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Update 17.3.0


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You guys need to fix how the game handles host migrations.  I'm tired of it showing host migration mid game, then kicking either all of us or just 1 of us for no reason (lost connection with the host is not a reason in my book, since it is SUPPOSED to find a new host when such things happen, or move you to your own instance to continue)when we who were kicked were never the host.  So tired of loosing rare ! items due to your inability to fix problems with migration.


And before you others start flaming about it being my connection, no, it's not.

Edited by Alanthier
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Soo... Instead of reducing the grind and replacing some of the Forma rewards with Prime parts, now we get UNCOMMON FUSION CORES? Thanks, Really. I could use another two thousand fusion cores I will never use or need! THANKS DE!


Oh, yes, in case you did not notice, that was sarcasm.


I would rather have the core rewards to become Forma instead. At least a Forma does something. We have TOO MANY FUSION CORES IN THE LOOT TABLE ALREADY! Also, seriously, remove those orokin cells already. No-one wants them. If we need some, we go and farm Saturn and Ceres. But I guess you do not understand. You know, DE, I funded this game in hopes of you actually listening to the community and to "be a part of designing the game". But the Design Council is a joke. An expensive joke to me, no less.


Remember, every time you guys pull something like this I feel less incline to support this game with a platinum purchase. I can't be the only one.

What were you thinking? You have been promising since around U7.5 that you would REDUCE the grind. And what has happened? The complete opposite.

Edited by SoanoS
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Soo... Instead of reducing the grind and replacing some of the Forma rewards with Prime parts, now we get UNCOMMON FUSION CORES? Thanks, Really. I could use another two thousand fusion cores I will never use or need! THANKS DE!


Oh, yes, in case you did not notice, that was sarcasm.


Speak for yourself.  I have a dozen mods I need to rank up (2 of them primed mods), no cores, 7 built forma, and 12 unbuilt forma blueprints.  Uncommon cores are worth more to me than Forma are going to be for a long time - especially since I've gotten 5 of the new Syndicate Primaries and so far I don't need to forma a single one of them because the ones with a D are actually Magnetic and Blast anyway (i.e. can make good use of a D slot.)


Thanks for the guns and the changes DE.  No complaints from me today.


Would still like to see the pre-Corpus Valkyr skin before 17.5 tho :P

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Athesive Blast changed from Damage to stick chance...   :(

Other changes and new sindicate weapons are welcome.


For what it's worth, I just got the mod right after I got the new Secura Penta and even with the mod at 4/5 (says 50% chance I believe) it is sticking where it lands 100% of the time.


Either the description is wrong, or the change just didn't go in.  Hopefully the former - having never used the regular Penta before I can safely say this thing is neigh-impossible to control without this mod working the way it does.

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You guys need to fix how the game handles host migrations.  I'm tired of it showing host migration mid game, then kicking either all of us or just 1 of us for no reason (lost connection with the host is not a reason in my book, since it is SUPPOSED to find a new host when such things happen, or move you to your own instance to continue)when we who were kicked were never the host.  So tired of loosing rare ! items due to your inability to fix problems with migration.


And before you others start flaming about it being my connection, no, it's not.

Oh, they definitely know now.


I entered a mission with [DE]Rebecca to test a bug. Got kicked into separate instances with a "host migration" about 20% of the way through an Intercept round. Those logs are in the system, so yeah, they're aware there's something seriously wrong with the netcode.


Whether they have time to do the full code audit it arguably needs is a different story, but the dreaded Host Migration is on their radar.

Speak for yourself.  I have a dozen mods I need to rank up (2 of them primed mods), no cores, 7 built forma, and 12 unbuilt forma blueprints.  Uncommon cores are worth more to me than Forma are going to be for a long time - especially since I've gotten 5 of the new Syndicate Primaries and so far I don't need to forma a single one of them because the ones with a D are actually Magnetic and Blast anyway (i.e. can make good use of a D slot.)

Note that most complaints are made without considering the perspective of other players... honestly, I have enough partly-ranked mods that a mountain of cores is hardly an issue.


As for the Adhesive Blast mod, it's probably a description issue, like the weirdness with Covert Lethality.

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Soo... Instead of reducing the grind and replacing some of the Forma rewards with Prime parts, now we get UNCOMMON FUSION CORES? Thanks, Really. I could use another two thousand fusion cores I will never use or need! THANKS DE!


Oh, yes, in case you did not notice, that was sarcasm.


I would rather have the core rewards to become Forma instead. At least a Forma does something. We have TOO MANY FUSION CORES IN THE LOOT TABLE ALREADY! Also, seriously, remove those orokin cells already. No-one wants them. If we need some, we go and farm Saturn and Ceres. But I guess you do not understand. You know, DE, I funded this game in hopes of you actually listening to the community and to "be a part of designing the game". But the Design Council is a joke. An expensive joke to me, no less.


Remember, every time you guys pull something like this I feel less incline to support this game with a platinum purchase. I can't be the only one.

What were you thinking? You have been promising since around U7.5 that you would REDUCE the grind. And what has happened? The complete opposite.

for the love of god stop asking DE to nerf drop rates this is exactly the kind of post that got us the forma and core nerf we have now.

ask them to buff drop rates for prime parts or reward us based on time invested in the mission (better rewards as you go instead of AABCAABC that gets you an uncommon core for 50m of T4S) because i think that's what all of us really want


edit: i overreacted some. i see the logic behind the syndicate primary weapons (its the same as with the secondary's they have) but i just wish the would have buffed some weapons that actually needed it this time around.

im not happy all the forma and time i put into tigris, penta etc going to waste now because a better version of it just arrived, just like my many times forma'd akbotos and regular marelok etc now obsolete.

not happy about the forma and core drops nerf in the name of less grind either. aoe headshot nerf hurts as well.

the only thing that i like about this update is the new sentinel that will ultimately be mastery fodder too because they refuse to give the vacuum percept to all sentinels and give carrier a new ability like carrying stuff for you (health, energy, ammo)

salted greedy milk tastes bleh 

Edited by ..atom..
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Oh, they definitely know now.


I entered a mission with [DE]Rebecca to test a bug. Got kicked into separate instances with a "host migration" about 20% of the way through an Intercept round. Those logs are in the system, so yeah, they're aware there's something seriously wrong with the netcode.


Whether they have time to do the full code audit it arguably needs is a different story, but the dreaded Host Migration is on their radar.

Note that most complaints are made without considering the perspective of other players... honestly, I have enough partly-ranked mods that a mountain of cores is hardly an issue.


As for the Adhesive Blast mod, it's probably a description issue, like the weirdness with Covert Lethality.



The difference between your instance migration and mine, was you actually got MOVED to your own instance, I was thrown back to my own ship, as was one of the others, while the other 2 were still in mission no problem.  I've literally lost out on so much stuff that I needed, rare drops that I know I'll never come by again, and exp for my gear that was really needed to do something else.  They need to address it, it should have priority over new releases of gears and such.  Fix the older bugs before adding new crap.

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so every syndicate gun has a major buff except the vaykor hek, and it can't even be equipped with the augment? 

Wrong. Vay-Hek is superior to Hek with or without the augment.

The difference between your instance migration and mine, was you actually got MOVED to your own instance, I was thrown back to my own ship, as was one of the others, while the other 2 were still in mission no problem.  I've literally lost out on so much stuff that I needed, rare drops that I know I'll never come by again, and exp for my gear that was really needed to do something else.  They need to address it, it should have priority over new releases of gears and such.  Fix the older bugs before adding new crap.

Oh, I know. I've had that too. I was kicked out of a void defense on my own key once. As I said, I suggested the entire code section needs an overhaul.

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why even mess with the r5 cores? now t4 is even more broken. the orokin in general is going to just be keys and credits and pritty much useless. and t4 survival/defence should get r5 rare fusion cores its freakin t4. why change it to uncommon cores? seriously


also abit disappointed i cant use hek aug on the vay hek.

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Wrong. Vay-Hek is superior to Hek with or without the augment.

Wong, Vaykor Hek is useless trash. The DPS isn't even as much with a maxed Primed Ravage. Those extra polarities don't save a S#&$ty weapon. I have 4 forma into my hek and it is  a god weapon, I don't have to spend as much forma on the Vay-hek to get it up the the same polarities but to get it to do the same damage will take far more work. Vay-hek is trash and there is no arguing.

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Wong, Vaykor Hek is useless trash. The DPS isn't even as much with a maxed Primed Ravage. Those extra polarities don't save a S#&$ty weapon. I have 4 forma into my hek and it is  a god weapon, I don't have to spend as much forma on the Vay-hek to get it up the the same polarities but to get it to do the same damage will take far more work. Vay-hek is trash and there is no arguing.

I mean, it's not as if people have done math on that or anything, but... well, you're right about one thing. There is no arguing with someone who's already 100% convinced they're right. So have fun with that. Bye!

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"added base damage" "unholy amounts of crit"

Except the base damage is the exact same, stats aren't even rearranged and the "Unholy amounts of crit" still don't add up to nearly enough to make up for the missing 14 pellets, yeah I think that the Vaykor Hek is a huge mistake and has no purpose. Also, to make this gun even KIND OF hold up you need a maxed primed ravage. What a joke gun.

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I mean, it's not as if people have done math on that or anything, but... well, you're right about one thing. There is no arguing with someone who's already 100% convinced they're right. So have fun with that. Bye!

Except people have done the math? If you just google Vaykor Hek vs Hek you'll get tons of reddit threads on it. Good job trying to argue with someone who has both guns and knows which is better :p

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