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De Please Answer Us! Will You Buff Any Contents Inside The Founder Pack?


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As a founder, I would love Excalibur Prime to get a "Prime Buff", but at the same time, I understand that some people would feel cheated out of the "Superior Version Excalibur".


It's hard to find a middleground, and whatever DE decides, someone is going to complain either way.




That said, if someone is gonna complain either way, I'd gladly take a buff to my Exca Prime and ignore the inevitable hate left in the dust of my superior Warframe!

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As far as a statistical buff, I can't see anything being done to the Skana or Lato. But for the frame who-must-not-be-named, whenever we get those prime passives DE has already said they want to put in, I'd hope they would be consistent and give prime passives to all prime Warframes. Excalibur Prime is not a skin, he is a different Warframe, he should not be treated as a cosmetic skin and be entirely statistically identical for regular Excalibur. Again, only if/when the prime passives ever get finished and put in. I just want consistency.


Seperately, I'd hope all my swanky gear will also get PBR'd (if it hasn't already, I haven't used them in a while since the whole PBR'ing started.)

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Founder Primes are more like showoff for your support of the game. Excalibur Prime will get same rework as regular ones. As for weapons, if DE buffs them, they will be giving people that already cry "GIB FOUNDER ITEMS FOR FREE" another reason to cry even more.

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I wouldn't mind them making Excalibur Prime look a little more... well, Prime. I don't want any buffs or upgrades or better stats just for being a founder. A more advanced skin would be fun, though.

Yeah I'm up for a texture rework if anything.

Edited by Naith
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i would not be against the fabled Shield Regen speed boost actually being true.

and the Weapons, i fail to see a problem with them being acceptably viable Weapons. "must be terrible because it's shiny" is a funny double standard since if they had a shiny thing in their hand they'd complain if it wasn't Overpowered.

more things being unique and viable is healthy for any game, less, not.

it's a simple black and white there. as many things as possible should be different, unique, and viable.

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People will be upset no matter what. I just want an answer from DE. They have been ignoring this topic for far too long.

De are not ignoring the matter. You just have supported the game (like a donation) and got a present from De. All exclusive stuff must be cosmetic, this is the rule of the game or if you want a buff for them you will share exca prime with all the community, just choose.

Edited by LordCloud00
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When the non-founder equivalents are buffed, Im pretty sure the founder stuff will be buffed too. Problem is, Founder stuff is all Low-End hardware, so its never going to get much of a buff. Its Swag only at this point.


That being said, Im still Jelly as all hell. :)

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^ half of this post is full of founders, I know a lot of non-founders are ok with this too, but there are many repercusions


Plus we're talking about buffing a primed starter weapon, I'm fine with buffing it like the braton prime, but don't make it too OP like the braton prime(Because people use it too much in conclave and random missions)

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I personally find it HILARIOUS that people who are not founders say no....as if it affects you in any way.

Fact is that Excal Prime IS a Prime so he SHOULD be on even terms with ALL Primes,period.

I say leave the weapons alone...They're mastery fodder at this point (for many,not all,but many),as better weapons exist and will keep coming.

Other frames get buffs when they're Primed so Excal should too...his Exclusive status being ONLY for how he was obtained.

I'll keep using mine regardless,but my OPINION is that he should be on even terms with EVERY Prime.

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De are not ignoring the matter. You just have supported the game (like a donation) and got a present from De. All exclusive stuff must be cosmetic, this is the rule of the game or if you want a buff for them you will share exca prime with all the community, just choose.

Skana and Lato Prime are superior to their nonprime variants.

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I personally find it HILARIOUS that people who are not founders say no....as if it affects you in any way.

Fact is that Excal Prime IS a Prime so he SHOULD be on even terms with ALL Primes,period.

I say leave the weapons alone...They're mastery fodder at this point (for many,not all,but many),as better weapons exist and will keep coming.

Other frames get buffs when they're Primed so Excal should too...his Exclusive status being ONLY for how he was obtained.

I'll keep using mine regardless,but my OPINION is that he should be on even terms with EVERY Prime.

Excalibur situation aside, he is. One extra polarity, quasi-semiworking regen, energy from Void Orbs, gold bits. Seems rather similar to other primes.

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De are not ignoring the matter. You just have supported the game (like a donation) and got a present from De. All exclusive stuff must be cosmetic, this is the rule of the game or if you want a buff for them you will share exca prime with all the community, just choose.

But... But it's not cosmetic, they aren't skins. They are separate items.

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