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Gender Selection


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The Tenno are the only beings we know of that ever went into cryo. There's no evidence at all behind the theory that they're not Tenno.


Even if the people in the defense mission cryopods somehow weren't Tenno, then we can conclude that the Tenno either do not have a gender, or that the Tenno's gender has no relation to the gender of their warframes. You can still have the Tenno you play as be/identify as any gender you want them to.

There's no solid evidence supporting that the ones in cryopods are Tenno either, so ill just stick to the belief that they're not.

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Why not let us chose the gender of the frame we're playing? it wouldn't hurt the game at all they would still have the same name and theme. I know a lot of people don't care about playing female characters and such but it's just not my thing.


A while back when the team did have this idea, but ultimately it was eventually scrapped. Which in turn was the result of what we have Nyx today.

During the early stages of Nyx, she was practically identical to Excalibur, with the only major difference being body shape. Hence the scrapped idea into a more fleshed out character.

Long story short. It's a design choice. Not necessarily because it was "too much work" or it's "just lazy design" sortofspeak.


Personally I never understood that American(?) mentality (pardon me for the American part. It's more of a Western thing in general), of having gender-swapping, create your own character to the way you want it, etc.

In many games, if that's the design choice of creating your own character, then in most cases, it works just fine. But many other games like Warframe, and other genre's like (an example)RPGS like Final Fantasy, Disgaea, Mass Effect, Tales of, Persona, etc, these games wouldn't have been as impactful and important as they are today if it wasn't for the artist's vision of their own characters in this expansive world they created within their medium. I know it's just a difference of culture and philosophy, but my point still stands.


I guess what I'm getting at is, I know plenty of people who thinks its just "lazy design" or whatnot. Honestly, then they completely missed the entire point. This especially goes into Warframe's case as well. It's an intentional design choice, which quite frankly, was for the better. The main thing that brought me into this game was seeing these amazing designs, reading codex entries like Rhino's or Mirage's quest, just to name a few. So in other words, where Warframe is currently today, it would definitely hurt the game for how they designed it and everything they have set up in between.



But eh, the hell do I know.

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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Why not let us chose the gender of the frame we're playing? it wouldn't hurt the game at all they would still have the same name and theme. I know a lot of people don't care about playing female characters and such but it's just not my thing.


You are not playing female characters you are wearing an armor that looks like a female.


Basically this.



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There's no solid evidence supporting that the ones in cryopods are Tenno either, so ill just stick to the belief that they're not.


As previously stated, Tenno are the only beings we know about that ever went into cryo. We know that Tenno went into cryo, and we have no evidence that anyone else did, so therefore, we can assume that the people in defense mission cryopods are Tenno.

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You are not playing female characters you are wearing an armor that looks like a female.




Well except for the ones who ARE playing female characters that are wearing male armor. But six one way half a dozen another.


Moreover I just wanted to say that image made me chuckle.

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Well except for the ones who ARE playing female characters that are wearing male armor. But six one way half a dozen another.




Of course, but the OP sounds like a man so i said it like that plus. . .


Moreover I just wanted to say that image made me chuckle.


i wanted to use that image cause i did make me laugh, too.

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A while back when the team did have this idea, but ultimately it was eventually scrapped. Which in turn was the result of what we have Nyx today.

During the early stages of Nyx, she was practically identical to Excalibur, with the only major difference being body shape. Hence the scrapped idea into a more fleshed out character.

Long story short. It's a design choice. Not necessarily because it was "too much work" or it's "just lazy design" sortofspeak.


Personally I never understood that American(?) mentality (pardon me for the American part. It's more of a Western thing in general), of having gender-swapping, create your own character to the way you want it, etc.

In many games, if that's the design choice of creating your own character, then in most cases, it works just fine. But many other games like Warframe, and other genre's like (an example)RPGS like Final Fantasy, Disgaea, Mass Effect, Tales of, Persona, etc, these games wouldn't have been as impactful and important as they are today if it wasn't for the artist's vision of their own characters in this expansive world they created within their medium. I know it's just a difference of culture and philosophy, but my point still stands.


I guess what I'm getting at is, I know plenty of people who thinks its just "lazy design" or whatnot. Honestly, then they completely missed the entire point. This especially goes into Warframe's case as well. It's an intentional design choice, which quite frankly, was for the better. The main thing that brought me into this game was seeing these amazing designs, reading codex entries like Rhino's or Mirage's quest, just to name a few. So in other words, where Warframe is currently today, it would definitely hurt the game for how they designed it and everything they have set up in between.



But eh, the hell do I know.

I kind of agree. I could understand if you make choices, have dialog character reputation, etc. But in Warframe gender means literally nothing. No female voice, behavior, etc.

Most games don't let you choose gender. Most RPGs, action, adventure, etc. Counterstrike, CoD, Halo did not have gender options. Only MMOrpgs was it really common. And a few recent RPGs, bioware, have the option. Diablo 3 was the first in the series that had 2 gender options and I didn't see a benefit to gameplay.

If gender gets added people would just ask for body type options, etc.

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As previously stated, Tenno are the only beings we know about that ever went into cryo. We know that Tenno went into cryo, and we have no evidence that anyone else did, so therefore, we can assume that the people in defense mission cryopods are Tenno.

Make assumptions and put stuff together, but again, there's no strict solid evidence saying Tenno are in the pods currently in defense missions. I'll just stick to that.

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Ladies, gentleman, things, organisms, machinery, please.


I think it's very obvious we're really playing sentient slime peoples. Gender and sex is irrelevant when you can be either, both, and any imaginable and unimaginable combination.

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A while back when the team did have this idea, but ultimately it was eventually scrapped. Which in turn was the result of what we have Nyx today.

During the early stages of Nyx, she was practically identical to Excalibur, with the only major difference being body shape. Hence the scrapped idea into a more fleshed out character.

Long story short. It's a design choice. Not necessarily because it was "too much work" or it's "just lazy design" sortofspeak.


Personally I never understood that American(?) mentality (pardon me for the American part. It's more of a Western thing in general), of having gender-swapping, create your own character to the way you want it, etc.

In many games, if that's the design choice of creating your own character, then in most cases, it works just fine. But many other games like Warframe, and other genre's like (an example)RPGS like Final Fantasy, Disgaea, Mass Effect, Tales of, Persona, etc, these games wouldn't have been as impactful and important as they are today if it wasn't for the artist's vision of their own characters in this expansive world they created within their medium. I know it's just a difference of culture and philosophy, but my point still stands.


I guess what I'm getting at is, I know plenty of people who thinks its just "lazy design" or whatnot. Honestly, then they completely missed the entire point. This especially goes into Warframe's case as well. It's an intentional design choice, which quite frankly, was for the better. The main thing that brought me into this game was seeing these amazing designs, reading codex entries like Rhino's or Mirage's quest, just to name a few. So in other words, where Warframe is currently today, it would definitely hurt the game for how they designed it and everything they have set up in between.



But eh, the hell do I know.


I think it's fair to blame crazy feminists (just to be clear, I'm not lumping all feminists together) for this. If there isn't a way to play as a female there's whining and moaning and *@##$ing. I mean, just watch that one crazy lady on youtube that completely over analyzes every design choice in every game ever made and twisting it to be because of misogenic reasons. I mean, it surely couldn't be because at the time those games were made gaming was considered a male thing and in order for companies to maximize profits they would make games that would appeal to the male audience. There's no way that could be it!

Edited by Avenwing
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And that is why I, as a straight male, can enjoy Excalibutt :p

There is no shame to be had being straight male and enjoying excalibutt :D However, we all know that new booty king is tyl regor. Anyways OP, why? Does playing as female shatter your masculinity?

anyways all jokes aside, it have been stated many,many times before they wont do it. It is waste of time for them, as time what they would spend on gender selection would nearly halt creations of totally new frames.

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I STILL am waiting for a solid example if how this would look.

Seriously just give me one good design of a warframe. Let's see.

I choose Mirage. Go. Go on. Make me a serious, DE-Level of acceptance warframe concept.

Want to influence Mynki and Steve? Then this is the only way to do it.

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This is something a lot of people would like to have, but its sadly just not ever happening... it would cost way too much at this point. Skins are about the only way, and they have sort of given us some options like that, and maybe we'll get more in the future. For example, with the recent Nyx Nemesis Skin, looked a lot more like a dude than normal Nyx... 

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Personally I never understood that American(?) mentality (pardon me for the American part. It's more of a Western thing in general), of having gender-swapping, create your own character to the way you want it, etc.

In many games, if that's the design choice of creating your own character, then in most cases, it works just fine. But many other games like Warframe, and other genre's like (an example)RPGS like Final Fantasy, Disgaea, Mass Effect, Tales of, Persona, etc, these games wouldn't have been as impactful and important as they are today if it wasn't for the artist's vision of their own characters in this expansive world they created within their medium. I know it's just a difference of culture and philosophy, but my point still stands.


I guess what I'm getting at is, I know plenty of people who thinks its just "lazy design" or whatnot. Honestly, then they completely missed the entire point. This especially goes into Warframe's case as well. It's an intentional design choice, which quite frankly, was for the better. The main thing that brought me into this game was seeing these amazing designs, reading codex entries like Rhino's or Mirage's quest, just to name a few. So in other words, where Warframe is currently today, it would definitely hurt the game for how they designed it and everything they have set up in between.


Not American and I only think DE should build different forms for Warframes if they think the setting supports it and it's fiscally viable.




I think it's very important to distinguish between a _character_ (As in  Final Fantasy, Disgaea, Mass Effect, Tales of, Persona as you mention) and a Warframe, which is a suit. More specifically "Exo-armour" (as per the Warframe web site)


The reason people ask about the visible gender/shape is because we have _one_ character per account and many Warframes, and yet the shapes of the Warframes differ. The "Mirage" you find out about in the quest is a single Tenno who last wore that suit (Maybe the only Tenno to have worn it, we don't know) but then _our_ Tenno make a new suit for themselves. Until we-the-players have a clear understanding of what it means to be a Tenno-in-a-Warframe and what it means to change Warframe this issue will keep coming up.

Edited by SilentMobius
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Release the alternate versions as skins requiring platinum to purchase. Boom, revenue source.

Then the players who refuse to play certan genders complain about the 'new pay wall' certan frames are behind.

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Release the alternate versions as skins requiring platinum to purchase. Boom, revenue source.


Also, remember that the Nemesis Nyx and Proto Excalibur cost 150p each. Those were 100% ready-made sculpts, the just needed a couple of changes and re-rigging.


How much do you think a full re-sculpt would cost, 200p, 250p? You're talking about the majority of the development time of a Warframe (Sculpt, UV, retopo, rigging, texture, tintmaps) So any mesh-swaps (the word "skin" should be reserved for texture-only assets) would have a cost very close to a full Warframe.


Do you think the player base would be happy about that?

Edited by SilentMobius
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I think it's very important to distinguish between a _character_ (As in  Final Fantasy, Disgaea, Mass Effect, Tales of, Persona as you mention) and a Warframe, which is a suit. More specifically "Exo-armour" (as per the Warframe web site)


The reason people ask about the visible gender/shape is because we have _one_ character per account and many Warframes, and yet the shapes of the Warframes differ. The "Mirage" you find out about in the quest is a single Tenno who last wore that suit (Maybe the only Tenno to have worn it, we don't know) but then _our_ Tenno make a new suit for themselves. Until we-the-players have a clear understanding of what it means to be a Tenno-in-a-Warframe and what it means to change Warframe this issue will keep coming up.

This. I would be fine with not having male and female versions of the frames if we were playing a cast of different characters, but we're not. We play a single character who wears different suits (which inexplicably give the character a sex change).


Also, remember that the Nemesis Nyx and Proto Excalibur cost 150p each. Those were 100% ready-made sculpts, the just needed a couple of changes and re-rigging.


How much do you think a full re-sculpt would cost, 200p, 250p? You're talking about the majority of the development time of a Warframe (Sculpt, UV, retopo, rigging, texture, tintmaps) So any mesh-swaps (the word "skin" should be reserved for texture-only assets) would have a cost very close to a full Warframe.


Do you think the player base would be happy about that?

I can't speak for other players, but I would pay this amount for female versions of male frames. And I would be willing to accept a reduced rate of new content. The skins/mesh-swaps needn't be released at the same rate as new warframes, just every so often until eventually it catches up.

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I can't speak for other players, but I would pay this amount for female versions of male frames. And I would be willing to accept a reduced rate of new content. The skins/mesh-swaps needn't be released at the same rate as new warframes, just every so often until eventually it catches up.


This is the problem, how many would be happy to pay at that price? enough to break even on the dev costs?


IMHO... I doubt it.

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Im pretty sure I am the only one who have made this attempt so I an going to post it here.

Is this along the lines of what the Pro-gender choice group is talking about?

I made it as a personal challenge to see if it could be done.

I'll let you be the judge.


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