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Parkour 2.0 (U17 Megathread Topic)


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Big issue with Bullet jump:

Aiming down while performing bullet jump on the ground-> you jump UP, top ahead straightly... vertically.

Aiming down while performing bullet jump in the air-> you dive DOWN straightly.

Completely confusing...


This makes horizontal bullet jump a bit painful if you are trying to perform it when gliding.

You have to aim real far and exact horizontal, otherwise you will not perform a horizontal bullet jump from the ground.


I suggest:

Aiming lower than horizontal while bullet jump on the ground should always perform a horizontal bullet jump.

This makes sense since you can't "jump" into the ground.

And this can compensate the removed coptering a little.


This will help.


And bullet jump is not fast enough.

Old glide jump (front flip) is a lot faster, longer. Now we lose copertering and front flip all together. :(

Can we make glide bullet jump travel faster and move longer (more horizontal)?

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Aim glide an wall latch camera.


What's the pointof getting to a vantage point high on a wall if you can't see anything?  The camera zooms in too close : your  WF occupies like 60% of the screen , making it impossible to see some enemies correctly

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For all those who are saying that Parkour 2.0 is slow, how is this slow to you?? >>

Before 2.0 I could go over 4x faster than whats in your video. I could do the entire room's distance in a single leap. So yeah it feels a bit slow now.

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No sir. I posted one that admittedly isnt a legit run because I just simply jump over each section. My 28.07 run is a legit run with the old system that cant possibly take advantage of coptering because weapons arent allowed in the dojo. That means no broken mechanics, completely legit, basic moves.... that I argue are faster.  Beat my time with a legit run now, and you win the internet. Otherwise admit defeat.


Just to play devil's advocate here, that dojo track comparison is not that decisive. It's tailored to the old system and covers up all it's shortcomings. Of course you can "cheese" it, because the new system offers far grater freedom and flexibility, making most of the old challenges obsolete/easy. That was the highlight of parkour 1.0 - either follow the "legit" (i.e. predefined) route, or GTFO and copter. How many legit parkour routes are there, ones that actually function as shortcuts, making you move faster because you used them? 2-3 per map? Maybe 4 when there is a treasure room. From my perspective it's a huge issue because the very point of parkour is to have freedom in making your own path, and Parkour 1.0 punished you for that. With the exception of wallflinging which was the only saving grace of the old system (the video you provided wouldn't be possible without it), and I regret they did not keep it in some form.


Funny thing is, wallhopping follows the same basic principle as wallflinging - it's contact-based, not "on tracks", creating a momentum in a chosen direction. It's basically flinging with huge nerf. Again, add an option to charge it while latching, and we're good. 

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For all those who are saying that Parkour 2.0 is slow, how is this slow to you?? >>


It seems about the same as the old melee system's speed, minus coptering and I personally never used pure Jump+crouch+meleeeeeeeeee coptering as didn't a ton of other people.


The above maneuver was executed by first bullet jumping while aiming a little above straight ahead, then immediately aim gliding, then pressing crouch+jump for a mid-glide double jump then immediately crouching and aiming which actually makes you gain speed if done correctly allowing you to traverse a large distance without having to touch the ground, similar to coptering.




OH wow: "Warframe is a carpal tunnel simulator, so we want to fix that, here, press x3 more buttons to move at about the exact same pace, kind a, Good Luck Tenno and You are welcome". 



Thank you taking care of my health DE, you are the best! You have my shield and my sword. 

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To all the people complaining that parkour 2.0 killed your speed, I just beat my highscore (43.25s) in the obstacle course with my new score being 32 point something seconds.


We move faster with supposedly less button presses but my throbbing thumb tells me it's time to stop.  Never had this before...



Also, shrink/remove the delay between firing and starting a reload.  It's so long that my despair could have reloaded in that short time (it's like half a second) and when I press the reload button I expect a reload.


And add a delay between jumping.  There is a new method of coptering that involves jumping very quickly and this would not only fix that but also prevent me from accidentally double jumping when I spam jump before hitting the ground after a long slide/fall.


Good update but the controls need work too.

Edited by Lord_of_Lords
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For all those who are saying that Parkour 2.0 is slow, how is this slow to you?? >>



It seems about the same as the old melee system's speed, minus coptering and I personally never used pure Jump+crouch+meleeeeeeeeee coptering as didn't a ton of other people.


The above maneuver was executed by first bullet jumping while aiming a little above straight ahead, then immediately aim gliding, then pressing crouch+jump for a mid-glide double jump then immediately crouching and aiming which actually makes you gain speed if done correctly allowing you to traverse a large distance without having to touch the ground, similar to coptering.


Please watch this great tutorial on how to use Parkour 2.0 effectively and try to chain bullet jumps into aim glides into front rolls and so on and you will be moving faster and more precisely than with the old Parkour system.



This is quite funny, because, in the end, all DE did - was changing one coptering for another, only new one requiring more buttons to pull off. Also new coptering is less precise and reliable.


I really wanted coptering to go, but it did not. Now it's just exhausting to do, and warframes still sprint like an old lady. Didn't players being too slow brought coptering abuse in the first place?


DE never learns...

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For all those who are saying that Parkour 2.0 is slow, how is this slow to you?? >>



It seems about the same as the old melee system's speed, minus coptering and I personally never used pure Jump+crouch+meleeeeeeeeee coptering as didn't a ton of other people.


The above maneuver was executed by first bullet jumping while aiming a little above straight ahead, then immediately aim gliding, then pressing crouch+jump for a mid-glide double jump then immediately crouching and aiming which actually makes you gain speed if done correctly allowing you to traverse a large distance without having to touch the ground, similar to coptering.


Please watch this great tutorial on how to use Parkour 2.0 effectively and try to chain bullet jumps into aim glides into front rolls and so on and you will be moving faster and more precisely than with the old Parkour system.



Yep, I use this skill too.

It helps a lot, it let you travel very far, not very fast though.

Still a bit faster than sprint.

As you can see, loki is a lot faster than frost while aiming glide (of course, this is not coptering xD).


My concern is the new wall climb/wall run, not really controller friendly, and looks awkward imo.

Edited by aerosoul1337
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WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY COMBAT MOBILITY? I love Parkour 2.0 but it does the polar opposite of its intended effect namely MOBILITY. I have gotten really good with P2.0 and when I am just moving through the level I can get to some really good speeds, but as soon as i go into combat I slow down to the speed of a dead snail, WHY the hell did you remove all the inertia in weapon attacks, I go to do a spin attack with any melee and i move maybe 1/4 of the distance i would like and then get shot in the face cause i am the worst ninja ever and die. i don't want specific weapons to have mobility advantage, I just want my melee weapon to give me mobility in combat(most specifically the spinning slide on the ground. I shouldn't have to run around a building/room to speed up just so my spinning slide attack can move half the distance it once did.

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More than anything else the first things that need to be fixed are the clunky transitions between things. For example sprinting is cancelled when doing many things now, landings in general are slow, and hitting a wall while air gliding doesn't allow you to latch.

Secondly, momentum issues need to be addressed. The momentum mechanics of this system (as well as the old one) don't make much sense and should be fixed to give players a more natural and intuitively feeling system.

After the first two issues are fixed a charged wall-takeoff should be added so that when a player jumps before de-latching they will push off away from the wall. Furthermore, the camera angle should be limited when latching so that players can't see into the wall or anything of the sort.

For the sake of polish, normal jumps should be affected by player momentum, and bullet jumps/double jumps should add to momentum.

Players should be able to use double jump by only jumping once if they are falling. The frequency of double jump (while falling) should be cool-down based and affect your falling trajectory based on the direction it which you double jump.

Finally, to really add more combat-usefulness to the system, a few more ground-mobility features should be added. Tenno should be able to vault/flip over enemies and there should be a mechanic that allows for quick juking/dodging side lunges (rolling should be reworked to be faster and more lunge-like with a quick all-fours landing that stops inertia and allows for either a quick transition to normal movement or another lunge-roll-all-fours-stop.) the movement would be fast enough to effectively, when zigzagging, dodge enemy fire.

Edited by Jamescell
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Ever since u17 I've noticed a few things that really break the flow of gameplay. I find my abilities not working "on the fly" like they used to. I notice dropping out of sprint a lot more. I noticed more "inertia flings" which just need to be completely taken out of the game.


The bottom line is "Ninjas" need two things: Speed and Control. One does no good without the other; and they are the yin and yang of Ninjas. That being said; here are the serious issues, starting with my biggest most troublesome issue:


--------------------------------"Inertia Flings"-------------------------

Keep in mind this entire section is about NOTHING else besides the "dodge" button rolling, frontflips and backhand springs. (Direction+Dodge moves and Aim+Direction+Dodge moves ONLY)


U17 has added more "Inertia" flings thanever. Before you would only experience them with wallrunning glitches happened and you got tossed randomly. Now all dodge movement has been given "Inertia flings" that make your dodges sporadic and incalculable; it just launches you out of the way sometimes a far distance and sometimes a short distance.


We need the dodges to be controlled and a set distance. Like they were before U17. Before, I knew exactly where my dodges would set me; so I always knew if I was going to dodge and land on an edge of a platform or if I was going to get off that platform; there was no "guessing" "inertia flings" but instead it was skill and knowledge of the move and it's set distance. Now I find myself trying to flip over one enemy; and I "fling" over 6 enemies some random distance. Infact, I can spam frontflip (dodge+jump) and gain such an inertia boost I can flip through entire maps faster than anything can run; it's like the new way to "copter" through a mission and it has the "inertia fling" that coptering had and was complained about.


We need "control" and we need to be able to know without a doubt the distance of our moves to gain full function from these moves. I no longer feel "In control" of my moves; rather I'm forced to endure their "flings" and instead of "knowing" where I am going to land; I just have to assume I'll land in that direction, somewhere, eventually.


If the dodge function could be returned back to it's unbroken, controlled state that worked perfect (who ever had a problem with the old dodge system? You were in full control, you knew your moves distances and it was fast enough to use anytime to get out of the way)


Think about it: The "Inertia Fling" speed boost that made everyone "copter" was taken away from slide+melee and given to every direction+dodge move? That's a weird thing to do isn't it?


No control, no reward. That is true for so many things in life. What good is a system of movement that lacks control? Especially when before the dodge system had no issues; it didn't fling you this way and that, it was controlled, fast and reliable. Keep in mind this entire section is about NOTHING else besides the "dodge" button rolling, frontflips and back handsprings.




Although I can see the why players might like this function; and it's "fun" to glide across the air if your high in the air; it is *not* fun to glide a few feet off the ground anytime you aim while falling or jumping a short distance.


It's very immersion breaking for me to slow motion **every time** I aim in the air. What can be done? How can we make this gain more control and functionality? 


A few options I have thought of are:


   --"distance above ground" limitation--

          You won't aimglide if you jump off the ground and aim; however if your high enough above the ground then you 

          will! Let's say your at the top of a doublejump; than your high enough.

   --Double-Tap Aim-- 

           Double tapping aim quickly in the air will send you into the aimglide; assuming you hold down the aim on the  

           second tap.

   --Per-Weapon Activation--

           Similar to the new "Show Weapon Holstered" option in Appearance; You can enable/disable the Aimglide option 

           per weapon from the Arsenal. Choose what weapons you want to aimglide with; and which ones you don't want

           it with.


-------------------------"Coptering" is fixed, thank you; but.....--------------------------


You fixed coptering; without a doubt; You gave it a set-distance; and that is what it needed. However, why did you take the "inertia" away from jump+attack melee? You *do* fling your swords forward, kick your legs back and try to boost forward; yet now it barely goes forward.... yet you get a boost of speed by rolling? That doesn't quite make too much sense as far as control. Honestly; rolling never gives anybody a burst of speed; with the exception of sonic (the hedgehog) and before rolling was also a set distance and worked great. Now it's random (I won't continue to repeat this; it's all stated above)


However: Jump+melee attack deserves a set distance of movement forward; before it was too much though and now it is non-existent. 


Giving moves a "set distance" and removing all "inertia flings" is what the game needs to give players full control of their speed. These set distances need to not give up speed; just allow the player to "KNOW" where they will end up landing. They shouldn't have to "slow down" or "speed up and recover" from moves; they need moves that all flow into one speed, and moves that they can get used to the distances so there is no guess work.


***Ninjas don't frontflip and wonder where they will land. They know where they land; because they can flip about the same distance every time. Ninjas have control; and can make their moves "flow" together at the same speed. They don't stumble and recover after a flip or a roll; they just continue with more movement.***


---------------------------------and finally, Wallhopping and Wall Latching--------------------


I realize the direction you were going with this. You wanted to completely open up the walls for traversing. A good goal. However; now I don't even really feel like I'm using the environment; I don't "flip and land" at the top of a climb anymore. I can't scale up a wall and backflip over an enemies head anymore either. Moves that I've seen ninjas do in moves since i was a kid; and it felt great to do! In fact; moves like that drew me straight into the warframe universe and I *made* time to do them because they felt so awesome. I would just hope for an enemy to follow me close enough for me to run up a wall, flip over his head and rain shurikens, err I mean kunai down on his head.


Now? Now I just scale up any wall I want in a sort of rabid hopping manner; and when I get to a ledge I just keep trying to hop more til I realize "Oh wow; there is nothing here to hop on" and a land; pretty boring landing I might add.


Maybe we can work some "fixes" in here to give us back some of our Ninja feeling moves.


"Wall Latching" is crippled by the speed of "aiming" and makes it just a real drag to look around while using. Although the latching in general is an amazing feature and I do like it; something just simply must be done!




-How about two sensitivity bars in Options, One for mouse speed, one for mouse speed while aiming?

-How about Wall Latch "activates" by aiming; and then you can let go of aim and it'll still hold until you jump off?

-Wall Latch being infinite is also an awesome idea; sometimes I feel like it's way too short; I know there are mods to increase it; but with infinite "stamina" why make us so limited?

-Wall"hopping" gains more interaction with the environment. When your at the top of a ledge; you flip and land not just take another leap and look weird then land.

-"Wall Latching" gets "dodge" moves. Example: while Wall Latched; Back+dodge would backflip you off the wall. Side+Dodge would make you "run" a short distance sideways along the roll (Same set distance as the old rolls when they had a set distance; perhaps?)


-------------------------------Lastly, Abilities are now not as Responsive--------------


I've noticed while under any "inertia fling" effects; I cannot activate my abilities. It'll just ignore the command. Sometimes when I'm just moving normal it'll ignore ability commands also; and I have to try to hit my ability twice before it takes the command. I don't know what is causing the delay or lack of response; but it has to do with the new system for sure. I've now had to start a habit of "standing still" a moment THEN casting an ability; just to make sure it works the first time. 


As I said; Ninjas need control; and ninjas need speed. It's the yin and yang of everything they do. You can't have a bunch of speed; getting flung this way and that and you can't have uncontrolled movements that sometimes work, sometimes fling you far, sometimes don't fling you far, and sometimes just don't respond. That poor ninja would be the deadest ninja ever. 


That being said; we need our abilities to work "on the fly" and the first time!! We need to make sure they are responsive like they were before U17. There can be no "Oh I hit it but it didn't work and I had to try again".


Also: I've noticed sprinting canceling a lot more often; and it's really getting to me.



-------------------------Thank you for reading!! Please post any and all feedback. Please realize this isn't slander against you or anyone; and if you like how Parkour 2.0 how it is; feel free to mention your likes. I like a lot introduced; however there is some "game breaking" things that need to be addressed.------------------------------


------------------------------------------------------------Almost forget: Vaulting over Obstacles!---------------------------------------------


----Also, please bring back vaulting over obstacles. It had the option in options to turn it off for any who didn't like it. In fact the option is still there. Yet now those who *did* like it can't even use it now. I won't like it brought back, with no "roll" landing or anything weird, just a simple vault over and land. If you fall a distance from vaulting over a ledge; then autoroll; otherwise just vault and continue walking.----------


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I was wary of parkour 2.0 at first thinking it might've just been a U14 update which didn't really do much but I'm glad I was wrong. Movements feel a lot less clunky and weird.

Crouch+jump is a great alternative to coptering, when done right it can cover distances as far as popular coptering weapons like Ichors and Tipedo. What I love most is how you feel more in control when you do it though so you wouldn't overdo your distance.

Wall hopping is great asides from the animation which can do a tad improvement here and there. Like above, you feel more in control in this and I swear you can finally play The Floor is Lava with your friends and what not hopping endlessly to one side to another.

Ziplines thank god. They felt like really dumb gimmicks before parkour 2.0 but now they're good gimmicks. What isn't ninja about running on a zipline and shooting everything around you?

Wall latching would be my only real problem and it's really only a minor one, the camera goes behind the Warframe making your visibility very low defeating the actual purpose of the latch. Wall latching feels a bit weird to execute but that maybe because I lack the practise.

I wasn't really addicted to coptering or aerial but I felt that these got a huge hit and they're just there because they are. They should have a minor distance boost because aerial melee gets you nowhere. Maybe 5-15 meters because they just look weird but I am actually capable of killing something seamlessly with copter now.

People can argue that it slowed down Warframe's pace significantly but I couldn't really tell the difference. Try crouch+jump+double jump+roll and it'll be a pretty good coptering replacement.

Overall parkour 2.0 is a huge improvement to Warframe's previous "parkour" mechanics and IMO we gained more than we lost.

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I don't think you understand my post.


Re-read the part at the top....

It would still tie it to the current sprint button, which is what I meant. I should have been more clear. If it were an option, and others could keep it on aim like it is now, I would be okay with it, but the way your current suggestion it would be a nightmare to use. 

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Thank you very much for posting this, keep in mind people he's had this system for less than 2 days!

I'd love to see a coptering video after the first 2 days of play....it would be S#&$e.

This is a great example of having reliable, reasonable to very fast mobility around the map.


If you hate it now and think DE sucks, you are a fool. If you hate it after using it a month so be it DE should listen, but no one understands the depth of a change like this within 36 hours, that is silly.


So don't be an ! for a month, then QQ if you still hate it. But be honest that you don't have the skill to assess it yet, within 36 hours, because not accepting that would make you arrogant at best.


Thanks DE, for a crazy fun system, super dynamic, that is very appreciated.




Thank you for your open minded perspective and for giving the new system time to embrace and learn it. Tbh, I always used directional melee and ground slide attacks combined with slide jumping and air directional melee earlier, and never actually used coptering which would get you over 150 metres in 2 seconds, which was quite ridiculous. :P


So I feel they have fixed a ridiculous exploitative bug and given us quite a smooth and yes, reliable movement system and all we need to do is learn it like we learned the old system.


Before 2.0 I could go over 4x faster than whats in your video. I could do the entire room's distance in a single leap. So yeah it feels a bit slow now.


And you didn't think that was ridiculously and exploitative? That such a bug or glitch warranted use just because it helped you cover 150 metres in 2 seconds, while the balance of the game did not matter?


In my almost 2000 hours of playing, I have rarely seen people use coptering exclusively, in large places like Cerberus or Void defense so it actually seems that the loss of true 100 metres per second coptering affects very few people while the majority are getting a smooth bug free system which is as good as directional meleeing and slide jumping, that actually allows you to ninja more precisely.


This is quite funny, because, in the end, all DE did - was changing one coptering for another, only new one requiring more buttons to pull off. Also new coptering is less precise and reliable.


I really wanted coptering to go, but it did not. Now it's just exhausting to do, and warframes still sprint like an old lady. Didn't players being too slow brought coptering abuse in the first place?


DE never learns...


No, you can actually go at whatever pace you choose to go at now. Earlier it was all about coptering and directional meeleing right into walls or objects, getting stuck there due to momentum and then dropping like a dead bug and then resuming that style of movement.


Now, if I'm in a tight place or smaller enclosed area of the map I can Bullet Jump and then chain it into either a directional melee, slide melee, front roll, aim glide or double jump, and then precisely control where I want to go and at what speed.


If I'm in a large horizontal space, I can bullet jump, aim glide, double jump, aim glide and cover a 100 metres in a controlled manner with quite a lot of speed (like in the video I posted), comparable to the old system (not of coptering) but of directional melee and slide jump chaining, which is exactly what a majority of the community did and it still took the same amount of button presses, if not more.


If I'm in a large vertical space I aim straight up, jump up once then bulltet jump up while in the air and it will take me higher than any directional melee could take me earlier, and this time regardless of the melee weapon equipped. This is actually a huge problem solved for the entire community since now we don't have to stick with our Zoren copters and Tipedo copters, and can cover the same distance as fast with any weapon.


The whole point of Parkour 2.0 which many people seem to be missing is the aspect of chaining your moves in up to 2 in a row or 4 with 2 aim glides included, and you moves can be constantly chained as long as you touch a surface after those 2 or 4 moves and it actually does take you very fast if you chain them correctly.

Edited by Sci_Ant
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i wasnt a fan of coptering pre u17 i had a tipedo for raids, the second i could chunked that think into the void and had nef anyo throw me some credits back. Then i fell head over heels with this new system. Its not perfect but it makes the game much more interactive. One thing is more so with grenieer then other factions is one room in the tileset will be packed and then it feels like a ghost town. if that was fixed and i think it has been improved a little, then i think this will be the best thing for warframe.  

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Great, what games do you recommend for us?

If you can't deal with coptering being gone? ... I recommend Warframe.


It'd be the hardest for you to adapt to.


If you can adapt to something you hate...think of the possibilities!! giphy.gif

Edited by Thaumatos
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For all those who are saying that Parkour 2.0 is slow, how is this slow to you?? >>



It seems about the same as the old melee system's speed, minus coptering and I personally never used pure Jump+crouch+meleeeeeeeeee coptering as didn't a ton of other people.


The above maneuver was executed by first bullet jumping while aiming a little above straight ahead, then immediately aim gliding, then pressing crouch+jump for a mid-glide double jump then immediately crouching and aiming which actually makes you gain speed if done correctly allowing you to traverse a large distance without having to touch the ground, similar to coptering.


Please watch this great tutorial on how to use Parkour 2.0 effectively and try to chain bullet jumps into aim glides into front rolls and so on and you will be moving faster and more precisely than with the old Parkour system.



That is a perfect example of why it is terrible.


Look at how slow it is, look at how clumsy it is, look at how many button presses you have to do when all coptering was slide and melee and add a jump when needed.


I don't want arthritis in my hand just trying to do a simple jump.


Plus you try chaining wall runs onto it or even a wall run then all that and try and get onto another wall, coptering was fine and i could latch onto a wall run if needed.


Now i have to do a skippy the kangeroo impersonation when wall running and some kind of origami move just to be able to move a bit slower and travel less distance.

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Just to play devil's advocate here, that dojo track comparison is not that decisive. It's tailored to the old system and covers up all it's shortcomings. Of course you can "cheese" it, because the new system offers far grater freedom and flexibility, making most of the old challenges obsolete/easy. That was the highlight of parkour 1.0 - either follow the "legit" (i.e. predefined) route, or GTFO and copter. How many legit parkour routes are there, ones that actually function as shortcuts, making you move faster because you used them? 2-3 per map? Maybe 4 when there is a treasure room. From my perspective it's a huge issue because the very point of parkour is to have freedom in making your own path, and Parkour 1.0 punished you for that. With the exception of wallflinging which was the only saving grace of the old system (the video you provided wouldn't be possible without it), and I regret they did not keep it in some form.


Funny thing is, wallhopping follows the same basic principle as wallflinging - it's contact-based, not "on tracks", creating a momentum in a chosen direction. It's basically flinging with huge nerf. Again, add an option to charge it while latching, and we're good. 


Thats true, but a large majority of the current tile sets are confined within hallways or have low ceilings. With the old system it didnt matter how high the ceiling was in the dojo because you couldnt launch yourself that high. So im simply making a comparison of the new system under the parameters that are given in the rest of the majority of the game. Apples to apples.


Its like saying "we've given you the ability to jump to the sky.... if you can figure out how to get out of the hallways"

Edited by Faulcun
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In my almost 2000 hours of playing, I have rarely seen people use coptering exclusively, in large places like Cerberus or Void defense so it actually seems that the loss of true 100 metres per second coptering affects very few people while the majority are getting a smooth bug free system which is as good as directional meleeing and slide jumping, that actually allows you to ninja more precisely.


I agree nobody used copter exclusively, and I am not sad to see it go.  However, the other aspects of the old system, most notably the slide -> jump front somersault, were not game breaking and were better for navigating the existing maps than this new "bullet jump" that has replaced it.  Everything else I wrote below in this post is in reference to the front somersault move and not coptering.  Coptering is something I never used in the original parkour system.


The original parkour system looked and felt more ninjalike. The new jumping feels like playing Luigi in Super Mario Bros 2--slow and floaty.  Parkour 2.0 breaks the flow of the game on any tileset that has confined ceiling spaces because the bullet jump launches you upward when you use it out of a slide, causing you to hit doorframes and ceilings and fail to clear obstacles that were clearable before with a simple slide -> jump.  Why did they remove the slide -> jump somersault?


You could argue that the new "Bullet Dive" makes up for this, except the bullet dive:

a) is tied to the aim button(a terrible decision because it activates aim, which causes zoom, making aiming during the manuever difficult and causing the camera to spaz out, which looks awful)

b) occurs at a fixed speed and kills player momentum

d) is part of a new movement combo that is far more awkward to use than the old slide -> jump -> slide combo, which really wasn't difficult to do


What I am getting at here is that Parkour 2.0 is not as good for everyone as it is for you.  The slide jump somersault maneuver was, in my estimation, far better than its clunky replacement.  There is no good substitute for the speed and trajectory of forward somersault in Parkour 2.0.  I don't understand why it was removed.  It would have fit into Parkour 2.0 just fine. 


I also disagree with your assertion that Parkour 2.0 is smooth and bug-free.  It feels incredibly floaty to use; causes the camera to zoom in and out awkwardly; and introduces a new, more complex, and poorly designed set of button presses to use effectively.

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I agree nobody used copter exclusively, and I am not sad to see it go.  However, the other aspects of the old system, most notably the slide -> jump front somersault, were not game breaking and were better for navigating the existing maps than this new "bullet jump" that has replaced it.  Everything else I wrote below in this post is in reference to the front somersault move and not coptering.  Coptering is something I never used in the original parkour system.


The original parkour system looked and felt more ninjalike. The new jumping feels like playing Luigi in Super Mario Bros 2--slow and floaty.  Parkour 2.0 breaks the flow of the game on any tileset that has confined ceiling spaces because the bullet jump launches you upward when you use it out of a slide, causing you to hit doorframes and ceilings and fail to clear obstacles that were clearable before with a simple slide -> jump.  Why did they remove the slide -> jump somersault?


You could argue that the new "Bullet Dive" makes up for this, except the bullet dive:

a) is tied to the aim button(a terrible decision because it activates aim, which causes zoom, making aiming during the manuever difficult and causing the camera to spaz out, which looks awful)

b) occurs at a fixed speed and kills player momentum

d) is part of a new movement combo that is far more awkward to use than the old slide -> jump -> slide combo, which really wasn't difficult to do


What I am getting at here is that Parkour 2.0 is not as good for everyone as it is for you.  The slide jump somersault maneuver was, in my estimation, far better than its clunky replacement.  There is no good substitute for the speed and trajectory of forward somersault in Parkour 2.0.  I don't understand why it was removed.  It would have fit into Parkour 2.0 just fine. 


I also disagree with your assertion that Parkour 2.0 is smooth and bug-free.  It feels incredibly floaty to use; causes the camera to zoom in and out awkwardly; and introduces a new, more complex, and poorly designed set of button presses to use effectively.

I think wilcox summed up most of my feelings about the new system pretty succinctly.  Apologies, but I didn't read through the entire thread, so expect some repetition with regards to what other players have said.  Here're my honest feelings though:


-The new system is really floaty, and a lot slower compared to coptering and directional air melee

-While bullet/rocket/whateverelse jumping is nice, it's kinda slow and a little clunky - especially when it comes to jumping rather short heights that the double jump might not be able to cover, or would cover more slowly.  Directional air melee was better for this, and involved fewer button presses

-The zoom while aim gliding is really distracting and makes me not want to ever use it if I'm simply trying to cover extra distance.  It most definitely needs some kind of toggle option

-The fastest path from point A to point B is a straight line, and coptering was much more horizontal than the new system, which has a lot more verticality to it.  While there are undoubtedly combos that will help a player navigate a level quickly, for me, nothing is as direct or simple as coptering with the occasional air melee.  I'm using a bullet jump followed immediately by a double jump right now, but I occasionally find myself (unconsciously) trying to air melee or copter.

-I don't quite like the new bunny hop for wall traversing, and I couldn't pull off the hold A/hold D component of the parkour 2.0 tutorial.  I found myself hopping straight up the wall rather than across it most of the time-

-While I enjoy being able to run and jump onto ziplines, it seems strange that my frame can lock onto and be magnetically attracted to the cable without so much as grabbing it with one hand to swing up onto it.  Feels like I'm being attracted to the line rather than jumping onto it.  Sorry bout the odd description, but I hope you'll know what I mean.


Overall, I guess I can sum up most of my complaints by saying the new system seems to be going for LOOKS rather than PERFORMANCE.  Everything looks really nice because the animations are fluid and slower than coptering.  This is the problem though, it's all for show.  While coptering was a dizzying spin, it got you where you needed to go quickly and efficiently.

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I think the button presses were poorly thought out, it feels far too floaty, it's slow, and parkour 1.0 did many things better. 

To me it feels like a downgrade. A most unwelcome downgrade. Coptering may have been a bug but at least it was fast.

The nerfing of directional melee is also questionable. 

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