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Grattler Nerf A Bit Extreme?


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down to 25 rounds from 250?


Howabout 50-100? I don't feel that you can get much done with 25 rounds to a clip. The Grattler was really cool. Now it just feels frustratingly underpowered compared to the other archwing weapons. You end up spending more time reloading than you do firing, and though the damage output isnt *garbage* per se, it isn't high enough to justify the reload to fire ratio we're seeing.


just my 0.02


Thanks for reading.



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You forget that its damage changed from MAGNETIC (of all things) to mostly Puncture, doing a total of 275 Damage compared to 200 MAGNETIC.


But you're right, cant use Automatic Trigger on it I lose all ammo in 5 seconds so... ya.

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Not in archwing missions. Your guns auto-regenerate ammo - there's no need. Unless there's been a change I don't know of, haven't played archwing in a couple weeks.


Nope no change. Also yes it is stupid, you shouldn't have to basically reload every second.

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Why does the Grattler have a projectile velocity that flies at a tenth of a Boltor-bolt without any mods to increase said projectile velocity?


Who had the idea "Hey, you know what is great?  A Slow firing, single target, non-hitscan weapon in space warfare!"

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I guess they must have some sort of guideline that they follow in regards to explosive weapons only having a very limited amount of ammunition. Only explanation for such short sighted nerf, its almost like they didn't even play test the damn weapon after they cut down the ammunition. The speed at which you run out of ammo it's pretty absurd, shame because I like the concept of flack gun.

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I agree, the nerf was taken too far.

Made a post a while ago about it: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/506583-extreme-grattler-nerf/




At the release the main issue with the gun was the range. It's alright in Sharkwing, but in Archwing, it didn't feel like there was any reason to use the gun when the enemies were pretty much at melee range. I guess the gun was meant for Sharkwing only, since it got released at the same time.
But now, its magazine capacity received a pretty extreme nerf.
From a 250 magazine to 25 sure can't be right.
Was this intended? If it was, I'm really interested in the test runs that led to this conclusion.
For such a low mag to work, you either need a reload mechanism, instead of recharge.
Or the recharge needs to kick in much faster (lets say 0.5 - 1 sec). And it should kick in even when you're holding down the left-click, allowing the gun to shoot at least once every 0.5 - 1 sec at all time.
I'm glad the explosion issue got fixed, but could the range and the magazine perhapse get another look?
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You forget that its damage changed from MAGNETIC (of all things) to mostly Puncture, doing a total of 275 Damage compared to 200 MAGNETIC.


But you're right, cant use Automatic Trigger on it I lose all ammo in 5 seconds so... ya.

Yeah you loose ammo in 5 sek and then have to wait 4 sek for it to refill thanks to 2sek CD on reload before it even start reloading.



Edited by DraccoDoom
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I think they are making Archwing less appealing on purpose. They even incorporated elements from archwing into sharkwing, despite the community's dissatisfaction towards it. Now they release cool weapons but make them as bad as possible.

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