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August 28Th: Community Hot Topics!


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1 - Umbra is just another Excalibro skin to me, I have no opinion beyond that.

2 - I've been lobbying for more player-to-player interaction beyond missions, like games or trading kiosks in relays.

3 - I like my companions to be different from each other; not every companion needs vacuum.

4 - Volt's first, second, and third skills are good.  Overload needs to be reworked into more of a cc or utility skill.


So voted.

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It’s hard to hype or have much of an opinion when all we know at this point is a name. As a console players, I can’t help hoping for a distinct frame, but it’s easy to see why others would prefer skins.



Warframe Social


Not a priority for me. Maybe add a way to view the forums or wiki in game as others have said. But much lower priority than fixing bugs like melee range imo.



Chesa and Other Companions


1. Fix kubrow pathing.

2. Fix holes in maps where they commit suicide instead of teleporting back to you; I can’t revive a kubrow that jumped in a hole and is bleeding out under the map.

3. Fix kubrow AI so that we have some control over their behavior. Ex: I can take the attack precept off of a sentinel, but even without the attack mods, kubrows will go out and attack.


As others have said, vacuum ability to all companions or as a passive of all warframes could make it easier to balance the usefulness of companions. I like uniqueness but I could deal with some abilities being common to all if it meant all were more useful. 





He does not need a rework. If anything, cut down the animation time for overload and increase the stun time or make duration mods increase the stun duration. Also, enemies that walk through his shield should get shocked.



Next Overhaul


1.       AI/Stealth

2.       Rewards: XP, loot, drop table dilution

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Are you excited for Excalibur Umbra?



Mainly the Prime version.

Hope I get a chance to get it.


Would you like more ways to interact with other players in-game?

Yes, I’d like more interaction.


Multiplayer dance party in the relays.

Mini games you play while as your warframe against others.

Not just mini-games like Happy Zephir and Wermius.


Would you rather companions have diverse abilities or share similar, but valuable, abilities?



I believe companions should have both unique and shared abilities.

Each with a set of abilities only that one knows, and another set of abilities that any of them can know.

But not cross companion type.

So, shared sentinel abilities can't be used by Kubarow,

and Kobarow shared abilities can't be used by sentinels.


In your opinion, which of Volt’s abilities need a rework? (Can pick more than one)


Shock should chain between enemies.

If it already does I haven't noticed.

Also maybe a damage increase.


I barely have used speed, so i'm not sure if it needs anything.


I like Electric Shield, it's the only power I really use.

But really only during Draco or defence missions.


Every time I've used Overload it's been lac-luster at best.

Bigger AoE, more damage and a faster hit speed might make it better.


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Excal Umbra

I don't care too much about him, not enough information out there and I'd rather umbra not even be a thing with what very little I know about him.

It feels like a cop out to release excal prime as others have said (and atm it is), do something diffrent with him at the very least give him diffrent stats or better yet diffrent abilites to seperate him from the other two excals.


so long as the umbras are more then a prime redo (which would suck) I'm all for it, but as far as excal umbra goes it'll be hard to think of him as something other than a chinese knock off. DE you could have handled his reveal much better

dev stream w/e hey guys check this out; umbra frames! they're gonna do this/that and to celebrate and promote china warframe they're going to be getting umbra prime for their founders

instead of

look china excal prime, RAGE

whole thing just doesn't feel very planned out and that worries people


player interaction

take a look back to what was said about relays before they were really a thing, clan recruiting and clan/player shops were talked about if I remember correctly

something to give us more trade options beyond the spam filled waste land called trade chat or the dirty elitist filled hole known as recuriting chat.

what and how you guys could do this is beyond me


ALSO council relay thatd be fun, but pointless



no real opinion here I use just about all the sentenals (mags)/kubrows atm. I very rarely find myself using carrier even though I have him and carrier prime I guess I'm just not that lazy. Give the compainions some synergy with certin roles players would fill in a team or with a certin weapon load out. something more unique then what the chesa (derp) kubrow does, promote diffrent uses for diffrent situations.

we're going to planet X better switch mag A for mag B so I can do Y better



shock could use a little something no Idea what

and overload is pretty bad as well though I'm still working towards the syndicate mod to see if shield recharging is any good

(I doubt it)


so there you go my half assed opinions on issues or topics that don't affect me

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In regards to Volt's abilities, I would like to state that I feel as though the abilities themselves are fine it's I feel as though they don't bring out the best of Volt's potential due to how under utilized they are.


What I mean is that Volt's powers really only only shine through when doing speed runs for farming or node clears or when doing a mobile defense mission or something where his back can be against the wall. I think that's fine but that's only two of his powers that make this a thing (Speed & Electric Shield) If his abilities are supposed to allow him to excel at  crowd control, I fell his first ability and his ult need some changes.


For Shock I feel as though the small stun it provides should be reset each time it hits an enemy instead of just that once proc.


For Overload; perhaps if the damage scaled for every enemy caught in the blast radius instead of of burts of damage based on present of absent electrical equipment. I still do appreciate the environmental damage but for the ability to be reliant on the damage is hindering it's potential I feel


Aside from those two power which I'm sure other people might have things to say about perhaps another way to bring out even more cc potential from Volt would be a passive which weakens shields on enemies?


It's really just an after thought that popped up while typing this but it seemed worth tossing in along with my two cents


Have a nice day and I hope whatever you decision is something that can bring more interesting experiences along with it.

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2 - I've been lobbying for more player-to-player interaction beyond missions, like games or trading kiosks in relays.



I'd love a bazaar!

I suck at trading because it detracts from doing missions.

Camping trade chat is not how i want to play the game.

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I was excited when I saw the artwork for the Excalibur Umbra. While I may not touch the Excalibur frame itself, it was certainly a good topic to talk about with my buddy.

Now we all know that the announcement of the Umbra frames. Some degree of conflict has arisen between those that support them and those that oppose them. I do not want that to be the focus of this though. While I do support the Umbra frames, I also think they need to be implemented correctly. If they are just the same as prime frames then they may as well just be a skin. However if they have different buffs than the primed frames. People may ignore them all together or just get them for the collection and mastery points.

The release of the Umbra frames could go in many different directions. So I will try and limit my thoughts on how this could the shape.

Let's take a look at the design of Excalibur Umbra and some of the lore of warframe. His appearance is Orion in design from the ornate look of the frame. If you look around his neck, you can see something that resembles a sydanya. However it does not resemble any in the game currently. It is far more cloth like than the ones we currently see in game. The lore states that when the tenno returned from the war they were adorned with a saviors silk.

This could just me over thinking things, but that could be the saviors silk that the lore speaks of. Something given to the Tenno who returned from the war. Which means we could see a new sydanya coming to the game as well. It also means that another route is open for the Umbra frames to go. I will start off with the most unlikely routes they could go first. Keep in mind as well that these are only thighs and opinions.

1) Looking at the Umbra frame we can see that it is one of the ones that fought in the war from the sydanya on it. Which tells me that not all of the Tenno would have fought. Hints to this may reside within the stalkers lore. Now since they were most likely in sentient controlled space they could have come across some tech. We see the Tenno adapting enemy tech all the time in the form of weapons. It is possible that the Umbra frames could have taken sentient tech and adapted it for their frames. This could manifest itself in many different ways from unique starts to different abilities. Even augmenting the abilities the frame already possessed for added effects at the cost of other things. An example could be Excalibur Umbra has an increased distance to his slash dash, but radial javelin could be severely weakened.

2) The Umbra could have been built by the Orokin just like the primes. However they could have gone down a different route than the primes. We know the warframe is meant to protect the Tenno and focus their abilities. Meaning the core(will use core in place of iconic here) are the same, but the lesser abilities are different. Excalibur Umbra would still have the slash dash and exalted blade abilities. Though he may not have the blind or radial javelin. An example would be Excalibur is supposed to be a balanced frame when it comes to both gun and blade. The Umbra variant of Excalibur could have been focused more exclusively on the blade aspect. Replacing the blind and radial javelin for other abilities that compliment melee combat more than ranged.

3) now the most likely is that the Umbra frames will be similar to the primes. They get a few stay buffs to make them different from the primes. In all likely hood this is what will happen with them. No special differences to change how a person will play that frame. Just a few stat changes that will keep people playing that frame the same way as always.

Those are what I think could happen and I would love to see how the Umbra frames are altered compared to the standard and primed versions. The fact that they have announced that they are coming makes my mind wander at the possibilities. However I know that those ideas may remain just that. This is why I say the Umbra frames have to be handled with care. As the options for them vary greatly, but at the same time I know that no matter what people will complain. So I will enjoy what I think the Umbra frames could possibly do until they are released. Keeping in mind that stat changes most likely the only thing going to happen. That way unlike done,I will not be disappointed on release.

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Volt; I have been waiting for this day.


In my opinion- Volt's Shock and Speed abilities are fine. Shock maybe can get a small damage buff, or increased CC. Shock maybe could get the "Shocking Speed" augment built in, aside from that. Good abilities in a good position.


Electric Shield;


Don't get me wrong. This is a good ability. Can save your butt more often than not. But explosion damage bypassing it, (Bombard Rockets, Radial Knock downs, Arson Eximis's blow-up) is a major hindrance to this ability.


Another issue I personally have is it's not mobile. Warframe is a quick paced game with constant movement. Wasting 75 energy for a stationary shield that I'll use for 5 seconds and then leave behind, is not very cohesive. Please make it like Odonada's shield, or maybe, like the riot shield of Lancers.




I feel this should be done 'A la' Excalibur. Overload is a 1-trick-pony (Glenn), use it once and you can never use it as effectively again.


Please, either completely redo this ability, or get rid of it completely and replace it with a better, more fitting ult. I'm not going to give suggestions because I want this to be like Excalibur- Where it surpassed all of my expectations and had a unique concept. Not saying I want an in-direct copy of Exalted Blade- But something more interactive/defensive would be wonderful.


Thanks again DE. You guys are rocking it.

Edited by Censium
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I think carrier must be replaced by another sentinel.

But Vacuum be a special ability for EVERY type of complanions. Simple and easy




Only Overload pretty much useless, because dmg realy low now, CC functional too weak.

Overload must be replaced by something different. More usefull, it must be realy best ability of Volt.

Edited by Atilla
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I'm tentatively excited. It looked kind of poorly made in the Chinese videos we've seen (ie clipping with the scarf, no cloth physics on the scarf, etc), but <insert cheap chinese knockoff meme here.>

More mastery is nice.




We need a much revamped trade system, but otherwise I think relays and the many chat windows serve our social needs well.


Companion Abilities-


I voted for similarity because it's closest to what I want, but what I really want is every sentinel/doge to have quality of life abilities like vacuum. They can have their own super-special ability like cloak/dig/CC/etc that's unique to them, the issue is that vacuum (and its weaker, massively inferior cousin on the Chesa doge) is so convenient that, prior to me challenging myself to make a raid-viable stealth doge, I ran solely with carrier for the vast majority of time.



I think shock's in a good place right now, and so's electric shield. But speed could do with being a toggled ability with a very low energy drain (having to recast frequently is bothersome), and overload needs buffs across the board. Needs to cast faster, in a bigger area, and do more damage. The only time overload is actually useful is in a mission when you're surrounded by lights to explode.


What's next-


I'd really like to see improvements to the syndicate system. Which is to say, more impact of syndicates on the game. Stuff like having them do all the mission control for their missions instead of just letting Lotus handle it after their initial greeting, having them send you on missions against rival syndicates, having more information on their philosophies, giving them more defined characters beyond just the syndicate head. And preferably, they'd offer goods that are always useful and encourage you to keep on accumulating rep. Once you've got all the augments and guns and sigils and such, the only thing left to buy is spectres (lol, what am I gonna do with a roller spectre?) and key packs, and key packs were nerfed into the ground long ago. Basically, there's no incentive for me to bother with daily missions or medallions any more because there's nothing to buy.


On a related note, rework Simaris please. Scanning for him is a chore, helios doesn't scan for him even though he himself uses helioses, and that 20k rep/day limit is really bad. Unlike normal syndicates who have medallions and syndicate missions to break the rep cap, Simaris has zilch.

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The addition of an auction house or some type of trading station is needed because the trade chat system is really awful at the moment.

More social interaction would be great and the thread linked shows some pretty awesome ways to improve it.

Volt needs some readjusting for Overload to hit faster and maybe CC better.

It would also be nice if Vacuum was usable on all sentinels and carrier had a unique pickup ability, suck as storing a limited amount of ammo, energy, and health when the player's is full and releasing it as needed.

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Are you excited for Excalibur Umbra? > I’m not sure yet.

It depends. I don't want to have another "prime" suffix kind of thing. If it's a single, unique item, then yes I am excited; I don't want to farm Prime and Umbra variants of everything in the future.



Would you like more ways to interact with other players in-game? > Maybe, depends on the kind of interaction.

Anything that gives us options is fine. So as long as we are free to not use those new ways and not miss out on content I'm cool with it (ie: no exclusive content for being sociable... I'm looking at you, raids).



In your opinion, which of Volt’s abilities need a rework? (Can pick more than one) > 1 & 4

I find direct damage abilities very underwhelming, especially Shock: why spend energy and aim carefully when I can just shoot the guys?

Edited by The_Doc
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Umbra Excalibur:


Wow. A new Excalibur variant/skin whatever. So what does this contribute to Warframe's basic gameplay, outside of potentially introducing more grind depending on what it is? More imbalance? More things to eat up resources while longstanding issues go relatively ignored? More questions to be answered regarding lore in spite of the tediously slow pace at which information is revealed? 


Sure, it'll probably look amazing - Warframe's art is great - but what is there to be legitimately excited about? 


Player Interaction:


How about some basic co-op elements to gameplay and ability usage that aren't considered exploitative? As far as social interactions go, no. You've already got game content locked behind raids that I will never play, and I already have to jump into lagfest Relays to access the most interesting Syndicate (Simaris) in the game. 


Companion abilities: 

Sure, it's fun to let imaginations run wild and hope for unique and interesting companion abilities... but what's the point? How many people do you think will actually stop using Carrier/that new Kubrow to use something else that isn't legitimately OP? At the very least make the most useful abilities for general situations universal abilities to be added on top of more niche bonuses. 




Overload. It's just needlessly convoluted. 

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...I don't understand why people try to mess with Volt's abilities?? There are more Warframes need some reworks, but Volt is fine as is. If anything DE can look up Volt for rework of other Warframes. Why you people either want him to be god or try to nerf him to the ground?!

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...I don't understand why people try to mess with Volt's abilities?? There are more Warframes need some reworks, but Volt is fine as is. If anything DE can look up Volt for rework of other Warframes. Why you people either want him to be god or try to nerf him to the ground?!

They asked. Everyone is just giving their own opinion.

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I am very excited for volt to get his makeover, most of all. His pretty dress will flow with the wind, his armor will look dapper, and refreshingly lacking its former rubbery textures, and he will SLAY DUDES.

I like his abilities fine, but they have zero synergy with each other. Maybe you can shock a group of enemies and speed away but I feel like there could be something more. His shock could be a toggle, something along the lines of when volt shocked the lone crewman to death in "The Prophet". His overload needs a real change. It could be replaced with a toggleable storm that fogs up the room and hurls lightning bolts down upon your enemies. Or Volt could summon a pack of elementals(squid shaped?) that chase people down and zap them dead. Or you could just buff overload, whatever works for you.


But whatever you do, make it a full out volt buff.

Edited by Joblock
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Umbra Expectations


Honestly not sure what to feel about this, I think Umbra is a cool idea, if combined with the frames we already have and not as a seperate frame entirely. Basically 'umbra' your multi-formad and potatoed frame for better stats, shinier look (plus possible buffs in certain situations) as some sort of reward for doing all this content.


Again not a fan of them being their own frames, but I wouldn't mind if they were something to work towards in ALL frames (both primes and non-primes)


Warframe Social


It's nice to see that you took the topic with a lot of thought put into it and only mentioned an extremely minor thing to the first part of it, and most people won't read the thread and look at all the things in their, the biggest one being the updated recruiting for clans and missions, where you can use it to search regular, voids or special missions that people are hosting/running.


also what Fifeld suggested with friends 2.0 is an excellent augment for this and would massively help out with the, quite frankly, lacking social interaction that we have.


Chesa and other companions


While lately, I've been finding myself running with prisma shade/Huras doge, or Sahasa (for dat energy) I can't get the phrase out of my head "man I could've picked that up with carrier equipped"


Carrier/Prime have been my most used sentinels, with a 69% combined usage overall, and for a good reason, it can pick up a lot of loot from a decent distance, which is great in a hectic firefight where you can't necessarily stay in one place too long.


However looking back on it Carrier has acted as a crutch for me and other players due to the suck in range and I think that should instead be ever so slightly tuned down in range and just added as an innate ability onto our Warframes instead. this way we aren't simply limited to one sentinel and can use a broad range.


Though I mean sweeper/prime is an awesome weapon for sentinels so please don't change that ^.^


as for a suggested replacement power for Carrier/Prime? make it a bit more carrier like, it shoots out mini drones which could harass enemies around you, either through a radius range, or just in a certain area. Giving you a bit of breathing room in case a lot of melee guys come to wreck you on high level stuff.




there are at least 2 things I want to see with the volt rework.


-Electric shields stun enemies trying to pass through them with electric proc

-Overload gets a rework, this could be a lot of things, as many people have suggested great things for this


Whats Next?

I would like to see the aspects of the social rework be implemented asap (mostly the recruiting changes)


Though I would also like to see enemy AI overall reworked for Stealth, along with map tweaks so we have more alternate routes with parkour 2.0 now being a thing to avoid being spotted (stealth 1.5 or 2.0 basically)

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Completely  agree!!!!!!   Volt's Overlord is just not enough. We need it have more damage or at least make it that it knocks down enemies and leaves them paralyzed for 10 seconds on the floor shaking uncontrollably  ( could be longer with duration mods )  

Honestly I use all of volts abilities just the way they are, except for overload. Overload has too long of a cast time, too small of a radius, leaves you vulnerable, and does too little damage. It's pretty pointless.                            


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I think Exaliber Umbra would be cool. Loki and Volt and Mag have their improved versions why not exaliber? He is one of the starter warframes a new awesome look for him is just. and about Volt YES YES YES! Volt's Overlord should be reworked it does little damage casting time leaves you vulnerable. I recommend increasing its damage and or making another use for it.  I think it should knock down enemies and paralyze them for a duration of time that way it can be useful in some situations because they don't stay stunned that long. 

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Volt's overload detonates the electrical devices within the aoe: presumably this means only once per "area"  If this is going to remain a one use per area ability, it should be much more devastating.  It should wreck the area, do much more massive damage and even blow the lights out completely.  As it is, it's not that powerful, in my opinion.

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Concerning Volt:

Overload. Please, please please change overload.


If i was to be honest (and I know many a player may disagree) I believe Volt needs a full rework. None of his abilities really synergize with the others. They're kinda stand alone abilities that work on their own.... in some circumstances. (i.e. Low level!!!)


But overload.... ugh.


Volt needs a rework. (you're all valid to your own opinions these are my views)


Concerning Companions:

Evidently Chesa is never gonna beat Vacuum, simply cuz Vacuum picks up everything at once. I am still trying to breed a Chesa myself, however, as i prefer Kubrow....


The argument as I see it, Sentinels vs Kubrow


+Doesn't require maintenance

+Cheaper to keep

+More easily recolored (minor)

+Have abilities that Kubrow Cannot hope to replicate as efficiently due to physical restraints(e.g. Vacuum)

+Can put many different abilities on same sentinel that requires a different kubrow for each power (Shield regen, Crowd dispersion- You get the idea). Simply put, sentinels can be modded to be more diverse.



+Modded correctly can be much tankier than sentinels

+Can be revived unlimited amount

+Can deal massive damage

+Can open lockers


If I was to be succinct; Each Companion needs something that makes it desirable over another. Atm you only have 1 Kubrow that can replenish shields, yet all sentinels can. I want Chesa simply cuz I love Kubrow.... I'm not playing to win approach, but for fun. But if each companion had something no other companion has I would always have one of each. Currently, I don't have all the sentinels because the main difference is looks, and vacuum is always gonna be chosen over most other things.

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If its just another prime like frame, than I'm not excited, if it's unique from the primes (diff abilities, stats, world interactions) than yes I'm excited or at least interested.

I would love to see improvements to all chats, with possibly an auction house for trade chat.
Something that i would like to see is a system that allows for easier recruitment.
So rather than posting in chat LF T4S can bring X, you can bring up a menu where set what your looking for/ can bring, and get auto joined to someone running the thing your looking for.
Additional world interactions are always nice as well.

I prefer the idea of diversity over similarity. That being said I love guardian and animal instinct.
I agree with the idea (from previous posts) that vacuum should be more a innate ability of sentinels and Kubrows (if i can teach my dog to go invisible I can probably teach it to fetch).


I like volt as he is currently. If you do feel like changing him overload is certainly his worse skill (the list of reasons are in the thread, no point in bringing them up again here).
(I do think ember needs a buff/ rework much more than volt, she just cant seem to keep up in overall power regardless of how I mod her)

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