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Why Don't You Play Archwing?


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Cause their not treated as vehicles as much as I would like them to be.Best example would be like air vehicles in battlefield basically when you have a incoming missile or are locked onto there are sounds notifying you so you know to chaff or emp or evade what ever the case may be, and I know de hates the copy this or that game idea but it's more about making ark wing the advanced vehicles they are hope this makes since.

Edited by (PS4)Ninja_Reaper_916
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I don't play it, though I really want to - because:


1) Nothing there but archwing stuff. Drop tables do not give me any benefit in the rest of the game. Every other new area gives you things that are common to the rest of the game. No reason to farm here or look for that mod / part you've been needing... so Archwong only helps Archwing.


2) The whole Archwing process is way too slow. If I need to raise credits or get xp, Archwing is currently a waste of my time. There are other nodes better suited so that is a  big NO vote in two or more major areas.


3) Not only is nobody playing it - there are too many squad dependent missions. It pisses me off that planets which were unlocked previously to Archwing are now locked, and I am forced to do some Archwing mission that nobody is playing in order to get the planet open. I thought Warframe had a Solo mode? I had all the planets unlocked once ago - now they are locked.


4) I don't see what it has to do with the rest of the game. It doesn't help you in the rest of the game to play Archwing missions, so I do not see the point. It takes too much time away from other, more relevant missions.


5) The directional indicator is garbage. Thing points up, you fly up...it isn't up.. where the heck is it? Who knows? Oh there it is... THAT ISN'T UP!!! You can't recycle the same map / directional indicator as the regular game. It doesn't work for Archwing - I get irritated fumbling around to find the extraction point because the green dot says it's here... there... somewhere... The hud needs a complete overhaul for FLIGHT - there are a lot of popular flying / space games to use as a reference - past and present. What has worked? Improve / adopt it - using the same system as the rest of Warframe isn't working.

Edited by magusat999
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Because the quest that gave you the archwing was the best part of archwing.


Transitioning from a ground battle to a battle out in space was pretty awesome.


It was all downhill from there.


I felt the same way.


It feels like it's about 20% done...

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You are gonna love the new Archwing Trial...


No, I'm going to view it as a waste of good content. For all the flaws of archwing:


Unusable mini-map

Visually noisy sprint (No shake, no overlay please)

Lack of mission variety

etc etc


Layering the cheapest mechanic ever to disgrace online games (Forced teaming) kills it, digs it back up again and kills it again. Because it's _that_ much of a waste of good assets.

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Finding and Looting stuff is still a chore, especially with no Carrier. There's also no Kubrow Archewings so wouldn't be able to bring Retriever Kubrow either when they add. :o


Leveling them is extremely slow and limited to Interceptions which makes it even slower. Haven't built a new Archewing because finding the pieces simply takes that long for me but the starter one doens't really have skills that feel useful. Haven't gotten another weapon either. :o 


Overall it feels like a lot more grind in my grind that takes longer to grind and has less reward. :o

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Finding and Looting stuff is still a chore, especially with no Carrier. There's also no Kubrow Archewings so wouldn't be able to bring Retriever Kubrow either when they add. :o

Leveling them is extremely slow and limited to Interceptions which makes it even slower. Haven't built a new Archewing because finding the pieces simply takes that long for me but the starter one doens't really have skills that feel useful. Haven't gotten another weapon either. :o

Overall it feels like a lot more grind in my grind that takes longer to grind and has less reward. :o

Finding loot is easy just aim and look around point on it and fly

Odonata is a great well rounded archwing

Appropriate mods installed that is

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I just have so much other stuff to do in game that's a higher priority right now. I'd like to see it more incorporated into other mission types, like what it sounds like they're doing with Sharkwing and hoping in and out of the water, so I have more opportunity to play with it when doing other stuff I'm normally doing.

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It plays the exact same as normal gameplay except:

-3D space (good)

-dramatically less content (bad obviously)

How to make it better: speed and incorporation.

I have WINGS damm*t. Allow me to use them to zip around structures inside ships, zoom among asteroids, and zap away from space bosses. I should NEVER sit still when playing archwing, period.

ALSO, incorporating archwing into the regular game would dramatically increase its necessity.

Eg. We approach the Formorian via archwing (destroying the engines/escorts) and enter it with the standard gameplay.

Eg. Fight a boss as Warframes for the first part then must engage in an archwing chase through the husk of a detonating ship.

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It was over-hyped, for something so incredibly mediocre.


The enemies are boring, especially the corpus.


The mini map is always broken.


Despite having farmed all of the weapons, the salt over the RNG it took to get them is still real.


Leveling sucks so very much.


There's no intermediate level endless mission to help with leveling.


It's boring and slow, and the spawns are all over the place which doesn't help.


The mods are stupid, 10 ranks and how many cores for 30% efficiency?


There's been no real mention of adjusting anything related to archwing in the last few devstreams, unless I've missed it, which leads me to believe it's not getting a 2.0 soon. I know the raid will be archwing related, and I'll probably only play it once just to do it. I want to like archwing, but it's hard to with everything I find wrong with it. I hope sharkwing stuff is more fun than what we have now.

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They tried to hammer ground controls into a space game which doesn't work. 


The radar is just insufficient for a space game, it does not do enough to track enemies in 3D. 


Bad radar and reticule also means enemies must be supersized to 5x or 10x size, or they are invisible at distance/unhittable. Fixing/reworking reticule and radar tracking is required to make enemies the right size. 


It's all too janky animations. 


Still one tileset only. 


Too few mission types. 


Gameplay just not fun enough. 


Archwing is still a concept, but the execution failed to live up to Warframe's gameplay quality. 


Must wait and see Archwing 2.0 reinvention so raise it to a better level. 

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Although the two are very different in many ways, to me Archwing is a bolt-on, much like PvP.  Speaking only for myself, if Warframe had come out originally in either of these formats (Archwing or PvP), I wouldn't be playing it today.  Archwing is just not well-realized (at least not yet) and there's very little to draw me in.  And if I'm completely honest, I'd probably end up resenting any inducements to play more in Archwing mode - I'd treat them as bribes to get me to do something I'm otherwise not interested in.


I like Warframe's main game mode, and much less so the bolt-ons.



My sentiments exactly. "Main" Warframe play has a fresh and unique appeal to it that, for me, Archwing just lacks. 

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When I first heard of Archwing, I was hoping that it was a new way to play, that was more seamless with the normal FPS space ninja gameplay. I don't play it because it's just a totally different game. it doesn't feel like it belongs. Not necessarily the lore...but how the gameplay fits. it's just a totally separate game. A style of game that I think I could have fun elsewhere with.


 I would have rather they spent their time on making the core gameplay deeper, not make a totally different game mode with separate parallel progression. 

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Concept is nice but Archwing just needs more love. I find movement a tad slow, picking up loot tedious, and AW could just use more tilesets and mission types. I still occasionally play it thought.


DE, if youre reading this, please let me shoot WHILE sprinting. For a mode with thrusters and flight mechanics, i dont find AW very fast-paced. :/

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I don't play it, though I really want to - because:

1) Nothing there but archwing stuff. Drop tables do not give me any benefit in the rest of the game. Every other new area gives you things that are common to the rest of the game. No reason to farm here or look for that mod / part you've been needing... so Archwong only helps Archwing.

2) The whole Archwing process is way too slow. If I need to raise credits or get xp, Archwing is currently a waste of my time. There are other nodes better suited so that is a big NO vote in two or more major areas.

3) Not only is nobody playing it - there are too many squad dependent missions. It pisses me off that planets which were unlocked previously to Archwing are now locked, and I am forced to do some Archwing mission that nobody is playing in order to get the planet open. I thought Warframe had a Solo mode? I had all the planets unlocked once ago - now they are locked.

4) I don't see what it has to do with the rest of the game. It doesn't help you in the rest of the game to play Archwing missions, so I do not see the point. It takes too much time away from other, more relevant missions.

5) The directional indicator is garbage. Thing points up, you fly up...it isn't up.. where the heck is it? Who knows? Oh there it is... THAT ISN'T UP!!! You can't recycle the same map / directional indicator as the regular game. It doesn't work for Archwing - I get irritated fumbling around to find the extraction point because the green dot says it's here... there... somewhere... The hud needs a complete overhaul for FLIGHT - there are a lot of popular flying / space games to use as a reference - past and present. What has worked? Improve / adopt it - using the same system as the rest of Warframe isn't working.

Hi magus

I have to say I don't quite agree in full

I'd have to say that I don't find it boring while I admit secluding everything archwing away from the rest of the gameplay isn't the best thing for it.

A reduced rng would have players playing it more because farming parts wouldn't burn them out.

There are sab def ext cap surv md and int in void and five tiers including derelict

That's almost 35 spots for all the prime gear

Yet there is only 7 spots for uh.. 25ish parts or more for archwing where mods and resources or nothing can all be a rewarded too

Grind is bad but the game mode and rng only need minor tweaks to make it less painful while a few major changes or improvements could have us all loving it.

Also people have wanted to fly in space for so long that we got it and imo it's more exciting that flying the loser would be although I would like that too.

And to people who say it doesn't fit lore or game or whatever..

Are you on the concept creation or design teams

Do you know anything more than anyone else about warframe lore or archwing involvement in the tenno past or future

If not then why assume

If so please explain

I'd like to add that mynki is inspired by the darker power suited hero making physical sacrifice willingly or not... So there is no telling what kind of mutant Grineer or infested mecha we might encounter.

I'm ok with large oddly shaped baddies

Edited by PookieNumnums
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I would have rather they just added an "Open Universe" where we fly our ships manually to each planet and fight stuff on the way with our ships. While sometimes doing space based missions. Finding loot and materials for everything. Not a totally separate Gundam style game with not enough Gundam :-/

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