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Who Would Like Mastery Rank Banded Recruitment Channels? Ie 1-10 11-15 16+


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The skill of players isn't tied with mastery rank and neither is the quality of the equips, anything past 3 or 4 can have the same decent builds as 18 or 19.




The actual good warframe players will do any mission with any team lineup and they will not rely on MR, if you rely on MR you are already subpar, making tabs only exclusive to certain MR players may be considered as a blacklist, or in other words the players that will need to be avoided.

It will literally solve nothing because the bad players that use the tabs will only find bad players, the good ones will stay out.

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This would be nice, because usually when I see a higher MR my trust towards that person increases. So knowing I will inv someone that is one level less than me or two levels more than me, will be nicer than inviting someone that turns out to be mr2 with lvl 15-20 gear.

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MR 19 here. Why would I, someone who levelled all the frames and weapons because I enjoy them, want to be lumped in with a bunch of people who ground Draco until they hated the game? Not only is MR a completely useless gauge of skill and knowledge, but it can't even band players together by similar views, interests and playstyles. As others have said: it would be a completely useless addition that would only foster elitism and promote grinding weapons you don't enjoy to be able to even play the game.

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I am offended by this categorisation and this method of loose classification of player skill and gear. The only way you'll know if a player the gear you proclaim as 'end-game', is that you enquire the person personally. Not everybody would have every weapon or warframe, since by no small measure the chances of the player in particular owning a certain weapon or warframe is dependant on the player's preferences. I myself am a MR9, and i do have enough mastery points to rank up, i choose not to move to the next rank as there is little meaning in mastery rank in requirements in regards to crafting certain weapons past MR8. The gear i prefer for melee is my Scindo Prime, even though you may argue that the only way to go is that i must have a Tipedo to even be worthy of recruitment. 

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Recruit people with a specific goal in mind. I'm rank 19 and I considet myself to be very good at this game. I still get the occasional rank 6 or so who found a frame and gear they got comfy with and wrecked some serious face, and put me to shame. MR means nothing. I'd rather have game mechanics scale higher as you progress as opposed to the power creep we have now.

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Mastery rank doesn't determine skill but it does show me your at least familiar with the game. Instead of one we should have two. One for newer players and another for MR 10 up.

No, leave it how it currently is. I am MR9 and I am staying here until something amazing happens that I HAVE to do my mastery rank tests. I can be Mastery rank 10 right now and soon mastery rank 11 with the affinity I have. I choose not to the the tests to show that mastery rank does not matter and my name has a 9 at the end so Ima stay right here. 

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Not that I'm anywhere near max rank, but I reckon they should have a difficulty selection before a mission (Easy, Medium, Hard, Insane, etc) like they do in Destiny. 


Would make a round much harder/easier so pros can get a little challenge and beginners won't get thrashed but would still be able to get decent loot. 


Challenging missions right now are only in the Void and etc places 

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Not that I'm anywhere near max rank, but I reckon they should have a difficulty selection before a mission (Easy, Medium, Hard, Insane, etc) like they do in Destiny. 


Would make a round much harder/easier so pros can get a little challenge and beginners won't get thrashed but would still be able to get decent loot. 


Challenging missions right now are only in the Void and etc places 

Disagree because of this address your issue.



The higher you go, the lonelier you get....

No, the higher you go, the more food you want to eat. :D


Edited by ChloeSakuna
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So it occurs to me that the game is having trouble holding my interest at rank 18.

The easy solution would be to demand more missions that are challenging but this requires more work on the behalf of DE which I imagine is not easy since they are still refining how the game plays. For sure I'm looking forward to more challenging missions that may require more skill without so much repetition and some tasty rewards. The easiest solution is pvp which is currently undergoing development but how will it develop into something like dota where the variety of playstyle and challenge is unfathomable.


In the mean time there are a bunch of augment mods that are available but finding the right players is a challenge in itself; coupled with the necessity for players to have all corrupted mods to play at the top level. The easiest solution to tempt players into high level, high skill alternative play would be to setup alternative recruitment channels where finding such players would become much easier as an understanding that formaed frames and weapons with corrupted mods can be expected.

This would keep the play for high ranked players fresher while new missions undergo development, probably becoming available with the new star map and the hinted destruction of the void.


Warframe has been a much loved game by myself and I much desire my continued interest in the game. It has one of the best game engines with a generous and least tedious means of acquisition of warframes/heroes and weapons. Playing any other MMO makes them look clunky and stale. I might make a comparison to Neverwinter where there are interesting hero types but it feels awful to play and look at in comparison to Warframe. Having said that, running a dungeon in Neverwinter is quite a profound experience. The current Law of Retribution is definitely a step in the right direction but this is only one mission of its kind with 3 stages where each stage has its own kind of challenge for team synergy. The day when there are 6 or 7 of these would be a good time. When that time comes having the fore-mentioned recruitment channels, to ease game setup and tempt players to progress to high level play will be much appreciated in my opinion. How many times would you like to remind people of the value of cp, or the need for overextended on Mag or for efficiency on Mesa?

I suggest 1-10 for basic mission runs for noobs who havnt done there vault runs and are unpracticed in the game.

11-15 for those who have a variety of warframes and weapons with corrupted mods at some decent level with some augmented mods.

16+ for those players who have access to almost everything and probably have some primed mods for whom the game is their oyster.

An alternative banding might be 1-8 and 9-15 and 16+

Or 1-9 and 10+.

The thread is open for discussion Tenno.



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@ Burosan


I won't say where I stand on this for fear of seeing death threats in my inbox, but after reading the several pages of posts, you'll probably have found out that you've opened a bag of worms.


Unfortunately as regards to the issue of MR, a number of people on the forums take their frustrated and unequal real lives onto the internet and hope that egality is found in-game: which of course it is not by the very essence of any sort of leveling system. Giving generalised and unsubstantiated examples of high MR being worse than a relatively lower MR is the norm; the frustrated (and perhaps less knowledgeable) few however fail to recognise that those examples do not disprove that some high MR are better than lower MRs as a matter of formal logic (subaltern).


Whether those frustrated few are employing fallacies as a form of rhetoric or genuinely think it is logically sound I do not know. What I do know is that OP, you should tweak your reasons so that they are not easily misconstrued.

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@ Burosan

I won't say where I stand on this for fear of seeing death threats in my inbox, but after reading the several pages of posts, you'll probably have found out that you've opened a bag of worms.

Unfortunately as regards to the issue of MR, a number of people on the forums take their frustrated and unequal real lives onto the internet and hope that egality is found in-game: which of course it is not by the very essence of any sort of leveling system. Giving generalised and unsubstantiated examples of high MR being worse than a relatively lower MR is the norm; the frustrated (and perhaps less knowledgeable) few however fail to recognise that those examples do not disprove that some high MR are better than lower MRs as a r this nowmatter of formal logic (subaltern).

Whether those frustrated few are employing fallacies as a form of rhetoric or genuinely think it is logically sound I do not know. What I do know is that OP, you should tweak your reasons so that they are not easily misconstrued.


I actually really want this now. You'd simply go to settings and set the bare minimum mastery you're looking for (eg. MR 8). The way I'm seeing it, you'd then go to recruiting and post whatever, but anyone below MR 8 won't be able to see your post.

Or better yet, simply have the mastery rank displayed by the player's name in recruiting (only in recruiting).

OR EVEN BETTER: vote kick system

Edited by (XB1)ShapelessHorr0r
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Disagree because of this address your issue.



No, the higher you go, the more food you want to eat. :D




step one, get Rapier. step two... yeah i think theres only one step in the process.


but on topic, i dont support this idea, because i see no point in investing any time to get past mastery rank 8. thers no real reward for doing it other than saying you have. i stopped at 8 on the console when i first started playing, and i have stopped at 9 on the pc because.. well.. there is no reward for going farther. MR isnt an indicator of skill, nor is it an indicator of knowledge. i've met some pretty terrible MR19s while playing, and that is why i hate the MR system; it can't guarantee that a player is any better than that of a lower rank. only that they have access to more things.


what i would like though, is a kick system that allows me to kick a player before starting the mission. nothing is more awkward than inviting someone only to find out they dont have what they said they did and then asking them to leave... i mean, i could drop group and reinvite, but i feel like this takes control of the party away from the person who is putting it together.


I suggest 1-10 for basic mission runs for noobs who havnt done there vault runs and are unpracticed in the game.

11-15 for those who have a variety of warframes and weapons with corrupted mods at some decent level with some augmented mods.

16+ for those players who have access to almost everything and probably have some primed mods for whom the game is their oyster.

An alternative banding might be 1-8 and 9-15 and 16+

Or 1-9 and 10+.

The thread is open for discussion Tenno.

this is actually a pretty poor split, and bad reasons for having the splits. a good split would be 1-7, and then 8+ limiting the channels to players who dont have access to everything, and those who do. but i think the MR system is a horrible way to segregate the community and i dont support it. at all.
Edited by DrMarlboro
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Allow hosts to temporarily MR lock their squad in the navigation pane.  Invite attempts are automatically rejected if the player does not meet the minimum.  Done.  Seems like an easy and effective solution.  People who disagree with MR restrictions are conveniently sheltered from being stuck in squads with the snobby people.  Everyone wins.

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Allow hosts to temporarily MR lock their squad in the navigation pane.  Invite attempts are automatically rejected if the player does not meet the minimum.  Done.  Seems like an easy and effective solution.  People who disagree with MR restrictions are conveniently sheltered from being stuck in squads with the snobby people.  Everyone wins.

This works as well.

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Are there still people who think Mastery Rank matters? You never heard how it's gained by passive AFK-farming XP in all the Dracos etc?

There are thousands of MR16+ now who have no idea how to play - beyond few cheesy camp strats - or how most frame abilities work. Or how to mod frames or weapons and likely don't have maxed mods either. 

Mastery Rank is a sketchy concept that got completely devalued by the farming exploits of last year. Its (almost) irrelevant now.

Edited by Monolake
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Are there still people who think Mastery Rank matters? You never heard how it's gained by passive AFK-farming XP in all the Dracos etc?

There are thousands of MR16+ now who have no idea how to play - beyond few cheesy camp strats - or how most frame abilities work. Or how to mod frames or weapons and likely don't have maxed mods either. 

Mastery Rank is a sketchy concept that got completely devalued by the farming exploits of last year. Its (almost) irrelevant now.

The game is not hard, it just needs the most basic level of common sense (and communication skills) to do any of the content.  You'll find plenty of people on both sides of this fence no matter the MR.  But MR does tell me that they have the frames (and probably the mods) to do the content the way I as host want to do it.  Not sure how power levelling matters at all in this context.  I have never power levelled and I really don't care if someone did, I'll still ask for a certain MR depending on what I'm doing.


Can't believe this argument keeps happening.

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