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I think they should add a PVP style game mode where Teshin has you undermining the Lotus by going and trying to kill various other Tenno that are running their own missions+^_^+ the players become stalkers+^_^+ the victims would have whatever frame and gear they normally go in with, whereas the Teshin followers have to use Conclave approved weps, frames, mods+^_^+


Noobs would be easy to kill, whereas well equipped players would be a true challenge to kill.


To keep things from being impossible, the Teshin followers should have the same basic ability immunity that stalker has+^_^+

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I think they should add a PVP style game mode where Teshin has you undermining the Lotus by going and trying to kill various other Tenno that are running their own missions+^_^+ the players become stalkers+^_^+ the victims would have whatever frame and gear they normally go in with, whereas the Teshin followers have to use Conclave approved weps, frames, mods+^_^+


Noobs would be easy to kill, whereas well equipped players would be a true challenge to kill.


To keep things from being impossible, the Teshin followers should have the same basic ability immunity that stalker has+^_^+

No. This has been discussed for long enough. No. No. No.

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I think they should add a PVP style game mode where Teshin has you undermining the Lotus by going and trying to kill various other Tenno that are running their own missions+^_^+ the players become stalkers+^_^+ the victims would have whatever frame and gear they normally go in with, whereas the Teshin followers have to use Conclave approved weps, frames, mods+^_^+


Noobs would be easy to kill, whereas well equipped players would be a true challenge to kill.


To keep things from being impossible, the Teshin followers should have the same basic ability immunity that stalker has+^_^+





Edited by -Solid_Snake
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Thank you all who can see my point we dont have any reason to trust the lotus she awoke us to fight thats it. Whereas our Syndicates reward us consantly by giving us mods, void key packs, and weapons. and the lotus only ever gives any worth while rewards from these events so I say Down with the lotus

you forget she has tried to save tenno where able

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You clearly have no arguement here, you don't need to choose the lotus just because she is apart of "the good guys." It is up to the player especially in this game to make their own experience and adding more paths to choose from expands that idea.

I'm not making an argument, I don't need to, the devs were asked "Are the Tenno the good guys" and they answered yes. Our actions are dictated by missions the Lotus selects (Save for special events where she leaves a morally equivalent decision to us) ergo the Lotus is (by word-of-god) a good guy.

As for DE getting more announcers, it is their job to create content and appeal to the community. One of the reason they even teamed up with china producers was to get more players because, you guessed it, make more money which can then be applied to make more content.

Multiple announcers isn't content, it's the opposite of content. It's consuming VO resources to solve a problem that is already solved (By having a "known good" announcer), actively consuming resource without providing content.

Your arguement is invalid.

I'm not arguing anything, I'm conveying Dev word-of-god on the matter and informing you of economic reality. Edited by SilentMobius
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We blindly follow Lotus? Pfft ha! The Tenno had always made the decision on what to do.


Gradivus : Save sleeping Tenno or reduce Grineer control

Tutorial: Save the colony or just leave the colony to die

Tubemen of Regor : Help Alad V or Help Nef Anyo


Remember that we, the tenno let some of the relays die for "science"


The Lotus is a guide not a leader.

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Spoilers abound below, so be wary folks.....






While I do enjoy all the Warhammer 40k references in this post, the main thing I (only able to speak for myself on this matter) keep finding annoying to the point of not trusting Lotus is everytime she mentions "reinforcements are inbound" during defense missions. Remove the fact that we have four lives per tenno suit and (if the party is set to public) people being able to drop in and out, where are the reinforcements?


If they are suppose to be showing up to take over after we decide to leave the defense match, then have Lotus say it when we leave. Don't have her say it at the start as if somebody might actually show up and assist the player(s). It feels like Lotus is stuck in a "mirage" loop about lying to us.


Also, while it may be "word of god" that DE declared Lotus and the Tenno "good guys", that is because they never gave us bigger moral choices with actual lasting impact. Like other posters have stated before in other topics, put up a few civillian towns and see if we would either defend them for a small payout / big fuzzy feeling or raid them for large payout / devilsh grin?


Then again, if they did that and the majority wiped out the civillians, that would put a damper on DE's image about us being the good guys. Oh and the folks who bring up the relays, remember they are / were cookie cutter copy paste jobs that were only up for less than four months (and with them being bare bones at the time, not many gave a hoot about them.)


Then you have the point of "Well Lotus did save you from Vor and if she didn't then you wouldn't be playing." Funny thing about that is that if DE somehow set it up where we could choose to NOT wake up at the start or heed Lotus' words or even survive the tutorial, they would have to make an alternate setup or force the player to just progress as if they did complete the tutorlal. Add to it that another poster pointed out that just because she "saved" your life once, does not mean she is friendly. System Shock 2 has you being saved from being sucked out of an airlock at the start of the game by an "ally" only to find out later it is SHODAN (I.E. Big Bad Evil AI from System Shock 1) using you to take control of the ship. I am still waiting for Lotus to say the words "would" "you" and "kindly" so I know to get my shank ready.


I mean, DE could have set up how the player enters the game a number of ways that wouldn't have involved Lotus at all. Heck, if they ever ret-conned the series, we could be Tenno at an ice cream shop and it just so happens that our sundae got knocked over by a brawl started by the Corpus/Grineer/Infested/Corrupted/etc. and we were not going to take that insult.


Finally, they wouldn't need multiple announcers to spice up the voices for folks who can't stand hearing Lotus anymore if they really wanted to cut costs to do it. Just get a text to type software and have that voice the lines. At this point in playing Warframe, I wouldn't mind having Microsoft Sam taking the place of Lotus and Clippy taking over for Ordis. Yes, it wouldn't be as smooth or have emotion in it, but it would do the trick for the time being and possibly give them more ideas for later NPC.


Lets face it folks, yes there isn't much information about plenty of NPCs in the warframe universe. And yes, like stated before, DE has declared the Tenno and Lotus as "good guys". But until we get more information, you will keep having folks distrusting Lotus and others trusting her. As for me, I will stick with the former because even though the Orokin tortured us and used us as weapons, we did wipe out their entire civilization which, unless their growth cycles and biology is different, would include both the guilty and innocent.....oh who am I kidding.


There is no such thing as innocence, only varying degrees of guilt.

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All those who betray the Lotus shall die. You talk about her betraying you, meanwhile you want to stab her in the back for some false sense of "choice".

Would I fully trust the Lotus? Yes. She is the reason why we aren't dead. And compared to you, she hasn't done anything that has the scent of betrayal.

How can you betray someone you were never loyal to?
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I'm not making an argument, I don't need to, the devs were asked "Are the Tenno the good guys" and they answered yes. Our actions are dictated by missions the Lotus selects (Save for special events where she leaves a morally equivalent decision to us) ergo the Lotus is (by word-of-god) a good guy.

Multiple announcers isn't content, it's the opposite of content. It's consuming VO resources to solve a problem that is already solved (By having a "known good" announcer), actively consuming resource without providing content.

I'm not arguing anything, I'm conveying Dev word-of-god on the matter and informing you of economic reality.


What... are you... talking about?


Well if you weren't going for an arguement before, you are now. What does us being the good guys have to do with trusting the lotus? Just because the tenno trust the lotus momentarily doesn't automatically make her a good guy. Then tenno literally know NOTHING about the lotus, their trust in merely a trust that was founded in a time of desperation.


Anything you put into a game is content whether it be guns, lore, quests, or characters i.e. announcers. DOens't matter if you're spending money or resources, it's still content.


You are not saying the "word-of-god" but instead misinterpreting it.

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You are not saying the "word-of-god" but instead misinterpreting it.


No he's right, Lotus is obviously a good character from the devs' point of view. 


The "lotus is bad" thing is just some nonsense people have cooked up because they're used to plot reversals where a former aide turns out to be bad.  Also, contrarian and edgy just for the sake of being contrarian and edgy.


Now whether the Lotus could be a good entity being mind-controlled (that old standby of the comics) - well, that's another question :)

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It would be cool to actually have faction affiliations potentially matter more, or something. Personally I'd love to have one of the Cephalons (maybe even Vol) lead me instead of Lotus, but I mean. I can see some issues with events. Maybe Lotus could still be affiliated with us, while we primarily listen to someone else though. Nice change of pace, especially with less pretext of "helping balance" because it rarely is.

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Its been far too long. Its past time for Vay Hek to make good on his promise to throw the lotus into the sun.

Omg yes. I don't like her just cuz she annoys me. I think sending her on a vacation into the heart of the sun I'd be willing to fund myself. I'd rather have darvo tell me he's sending life support but its gonna cost me rather than have lotus never shut up about missions needing to be done, invasions occurring and alerts for paltry credits blabbing in my ear every 5-10 mins.

Edited by (PS4)StillbornKumquat
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What... are you... talking about?


Well if you weren't going for an arguement before, you are now. What does us being the good guys have to do with trusting the lotus? Just because the tenno trust the lotus momentarily doesn't automatically make her a good guy. Then tenno literally know NOTHING about the lotus, their trust in merely a trust that was founded in a time of desperation.


Anything you put into a game is content whether it be guns, lore, quests, or characters i.e. announcers. DOens't matter if you're spending money or resources, it's still content.


You are not saying the "word-of-god" but instead misinterpreting it.


You're conflating in-world opinion with out-of-world (player) opinion.


In-world, your'e Tenno is free to think whatever they want about the Lotus, to doubt the necessity of the mission and to worry about her direction. But short of not playing any mission you do not have the option to act on those opinions.


Out-of-world, as a player, you would be ignorant to do so, The devs have told us that the Tenno are "The good guys" our action are "good" we know that in-game we can _only_ perform actions approved or dictated by the Lotus, hence she _must_ also be a "good guy" (Not sure what you think "word-of-god" means but when the devs say X is true, as authors of the setting that is QED "word-of-god").


We also know that DE have stated that the Lotus is akin to our "Space mom" that she will always be there for us even if (for specific mission only) we chose to take a mission from other characters. They also said that, no, we'll not be able to replace the Lotus with a syndicate announcer (for the reasons I'm restating)


We also know that repeating the same hundreds of lines in with different VO is not content. Much in the same way adding ambient occlusion wasn't content. It add nothing for the player to _do_ it simply improves an existing mechanism.


Content is something we _do_ another announcer is not content. Content is quantitative, duplicate VO is (possibly) qualitative.


We also understand that duplicating the VO work for _every_ historical piece of content and every future piece of content is completely ridiculous considering no content is added. For the same time investiture we could double the lines of unique VO in the game (actual content)

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It would be interesting to have an option and to see what options people would take. Especially if the grineer, corpus, or infested (just try to imagine it) were options. All of those, plus the syndicates and lotus, all vying for something in space. Warfare over nodes to have better resources or credits or whatever. I could do that. It'd be interesting to see what the balance of power would be if there were a ton of options.

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Oh yes, as has been mentioned? Out of world? Lotus is hella shady.

In the game world? Yeah, the Tenno have a reason for trusting her so much. This disconnect is what this argument is building off of.

Edit: and for the record, the Tenno and Lotus stand for balance. If you were here for Gradivus, Lotus made us choosr between Corpus or Grineer, and managed to procure the Machete Wraith for all participants... Presumably, the Corpus and Grineer forked over everything else including the Brakk and Detron bps, and all the credits and potatoes.

But guess what? Lotus RESCUED the sleeping Tenno that sparked the whole damn thing ANYWAY. End of the day? Neither side won! We drained their resources, we fought a lot of soldiers, and everything we got WAS FOR US, and never for them!

Sorry, Gradivus was my fave event. >_>

Edited by BlazenFury
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Oh yes, as has been mentioned? Out of world? Lotus is hella shady.

In the game world? Yeah, the Tenno have a reason for trusting her so much. This disconnect is what this argument is building off of.


No the other way around,


In-game-world the Tenno can think what they like, they have limited information.


Out-of-world we have dev word-of-god and story assertions that the Lotus is indeed a "good guy" and working to the benefit of the Tenno and the Origin system.

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She destroys all life support when tennos run out of oxygen in survival missions, caring, isn't it?


Tennos aren't faithful warriors, they fight for treasure, just like Ruk states. When did you fight for faith? You fight for stuff Lotus or someone else throws you, like a bone to a dog.

Imagine a vacuum, now imagine a pressurized object that's meant to fill that vacuum.   Something going from full pressure to vacuum would 'explode.' Violently. That's why explosive decompression is a thing. Now imagine those LS things, they're extremely small and thin to be full of just gas, so that gas must be super condensed gas to where its basically an extremely dense solid.  I imagine that them hitting the ground when they're first dropped off would destabilize most of them, that or it acts like a tube of super glue where the cap is used to puncture the aluminum film.  Maybe the LS works the same way, maybe the impact with the ground reheats the liquid to where it's violently under pressure, which is why the LS thing releases it's contents so quickly through what seems to be the whole of the ship in 3 ticks.  With the pressure rising on the inside and the pressure lowering on the outside, the container finally ruptures and vents out like the rest of the LS.     And, with a vaccum, you would no longer have a stabilizing pressure to work with so everything in the LS would just shoot off towards the hole/exit in the ship rather than filling the room.


Best I could come up with :/


Edit: Typos

Edited by TheMagicalSharpie
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