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August 28Th: Community Hot Topics!


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Diversity is a good thing! But there are some abilities that should be available for all the companions.

If Vacuum is made available for all the Kubrows and Sentinels, we'll see a lot more variety when it comes down to companion. 


This is a grind game. Loot plays a huge part. Therefore, a skill that drastically improves your loot efficiency will outperform all the others. I'm sure Greedy Pull made it pretty clear before it got nerfed.


That's why, Carrier should get a different skill and Vacuum should become a companion skill.

For instance, Carrier could gain the ability to pick up and store energy, HP and ammo for later use.


Mobile shopping cart ftw. But honestly, that sounds like it would be helpful. And if the Cart is about to die while it's holding hp, you could have the option to use it for yourself, hold on to it, or even allow the Cart to use it for itself.

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Umbra Excalibur

I wish it has a different skill set. It would be a little redundant to add another type of Excalibur but still have the same powers as the previous two. And how do they fit in the lore? Are they renegades? or the darker side of frames?



It would be better if they have an similar innate skill but also have different precepts. They could stay diverse and the same.

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I'll just talk about VOLT.


Volt is well rounded, but it is too much split between its roles.
Example: Speed offers mobility, Electric Shield is for a stationary situation.
Speed is awesome and modded correctly makes Volt a melee beast. But Volt has the least armor in game (Volt: 15ar; VoltP: 100ar).

Analizing single skills we can find different flaws:

  • Overload damage is ridicle, it gimps itself for the second cast, for the game mechanics damaging skills don't scale in high level missions.

    Its stun isn't worth, since Shock do the same for a more controllable and economic cost.

    We can also stun Aoe with Shocking Speed Augment.

    Without Capacitance, even if it's range is unreliable and often it won't do its work properly, I wouldn't even consider using Overload.

    Now what's the point into having 2-3 different skills doing the same thing on the base skillset?


  •  Eletric Shield, as we yet said, is for a stationary playstyle, but even if it's somehow nice for cohoperation, it's boring to place (the Volt has to reach the zone to place it), its duration must be modded for and it's outshadowed by Frost's Snow Globe.

The Solution: I'm gonna suggest to hit hard Overload and Electric Shield.

Rework Overload to be a proper overload as a low/medium cost self-buff empowering every other skill (similar to Equinox's Metamorphosis).

"Volt overloads itself garanting its other skills an improved effect for one next cast:"

Shock: "An overloaded Shock would cast X Shocks instead than one", or "Turns Shock into the old-version Overload"

Speed: "... to be defined" but Speed is mostly fine as it is. 1) Buffing Armor maybe, for melee builds? 2) Doubling melee combo counter? 3) Overcharging weapons giving more Multishot?

Electric Shield: "An overloaded ES will put on yourself and teammates an Energy Shell granting ES's damage boosts and following them".

(Energy Shell is the 1st Odonata skill, blocking projectiles from the front, buffing its damage and following the caster.)


This will affect both Melee and Shooter focused builds, with no distinction, these new utilities should work fine for both playstyles.

For its supportive role we have some alternatives like making its Electric Shield:

  • work as a proper Energy source, giving energy regeneration near it when successfully blocking projectiles (it would be funny, but probably it will be dangerous because it can fuel Mesa's Peacemaker strategies);
  • in an offensive way, reflecting projectiles back to their source;
  • exploding (with damage and knockback) after absorbing a quantity of damage;
  • garanting zone control, by shocking enemies trying to cross it;
We can also work around Volt's Armor problems by giving it a temporary buff to it when casting the new Overload, similar to how Metamorphosis works.

Imho this would: 1) preserve Volt's actual gameplay for who loves it, 2) giving it some freshness, 3) fitting its flaws and 4) giving it more impact in its supportive role.

Just imagine 4 players putting themselves back to back to build a Snow Globe with their own Energy Shell, or a melee focused warframe who can finally throw himself in the fray having to care less for ranged attacks coming from the front.





 so you want it to be something like this?

Hello my dear Tenno fellows,

Before someone starts hating. This are just some suggestions.^^


Actually I liked the idea in the description of Volt:

" Volt can create and harness electrical elements.

-This is a high-damage warframe

-perfect for players looking for a potent alternative to gunplay. "

But as we all know, from mid to late game this totally doesn't work.

And I don't even mind it (still makes fun to play him^^)


Guys, It my be a bit much text, but pls read everything before you jugde^^

I think this would help Volt a lot

I dont want to remove the first 3 Skills(mostly aiming for his ult)


So now to my suggestions for a Rework:


-Main Kit-

Ability 1:

I Think right now we can leave this ability as it is. Not bad to stun enemies while reloading.^^


Ability 2:

Speed is Actually very good. Even if I don't like the fact that Volt isn't the fastest with this Ability (

lightning speed)

But maybe this is something for a later diskussion :P

Look under new concept for more info


Ability 3: 

Best abilty in my opinion*_*

But I still would suggest a little tweak;


Going to put this in the new concept down below

This is more an idea I was playing around with. It can stay the same, if no one likes it^^


Instead I would like it to be a sphere.

I know what you guys are thinking. "We have Frost.... Frost has snow globe... we dont need two globes."And You are right. We dont need an electric version of Frost.

I want Volts globe to be very small.(So small only one person can fit in) Very egoistic you say? Well I think this was the actual intention behind electric shield. To give volt some survivability.

Having this sphere doesn't mean you cant use it to defend an objective or a team mate.

But I think this ability should be primaly for Volt himself.

It still can be casted multiple times.(for your squad or objectives)

The animation could be: Volt touching the ground and his electric sphere spawns around him.

Ofcourse the traits "electric shield" has right now should be kept for electric sphere. 


May be add the trait that enemies trying to get in get shocked? (Let me know what you think about it).

The whole Idea behind it was to save some casting time.

Spamming 4 to 5 Shields around you at once (=saved some cating time, but a little smaller at all) 


New(and current) Concept/Idea for Abilty 4 :!!!!!!!

So, what if Overload was a mode, that when activated overloads your abilities

New Overload

-10/20/30s Duration

-initial energy cost = 40

-increased cost for all abilties (look down below for more info)



The Lighting effects around Volt are much stronger(indicator for being overloaded)

Imagine it like the Super Sayan 2 Form where they have those lightning effects




Overloaded Abilties:

Overloaded Shock 

(actual cost)+ 15 energy

-Now casts multiple acrs.(Imagine it as "Amprex" with "Multishot")

-Every arc can chain to other enemies.

-Chaining effect prefers enemies that where not stunned before.


How it looks:



Overloaded Speed 

(actual cost)+ 15 energy

-You're affected stronger by speed

(plus 10%/20%/30% of the Speed buff:

-If you have 50% Speed boost you get +30%(at rank3) of your 50%  = 65%)

-This extra boost only affects Volt


The Values of the Overloaded Speed still need some tweaks. But the intention was to boost Volt a bit more than the rest of the team^^ (he finally can be the fastest^^) 


Overloaded Shield 

(actual cost)+ 30 energy

-Instead of a shield, you spawn a sphere, that has the same traits.

-Overload allows interaction with shield(shooting Shock trough e-shield/sphere allows crit and improves the range)

-Enemies that come in contact with the overloaded e-shield/sphere are shocked


How it looks:

(But much smaller)





Altertnate version:

Spawn a bigger shield (not a sphere)


I came to that idea, cuz we all agree that Volt and his first skills are perfect.

So boosting those and taking away the old ult would be fine, wouldn't it?



-alternate changes-


Alternate Ability 4:

Lets be honest. Overload looks very cool and in early game it can wreck everyone. But in mid- to late game  it just says: "Here I am, kill me very quick" Even the fact that it loses dmg once you used it in a specific room.

Just forget about boosting the damage or casting speed. We need something else.

Keep the name Overload, because for my suggestion it really fits.

Now instead of overloading his environment, he should overload his and his team squad's weapons.

What nearly everyone wanted for speed could become true for his new 4th ability.

Overloading the Weapons:

-triggerspeed is boosted

-travel time for bullets, arrows etc. is boosted

-reload speed? depends on how OP this would be




2nd Alternate 4th ability:



Alternative change(less work)

Everything stays at it is. Decrease the dmg of overload or even remove it( I know......"dafuq is this dude talking about?" ^^)

Make the current Speed also affect casting time

All in all I think with this new kit Volt abilties would pefectly match with eachother like they do on the new excalibur right now. So this would make him more useful in late game.

I know I know,  most of you Volt players out there like I am can stand their ground in late game. But I think this would make him the damage support that he actually is.


Hope you guys like my suggestion.

And that the Volt rework could be next after Frost^^

Saryn and Valkyr are next




Mentioned an idea, from what i think would be very cool.:

Volts defensive stat is his shield(150). But sometimes (especially in late game) the recharge time can be a pain in the ***


So this is my idea:

Volt overloads the suits of every frame of the Squad(himself included)


-bonus shield

-an accelerated recharge time for it

-timer for recharge is decreased (or =0)

-if the shield gets depleted, the frame emits a electricity wave, releasing the rest of the overcharged energy(like a small ver. of the current overload)

The strenght and range of the small overload, decreases as the timer for the ability goes down

(If the ability for example lasts 30 seconds and only 20 secs are left when the shield depletes, the small overload has  only 66% of his stats. If 10 secs are left while the shield blows away, only 33% of the small overload is emited.

Edited by SteaKnight-X
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so many glaring balancing issues and one-skill-wonder frames trivialising even the supposedly hardest content in the game ((nm-)raids) and of all things we are discussing reworks for volt, probably the best rounded frame of all, like really? ...


well, if i have to choose then of course overload is most obviously lacking, if only because shock is actually so good in comparison. it could be pimped slightly to be more of an "oh sh..." button, worth the energy. i guess it's also the only skill i would hardly miss if it was replaced, tho i do regularly use it... just like all his skills, which is a sad rarity!


mobile / electrifying bypassers - shields sound like legit deas for augments...


speaking of which: please just fix explosive damage going through them (or any wall really) or at least let them damper the damage somewhat. that'd be enough of a buff for starters really...

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What should be next for a rework? Well... unfortunately it's not one thing. Or it is, but only in a large-scale meta sense. And although it might be a bit much to ask for, I hope it might at least be kept in mind for a long-term plan.


The entire relationship between drop rates, scaling (ours and the enemies'), efficiency, power and weapon design, and mission/tileset design needs to change.


All mission types should be equally viable and equally rewarding in different ways. Rewards should all be rebalanced to provide a fair and consistent level of progression relative to time and effort put in. Maps and abilities should be redesigned to prevent cheese tactics that trivialize content. Enemies and rewards should both be rebalanced around a game state where it's impossible to "press 4 to win" or "AFK-farm" or rush a dozen missions in an hour or otherwise break the game, with smarter AI and less cheap CC/nukes (mostly for us) and no-sells/bullet-sponging/oneshots (mostly for enemies). Power efficiency should be reworked in a way that ensures you always have enough energy to cast abilities as needed, but at the same time, you don't have infinite energy with which to constantly spam ults. Mods should be rebalanced to take the focus away from "required" damage-increasers, and the system - including forma - should focus on providing maximum flexibility and viability for the widest possible range of builds instead of locking people into One Build to Rule Them All, One Build to Max DPS/CC.


There's a lot going on here, yes - but these are all pieces of the same puzzle, a situation that has caused no end of trouble for Warframe from start to finish. Pretty much all of these things have been cited as The Big Problem Behind Warframe by themselves, but the thing is - they're all wrong and they're all right. The Big Problem is all of them. And changing one little part at a time hasn't been working very well because of how easy it is to send everything spiraling even further out of control.


But maybe now, with Starchart 3.0 seriously in the works, it's finally time to bite the bullet and overhaul the whole thing - no matter how long it takes. Instead of continuing with the arms race of Exploit vs. Nerf, Cheese vs. Compound Grindwall - instead of playing whack-a-mole with one problem at a time and finding a dozen new ones waiting - make it one big rollout, one comprehensive update that represents months' worth of dev time and functions as a complete picture. Build a new foundation to work from, just stick to smaller content updates in the meantime, and send Warframe to new heights in the process.

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What should be next for a rework? Well... unfortunately it's not one thing. Or it is, but only in a large-scale meta sense. And although it might be a bit much to ask for, I hope it might at least be kept in mind for a long-term plan.


The entire relationship between drop rates, scaling (ours and the enemies'), efficiency, power and weapon design, and mission/tileset design needs to change.


All mission types should be equally viable and equally rewarding in different ways. Rewards should all be rebalanced to provide a fair and consistent level of progression relative to time and effort put in. Maps and abilities should be redesigned to prevent cheese tactics that trivialize content. Enemies and rewards should both be rebalanced around a game state where it's impossible to "press 4 to win" or "AFK-farm" or rush a dozen missions in an hour or otherwise break the game, with smarter AI and less cheap CC/nukes (mostly for us) and no-sells/bullet-sponging/oneshots (mostly for enemies). Power efficiency should be reworked in a way that ensures you always have enough energy to cast abilities as needed, but at the same time, you don't have infinite energy with which to constantly spam ults. Mods should be rebalanced to take the focus away from "required" damage-increasers, and the system - including forma - should focus on providing maximum flexibility and viability for the widest possible range of builds instead of locking people into One Build to Rule Them All, One Build to Max DPS/CC.


There's a lot going on here, yes - but these are all pieces of the same puzzle, a situation that has caused no end of trouble for Warframe from start to finish. Pretty much all of these things have been cited as The Big Problem Behind Warframe by themselves, but the thing is - they're all wrong and they're all right. The Big Problem is all of them. And changing one little part at a time hasn't been working very well because of how easy it is to send everything spiraling even further out of control.


But maybe now, with Starchart 3.0 seriously in the works, it's finally time to bite the bullet and overhaul the whole thing - no matter how long it takes. Instead of continuing with the arms race of Exploit vs. Nerf, Cheese vs. Compound Grindwall - instead of playing whack-a-mole with one problem at a time and finding a dozen new ones waiting - make it one big rollout, one comprehensive update that represents months' worth of dev time and functions as a complete picture. Build a new foundation to work from, just stick to smaller content updates in the meantime, and send Warframe to new heights in the process.

I want to elect you community representative

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What should be next for a rework? Well... unfortunately it's not one thing. Or it is, but only in a large-scale meta sense. And although it might be a bit much to ask for, I hope it might at least be kept in mind for a long-term plan.


The entire relationship between drop rates, scaling (ours and the enemies'), efficiency, power and weapon design, and mission/tileset design needs to change.


All mission types should be equally viable and equally rewarding in different ways. Rewards should all be rebalanced to provide a fair and consistent level of progression relative to time and effort put in. Maps and abilities should be redesigned to prevent cheese tactics that trivialize content. Enemies and rewards should both be rebalanced around a game state where it's impossible to "press 4 to win" or "AFK-farm" or rush a dozen missions in an hour or otherwise break the game, with smarter AI and less cheap CC/nukes (mostly for us) and no-sells/bullet-sponging/oneshots (mostly for enemies). Power efficiency should be reworked in a way that ensures you always have enough energy to cast abilities as needed, but at the same time, you don't have infinite energy with which to constantly spam ults. Mods should be rebalanced to take the focus away from "required" damage-increasers, and the system - including forma - should focus on providing maximum flexibility and viability for the widest possible range of builds instead of locking people into One Build to Rule Them All, One Build to Max DPS/CC.


There's a lot going on here, yes - but these are all pieces of the same puzzle, a situation that has caused no end of trouble for Warframe from start to finish. Pretty much all of these things have been cited as The Big Problem Behind Warframe by themselves, but the thing is - they're all wrong and they're all right. The Big Problem is all of them. And changing one little part at a time hasn't been working very well because of how easy it is to send everything spiraling even further out of control.


But maybe now, with Starchart 3.0 seriously in the works, it's finally time to bite the bullet and overhaul the whole thing - no matter how long it takes. Instead of continuing with the arms race of Exploit vs. Nerf, Cheese vs. Compound Grindwall - instead of playing whack-a-mole with one problem at a time and finding a dozen new ones waiting - make it one big rollout, one comprehensive update that represents months' worth of dev time and functions as a complete picture. Build a new foundation to work from, just stick to smaller content updates in the meantime, and send Warframe to new heights in the process.


Good points! Can't argue with this. We need a serious rebalance so maybe this nerf war stops or at the very least slows down

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Warframe Social
The source thread for this topic suggests a way to enhance the social experience in Warframe through the use of a special in-game message board. Players could post information and leave it for other players to see. Would you use a message board of some sort, as proposed in the source thread? Do you think social systems (like chat or a message board) are inherently prone to abuse, or does the value outweigh the risks? What would you do to enhance the social aspects of Warframe?


But this is a message board.  My clan has its own message board and TeamSpeak.  There are so many things needing more urgent attention in Warframe that DE should not be spending their time on this.


Yes, they're prone to abuse.  All such things need moderation.


But I have an idea for something which does and is vastly more useful.  See below.

Also, a quick & easy way to boost sociability in this game is to fix the voice chat.  Both volume and quality.  That should take you about 5 mins.  Later on, show us who's speaking.

The wonderful sociability tool that doesn't need DE to moderate it
"Friends" have no purpose in this game.  You can't invite them because they're often doing something else, particularly if they're a different level from you.
We need to make "Friends" more useful.  We need a Friends chat tab.


How it works is necessarily a little clunky.
Everything any of your Friends type in their Friends tab appears in yours too.  Needless to say, unless you have two friends talking to each other, the entries are going to be unrelated hence should be coloured but wait...
If you click on the entry, it switches to that person's Friends tab.  Suddenly, you can see the context.  From there, you can click on another Friend's entry; or right click, or click the tab itself and you'll go back to your Friends tab.
Frankly, this will be so valuable to players, Region & Recruiting will see a massive fall in volume (but there's multiple rooms right?).  This suggestion will also help the smaller clans which won't seem so quiet any more.

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But this is a message board.  My clan has its own message board and TeamSpeak.  There are so many things needing more urgent attention in Warframe that DE should not be spending their time on this.


Yes, they're prone to abuse.  All such things need moderation.


But I have an idea for something which does and is vastly more useful.  See below.

Also, a quick & easy way to boost sociability in this game is to fix the voice chat.  Both volume and quality.  That should take you about 5 mins.  Later on, show us who's speaking.

The wonderful sociability tool that doesn't need DE to moderate it
"Friends" have no purpose in this game.  You can't invite them because they're often doing something else, particularly if they're a different level from you.
We need to make "Friends" more useful.  We need a Friends chat tab.


How it works is necessarily a little clunky.
Everything any of your Friends type in their Friends tab appears in yours too.  Needless to say, unless you have two friends talking to each other, the entries are going to be unrelated hence should be coloured but wait...
If you click on the entry, it switches to that person's Friends tab.  Suddenly, you can see the context.  From there, you can click on another Friend's entry; or right click, or click the tab itself and you'll go back to your Friends tab.
Frankly, this will be so valuable to players, Region & Recruiting will see a massive fall in volume (but there's multiple rooms right?).  This suggestion will also help the smaller clans which won't seem so quiet any more.


This is a great idea

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We already have variants of frames called primes. I'd much rather see new frames than more versions of existing ones. I see that the community is excited but I feel from my readings of umbrage threads is mostly An aesthetic excitement and thus they could easily be just another skin.

The only sentinel I use really is djinn. I have no issue picking up drops so carrier is useless. I only use shade when doing raids and that is rare. Raids lost their shine after being run a few times, mostly because of underwhelming rewards. I would like to see all precepts interchangeable between sentinels and between Kubrows. I would also like to see ability kits interchangeable among frames.

As far as player interaction, yes we need more. I would like to see eight man missions outside of trials and more ways for us to play together. The warfeame universe could use some depth and as it is the tenn o lifestyle is rather monotonous, thus why chatframe end game has been a ongoing inside joke among mid to high level players since I started. I'd like to see more ways to play together such as noncombat PvP ( like my tenno version of dodgeball / quidditch hybrid ) and archwing racing syndicate PvP, perhaps some form of non-premium currency gambling that uses items or ducats.. such as betting against players taking part in the racing or sports . It would be fun even if it was just credits, assuming maintenance and modifications were available for that mode like in current PvP. Dojos should also play a Part in player interaction. Relays have taken the place of what many tenno hoped their dojos would be: a place to hang out and socialize, however even with that we see a majority of players socializing out side of missions from their lisets using chat. In order to accentuate socialization we need gathering places that mean more than just standing around. Pool tables , chess boards, card games, taverns, parkour complexes (maybe not with 2.0 but you get the idea). There is no real parks or recreational activities which is somewhat sad considering the levels are often beautiful but leave a desire to explore and sight see we just aren't able to fulfill. I'd like to throw a doggie friendly glaive for my kubrow. I'd like anything that makes me feel like there is a life outside of murdering enemies and being stuck in my ship.

**as for the message board**

I don't see how this would help anything at all. We have chat tabs and the relay for this. Unlike lots of games we aren't forced to pay plat to post messages globally. We also have the forums and reddit. Another form of written chat isn't going to alleviate the problem with little to no social interaction beyond chat and playing missions.

As for volt,

I'd like to see his shield electrocute enemies that pass through with a nice shield reduction aspect to it and in my opinion his ult should be a single target toggle with high proc and massive chain lightning, causing some stun effects and possibly be able to fry cameras and alarms.

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I want a better friends system - receive notifications when someone is logged on.  I miss almost all of my friends because it's such a pain hitting ESC>Communications>Friends every few minutes to see who's online.


A better chat system in general - give me the ability to choose what shows up in which tabs.  I want my clan, squad and PM's all on the same tab, not spread out over three that I have to check every 15 seconds, because there's no form of notification that someone has said anything.


Oh right, sorry, the tab starts flashing.  Which is great, if you already have the chat window open.

Edited by Noamuth
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A little dissapointed there's no status update on Equinox. Really dissapointed in the lack of response for her since it will almost be a month for anything meaningful to happen to this frame. 


It's ok to wait awhile for people to get their hands on it sure, but the community has had plenty of time to experiment and see how this frame operates. I sometimes wonder if you guys take too long to decide to make any sort of change just to test how Equinox will stand. You do it for game modes(Like your most notable example the Survival changes), so why not warframe shortly after everyone can get their hands on them and try them out?

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Vote:  OTHER


I think a mix of diversity and similarity is ideal.  I think there is a fundamental problem with Sentinels and Kubrow in that they do not offer an innate capability, and a capability they can share.


To use Carrier as an example, Carrier is the most widely used Sentinel because of Vacuum, picking up loot so we don't miss anything.  I think, ideally, Vacuum would be a generic precept (along with Crowd Dispersion, Vaporize, and others) and instead Carrier should have an innate effect to distinguish it.  The innate effect could level up independently, similar to how Warframe abilities now level up.  To limit Precept use, provide Sentinels and Kubrows with something that operates like an Aura/Stance slot, into which Precepts like Vacuum, Crowd Dispersion, Vaporize et cetera would fit.


Likewise with Kubrows.


Imagine Sentinels that could all equip Vacuum.  Imagine Carrier having an innate Vacuum that didn't require the module, so it could also borrow Crowd Dispersion, or increase its innate Vacuum range by equipping Vacuum.  Or maybe Carrier innately does something else, something new? 


TL;DR Version:  Diversify Companions with innate abilities - not equippable modules - and make the current exclusive modules useful to all like Companions for a new module slot comparable to Aura/Stance, but without the capacity bonus points.

You mean my quote "badass cube of death" end quote, might actually be just that and still be able to vacuum? This sounds amazing

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I'd love a Tileset 2.0.


We've been running through the same locations in the older tilesets for ages now. Some fresh areas in the old sets would be nice!


Add some cool secrets (time trials!), refine for the new parkour system, and sprinkle some of that PBR magic ;-)

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If I could decide what an update was dedicated to? Enemy A.I. and Stealth (which is inherently linked to both A.I. and Parkour 2.0) have been okay at best for as long as I can remember.

What would I do with A.I.? Cause them to do various actions depending on certain variables. Has a Tenno slaughtered 15 Lancers in about 3 seconds? Then the rest of that squad will take defensive measures such as cover. Are the Tenno hiding in cover? Throwing a grenade should flush them out. Got a variety of units? Get into an offensive or defensive formation, with Shield Lancers or Bursas in front and Ballistas or Sniper Crewmen in the back.

What would I do with Stealth? Increase the amount of time before an enemy recognises you and starts shooting. Add an indicator on enemies who are seeing you and enemies activating the alarm. Stealth finishers from above. Have a universal way to draw an enemy towards where you lie in wait to perform a Finisher.


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