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Hotfix 8.0.4: Hit Me With Your Best Hot(Fix).


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The majority of tickets on this issue have now been resolved now folks, I imagine there are some I missed, and we will most certainly get to you ASAP.


If you made a ticket about missing a daily reward such as Forma or Void key, or missing the completion reward from a Void mission (or were missing 2 out of your 5 keys from a purchase, snuck most of those in) you should now have 1 Regular and one Rare Orokin Void Key in your possession.

Any NEW support requests created after this will be handled regularly and undergo regular scrutiny. (everything is logged!)


 If what you really wanted was the specific item and not the free keys I apologize but it simply isn't feasible with the number of support requests and the wide variety of rewards it could have been DAYS before we got to your ticket. While making up my list I was looking for key phrases and words, so if I misread your ticket and it was about something completely different let me know and I will have it assigned out.


In general, please remember to keep it to only ONE issue per ticket, our Support team is specialized and not generalists.  The support agent that handles a bug may not be the same one that restores items, so make sure to select the most accurate category and separate your requests from your reports.  (ie you sold an item accidentally 'because of a bug' means you lost the item and would like it back I imagine, so you would want the category that deals with items that have been lost/sold/doubled vs I found a hole in the map, that's a bug)

I did not get my regular and rare orikin key.  and i posted my ticket shortly after the bug happened... so how you missed me? idk ..

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I've spoken with the team and have been told the following:


Up to this point, all those who made tickets about The Void Missions Reward Issue will be reimbursed with 2 free Void Keys.

...and if you're still missing keys from the key-pack, we will fix you up soon. Those take a bit more time because they are 1-1. But don't worry, we shall help!

Ok , I didn't write a ticket about the loss of my Reaper BP , because I was told there is a bug atm and Is being looked at. I won't get my 2 Void Keys , but will I get back my Reaper BP ?

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DE, can you do a tad more about the clan system.
For example, knowing when a clan mate is in the session, or joined the session. Something like floating text, OR text color is different from the defaul.
That would be nice, as sharing things in the clan too. And I don't think I'm the only one who thinks the same way about that.

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I have a question, what about that ones who droped keys shortly after update and lost them after 3rd hotfix? Should we post ticket too? :) ( if its somewhere in topics i cant find it :/ ) btw i just get up so dont hit me if its obvious :P

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Please fix Rhino's Iron skin. He just doesn't work as a tank anymore without it. Used to use it as an easy way to revive team mates during annoying or hard boss runs and large crowds, now I'm getting bursted down after activating it and before I can fully restore my team mate.

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Please, the Platinum is cheaper that yes no for the forma afford if you that time together is expecting...


When the throwing knives, there is a loading bug you loads X time before you shoot new / can throw.
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Can we get Void Keys in things other than Defense missions? Defense missions are my least favorite mission type overall, and to be effective I have to group up, which is difficult to do because I must secure an alternative internet source to do so.

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so basically if someone fill ticket about reaper bp but not actualy has problems with void missions still will be rewarded with 2 void keys? (or for example if someone will get into void via cell-leader key and dont recieved BP and filled ticket, if they dont lose they'r key will they still be awarded with two more?)

and people who lost it but not filled the ticket will not recieve anything?

am i right?

Edited by Cyclone
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I've spoken with the team and have been told the following:


Up to this point, all those who made tickets about The Void Missions Reward Issue will be reimbursed with 2 free Void Keys.

...and if you're still missing keys from the key-pack, we will fix you up soon. Those take a bit more time because they are 1-1. But don't worry, we shall help!

I cant play at all since the update................

Have written tickets and all no help -.-

Do i get something 2? 

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