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Why Would Radial Disarm Be A Bad Thing To Use? And Other Noob Questions



I was running a T1 def mission, and everyone quit out early at 15. I was using radial disarm when the mobs got thick around my decoy. One of the guys said "stop disarming" just at the end. I asked and he said "it was messing us up". Two people in the group had a similar name, I assume they were part of a clan? They were using a shield of some type over the item you are to protect, not sure what it was though. 


Why would radial disarm be a bad thing to use? 



2nd question: is there a way to keep the chat window open when you are in a run?


3rd question: anyone having problem running windows 10, and keys sticking? I did not play too long before installing windows 10, but I dont recall having this problem when I was running 7. Occasionally when I am running, or crouching for a lengthy time, the input seems to stick. i.e. I will release all of the keys and I will still be stuck walking forwards, or couching,etc. 



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'Shield of some type' wasnt Frost's Snowglobe?


If it was Snowglobe, then theres no reason to not disarm, if too many got in thier grill then the Frost could simply recast and blow them all away.


If it wasnt Snowglobe, then most likely would have been Cataclysm and they were relying on frame abilities to clear out the mobs, still no reason to not disarm there since everything in T1 dies to a stiff breeze.

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1) I don't see why raidial disarm would be that bad, but often you will find that whatever the key holder says, goes. The shield that they were using was probably frost's snow globe, or in extreme cases, volt's shield. They might have wanted all of the enemies to run straight for the pod, that is usually the case when they are using a mesa.


2) I do not believe there is, but you might want to check your settings to be sure.


3) I have never had that problem, but that doesn't mean that no one else has.

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1st answer: I Cant think of a reason why you wouldn't want to disarm, it makes defence mission way easier so idk


2: not sure


3: Im not using 10 but the crouch and toogle crouch are C and V respectively so maybe you press the wrong button, thats nthe only thing i can think of

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Was it a smaller shield, or a large orb with an annoying 2d texture in the middle of it? 

The smaller "shield" looking shield is a power of Volt's, and shooting through it increases damage. Likely they wanted to shoot the enemies, rather than having them be disarmed and running for the pod. At the same time, my experience is that enemies affected by Radial Disarm group together and starting beating each other with their batons. If you kept up good coverage with Radial Disarm they shouldn't have entered into melee range the defense target, but if you let it relax then the enemies would become unconfused and head through the shield to beat up the defense target. 

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Was it a smaller shield, or a large orb with an annoying 2d texture in the middle of it? 

The smaller "shield" looking shield is a power of Volt's, and shooting through it increases damage. Likely they wanted to shoot the enemies, rather than having them be disarmed and running for the pod. At the same time, my experience is that enemies affected by Radial Disarm group together and starting beating each other with their batons. If you kept up good coverage with Radial Disarm they shouldn't have entered into melee range the defense target, but if you let it relax then the enemies would become unconfused and head through the shield to beat up the defense target. 

That's only with the augment, I'm doubting he had that installed.

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Radial disarm is dependent on the team you have. Some squads start a mission with a squad that isn't very versatile. However its a bad excuse regardless. Even I would love a hardcore disarming Loki on the team. Less big guns the better. That way I can take my exalted blade and rip them to shreds. Majority of warframes, and weapon loadouts should benefit from a disarm with or without the radiation version.

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I've played with Lokis who don't disarm. I personally don't like it, but I get the impression there's been a trend in the meta to not for a couple of reasons. Some mentioned above, though I don't think directly... disarm causes/brings enemies into melee range, so if they're using shielding against projectiles, they will no longer work.


Some people aren't comfy dealing with close-ranged attacks for whatever reason, and it may have been a play-style/technique thing if they had similar names - they're used to playing one way and you weren't conforming.


The other thing is if they were geared to deal with ranged verses melee attacks, I supposed they could see you as "messing it up". I think I echo the other posters when I say you didn't do anything wrong, but as mentioned, it's the key-holder's rules. Other than some kind of serious lack of defense, I can't see why they'd want to keep mobs at range. Disarming them makes play a lot easier and in def missions, they come to you instead of you needing to go find them.


The only other thing I can think of is mechanics - disarm stuns and enemies can more or less only be under one kind of stun effect at a time; i.e. try Valkyr's paralysis on something that's just been knocked down or stunned by another frame's ability. It won't work, so perhaps that's what they meant. Hard to say without knowing exactly what they were using (frames and gear, cause they may have even been using Osprey?).


When in doubt and in a PUG, ask first what they want to do, and it's always easier to ask forgiveness than permission if you "mess up".



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When in doubt and in a PUG, ask first what they want to do, and it's always easier to ask forgiveness than permission if you "mess up".



You mean the other way around right? It's easier to ask for permission, than forgiveness. Then again it is easier to not to, and continue if your plan is actually getting the mission moving faster, and more efficiently. Also why ask forgiveness of strangers in the first place? Chances are if its a clan you will never see them again.

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The only possibility I can think is that it was Limbo's Cataclysm on the Defense Pod.


Cataclysm only stops projectiles; if an enemy gets close enough to melee the pod, they are within the Cataclysm and can damage it. Therefore, by disarming the enemies, they will all try to melee the pod, rendering the Cataclysm useless.


I still think Disarm is more useful in this case, but since you observed that they were most likely a bunch of clanmates that had organized this Cataclysm tactic, they probably resented you rendering it useless. 

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Thanks all for the replies. I did ask the individual after the mission what I did wrong with the disarm, unfortunately I didnt receive a reply. no mention was made prior to not use disarm, so I had no reason not to use it. 


The shield in use was a large blue hemisphere, like a geodesic dome. It covered the immediate area under protection. If nothing else, this lets me know I need to pay more attention to what frames are in the mission. 


I always figured you get a large mob in one place, disarm, then slice and dice. 


Thanks again for the insight. 

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The sensible reasoning would be that melee enemies poses a greater threat than ranged ones (perhaps due to the shield reason stated above). This is actually true for some cases. Your team need to announce the strategy etc first. For most parts though, especially at higher difficulty level, Ranged enemies are usually more dangerous. Personally, I don't see a reason to complain as long as you are doing your part in killing the melee enemies approaching.


The other possible reason though, is that your group are the noobs (they just don't like Loki or you?)

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If you were disarming when they had a Frost them you were actually making them a larger threat, since it would make them all rush the pod.


yeah. I think this is the case. Frost and RD Loki usually overlaps (you usually only need one). The only cases I've seen where there are exceptions is when Frost uses the globe to just protect the target, and the whole team is engaging enemies OUTSIDE the globe. In those situation, using RD is probably ok, and actually recommended.

Edited by smithf
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As a frost player, i see no real reason as to why disarm would be bad assuming its a range build with at least stretch on. Snowglobe makes a slow field and if enemies are doing THAT much damage, snowglobe could push hostiles outside of globe and temporarily freeze them.

Only reason i can see disarm loki as bad is if everyone's melee weapons sucks because they can't mod it properly yet

Edit: and even then, again, snowglobe freezes and pushes enemies outside on initial cast and ice wave does proc cold

Edited by VengefulFenrir
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Let me tell a story.


I was once in a long-run T4S using my Zephyr. Turbulence was in full effect. I saw a blip on the map from a teammate dropping...and I took flight. This was before parkour 2.0, so I was coptering and Jet Streaming my way over hordes of enemies. I finally got to my downed teammate - a Loki - with about 3 seconds to spare. I started reviving him, thinking my Turbulence would protect us until I got him off the ground...when I found myself lying on my back, staring at the ceiling.


A Corrupted MOA had walked up and kicked my square in the back of the head...OHKO.


tl;dr - Radial Disarm is a very powerful move and in most cases would be perfectly fine to spam...but it doesn't fit every team composition.

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yeah. I think this is the case. Frost and RD Loki usually overlaps (you usually only need one). The only cases I've seen where there are exceptions is when Frost uses the globe to just protect the target, and the whole team is engaging enemies OUTSIDE the globe. In those situation, using RD is probably ok, and actually recommended.

If you want to use a RD Loki then you want to replace Loki with Vauban.

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As a frost player, i see no real reason as to why disarm would be bad assuming its a range build with at least stretch on. Snowglobe makes a slow field and if enemies are doing THAT much damage, snowglobe could push hostiles outside of globe and temporarily freeze them.

Only reason i can see disarm loki as bad is if everyone's melee weapons sucks because they can't mod it properly yet

Edit: and even then, again, snowglobe freezes and pushes enemies outside on initial cast and ice wave does proc cold

Come on man, think. If enemies are outside of the Globe, shooting at it, then they are not doing any damage to the pod. If you disarm them, then the enemies rush into the bubble and can actually attack the pod.

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