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Why Don't You Play Archwing?


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New gear is a pain to grind

New mods are a pain to grind


Arch-Streamline is a R10... and it doesnt even give 30%!


Rewards are meh

Affinity gain is slow

Credits are Meh


I've already painstakingly forma'd the Itzal, Velocitus, and Centaur in the event Archwing becomes more relevant. All 3 sit in waiting, ready for the moment when lore, rewards, and missions are given a good polish.

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F***, even if i wanted to play, I can't. My archwing is crap, it's weapons are basic, and none of the good mods will drop for me and I need my credits and cores to upgrade my actual mods.


Why the hell should I have to invest in a whole new set of resources to get the basic experience? Arch mods should be ABOLISHED, and replaced with real mods from the actual game. That's the first step in a LONG process of integrating it into the game.

Edited by (PS4)Snowbluff
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I don't enjoy Archwing because I find it too difficult to actually use the gun and the melee is nausea inducing. I'm either trying to hit some dot in the distance or floating out in the open with no cover while being targeted from every direction. Spamming abilities and sprinting into melee range to make use of the disconcerting auto-targeting/warp mechanic is the most effective way I've found to complete missions...but it's hardly engaging or fun.


I do like zipping through corridors, I don't like how collisions don't account for your momentum, and I don't like the open areas and combat. Without compelling game play, I don't see any reason to play.


I still have a heck of a time reviving people...they increased the "revive zone", and that helped...but at the same time, that plus the giant enemies and loot makes the whole affair seem like a sloppy mess compared to the ground based game play.


I can never tell whether enemies are above or below me...maybe the radar tells you this and I'm just dense, sometimes I even have trouble finding the extract point!

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I dont play archwing because:
1) if i wanted to play space flight combat/shooter, id play other games or (see number 2) 

2) Dead Space 3 does this better, why can't we use our frames in space like that?

3) What is the fun having warframes in space, if we cant use our warframe powers


Rest are: Wheres my gratuitous space battles? The Balor Fomorian event was a step in the right direction, i want a defence mission where i defend the relays from thousands of fighters. And the modes need more weapons/archwing/modes. 


Id rather install guns on my liset and have blood-thirsty Ordis go postal on the grineer/corpus. 

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- There is not enough freedom in Archwing. I'd like to be able to be able to fly in loops!


- The skybox is stale and boring. Stareing into space and stargazing, is one of the things that can really give me goosebumps. Some games has managed to mimic the deep space image almost to perfection, Warframe on the other hand is.... Not something Id look at and enjoy. It's just a background image.




These and more.


I'm not a big fan of the dusty junk'n'rubble filled backgrounds, they lack depth! Too much ambient light, too many stars.

I tested fiddling with my contrast during a mission and while I myself almost disappeared, the darker background and crispier shadows made it more realistic (IMO). See spoiler.





Leveling is darn slow.

Archwing is not tied to the rest of the game in a meaningful way. They are like two seperate games.

Pinball collisions are a turn off for the Corpus maps.

UI is lacking (2D map, targeting, loot)

Near instakilling rocket mobs with no lock-on warnings while the rest shoot pebbles.

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It feels like it's in an Alpha state right now. They need to expand on it for it to feel like a really entertaining and unique gameplay experience. More mission variety, more unique set pieces, and dedicated enemy models instead of recycled ones.


It would also be nice if it was integrated a little more smoothly into the rest of the game.

Edited by UberLevi
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These and more.


I'm not a big fan of the dusty junk'n'rubble filled backgrounds, they lack depth! Too much ambient light, too many stars.

I tested fiddling with my contrast during a mission and while I myself almost disappeared, the darker background and crispier shadows made it more realistic (IMO). See spoiler.





Leveling is darn slow.

Archwing is not tied to the rest of the game in a meaningful way. They are like two seperate games.

Pinball collisions are a turn off for the Corpus maps.

UI is lacking (2D map, targeting, loot)

Near instakilling rocket mobs with no lock-on warnings while the rest shoot pebbles.

I think yours is slightly too dark for Warframe gameplay, but I see where you are going. Look at this though:



That's from Dead Space 3. The space walk session was the most enjoyable of them all. I felt like I was really in space, and it was REALLY beautiful. The fact that Warframe has such a poor skybox really ruins a huge portion of Archwing for me.

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Interesting to see all these complaints about missiles but not 1 complaint about Corpus Penta Rangers damage lol

it can 1- shot you, has no tell and cant be seen to shoot it down. (penta nades)

Yet Grineer Missiles are extremely bright, slow moving and very easy to counter.......

They also cant 1 shot you.

Edited by (XB1)LordPuck
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Because it doesn't add anything to the game, it worsens it more actually, there isn't really anything different to ArchWing. It's just basically like every regular ground missions, but without the flexibility and the freedom of movement while you're on ground. There's nothing new on space that makes people want to dominates it. And plus it feels like it's just there to add more grinding.

Edited by AlphaWolf003
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> Leveling is too slow compared to the rest of the game

> Don't have/can't find enough good mods to do enough damage or last very long in Caelus without suddenly dying (where most of the decent AW-related mods are, funnily enough)

> Tellurium and weapon/Elytron parts are nearly impossible to find or are behind worse-than-the-void RNG

> Extremely lacking in mission nodes

> Lack of variety in nodes

> Odonata boring to play with while looking like trash compared to Elytron or Itzal (opinion)


All of this combines into a frustrating experience. Must I buy Itzal because tellurium is too hard to find, whenever I try to play AW? Must I buy Elytron because of the RNG? I dunno, but my frustration with this mode matters not in the short and long run.

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Reasons I dislike Archwing.Greatly.


-The rewards and affinity you get are terrible.

-It's not seamlessly integrated into warframe itself

-The minimap.

-Difficulty radically changes between missions.A space extermination is easy.A space interception,not so much.

-Starter frame isn't as powerful as,say,the ordinary warframe starter frames (Compare Odanata to Excalibur.)

-Above point makes the grind more intolerable.

-Lack of content.

-Little reason to do it.

-Few people play it actively.

-Getting new weapons and frames is pure RNG,bringing back feelings of "getting 4 forma in a row" from the Void.

-Getting new mods is a pretty slow process.

-The method to pick up items in ordinary warframe that was slapped onto archwing just doesnt work in a fast-paced 3D environment.


I really,really want to like archwing.The idea of zipping around in space is so cool,shooting down enemies like a real space ninja.Thing is...right now it just feels detached and irrelevant to the core gameplay of warframe,similar to PVP.It also has a atroicious grind coupled with a UP starter warframe that makes WOW look like it rolls around at the speed of sound.

(Sonic reference.)

Edited by Xerongadolinium
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I love Archwing, and I've played a lot of it. I am now just playing little Warframe but I have some considerations:


1. Very few types of missions


2. Few players scattered


3. Radar: this one needs serious rework to allow for proper positioning.


4. Mods: they are really hard to spot. And I think their drop rate isn't good compared to all the ranks you need. The mod system needs a different approach regarding Archwing to allow for proper modification, maybe remove mod capacity on the archwing equipment could be a good approach.


Well it ends in a very slow leveling rate with people not wanting to Forma because of it. In turn they play less and there are even fewer matches for players like me who PUG all the time.


(I for one do not forma at all even in the standard game unless we could reach a * polarization by successive formaíng of the same slot because I don't want to lose the flexibility to add mods).


I could suggest Archwing as a testbed for some modifications to the Warframe game. We could have a system where players wanting to do some type of Archwing Missions could queue for the intended type and when a group is formed they're sent to that Mission type. Mod system could be redone so as to not have capacity for archwing equipment or if this is not the case rebalance archwing mod ranks and make exp flow faster for archwing games to incentive formaing (considering also a * polarity :) ). Rework the radar to allow for better orientation and space location for both the player, the other players and enemies. Create some new more dynamic missions. Make all players in a match receive all mods that dropped. 

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Why indeed.


-Lack of free movement

-UI isn't up to snuff

-Void-level RNG for basic, not-Prime gear (this one's a real deal breaker)

-leveling is slow

-drops are terrible

-mods give too little for too much of a cost

-Lack of variety in both mission types and tilesets

-The "sprint" still has camera shake


I'm sure there's more I'm forgetting, but all of the above is more or less why I never played Archwing for longer than necessary.  Some of these reasons can be attributed to the fact that Archwing is bare bones in terms of content, but some of these are also intentional design decisions.

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I don't play archwing because there is nothing to gain, I can't seem to get any mods for my weapons and they take so long to level up, it's a giant pain in the neck, I was so excited to play it before it came out, only to be disappointed. Maybe it will pick up when j3 golem gets released. And that's another thing! They've made it into a damn raid or trial mission! Now I have to join a raid only to be questioned by 7 nerds asking me if I've done it before, for that reason I haven't even done the first raid, and for the same reason, I'll never kill j3 golem. :(

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The good of Archwing:


- Love the setting and the idea. Space! Jetpacks! Love the backgrounds, love looking at the planets. love stargazing.

- Ehm... That's is?


The why I don't play AW:


- It has horrendous physics. The idea that in space you can only travel at two speeds is ludicrous. The fact that you decelerate when you stop pressing on the acceleration button is ridiculous. It is completely immersion-breaking. I can't play a game mode where my only thought during travel is "this is wrong".

- Collisions are equally ridiculous. DE, seriously, this is high school physics. It is literally rocket science, which as it turns out, is extremely simple.

- Minimaps are horrendously imprecise and annoying. No idea of what is "up" or "down" on the minimap.

- Maps are plain boring. The Corpus maps are narrow linear corridors. The Grineer maps are wide linear corridors (they don't have an edge, but that doesn't mean they aren't corridors). Both in gameplay and in construction, AW is barely any better than Space Invaders: thirty years of technology and the concept is the same.

- And the AW moves in a horrendously limited way. Seriously, these things fly through space and the only manouvre they have is a dodge on the right and one on the left? That's it? Moving up and down is awkward. In the normal gameplay, I can walk, run, jump, kick in the air, air-melee, crouch, wallrun, walljump, glide, glide-and-jump, copter, climb, dodge, roll - and that's Movement 1.0. Movement 2.0 seems to be 1000 times better. And in AW? I can awkwardly move in four directions and do a dodge. AW is barely at Movement 0.2.



I had hopes for this gamemode. I wanted to like it. Yet my sad truth is that I find it so immersion-breaking that I cringe all the time, and so unpolished that I find no joy in playing.

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I don't play archwing because as fun as the gameplay is, the reward and XP grind for archwing is quite possibly even worse than the main game. Archwing guns (even researched ones lol) using the same system as prime parts except you can't trade them to circumvent RNG? Archwing guns locked behind wave 4 interception (but you'll probably just get something crappy you don't want lol)? That same 4 wave interception barely giving you 10-20k XP? Lol DE no.


I also don't play because there are only two tilesets and three mission types, There's not enough variety there. Especially if you're not fond of interception like I am.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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1) It is boring.

2) You don't fly, you hover in space.

3) No dogfighting, you shoot at specks in the distance once you have figured out it is an enemy and not just space dust.

4) Skyboxes are too busy, making the 3rd point even worse.

5) UI is bad, sorry, it is. Why do I need a triangle around my character with horizontal lines? I'm not accounting for bullet drop!

6) Screenshake and forced horrible motion blur line effect to simulate speed (if you have to pretend it is fast, we know it isn't).

7) Stamina.... stamina?

8) No feedback on kills, other than a tiny explosion. Compare that with slicing a Grineer in half, or shooting the box off a Corpus.

9) It feels like a tacked on minigame

10) All of that Dev time could have been put into the game I wanted to play, rather than the game I didn't ask for.

11) It is boring.

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I don't play it because it's so limited at the moment. I have all of the Archwings and weapons, and they are all leveled. Just no reason for me to do it at the moment. We need more variety of Archwing missions, and even a void Archwing. Add other types of rewards for me to chase and I'll play more Archwing.

^ This

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I honestly think AW is great. I think it's more balanced than the rest other game. There is great potential here.

The main reason I don't play AW is that there is so much more "importan"things for me to do in WF at they moment. I can play around with AW or farm for Ash prime. I can play around with AW or I can do syndicate missions. I can play around in AW or scan targets, etc.

AW just doesn't feel important to the main game as fun as it is. It barely affects the rest of the game. I blame the player base too because they act so resistant to AW integration. It's gets bad enough to the point where people complain about being "forced" to do an AW event to earn an AW weapons.

I just wish DE would makes AW as integrated into the main as any other mission type. Forget the whiners.

Edited by Hypernaut1
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