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My Issue With The Void Trader Fiasco...


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Well gee, sorry for not seeing that one ''Bring'' word and assumed you were talking about PS4 or Xbox items or something.


Ok. Sorry for that what I writed. But there is too many people that are just errmmm specific (to not say a bad words) and if someone write something bad IM GETTING SO MAD!  xD I just cant take this Warframe forum community.

Edited by IfritKajiTora
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...Have you never read red text? Literally all it is is childish antics.... They referred to baro as a "cosmic Jacka**."

yeah but it's never  from my experience flat out deceitful, playful chatter is one thing but legitimate misleading, that just doesn't pass. 

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You took the clown literally. Never take clowns literally.


Think about it, HOW would they have actually taken a real vote from Region chat responses? It's chaos. I knew immediately that it was a joke. That's not how things have ever worked.


You fell for a joke that wasn't even that believable. I'm sorry. But now it's time to get over it.

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You took the clown literally. Never take clowns literally.


Think about it, HOW would they have actually taken a real vote from Region chat responses? It's chaos. I knew immediately that it was a joke. That's not how things have ever worked.


You fell for a joke that wasn't even that believable. I'm sorry. But now it's time to get over it.

Even with the smallest amount of logic it could've been realized. Baro items come in with patched. What do you expect? To cook up your fancy mod in half-an-hour then release it as a hotfix? It was already decided when the latest patch came out.

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yeah but it's never from my experience flat out deceitful, playful chatter is one thing but legitimate misleading, that just doesn't pass.

You act like you put effort into spamming region chat. Like you actually campaigned and put in effort for something.

And fyi red text has called out specific players before for acting inappropriately.

DE hasn't been listening to the community for years now.


I thought you would have learned that by now.

^^this is just willfully ignorant. Edited by immolator1001
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what does effort have anything to do with this?

As in people act like this was some promise made on a dev stream that everyone took a week to prepare for. This is something jokingly talked about in region chat by someone who is infamous for not being serious.

There don't need to be 3 threads complaining about a joke that did no negatively impact anyone. It's not like people tried hard and their hard work was for nothing.

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First, let me say this: I don't mind the Void Trader having crappy items. I also don't mind him being bugged.


What I DO mind, however, is DE asking for player feedback and then ignoring it. They asked us what we wanted the Void Trader to have, and then gave us things literally no one requested, or even wanted in the first place. Again, this isn't an issue of "Oh, the Void Trader's items suck," it's an issue of DE misleading us. THAT'S what frustrates me about all this.


DE, if you're going to ask us want we want, actually listen to the answers. If you already have items planned, then don't get our hopes up by asking what we want.

When did "asking what you want" go into having the same meaning as "i will give you what you want?"


When you go into trading channel, and ask a player there what is he willing to offer in terms of platinum for something you are selling, does that mean you automatically are willing to sell it to him at whatever price he wants to pay you for? Just because you asked him what he wanted?


Sorry man but your points are perfectly invalid.


Just because DE asks what you want, does not mean they will 100% give you what you want, they just wanted to hear and know is all.

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As in people act like this was some promise made on a dev stream that everyone took a week to prepare for. This is something jokingly talked about in region chat by someone who is infamous for not being serious.

There don't need to be 3 threads complaining about a joke that did no negatively impact anyone. It's not like people tried hard and their hard work was for nothing.

No nobody tried hard or exerted a lot of effort, but they were still deceived for no real reason and that isn't really okay. And as I mentioned before, while the redtext is usually somewhat lighthearted an playful in conversation, how many instances are there where he/she outright misleads the community with an offer. It isn't even as if later redtext said it was kidding, we were told we had a say in the coming rotation as an apology for it being messed up and then when the rotation arrived found that to be an absolute farce. 


I think it is fair people aren't pleased with that stunt, regardless of any effort involved, it was still a misleading act that had people excited and then let them down for really no purpose. 


Maybe you should think of it less as why the community is justified to be upset, and what justified the person writing the red text to pull such a stunt. 

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You actually believed that DE would select Baro's inventory by having Redtext ask region chat what they wanted, sift through literally thousands of responses, then release the requested mods/items which may or may not even existed at the time of asking?

Edited by ArbitUHM
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No nobody tried hard or exerted a lot of effort, but they were still deceived for no real reason and that isn't really okay. And as I mentioned before, while the redtext is usually somewhat lighthearted an playful in conversation, how many instances are there where he/she outright misleads the community with an offer. It isn't even as if later redtext said it was kidding, we were told we had a say in the coming rotation as an apology for it being messed up and then when the rotation arrived found that to be an absolute farce. 


I think it is fair people aren't pleased with that stunt, regardless of any effort involved, it was still a misleading act that had people excited and then let them down for really no purpose. 


Maybe you should think of it less as why the community is justified to be upset, and what justified the person writing the red text to pull such a stunt.

What justified red text was messing with region chat which they've done tons of times. Do you not understand what a white lie is? Deceive is a pretty strong word for what happened. And you're acting like region chat didn't know it was a joke! They immediately asked for ridiculous things. The vast majority of region chat treated it like a joke.

Did anyone in region actually expect a prisma cabbage, prisma hitler, or prisma prisma? It's not deceiving someone if everyone gets that it's a joke!

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so it's those who were gullible that the person writing the red text decided to play with the community who are at fault? not the person who willingly thought it would be cool to just troll because he could?


you can say what you will about the community not meant to take the redtext seriously, but that doesn't dismiss the fact we shouldn't be dealing with this in the first place. whoever is writing the redtext is a grown person working a job and should be above such a childish antics. 

And that grown person working a job should be able to count on the players they're talking to acting and thinking like grown people with their own jobs.  Most people caught onto the joke.  This can't seriously be your first time experiencing this kind of joke.


Fortunately, there are more posters attempting to inform those legitimately fooled by an assinine and impossible request.  Seriously, they don't load up Baro 5 minutes prior to his arrival, his wares are already decided well in advance.


And no, there were far more requests than just primed streamline or primed serration or what have you.   Everything from the mentioned to primed intruder to totally non-existent things was requested, and chat scrolled so fast there was no realistic way to tally everything up.  Just as well, I don't think a simple error like that warrants giving us exactly what we request either.  Baro's a little late, but that isn't grounds for compensation.

Edited by Littleman88
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And that grown person working a job should be able to count on the players they're talking to acting and thinking like grown people with their own jobs.  Most people caught onto the joke.  This can't seriously be your first time experiencing this kind of joke.


Fortunately, there are more posters attempting to inform those legitimately fooled by an assinine and impossible request.  Seriously, they don't load up Baro 5 minutes prior to his arrival, his wares are already decided well in advance.


And no, there were far more requests than just primed streamline or primed serration or what have you.   Everything from the mentioned to primed intruder to totally non-existent things was requested, and chat scrolled so fast there was no realistic way to tally everything up.  Just as well, I don't think a simple error like that warrants giving us exactly what we request either.  Baro's a little late, but that isn't grounds for compensation.

So as a grown person with a job ones mindset should be to immediately assume everything that comes out of another persons mouth on the job that is prompted towards its customers is one of a joking or teasing nature? Not sure that is quite right. And if you look at the forums, it seems that plenty didn't appreciate this "humor". 


And if it so obvious that this is offer was asinine and of an impossible nature, then why did whoever writes the redtext go out of their way in the first place to make the offer. Most people would assume some in that position is mature enough to not be making offers they couldn't possibly deliver upon. To note as well, while sure it isn't possible anything in the wide world could be put into the rotation it is pretty easy to figure what is probably on the table as an offer (we know of all the already released items alongside some that have yet to be released thanks to datamining) so the people reading that comment could have assumed redtext would just take from those who offered valid items. 


While there were plenty of offers, what I am aware of is that nothing we got was among the majority, or even among the mildly frequent, and that one of the biggest request (primed streamline) was certainly dismissed even though it was learned to be in the code months ago. 


But all in all, can you really justify the act itself? Instead of trying to dismiss why someone might be upset. 

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So as a grown person with a job ones mindset should be to immediately assume everything that comes out of another persons mouth on the job that is prompted towards its customers is one of a joking or teasing nature? Not sure that is quite right. And if you look at the forums, it seems that plenty didn't appreciate this "humor". 


And if it so obvious that this is offer was asinine and of an impossible nature, then why did whoever writes the redtext go out of their way in the first place to make the offer. Most people would assume some in that position is mature enough to not be making offers they couldn't possibly deliver upon. To note as well, while sure it isn't possible anything in the wide world could be put into the rotation it is pretty easy to figure what is probably on the table as an offer (we know of all the already released items alongside some that have yet to be released thanks to datamining) so the people reading that comment could have assumed redtext would just take from those who offered valid items. 


While there were plenty of offers, what I am aware of is that nothing we got was among the majority, or even among the mildly frequent, and that one of the biggest request (primed streamline) was certainly dismissed even though it was learned to be in the code months ago. 


But all in all, can you really justify the act itself? Instead of trying to dismiss why someone might be upset.

Look the vast majority of players understood it was a joke. You don't need to justify having some laughs with people, especially when they are in on it. He'll part of the joke was that DE messed up.

So how about you accept it instead of trying to guilt DE into giving you the over powered junk you wanted. Because that is literally the only reason this thread is here, players being greedy and trying to take advantage of DE.

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So as a grown person with a job ones mindset should be to immediately assume everything that comes out of another persons mouth on the job that is prompted towards its customers is one of a joking or teasing nature? Not sure that is quite right. And if you look at the forums, it seems that plenty didn't appreciate this "humor". 


And if it so obvious that this is offer was asinine and of an impossible nature, then why did whoever writes the redtext go out of their way in the first place to make the offer. Most people would assume some in that position is mature enough to not be making offers they couldn't possibly deliver upon. To note as well, while sure it isn't possible anything in the wide world could be put into the rotation it is pretty easy to figure what is probably on the table as an offer (we know of all the already released items alongside some that have yet to be released thanks to datamining) so the people reading that comment could have assumed redtext would just take from those who offered valid items. 


While there were plenty of offers, what I am aware of is that nothing we got was among the majority, or even among the mildly frequent, and that one of the biggest request (primed streamline) was certainly dismissed even though it was learned to be in the code months ago. 


But all in all, can you really justify the act itself? Instead of trying to dismiss why someone might be upset. 







THINK about the context people are speaking in, and how reasonable requests might be.  There are usually good hints at the legitimacy of what One says.  All you're doing is defending yourself for doing anything but.  They will not change their ways.  What you think should be IS NOT what will be.  You do not own DE, and more people than not got that it was a joke, hinted at it being a joke, even outright said (like me) IN CHAT that this has to be a joke, and still some didn't care to consider that fact.


The only people there are to blame here are those that just didn't even think about the situation and simply spit balled requests assuming they'd actually come true.  With only four slots on Baro, half old, half new, and dozens upon dozens of different requests, many of them in on the joke and asking for mundane or useless things?  Yeah, you were totally going to get what you wanted.  The odds were already against your favor.

Edited by Littleman88
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Look the vast majority of players understood it was a joke. You don't need to justify having some laughs with people, especially when they are in on it. He'll part of the joke was that DE messed up.

So how about you accept it instead of trying to guilt DE into giving you the over powered junk you wanted. Because that is literally the only reason this thread is here, players being greedy and trying to take advantage of DE.

The problem is not everyone was in on this so called "joke", and it isn't hard to see why, nowhere did redtext make it clear this was a joke, it could have quite as easily been a legitimate offer. But I guess with your logic, we should all just assume instantly that this person, a working member of a company, was just pulling his customers legs about offering amends for a mistake. I mean what fairytale did that kind of thinking come from, a mature adult making a comment on the job to its userbase that is credible.


And where in this post have I made any claim at wanting DE to give me or anyone else some sort of reward for all this? I've stated that such behavior is inappropriate and that those who are upset are entirely justified in their feelings, I've never suggested we deserve some sort of material compensation for the act, nor has anyone else from what I've seen. People just want to make DE aware that is not proper behavior, and they shouldn't think it's an alright way to treat their community, nor should anyone else for that matter. When someone does something wrong you don't just dismiss it, you have to address it and let them know its wrong otherwise nothing changes. 


In the end this is still a comment that deceived a number of people, was really not all too funny for the rest, which had no real need to be said in the first place. 

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The problem is not everyone was in on this so called "joke", and it isn't hard to see why, nowhere did redtext make it clear this was a joke, it could have quite as easily been a legitimate offer. But I guess with your logic, we should all just assume instantly that this person, a working member of a company, was just pulling his customers legs about offering amends for a mistake. I mean what fairytale did that kind of thinking come from, a mature adult making a comment on the job to its userbase that is credible.


And where in this post have I made any claim at wanting DE to give me or anyone else some sort of reward for all this? I've stated that such behavior is inappropriate and that those who are upset are entirely justified in their feelings, I've never suggested we deserve some sort of material compensation for the act, nor has anyone else from what I've seen. People just want to make DE aware that is not proper behavior, and they shouldn't think it's an alright way to treat their community, nor should anyone else for that matter. When someone does something wrong you don't just dismiss it, you have to address it and let them know its wrong otherwise nothing changes. 


In the end this is still a comment that deceived a number of people, was really not all too funny for the rest, which had no real need to be said in the first place. 

10000 people realized it was a joke. 100 people didn't. OMG THEY'RE EVIL FOR DECEIVING US!

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