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I like the fact that the new movement is more integrateable (is that a word?) with combat.  I dislike that wall running per se seems to have disappeared.  Ideally I would like some elements of the "old new" system they showed before, mixed with this one - directional wall running was a cool thing.


Tbqh, the only problem I ever had with the movement system was the thing that you "bounce off" things you're aiming at if you release spacebar at the wrong time, that was always counter-intuitive to me.  Hitting spacebar once should launch you, then hitting spacebar again near a "bounceable" surface should latch you (grab onto surface), from where you can either hang there or wall run in any direction while holding spacebar, then releasing spacebar should set you bouncing around again (because you've jumped).


IOW bouncing should be unconnected to spacebar timing, its tap should be jump from ground only, its hold should be for latch, and its release after hold should be for "jump" once latched, bouncing off surfaces should be a natural function of mouselook and moving after any single jump except back onto the ground (i.e. you bounce as soon as you hit a wall or object after hitting spacebar once to jump - since a jump signifies your "now doing jumping/bouncing stuff").  You stop being in that mode when you "land" on horizontal ground.


But of course you can't have a simple system like that - because @(*()$ "game controllers" don't have mouselook.

Edited by Omnimorph
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I was really nervous about how the new star chart was gonna turn out, but after seeing that concept, I gotta say I'm pretty impressed. Still kind of skeptical about how the node system is going to work though.


BTW why didn't you guys talk about Ash Prime? I was really hoping you would. :(


Remember. On the official side it was never confirmed. So i think they wait with talking about it till after release.

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I did like the star chart concept, I like that there has a lot more of a lore aspect coming to it. The world building is a very important part of the immersion.

The starmap is beautiful. I actually love it as it is - but hope there will be a dark theme freely available in the Liset, because it burns my eyes with the contrast.


I felt the same way when I first saw it since I love the loading screen with the space background (http://i.imgur.com/kyS85ev.jpg) much more than the one with the blue sky background (http://oi60.tinypic.com/33yotgw.jpg).


So i decided to tweak the star chart preview, the original screenshot was posted in this thread > https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/481104-devstream-55-overview/


I would absolutely love it if Steve saw this and decided to go this direction, or atleast give us both the light and dark as an option. :D My edit is far from perfect, I would rather the 'constellation' images to be brighter, but you get the general idea.


The stars background that i used was from here > http://7-themes.com/data_images/out/46/6927874-space-the-stars.jpg



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Greedy Pull: Just remove energy orbs from pull :S

Removes the borderline abusive interaction with e.g. Mesa, while still easing the group's pickups.

Lore unlocks in new chart: And those who already unlocked?


I'm not usually much of a game physics enthusiast, but damn Steve, after getting used to the rubber physics of things like the Mortos syandana, the cloth physics shown on that cape in the parkour Vine has me (nearly) drooling. :3

Edited by Chroia
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I felt the same way when I first saw it since I love the loading screen with the space background (http://i.imgur.com/kyS85ev.jpg) much more than the one with the blue sky background (http://oi60.tinypic.com/33yotgw.jpg).


So i decided to tweak the star chart preview, the original screenshot was posted in this thread > https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/481104-devstream-55-overview/


I would absolutely love it if Steve saw this and decided to go this direction, or atleast give us both the light and dark as an option. :D My edit is far from perfect, I would rather the 'constellation' images to be brighter, but you get the general idea.


The stars background that i used was from here > http://7-themes.com/data_images/out/46/6927874-space-the-stars.jpg





I like your changes to the Star Chart visuals.  ^.^

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I felt the same way when I first saw it since I love the loading screen with the space background (http://i.imgur.com/kyS85ev.jpg) much more than the one with the blue sky background (http://oi60.tinypic.com/33yotgw.jpg).


So i decided to tweak the star chart preview, the original screenshot was posted in this thread > https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/481104-devstream-55-overview/


I would absolutely love it if Steve saw this and decided to go this direction, or atleast give us both the light and dark as an option. :D My edit is far from perfect, I would rather the 'constellation' images to be brighter, but you get the general idea.


The stars background that i used was from here > http://7-themes.com/data_images/out/46/6927874-space-the-stars.jpg


*unfortunate snip of GLORIOUS AMAZING THING*

Beautiful. I want this to be a thing as is already. It's concept art, but it's wonderful concept art, especially when it comes in a dark version!

Edited by FelisImpurrator
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Greedy Pull: Just remove energy orbs from pull :S

Removes the borderline abusive interaction with e.g. Mesa, while still easing the group's pickups.

Lore unlocks in new chart: And those who already unlocked?


I'm not usually much of a game physics enthusiast, but damn Steve, after getting used to the rubber physics of things like the Mortos syandana, the cloth physics shown on that cape in the parkour Vine has me (nearly) drooling. :3

should just re do the ability or get rid of it altogether. 

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I like your changes to the Star Chart visuals.  ^.^

Beautiful. I want this to be a thing as is already. It's concept art, but it's wonderful concept art, especially when it comes in a dark version!


Thanks a lot guys, good to know there are others who want the Star Chart to have stars in them. :)

Btw, we have a lot of hope for that since this was officially posted by Steve last week > https://vine.co/v/eiwaX6XV1xr


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Some things to consider, no one and I mean no one, likes to see their abilities and items get nerfed or obviated. I don't understand the design choice here. Greedy pull is awesome just the way it is, I get to play with my Kubrow, rather than my Carrier, please do NOT kill it. On that Carrier/Greedy Pull note, we don't need another Kubrow breed, we really really really don't. Please consider making 'Fetch' a MOD instead of a breed. We are already getting shorted on the amount of things we can put into a Kubrow, as we can't forma a weapon and a 'base' for it, as we can ANY of the Sentinels. Carrier/Deth Machine/Wyrm/Helios/Djinn/Wyrm Prime.. they all take a potato and forma and on TOP of that we can then potato and forma the weapons they use. There's no equivalent in the Kubrow. IF armor is going to be anything other than cosmetic, please consider giving the ugliest away for free so we can forma and potato it and then add 'Fetch' and a few other items to the mods we can put into the Kubrow ARMOR, this keeps our current Kubrow from becoming obsolete, and allows greater customization of our beloved living pets.


Some ideas for buffing the current crop of skill augment mods:


add to Soul Survivor a flat 2.5% hp restored to caster over 10 seconds on hit.

add to Funnel Clouds a chance to spawn a power orb, equal to Oberon's Reckoning

add to Iron Shrapnel a chance for additional credits to drop from enemies killed by it

add to Ironclad Charge a weak item pull effect


I can go on, but I think you get the idea. If a power is being used a ton, you've done a great thing, take a look at how you can make other powers and play styles more attractive. Please don't go killing the beloved powers, Kubrows, etc. there's always a way to make additive changes. Feel free to pick my brain for more ideas any time and release a Kubrow skin template so we can design new patterns for them, iff'n ya would.


Thank you for your time,



This is the best post of the thread, everyone should be reading it.

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If anyone has to leave this game simply because they can't use their weapon, then they don't deserve to be in the game anyway. It's a stupid reason to leave a game I'm Js.

 you're going to nerf mobility for more slow pace game its nor longer an inspace ninja game.

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 you're going to nerf mobility for more slow pace game its nor longer an inspace ninja game.

When they add more verticality to the game with these changes it will be MORE of a space ninja game. Coptering=/= space ninja. Please feel free to get a clue.

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When they add more verticality to the game with these changes it will be MORE of a space ninja game. Coptering=/= space ninja. Please feel free to get a clue.

yes because jumping  slowly is removing wall run is being a ninja. ya you need to get a clue. 

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Don't know why everyone's so fussed about the removal of coptering.  The way this community comes up with cheese tactics, we'll find a substitute in Parkour 2.0 within seconds.


And no, I am not criticizing any method of cheesing; it has its uses, especially when grinding.  I am merely pointing out that this community excels at finding shortcuts in the game.  It always has.

Edited by TenguBlade
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