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Who Would Like Mastery Rank Banded Recruitment Channels? Ie 1-10 11-15 16+


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Why go through the trouble of creating multiple tabs when all you have to do is put up a post in 'Looking for a Squad'?  It'd be simpler to outline what you want from your team as well as what you're expecting to accomplish and only get people that are interested in the same.

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I am against it. 



MR is not an accurate measure of skill, and this would further divide the community. There are good and bad players out there and many newcomers develop skill fairly rapidly. 


Having region chat channels is already bad as is, fracturing the community.


I think that there  might be other, better ways to find skilled players to go together.

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So it occurs to me that the game is having trouble holding my interest at rank 18.

The easy solution would be to demand more missions that are challenging but this requires more work on the behalf of DE which I imagine is not easy since they are still refining how the game plays. For sure I'm looking forward to more challenging missions that may require more skill without so much repetition and some tasty rewards. The easiest solution is pvp which is currently undergoing development but how will it develop into something like dota where the variety of playstyle and challenge is unfathomable.


In the mean time there are a bunch of augment mods that are available but finding the right players is a challenge in itself; coupled with the necessity for players to have all corrupted mods to play at the top level. The easiest solution to tempt players into high level, high skill alternative play would be to setup alternative recruitment channels where finding such players would become much easier as an understanding that formaed frames and weapons with corrupted mods can be expected.

This would keep the play for high ranked players fresher while new missions undergo development, probably becoming available with the new star map and the hinted destruction of the void.


Warframe has been a much loved game by myself and I much desire my continued interest in the game. It has one of the best game engines with a generous and least tedious means of acquisition of warframes/heroes and weapons. Playing any other MMO makes them look clunky and stale. I might make a comparison to Neverwinter where there are interesting hero types but it feels awful to play and look at in comparison to Warframe. Having said that, running a dungeon in Neverwinter is quite a profound experience. The current Law of Retribution is definitely a step in the right direction but this is only one mission of its kind with 3 stages where each stage has its own kind of challenge for team synergy. The day when there are 6 or 7 of these would be a good time. When that time comes having the fore-mentioned recruitment channels, to ease game setup and tempt players to progress to high level play will be much appreciated in my opinion. How many times would you like to remind people of the value of cp, or the need for overextended on Mag or for efficiency on Mesa?

I suggest 1-10 for basic mission runs for noobs who havnt done there vault runs and are unpracticed in the game.

11-15 for those who have a variety of warframes and weapons with corrupted mods at some decent level with some augmented mods.

16+ for those players who have access to almost everything and probably have some primed mods for whom the game is their oyster.

An alternative banding might be 1-8 and 9-15 and 16+

Or 1-9 and 10+.

The thread is open for discussion Tenno.


i bet you are one of these mr19 guys who like to go afk in every mission :) no its absoultely unneccesary because everyone should have an equal chance to join missions and learn how to play the game, also some missions require a more experienced player (or some with better weapons atleast)


ALSO mastery rank doesnt mean anything since i've seen alot rank 4 players doing better than rank 10-19 ones

Edited by Hellfire616
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I regularly join recruitments for 15+ trials and always trying my best for the run to go as smooth as fast as possible.

The trial is quite fun. Looking forward to more. The archwing demo with boss looks very interesting.

I have the same attitude for all my missions wanting to run with a speed nova, getting a disarm loki on grineer excavation, getting a vauban on interception. Just using the many ways DE have provided us to run our missions with strategic though given the warframes at our disposal.  But am I really the topic for discussion? I would like to hope not.

How could there be segregation if the option is there for all MR levels to party up as well? In addition no one is stopping anyone else from reaching MR 15, its completely optional. You don't have to get MR15 and party up with MR 15 players if you don't want to, there is free choice.

In having the new recruit channel there is the incentive for higher level play for those below and above the threshold and a chance for more reliable players. Not guranteed for sure but as Ive seen most 15+ trials go, its a good threshold to be looking at. So overall with this incentive gameplay could only get better and more diverse as new strategies could develop there too.

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haha how funny reading all these comments here and when it comes to in game recruit chat, all i see was


H>Raid experienced only, no noobs

H>NM raid MR 15+ only


when it comes to raids nobody want to recruit low MR players specially NM one ..why?


all the mr 4 and mr 5 good players 90% mostly dupe accounts or friends helping them..only 10% are good solo players which u might met..

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Very unnecessary.


Not that the idea is absolutely horrible, but how you have tried to divide the playerbase. Before I begin, I'm also against the idea of making MR relevant in player skill and experience. I'm still not saying MR doesn't matter 100% when it comes to skill, since low MR can imply a player is new hence less skilled.


So I don't agree that MR 1-10 should be considered to be in some similar spectrum of playerbase, if you associate words like "Noobs" and "unpracticed"


Also, I'm one of the people who believe MR doesn't do anything significant if a player is out of the beginner stages, from MR 0 to around 6~8. You can't profile people around MR 12 and say they will most likely have less mods and lower ranks than MR 19. That isn't necessarily true, and it is very misleading, since I have had maxed out corrupted mods and most of my warframes when I was MR 10~11. I just ranked up the ones I didn't like/care and reached MR 19, without a clear upgrade in the quality of mods or gameplay skills. I just.. played more and have more knowledge about warframe builds I guess?


So if I were to implement that, I would definitely make a recruit chat for people around MR 0~6 so that they can recruit other comparably unexperienced people but still let them access other chat options like trading and region. Other than that, I see no point in dividing people around MR 10~15 and 16+. They really aren't different at all. No point in dividing chat further.

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haha how funny reading all these comments here and when it comes to in game recruit chat, all i see was


H>Raid experienced only, no noobs

H>NM raid MR 15+ only


when it comes to raids nobody want to recruit low MR players specially NM one ..why?


all the mr 4 and mr 5 good players 90% mostly dupe accounts or friends helping them..only 10% are good solo players which u might met..


some people dont even lvl their MR up even if they are experienced, met alot of them and met alot rusher MR19 people that cant handle any type of mission

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some people dont even lvl their MR up even if they are experienced, met alot of them and met alot rusher MR19 people that cant handle any type of mission

You know, everytime someone says this, I really wonder how much of this is true, since I know I have played over 1k hours and reached MR 19, but I honestly have not seen many skilled players at MR 4 or around there. They just don't have enough gears most of the time. Not saying you are telling a lie, since I do see them very rarely. I want statistics on this...

But before that, I'd like to say that what you argue is a very rare occurrence within the community and that it probably doesn't prove a whole lot, since we have hundreds of thousands of playerbase. Just something I wanted to say when someone argues this.

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MR is just about gear , has nothing to do with skill.

So having a system based on how many guns you have or frames you've built is pointless.

But what about MR 0 to 4 people who are mostly new to the game? Comparing them to MR 10+ and say they have skill differences does make sense to an extent. The system does have a point if it's used for new players. Low MR does have some accuracy in indicating player skill, much more so than high MR where it doesn't matter at all.

Beyond that it's pointless.

Edited by Chuck_NoMiss
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I'm sitting on MR14 with all frames avaible and enough weapons I like to play with, does that make me a newbie/noob? By having all frames+best weapons you'll end up with 8-9 MR, would such person be a noob/newbie? Now there might be MR 18 with 4 frames and 1 weapon of each type (melee, primary and secondary) + 1 sentinel.

Question is how are you supposed to know who is better suited for your party based on "Grinder Rank" because you should know by now that most affinity in MR is just exp fodder that will be forgotten after it hits 30.

Conclave seems like a lot better idea to get someone "strong" than MR.

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You know, everytime someone says this, I really wonder how much of this is true, since I know I have played over 1k hours and reached MR 19, but I honestly have not seen many skilled players at MR 4 or around there. They just don't have enough gears most of the time. Not saying you are telling a lie, since I do see them very rarely. I want statistics on this...

But before that, I'd like to say that what you argue is a very rare occurrence within the community and that it probably doesn't prove a whole lot, since we have hundreds of thousands of playerbase. Just something I wanted to say when someone argues this.


in my experience in about the same amount of playtime as you, is: the most MR18 - 19 people are lazy in missions or are beginner unfriendly (im not saying all are but there are alot) also i dont say rank 0 people are better than everyone else, the rank 0-6 people get a beginner status for me, but that doesnt mean they are bad. You got to see that you can have decent gear on MR4 if you dont just lvl everything up and get good weapons and equipment lvled up instead.

Edited by Hellfire616
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I hate to say this but Mastery rank means nothing...


I have maxed weapons and Frames and for the most part I barely used the frames or never even once actually used the weapons.


MR in no way means your "skilled" at this game.


You either play with people you know have the skill level you want or take your chances in a PUG.


There is just a social aspect to the game that can't be replaced with math.

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in my experience in about the same amount of playtime as you, is: the most MR18 - 19 people are lazy in missions or are beginner unfriendly (im not saying all are but there are alot) also i dont say rank 0 people are better than everyone else, the rank 0-6 people get a beginner status for me, but that doesnt mean they are bad. You got to see that you can have decent gear on MR4 if you dont just lvl everything up and get good weapons and equipment lvled up instead.


The problem with that is decent weapons in essense are very high scaling weapons. They need mods to be good. I can tell you out of all my time in the game, if there was a player who was around MR 4 were either a returning old player or actually a new player. Neither of them had a good set of mods required to make a good weapon.


I don't know about you, since you say you saw 'a lot' of high MR players who are lazy and unfriendly, but I almost never see them. Could be because I watch people play on twitch.tv and try to help them out, and I see other high MR players also help people with their knowledge. Just thought I had to say because when people say high MR players are rude and all that, I think it's pretty unfair in my perspective. I see where you're coming from though.

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omg you MR mother****s are everywhere! seriously!


one of you S.O.Bs bout called me a hacker just for having a frost prime! literally had to explain what greenlight was.


please! PLEASE! JUST stop with this B.S. and play. MR is like power levels in DBZ: B.S

Edited by helix.hex
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I like the idea, but not in the way that you present it.


I would like a MR 1-7 recruitment channel, and then a MR 8+ channel.


While MR is not necessarily indicative of player skill, it shows dedication to the game, and having a high MR (15+) shows that you care about the game enough to branch out instead of just doing "your favorite thing" for everything with no regards to the team.


MR essentially shows what content you have access to, which is why it is more important than say a meaningless level. If a MR 19 joins my farm/raid/surv/def, I know that he probably has multiple builds he can swap to if need be. This MR19 most likely has many guns forma'd, as well as many top-tier mods maxed. If I asked him, he most likely has a disarm loki, a frost, a bless/ev trin, a mesa, and other commonly sought after builds he could swap to.

Conversely if a MR4 Rhino joins, it is not a crazy idea that maybe this Rhino has nothing really amazing to show besides his Rhino. If he wanted to be viable for a multitude of missions, he would not be MR 4.


So yes, I agree with the addition of MR separated chat channels, but only for two categories. MR1-7 and MR8+. In my opinion, MR8+ is enough to show that you care more than your Rhino/Boltor.


However, the ability to see player MR in the existing chat client would make separated MR channels unnecessary. It is odd how this has still not been added yet.

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I'm going to say yes but only on the grounds that it is a simple filter.

Or we could simply have a vote kick system...

Coming from an MR 11



"I love it when people rant against high MR players because they will usually use anecdotal evidence, generalizations, and dismiss context entirely.

No, the simple fact if the matter is that most high MR players will have more knowledge and better gear compared to lower MRs."

Edited by (XB1)ShapelessHorr0r
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