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A Bit Tired Of This (You Can Post Your Rng Gifs Here)


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Yesterday i made a T3 survival with some clanmates, not the first since Ash prime came out. Im 100% sure im at least at 15h survival, quite sure its more.

i made a lot of sessions, pretty much all lasting 40+ mins, more then half at 80+


Well, yesterday we decided to do a long run, everybody could stay in 2h the second 2h survival in a few days. Nothing special, just bringing finished frames and weps. not even a well thought team and barely no strategy, the classic running around and killing stuff then regrouping when it become hard.

We stayed in until our weapons were doing literally nothing (even if we had 4 corrosives) and just ended up with a handful of Bo prime Bps, formas, sicarus and ember parts. 

something worth like 100 ducats total and no plats at all. of course no ash system. bad thing is that i have to see it yet.

I know, i know, RNG... im totally fine with rng, but that system need an overhaul... im quite ok having a ridiculously low chance if i make a 20 -40 min survival, but its kinda frustrating doing this long runs for literally norhing. i mean i feel i kinda deserve it.... after facing level 300+ monsters.

Again, im fine on chosing between time and money, but 20h+ survival should be quite enough to make-up for not spending money. isnt it? and moreover, i think doing missions very well should balance money better.

Please DE fix those droptables with increasing chances the more you go, really cant stand that at 100 mins ive like 98% chance split between forma, sicarus and bo. At least fix it after fixing those camp issues where people can literally exploit the game and stay as long as they want.

Uh of course i bought ash's sys on day 2 or 3. im not frustrated, sure id like to drop a syst ang get some of my plats back, the fact is just that I DONT FEEL REWARDED most of the time i do anything in this game.

And everytime i get something it feels like a damn strike of luck. Again, im ok with rng, but i would stand it better if i was unlucky but with increasing chances... like.. dunnow 8% chance at 100 mins?


P.S. not writing in my native language, please dont focus too much on grammar or typos.

Edited by JohnKable
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RNG needs to be slightly skewed so that your chances are raised the more times you try something.  This wouldn't be "fair" but it would be fun(ner). 

So you could have a 100% chance if you reached 2 hours or so like that eh. I'd like that.

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RNG needs to be slightly skewed so that your chances are raised the more times you try something.  This wouldn't be "fair" but it would be fun(ner). 

Mostly id like to see an increasing chance the more you can stay in enless ones. i mean i know you already have more chances from a single key when saying longer but i just feel i slight tweak coul be fair.

Its fine some stuff needs just to stay "rare" and definitely not saying i want 100% ash sys drop if i stay 2h in a easy T3 mission,,, but i think one deserve a bit more than another doing 2 times 1h.

I dont know what's the ash sys %, but it has to be very tiny. even a 2% more would incentivize me in trying to do my best instead of just "spamming" keys.

And probably the best would be a slight increase in NON-endless missions bound to a timer and depending on number of players. like 2% more chance of getting the rarest part if completing a T4 EXT in less than 10 mins when soloing and in less than 8 mins in a team of four (numbers threw toally random)

I just want a more rewarding FEELING when doing something well, and it could be just little more than that, a feeling. Dont think a 2% increase would mess up things, but still would give a reason to play better and harder.

Damn i have to tone down my graphic options to the ground to do a 2h15 min survival

Edited by JohnKable
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RNG needs to be slightly skewed so that your chances are raised the more times you try something.  This wouldn't be "fair" but it would be fun(ner). 

Actually it would be more fair, since if you work more you should get more. If i run 20 runs and get the same 2 items every time i just burn out. Right now i haven't locked into warframe for 9 days because i just can't take it anymore. I would rather play another game where work is actually rewarded. Call me salty but there is only so much grind i can tolerate.


I like my meals salty.

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Even in a randomized drop system. it is fundamentally bad design to have player commit time and come out of the experience having made 0 progress toward their stated goal.


Unless you are running a casino and fleecing your customers is your goal.


If you're designing a game then rewards should be granular enough to allow the player to make some progress each time they successfully complete a challenge, even if the volume of that progress is randomized.


Providing a slow burn alternate reward (ducats) does not mitigate the need to provide the player with progress toward their stated goal.


There needs to be an RNG safety net, and, no, the market is not a safety net. It is simply an alternate "game", hence achievement in the "trading game" function as rewards for the action of trading not for the action of playing the non-trading game.

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This game is essentially a casino.


I don't believe that the devs for this game are comfortable with that notion. I think they slip and institute behavior like this because they have yet to settle on a better solution.


I respect their ability and drive and don't think they realize how toxic the current design is.

Edited by SilentMobius
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I don't believe that the devs for this game are comfortable with that notion. I think they slip in behavior like this because they have yet to settle on a better solution.


I respect their ability and drive and don't think they realize how toxic the current design is.

so it's an undercover casino

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Solution 1

We must get rid of weighted drops, it is ridiculous when there are 6 items on the drop table but you get the same drop 7-10 times in a row, this has to go, each part needs to have an equal drop percentage! 


Solution 2

A voucher system, when grinding for specific parts you should have an option to be given a voucher instead of a random drop, hand in enough vouchers and you receive the item you have been grinding for, this would ensure that just by a stroke of bad luck people would not have to grind literally hundreds of keys to get the desired item. After lets say 20 attempts during which you took a voucher instead of a regular drop you would be able to turn in these for the desired item. There are some games out there who utilize such a system and I think it is a good idea.


The voucher system would not even need equal drop rates you could basically keep the current ones and just need to implement a choice system at the reward screen. Of course the entire team would have to accept either taking the regular drop or the voucher.  


Solution 3

I actually expected the void trader to offer such a system where he would sell prime parts for ducats albeit at very high prices, sadly I was disappointed. Still it could be done just by adding a range of prime parts to the traders list of items, actually this would be the easiest way. Making prime parts, even new ones, purchasable by ducats. You could also make currently vaulted primes accessible through the void trader via ducat sales, this would be by far the easiest solution to the RNG troubles AND the dilemma of having to vault primes to avoid diluting the drop tables too much!   

Edited by Hatzeputt
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In my opinion, the current endless system is a source of the biggest problem. In my opinion the fact that the rewards start the rotation back at "A" when you reach 20 is basically a slap in the face to going past 20 mins/waves of anything. The enemies continue to get a lot harder, but your chances at getting that item don't get any better. With the current system, the only real reason to go past 20 mins/waves is to not waste keys. If not for the fact that keys can be such a finite resource, people would just do 20 mins/waves and never do more, because it would ultimately be a much faster grind. 


After rotation C there should be rotation D and E, etc. 40 minutes/waves should have a drop table with less garbage rewards and a higher chance of the better items than rotation C, etc. 


The way I would do it it would start like it does currently with 5-10 being A, B being 15 and C being to 20 mins/waves. Then at 25 we would have rotation D, then rotation E at 30, then rotation F at 35 and rotation G at 40, etc. Each tier would have less stuff like forma/orokin cell, and a slightly higher chance of the really sought after stuff dropping. Right now the devs aren't building for more than 40 minutes for void, from what I understand, so the reward table might not go higher than that for now, but I still think that would make a big difference. Imagine people actually being truly rewarded for going an extra 20 instead of just starting over at the beginning of the drop table again? 

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Well it's clearly sure that this game gets more and more content, but the RNG aspect gets even more worse as before. I see there no real balancing nor satisfaction getting a part. I run 43 T3 survival runs, each of em for 40 minutes, 44th for 60 minutes, 45th one for damn 80 minutes and still no ash systems yet. I know how effing frustrating it is, while getting sh*tloads of forma or stupid sicarus prime crap, which you cannot exchange for some real profit.

Well, 46th run. 20 minutes, just a "I am giving it up last attempt", and yeah, got the systems. Great. Shall I feel happy now? I am frustrated and not really in the mood celebrating that I wasted my costly time for a $&*&*#(%& item which has one of the lowest drop chances.

I am not feeling being rewarded after all. I am now not like "yea, got my ash prime, maxed it now and.... zzzzZzZZzz", ash prime keeps catching dust in the meantime.

This has to be changed with all items ingame. Farming makes some sense, like if you go for intensify, you have options farming it, or grinding it on Vor (correct me if he isn't dropping it anymore) on mercury. Or additionally going for the sigil as well, if you want either the mod and/or sigil. You are having OPTIONS, which you don't have in the void.

You are RNG based grinding for void keys, after that, you qre farming for the parts, by doing a fixed time run (in this case always 20 min ticks each for a ridiculous drop chance for ash systems) and yet you get forma, orokon cells, silverish cores and sicarus.

Wow, what a balancing system.

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Bunch of hillbilly Farmers here.

Not me, though. I'm more of a scavenger type. Take it when I see it.


Well end there eventualy.


Not that I have not gotten my Ash BP /chassis; Vectis BP/barrel; Carrier P. Carapace all in the First run ... and I only did those missions because everyone was asking for em :D

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I got 3 in only 4 days of farming...


Quoting you just want to point out im not frustrated for not getting it, i have plenty of plats and bought it early, my ashP has a couple of formas already.

 And ist RNG, everybody has its lucky moments, me too.

Of course i would be glad if i got a couple of system too but thats not the point. my point is the constant feeling of not being rewared for how you play (and how much). feels more like youre buying a lottery ticket every time... and when you get what you are farming for you arent satisfied because you didnt have what you deserve: you just had luck.

Not saying i want a 100% drop rate at a certain point, but this system can be reworked and overhauled in so many ways just to change the way it feels without messing up with rarity and hard to get things (that MUST stay)

Edited by JohnKable
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I've done two 20 minute runs, three 40 minute runs, and two 60 minute runs. I still haven't gotten ash systems. I now have a total of 7 sicarus blueprints, 9 volt helmets, and 9 ember helmets, plus i had 4 bo prime blueprints


by the end we got


2 volt prime helmet

2 ember prime helmet

2 fang prime blueprints

2 bo prime blueprints

1 sicarus prime blueprint

3 orokin cells

and on the 60th minute before leaving. We got a forma -_- There was one time in another 60 minute game i came out with 9 orokin cells.

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Yesterday i made a T3 survival with some clanmates, not the first since Ash prime came out. Im 100% sure im at least at 15h survival, quite sure its more.

i made a lot of sessions, pretty much all lasting 40+ mins, more then half at 80+


Well, yesterday we decided to do a long run, everybody could stay in 2h the second 2h survival in a few days. Nothing special, just bringing finished frames and weps. not even a well thought team and barely no strategy, the classic running around and killing stuff then regrouping when it become hard.

We stayed in until our weapons were doing literally nothing (even if we had 4 corrosives) and just ended up with a handful of Bo prime Bps, formas, sicarus and ember parts. 

something worth like 100 ducats total and no plats at all. of course no ash system. bad thing is that i have to see it yet.

I know, i know, RNG... im totally fine with rng, but that system need an overhaul... im quite ok having a ridiculously low chance if i make a 20 -40 min survival, but its kinda frustrating doing this long runs for literally norhing. i mean i feel i kinda deserve it.... after facing level 300+ monsters.

Again, im fine on chosing between time and money, but 20h+ survival should be quite enough to make-up for not spending money. isnt it? and moreover, i think doing missions very well should balance money better.

Please DE fix those droptables with increasing chances the more you go, really cant stand that at 100 mins ive like 98% chance split between forma, sicarus and bo. At least fix it after fixing those camp issues where people can literally exploit the game and stay as long as they want.

Uh of course i bought ash's sys on day 2 or 3. im not frustrated, sure id like to drop a syst ang get some of my plats back, the fact is just that I DONT FEEL REWARDED most of the time i do anything in this game.

And everytime i get something it feels like a damn strike of luck. Again, im ok with rng, but i would stand it better if i was unlucky but with increasing chances... like.. dunnow 8% chance at 100 mins?


P.S. not writing in my native language, please dont focus too much on grammar or typos.


for me it took 2 t3 survivals one to 40 minutes and one to 60 had all parts in about 4 hours

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What really helps for me when farming is to go into a mission and not expect anything from it. Like, always expect a forma to be the next drop because expecting a rare drop to drop is hopeless.


But, When you do get that really rare drop that you've been farming for weeks/days you can do your little seat dance, drink, hand motions and stuff.

Play the game for what the game is and when/if you get that thing you've been looking for, it'll feel more as an achievement.


Personally I don't want any items to be 'do this 20 times and you get it' or 'Get this item ''x'' times and trade for the one you want' because it wouldn't feel as rewarding opposed  to rng.


Tl:dr ~ RNG is love ~ RNG  is Life ~ Just accept it :3

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