touch us,Keep out of the firing range. Stamina is a built in limitation into the game. If you feel slow, there is a rare sprint increase mod for arch wings.

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Always thought archwing sucked because of how slow it was.

I mean with how they look you'd think they'd be quite fast, instead it looks like you're slower than on foot.


I guess removing samina from aw might help.

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Let's remove ammo as well. Having to wait for your ammo to recharge ruins the game. Get over it, if they gave us unlimited sprint the enemies would never touch us,Keep out of the firing range. Stamina is a built in limitation into the game. If you feel slow, there is a rare sprint increase mod for arch wings.

Seems like the majority of the posts disagree with you.

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It just ruin sprinting while you melee.

Stamina on Archwing should just be sprint/boost consuming. Really annoying that I have to pause of a moment to gain some stamina, in order to boost myself to a target... especially a radiotower captor that got knocked back by an Odonata Repel... while surrounded by Grineer marines.



Although they should really increase "walkspeed", probably near current sprintspeed, then that sprintspeed is further increase but has reduced cam sensitivity. It's like following that racing thingy where increased speed means more difficult to steer.

Edited by faustias
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So is reloading, hear me, reload ruin the whole game! Because it is slowing down the placing!


Seriously, if something like that got removed, you basically removed some aspect from the game, like using cover, or actually planning how to get pass/ fight large group of enemies. I still fail to see the valid reason for it to be removed completely.


But I agree there should be tuning on how it work. Right now blocking is mostly useless, and in archwing move from point to point in Interception require you to stop at the middle of the flight, which feel kind of sluggish. 

Edited by Tenderdm
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I personally think that Stamina ruins the entire game and should be completely removed and was a terrible idea for a game such as this one, but voice your opinions here :^)


It only slow down the entire game.

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So is reloading, hear me, reload ruin the whole game! Because it is slowing down the placing!


Seriously, if something like that got removed, you basically removed some aspect from the game, like using cover, or actually planning how to get pass/ fight large group of enemies. I still fail to see the valid reason for it to be removed completely.


But I agree there should be tuning on how it work. Right now blocking is mostly useless, and in archwing move from point to point in Interception require you to stop at the middle of the flight, which feel kind of sluggish. 

Reloading makes sense, and actually works as a weapon balancing tool, while stamina does not.

Also this game lacks a cover system and will never have one according to DE, so not sure what you're on about.

I've yet to see a reason to keep the stamina system, only counter responses so far have been "deal with it."

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I can't make a constructive idea with this because Movement/Parkour 2.0 is in development, normally we can suggest a improvement of it, if theirs a flaws on it.

but normally when it comes to archwing, its much more ideal if they put a realistic system on their archwing that Overheats through time during the sprint mode, but technically the sprint mode will give you additional speed which can surpass your archwing maximum speed, but after surpassing it, the Overheat mechanic will kick in.

ex: when your archwing can punch upto 600kph max (no stamina cost), but during sprint mode that speed will surpass it with no cap, but the overheat will kick in.

when the Overheat mechanic kicks in and reach its maximum temperature, it will start to damage your archwing's HP by ex:30hp per sec, you can stop it by staying in one place or just move normally with out sprint to let it cool off.

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Im already sick of playing catch up in every single multiplayer mission, as everyone is flying across the map while I refuse to play their helicopter racing simulator. Removing stamina entirely wouldnt affect them at all, it would only help me catch up.

Removing stamina from Archwing would let us swing our OP space melee weapons indefinitely...though we can already do that even now.

Meh, would be neat if DE got rid of stamina for a weekend to see what problems pop up.

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Im already sick of playing catch up in every single multiplayer mission, as everyone is flying across the map while I refuse to play their helicopter racing simulator. Removing stamina entirely wouldnt affect them at all, it would only help me catch up.

Removing stamina from Archwing would let us swing our OP space melee weapons indefinitely...though we can already do that even now.

Meh, would be neat if DE got rid of stamina for a weekend to see what problems pop up.

Some might see infinite blocking as a problem (that's the only one that arises) however blocking is frontal only.

Whether it's balanced or not is up to each individual. I personally see it as balanced since you can't block from the sides or behind yourself.

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I had this theory that stamina was linked to channelling.

Which would have made more sense, if not then perhaps it should have been linked to the power used when doing a warframe specific attack. You all know what I am talking about: Radial blind etc.

In regards to AW, DE have said there is more to come with the AW. So they may tweak that further with AW.

When they do the next update maybe they will address this.

Edited by (PS4)kombatchamp
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Reloading makes sense, and actually works as a weapon balancing tool, while stamina does not.

Also this game lacks a cover system and will never have one according to DE, so not sure what you're on about.

I've yet to see a reason to keep the stamina system, only counter responses so far have been "deal with it."


Example using cover:

There is huge amount of enemies and you run out of stamina for blocking or maneuver, without stamina limit player will just keep blocking or doing maneuver moves, diving to enemy head first without thinking about a plan. 


Another example is rooms full of enemies, if you have unlimited stamina, you can just run past them. As of now it is already really hard for enemies to "guard" the room.  ( Yes coptering doesn't not affect by stamina, but it is not the way game should  be played, and it will be nerfed in parkout 2.0)


This is especially true in the case of Archwing, enemies will not able stop you or block you at all. You can ignore all enemies if it is not a exterminate mission.


I don't want to sound rude, but to have  a argument  you actual need to explain why you support or not support something. In this case, why reload is balancing tool and stamina is not explained or given sample to. 

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I personally think that Stamina ruins the entire game and should be completely removed and was a terrible idea for a game such as this one, but voice your opinions here :^)

No stamina is fine imo as the stamina mods make up for the lost, but what ruins archwing is being forced to fly inside corpus ships ..

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