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Wow~First Time To Know Players Will Be Warned For Afk


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Look, there is going AFK, and then there is leeching.


I've ever encountered with this was doing a T3S. After 15 minutes in, one of the players finally spoke after none of us realized he'd been afk the entire time. He comes back and is like "Had to eat dinner sorry, back now."


Like are you @(*()$ serious? That's kind of bullS#&$ behavior in my opinion. If you have to go to the bathroom RIGHT NOW or have an emergency or w/e, can you seriously not type "brb" or "brb emergency" or whatever? Leechers can get bent.



You can actually gain more energy while in peacemaker with rift walking and energy siphon, that's what my group does, and our mesa usually gains energy faster than he uses it but gets screwed over by the afk system just causing needless complication. So no, it really doesn't work just fine.

You can't gain energy from Siphon during peacemaker. 

Edited by DiosGX
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Looking at the description here, it seems the bigger factor is numerous reports of afk/leeching behaviour, not the afk lock.

That implies multiple report, and then someone at DE support looking at game logs to see if they were actually being a scumbag or not.

And in that case it is usually pretty easy to make the distinction

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I believe this is related to player reports on AFK players, there is a section for such reports if you use the form when trying to contact support.


Some players like myself will report players that leech ingame or that afk, stats are a nice addition to a screenshot but not trully relevant since some players will simply kill a few enemies and then quickly afk.


These types of players have nothing to do with mesa or beeing stationary, it's a warning given to the player so that he doesn't leech again in public games, these players appear more frequently when a mission has some kind of a reward or is used for a reward, invasions, infestations and events are nice examples.

Players will simply let others do all the work while consuming a slot for an actual player.

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Community cries about something and DE half fix it and go back to drinking.


God forbid they use a frame which requires no moving, i wonder whos fault that is?


'Oh no a player is not playing the way i think it should be played so i will cry about camping and spamming 4 because i am a no fun allowed person'


Half the time to throw off the AFK timer i have to run around like a ADHD loony because the mechanism doesn't recognize that im killing enemies and using my powers while i stand still because i really do not have to move to do this.


Half arsed fix which is lazy at best to appease idiots.

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The problem with AFK is that DE contradicts themselves by having both AFK detection and non-movement based powers existing at the same time.


DE makes powers that encourage not moving and then makes a punishment system to discourage a mechanic that encourages it as regular feature.


Since this whole AFK thing began I've been questioning DE's logic behind this particular system as it really doesn't help anything by punishing both AFKers and actual players, simply because their system doesnt or cant distinguish the difference.

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You can actually gain more energy while in peacemaker with rift walking and energy siphon, that's what my group does, and our mesa usually gains energy faster than he uses it but gets screwed over by the afk system just causing needless complication. So no, it really doesn't work just fine.




Unlike most warframes with toggle/sustained abilities [banshee's Sound Quake comes to mind], Mesa's Peacemaker doesn't prevent her from getting more energy. Limbo Rift + Mesa Peacemaker is one of the favored tactics out there, since Peacemaker is an ability, and ignores the 'no weapon damage while in rift'. Energy orbs will give back energy, but Trinity's Energy vamp, and team Energy Siphon will not give energy back. I forget if Team Energy Restore does or doesn't though.


Mesa using her Peacemaker was actually what caused the community to find out about the AFK system in the first place; Normal missions usually are finished in under 2 minutes, and if someone afks in the void, the team usually leaves and gets someone else. As a result...Again, players looked at this not as anti-afk, since if you're afk losing energy gain isn't going to do anything to you, but anti Mesa and anti farming. 


You know what I have to say to people that die and get marked as afk?




Seriously though, I think that people who die shouldn't get banned and if they are... then they really REALLY should look at the AFK detection system. 


People who are marked as AFK keep the rewards they were alive to obtain [unless I'm wrong, feel free to correct] so... I feel like that's balanced in terms of player skill.  Yes there are some situations that can lead to you getting wrecked, but a pound of precaution [bringing 'bullet sponges' or specters and team-heal restores]  and preventative measures [taking cover, sticking close, not falling behind, and utilizing the block mechanic] can be worth a ounce of cure [aka not dying]


Was waiting for that XD Troll Kranky is the best. 


To those that will really say 'git gud', there's still plenty in this game that will randomly kill you for no clear reason. Right now, Bombard Rockets are bugged, and if you touch them [get physical damage instead of an explosion] because of the trigger bug, you get over 30k damage. Then there's the Stalker, Manics, Laser traps, and other high damage targets that tend to be bs.....Oh, and falling through the floor because you know BUUUUUUGS~ Tell me how I get good at not falling through the map :P 


Yes, you do get rewards from when you were alive [pickups, round rewards, survival rewards, cashes, ect.] but after the 2 minute mark you get nothing. That said, I'm more concerned about the newer players than the older ones. Sure, you can bring specters, team heals, things of that nature.....If you have them in the first place. New players don't; they get S#&$ty frames, with barely any health, expected to fight Grinner that proc slash every five seconds, so shields are moot, then fight bosses and get death marks from a guy that cheats in extremis [has 3 lives, every attack basically is an instant-gib, is immune to warframe powers, oh and he breaks your buffs, enjoy] and who instantly kills you if you are 'downed' by him.


So all new players can expect to get AFK status a lot, and be threatened with a ban because hey, afk system. And keep in mind, even at high levels, death is inevitable. There are going to be times where you just have to accept death, and know there's nothing you could have done about it. Like getting a syndicate team after enemies are already lvl 75, or falling through the map because someone turned off physics. 

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Looking at the description here, it seems the bigger factor is numerous reports of afk/leeching behaviour, not the afk lock.

That implies multiple report, and then someone at DE support looking at game logs to see if they were actually being a scumbag or not.

And in that case it is usually pretty easy to make the distinction


If that's the case, then that's fine, it actually shows they are paying attention.


that said, I don't think most people get reported. For that matter, I don't think most people know how to report in this game. There's no built in report feature, and there's nothing even pointing where to report. Don't get me wrong, it's good that they have a report system [some games don't], and if-- IF they are sending these out due to reports, then that's great....But I have my doubts.


What we need here is some transparency. We need a full explanation on: 


A, how they are determining who is 'leeching' and will qualify for being banned and getting these messages




B, how the AFK system works in full. 


We do understand how the AFK system works in part, but....We also don't know what it completely does because DE likes to keep everyone in the dark, even when they update enemies and bosses [see stalker]. 

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i don't know how to read

Energy Vampire or Energy Orbs being pulled to you can supply more Energy, but Peacemaker is incapable of being considered AFK even if you use your entire Energy Pool.

it works just fine provided you aren't actively attempting to abuse the game - which, people are. using your entire Energy Pool still doesn't trigger it. adding in methods of abuse does exactly what you'd expect. when deliberately abusing the game, then don't be surprised.

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it works just fine provided you aren't actively attempting to abuse the game - which, people are. using your entire Energy Pool still doesn't trigger it. adding in methods of abuse does exactly what you'd expect. when deliberately abusing the game, then don't be surprised.



Disclaimer: I HATE the pull augment


However...  :/  Pulling energy towards a Mesa extends the time period.  :c

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just as a general statement to not anyone in particular, if reading the words i'm saying is too difficult, then pressing the quote button on me should be avoided.

i have no intentions of discussing knee jerk reactions without any factual basis. or, statements that i have clearly already made and explained.

Edited by taiiat
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it works just fine provided you aren't actively attempting to abuse the game - which, people are. using your entire Energy Pool still doesn't trigger it. adding in methods of abuse does exactly what you'd expect. when deliberately abusing the game, then don't be surprised.

And yet its not at all abusing anything since everything is working exactly as the devs wanted it to. As I said above, they are simply putting 2 conflicting, but also intended, features in the game and thats the problem

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it works just fine provided you aren't actively attempting to abuse the game - which, people are. using your entire Energy Pool still doesn't trigger it. adding in methods of abuse does exactly what you'd expect. when deliberately abusing the game, then don't be surprised.


you're right, using your abilities doesn't trigger it. It doesn't trigger the system telling it you're not AFK <w< Please learn to read; The system give 0 fuks if you kill anything, use your abilities, or even do objectives such as hacking. All it cares about is if you move. That is all.


Before you open your mouth again, and tell people off as you have been, research what you're talking about and know it. You clearly don't. You proved that with your post about energy pools; Guess what, you can regain energy! Please, go read up on how the AFK detection system works before telling people how it does; You're blatantly wrong. 


And please, oh please so we can laugh at you some more, tell us how using our abilities, that were programmed into the game, is abusing the game. I would love to hear this. 

Edited by Gigaus
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you're right, using your abilities doesn't trigger it.

The system give 0 fuks if you kill anything, use your abilities, or even do objectives such as hacking. All it cares about is if you move. That is all.

still false!

standing still using Abilities? yes you can be pinned as AFK.

but EITHER moving or attacking/killing Enemies with a Weapon is fine.

interacting with Terminals? i couldn't tell you. i neither have factual information whether that is a factor nor do i stand around in front of a Terminal and wait to be considered AFK and then see if i'm not after interacting with it.

my sources are 100% reliable, 'straight from the horses mouth', what are yours? not as reliable as that, i can tell you that much.

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still false!

standing still using Abilities? yes you can be pinned as AFK.

but EITHER moving or attacking/killing Enemies with a Weapon is fine.

interacting with Terminals? i couldn't tell you. i neither have factual information whether that is a factor nor do i stand around in front of a Terminal and wait to be considered AFK and then see if i'm not after interacting with it.

my sources are 100% reliable, 'straight from the horses mouth', what are yours? not as reliable as that, i can tell you that much.

So you're telling us that using an ability that plants you in one spot for an extended period of time by design and can also be enhanced by teammates to last longer  by design is an abuse that has every right to be considered AFK?

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an ability that plants you in one spot for an extended period of timeby design

which is a mistake to have.

between either improving the Ability so it is more engaging to use and healthier for the game or any other choice related to this, that is the right choice to make.

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still false!

standing still using Abilities? yes you can be pinned as AFK.

but EITHER moving or attacking/killing Enemies with a Weapon is fine.

interacting with Terminals? i couldn't tell you. i neither have factual information whether that is a factor nor do i stand around in front of a Terminal and wait to be considered AFK and then see if i'm not after interacting with it.

my sources are 100% reliable, 'straight from the horses mouth', what are yours? not as reliable as that, i can tell you that much.


wrong dingus. It's ONLY moving. 


Let me explain this again. You are flagged as AFK if you don't move. Nothing else is used as the criteria.


Once you are flagged as AFK, either moving a long distance away, usually 3 rooms, OR killing an enemy will get the flag removed.


And since your 'source' is 'the horses mouth', which would mean the developer...How about you get them to post and confirm this bs you're saying? There's an idea, because right now, everything you're saying is contradictory to what everyone else knows by practice. We've had people go out and test what causes a person to be flagged AFK, repeatedly, and know for a fact that killing enemies doesn't stop you from being flagged-- We have flipping VIDEOS of this out there. So either you're lying...or, more likely, you were fed a line and lied to. Pick one. 



which is a mistake to have.

between either improving the Ability so it is more engaging to use and healthier for the game or any other choice related to this, that is the right choice to make.


Oh...so you're saying that the developers made a mistake in how they designed their game, and that by adding these abilities and us using them we're abusing the game-- no, yeah, that totally makes sense. confirmed troll



Anyway, that one aside, has anyone else received any of these messages, or know what qualifies a person to be threatened with a ban?

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So you're telling us that using an ability that plants you in one spot for an extended period of time by design and can also be enhanced by teammates to last longer by design is an abuse that has every right to be considered AFK?

In all honesty, if you are standing in one place for over two minutes then you deserve to be tazed for being afk.

You may be 'helping' but you are not personally interacting with the game.

And honestly, that is pretty much equivalent to being afk.

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Tell that to anyone who runs t4 defense or survival with Mesa. You'll get yelled at badly. 

They're dumb, moving around a few feet between every wave is good in defense, in survival, just do it occasionally too. It's not the end of the world. Unless you're using greedy mag, you'd have to pick stuff up anyways. If they're using greedy mag and just pressing 4, they might as well be afk honestly.

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In all honesty, if you are standing in one place for over two minutes then you deserve to be tazed for being afk.

You may be 'helping' but you are not personally interacting with the game.

And honestly, that is pretty much equivalent to being afk.

The point I'm making is that DE has put 2 conflicting features/mechanics in the game.


Staying in that one spot was designed that way according to how one can mod their mesa not to mention using outside forces like limbo to increase energy to stay still for longer. It's DE's own mod system and synergy between frames that is causing this by their own intention of how their system is supposed to work.


They have also put AFK tracking in the game intentionally that also contradicts the other intentional design of the statement above.


Now I'm not saying its right or wrong to play the way that I stated, I'm just saying that AFK and the intentional mechanics of the game are conflicting eachother and punishing the player for technically playing the game how it was intended in the case of Mesa and any other frames that use abilites that stay still for long periods of time.

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What about interception? I use hydroid and just play poddle the whole time...will i get marked as AFK? But thats part of STRATEGY...

You cannot know what is gonna happen during your playtime, that you have to be AFK for indefinite time, this might happen in the middle of the game,or beginning, be it dinner,lunch,toilet,...

This is frustrating.....

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