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Do You Use Channeling Mods With A Energy Penalty?


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Lifestrike is the only one I've considered using, though I still haven't really got round to using it as I prefer quick melee mode mostly for the flexibility. I value energy far more however so unless I simultaneously stack channel efficiency mods, I'm not likely to put on any -Efficiency other than Life Strike on weapons like the D.Nikana/Dakra Prime which are highly efficient for the energy cost. Playing melee only I would only really use channeling if I had max efficiency on it anyway, I simply find 5 energy per hit too expensive.


Perhaps thats because I play solo and dont have trinity/greedy mag spewing out energy constantly though.

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I use them on specific builds, like 100% status chance build with enduring strike I think it's called, the one that gives extra status chance, with the 4 dual stay mods it brings status proc of some melee weapons to 100%. Life strike sometimes, on specific builds, that's about it.

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Channeling mods require that you have you melee equipped.

-> Never use them.


If playing dedicated melee, I'm either looking for a single big hit, or channeling 24/7.

Big hit - Maxed Life Strike. Boom, full, stop channeling.

24/7 - lolno. The increased effect is A) hugely worse than the general use mods and B) waaay to expensive to sustain.

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Newbies count though

Just invite them to a friendly Void mission. Gain their trust, irriditate yourself then axe all of them.

What...No....Thats cruel!!


On topic-


I don't use Channel mods. Because you need to equip melee. But most of the times,I just quick melee. So, not a reason why I should use channel mods in general.

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