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How Plat Do I Have To Pay To Get Rid Of The Stalker?


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No really, I've had it with this wannabe counter-strike script kidde now. I'm MR 20, I know my stuff, yet every single time this guy shows up, I just HAPPEN to be in my low level gear and he one shots me.


I remember the first time he showed up, he was a modified Excal warframe, he was terrifying. He had a Braton, I had one too, we fought, he won by a hairs margin. I wondered what I'd done wrong. The next time he showed up, I barely beat him, I felt accomplished, I'd done something amazing. I'd fought this mysterious guy and won. Celebrations for all!


Nowadays, whenever his chat shows, I make a quick mental calculation in my head: "Is this mission worth sacrificing a life over?" because I already expect to be dead. If not, then I exit the mission. Otherwise I try to make a break for it. Tonight I didn't make it and lost a life, completely needlessly. I have zero chance of beating him. Why not just make it more efficient and take a life instantly and say LOLSTALKER? Same thing.


He's not a challenge, he's that annoying kid that hacked a one shot glock and took out everyone in the server. Back then, at least I had the satisfaction of seeing those kids getting banned, but this guy just keeps pestering me.


So really DE, I ask you, how much platinum do you want to get him off my back? I don't care how you justify it in lore or whatever. Call it an anti-blah blah device, make it cost 5000 platinum, I really don't care. It's a good deal, because he's really not something I want in the game anymore. And on that note, could you PLEASE give us the option to give away our excess stalker blueprints to someone? I have quite a lof these now over the years I've been killing him.


I've been meaning to write this rant for quite a while now, but tonight was the straw that broke the camels back. From now on, I'm just going to quit every mission he shows up in, regardless of what it is. I'm done sacrificing lives to this hack.

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I hate this guy, too. Every time he shows up it is just a glass canon duel, since he can one hit a fully modded (insert any frame here). However, if you just spam your SUPERMEGAWEAPON you can easily dispatch him, my 6*hek can even do it in one shot, even dropping him to the ground sometimes, too.

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I hate this guy, too. Every time he shows up it is just a glass canon duel, since he can one hit a fully modded (insert any frame here). However, if you just spam your SUPERMEGAWEAPON you can easily dispatch him, my 6*hek can even do it in one shot, even dropping him to the ground sometimes, too.


And mine can do that too. But he never shows up when I'm using those weapons, it's always when I've just formad something. Quite honestly, it's cheap. He shouldn't even show up when you're that low.

"Mastery Rank 20" "Have Low Level Gear"<----How did you do this because I am MR 20 and I have only very few weapons that are low ranked and they are archwing. Its possible but only for a few games until that gear is maxed. I always have at least 1 good gun + warframe equipped so the stalker is never a problem for me.


I just formaed Ash Prime for the second time, I also happened to forma my Lato, because I'm turning it into a decent weapon just for lulz.

Edited by Hap-muhr
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Did you stop after the first sentence?

No I didn't stop after first sentence. And it doesn't matter if you're with your low level gear or your uber tanky chroma, he will one shot you with his dread anyway. Because it's the dread. Yes, his other weapons don't tend to one shot that hard but he primarily uses dread.

And yes I did read that he has a bunch of blueprints of his gear so he defeated him a bunch of times. Yet he feels unable to do it now for some reason.

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I think I have heard they are planning a full rework of Stalker at some point down the line. 



Honestly this is my problem with him too. It seems to be a "you one shot him before he one shots you type of deal" and if you are in low level gear it's probably going to be him one hit critting you and not the other way around. 


And despite people saying it's "just a rumor/not confirmed/not true" I find it difficult to believe that all the people who have experienced him showing up more often when they are in low level gear are just blowing smoke. I think he is indeed programmed to show up more often when our gear is weak. Stalker has always been mysterious and tricky like that, back in the day they used to say "What Stalker?" 

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dude...i have beat him down to a pulp with a loki...a freaking paper dont touch me or i melt loki...i have meet him with low/mid/high level gear and killed him every time...with many diferent frames...in fact hes stupidly easy to kill now days...unless you fight the harvester...that poor dog its even easier than the stalker...the only actual "hunters" that pose a treat are the douchebag 3

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I can agree that Zanuka is the weakest (and also a complete joke, the couple times he showed up I beat him to a pulp and I didn't even have good gear) but Stalker can one hit crit or one or two hit crit a frame with a lot of defensive mods really easily. He has a lot of cheese tactics. I'm not saying he's unbeatable but right now it's an absurd fight. It should be actually difficult but doable, not a crit fest where you try to avoid his cheese tactics. 


Also, I would say the Grustrag 3 is only harder in certain situations. CC doesn't really work on the Stalker but it DOES work on the G3. If you have good CC I say they are still way easier than Stalker. It depends on the situation. 

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Tbh I always keep a heavy hitting primary or secondary with me when leveling things just in case any of these punks show up. Well I used to.

Now I'm proud to be completely clean of any death marks (and MR20) :P


BTW I don't think that stalker stuff should be tradeable since you can buy it for plat. Brakk and Detron bits on the other hand have no reason to not be tradeable.

Edited by EvilChaosKnight
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From what I can tell, the 'he shows up when in lower level gear' is partway true, but that's the effect, not the cause. He's set, like most 'hunters' of that type, to show up in areas that are of comparable or higher level than you and your gear. When you forma a piece of gear/warframe, you lower your effective level, opening up more missions for him to show up in. I mean, he'll show up for me no matter what I'm using if I'm tearing up Eris, but after I forma something important he will show up even on Mars.


Meanwhile, yes. He's quite powerful. Immune to knockdown (Galatine slam did nothing, several times), shrugs off procs, straight up just says 'no' to any ability that buffs you or debuffs him, and wields the critical-cannon from hell... fully modded from the looks of it too. Don't get me wrong, I love me my critical cannon from hell, but it's... well, it's honestly turned into a fest of 'I can one shot you, but no matter what you have, it will take you more than one shot to beat me.' I've been ranking my Paris Prime lately, and when he showed up while I was puttering about leveling some random piece of gear, I pulled out a red crit on him.. twice. Both times, I got the two-number treatment; 6500 blue, and red only in three digits. He SHRUGGED at my double critical, which normally deals five digits of damage to enemies of comparable level.

I dodged his Dread, so he teleported behind me and scythe-backstabbed me, Dark Souls style.


That said, it was one of the most epic and tense fights I've had in a while. I LIKE that he's there to keep me on my toes, that he makes my eyes widen and my reflexes sharpen whenever the lights flicker. It's been pushing me to be a better player... even though it's kinda funny when he says 'WolvenEdge will not bother us again' while I'm standing up after re-energizing my body's recently-damaged systems.

My sense of humor is perhaps odd.

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The mechanic itself is not the greatest.  The stalker is a punishment mechanic for doing what the game teaches you to do, fight the bosses.  

Something you cant avoid doing (unlike invasions with the harvester, G3 or even syndicate packs) and still progress in the game.


OP your best bet is to avoid fighting bosses when you can, as you only get stalker marks for defeating bosses (you seem to be able to get one mark for each boss).  Sure it means you have to face the stalker a few times to get rid of all the marks (no easy task) but it can help.

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If your having trouble killing the stalker, here's some tips. Firstly, always make sure you have shield restores and specters. The shield restores will make it so you can take a hit, and the specters will distract him. Next, get into a position where he will stand still, shooting at you, but unable to hit you (i.e. cover). You will be able to shoot him to your hearts content, and he will die. 

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No really, I've had it with this wannabe counter-strike script kidde now. I'm MR 20, I know my stuff, yet every single time this guy shows up, I just HAPPEN to be in my low level gear and he one shots me.


I remember the first time he showed up, he was a modified Excal warframe, he was terrifying. He had a Braton, I had one too, we fought, he won by a hairs margin. I wondered what I'd done wrong. The next time he showed up, I barely beat him, I felt accomplished, I'd done something amazing. I'd fought this mysterious guy and won. Celebrations for all!


Nowadays, whenever his chat shows, I make a quick mental calculation in my head: "Is this mission worth sacrificing a life over?" because I already expect to be dead. If not, then I exit the mission. Otherwise I try to make a break for it. Tonight I didn't make it and lost a life, completely needlessly. I have zero chance of beating him. Why not just make it more efficient and take a life instantly and say LOLSTALKER? Same thing.


He's not a challenge, he's that annoying kid that hacked a one shot glock and took out everyone in the server. Back then, at least I had the satisfaction of seeing those kids getting banned, but this guy just keeps pestering me.


So really DE, I ask you, how much platinum do you want to get him off my back? I don't care how you justify it in lore or whatever. Call it an anti-blah blah device, make it cost 5000 platinum, I really don't care. It's a good deal, because he's really not something I want in the game anymore. And on that note, could you PLEASE give us the option to give away our excess stalker blueprints to someone? I have quite a lof these now over the years I've been killing him.


I've been meaning to write this rant for quite a while now, but tonight was the straw that broke the camels back. From now on, I'm just going to quit every mission he shows up in, regardless of what it is. I'm done sacrificing lives to this hack.

I shoot him when he's on his knees. 

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hahah they should make a mission where you go to his home and execute the hostile members of his dojo and family. Then capture target the remaining non attacking members. Maybe make it a raid filled with bad &#! ninjas. have it unlocks his weapons in dojo tech to players mastery rank 15+ when appropriate conditions are met.


Your actions have consequences. To live a life of shadows is to carry those you love to the darkness. We are the shadows and there is no where left to hide.



:D a note on blood soaked paper walls in his hidden moon dojo.

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Dunno. I always kill him.  And i can do that with any weapon. Last time i killed him with furax....And before that one he just died to some random Death orb.


Or if my weapons are complete trash....I just look for enemies and then lure him into battle. Enemies attack him and he dies.



His attacks can be blocked now with ease. Also you can use reflection and provoke him to melee you...Just channel and he kills himself. If you have LS in your weapon, you will get healed by his reflected damage. Use Rage with this and you just cant lose.


Just install these cheap mods...And you are gud to go.

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People if your sick of dying by the stalker

Learn to not die instead of relying on your weapon 110% of the time




So, what, spam our damage abilities on him? He cancels those.

If we don't rely on our weapons, and we don't rely on our Warframe Abilities... What are we relying on? Specters? Enemies? Kubrows and Sentinels that most likely can't damage him?



On topic: I agree that on the occasion where he appears it seems to be the least inopportune time for me, but then again it doesn't happen every day... so...

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5000 plat costs much, much more than re-upping your revives.



I petition the added feature of "groveling, begging for mercy" emote. If Stalker shows up and you're so afraid of him, use this emote and the Stalker will spare you after giving you a stern lecture to stop killing his buddies, all the time you're kissing his smoky feet.

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