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The Vulklok: Let's Shoot Everything But The Target Edition


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when i heard we got a grineer sentinel i was hoping i could use it on my grineer themed loadout.... but know i am gonna stick to my grineer deph cube skin......


You can still use it for the precepts, just swap the weapon out for something else like sweeper prime.

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I don't think it's the weapons accuracy, it may be Calculated Shot giving the sentinel 10 shots of tequila before starting the mission. I was testing it with the sweeper, go figure, and the sentinel seems to have it's own accuracy on top of the weapon accuracy. It might be bugged to where the sentinel is firing at the accuracy of what is should be if you're moving but we gotta hear back from DE.


EDIT: Yep it's Diriga not the weapon, tried with stinger that has 100 accuracy. 2 out of 4 shots would hit at 50m (had Split Chamber so one of two bullets would hit). 

Edited by 3FingersDeep
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Im just copying what i wrote in the update feedback topic.

I could've stomached an even greater dmg nerf, or no crit buffs at all so I could use it as a Long range CC shockmachine, but the acc nerf renders even that aspect of it useless.

Here's hoping it'll get fixed, most of us got boned by this bigtime, financially and psychologically alike.

Seesh, talking about viability across sentinels. Better call Carrier!

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It makes perfect sense to me if a sniper rifle would be inaccurate when you're moving all over the place. It is a sniper rifle after all........what is this cod?


And when it can't hit the broad side of a Galleon even when you are standing still under a Snow Globe? (Literally watched it shoot at a distant enemy 20 times and missed every time.)


Something is very wrong here.

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It makes perfect sense to me if a sniper rifle would be inaccurate when you're moving all over the place. It is a sniper rifle after all........what is this cod?


Punny humans can code software that let hit Panzers when they´re at top speed crushing trough terrain and hills at a target kilometres away with over 90% accuracy.


Sad Tenno technology can´t even do that with help of Cephalons! Hur hur

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It makes perfect sense to me if a sniper rifle would be inaccurate when you're moving all over the place. It is a sniper rifle after all........what is this cod?

A supposed sniper rifle on an autonomous stabilized platform.

You do know there is no little man inside that balloon aiming the rifle, wait judging by your post you probably do not know....

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It was hilarious how they tried to sugar-coat the nerf by saying that it wasn't supposed to be released as a lanka-like weapon. All they did was make it's damamge and accuracy worse. Now its a slightly less powerful sniper without the sniper part. On top of that, aesthetically, it's still a corpus weapon.


Great hotfix, 10/10. A well thought-out and reasonable fix that everyone was looking forward to.


What were they smoking when they made this "fix"?

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It was hilarious how they tried to sugar-coat the nerf by saying that it wasn't supposed to be released as a lanka-like weapon. All they did was make it's damamge and accuracy worse. Now its a slightly less powerful sniper without the sniper part. On top of that, aesthetically, it's still a corpus weapon.


Great hotfix, 10/10. A well thought-out and reasonable fix that everyone was looking forward to.


What were they smoking when they made this "fix"?


I think it´s their way of giving scott a cookie.

Edited by VoidNomade
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Sadly it was probably done so it does not:


a) outclass Carrier (P)/Sweeper (P)

b) the upcoming catbrows


As a matter or courtesy DE should offer a forma//potato refund if weapons/frames/sentinels/whatever are heavily altered since some people surely spend cash on getting the plat to forma/potato the stuff and they did so based on believing they would not get nerfed. And no the BETA excuse does not cut it, to be honest!   


The Elder Scrolls Online recently changed some skill stats and offered a free skill redo to everyone for example.

Edited by Hatzeputt
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Sadly it was probably done so it does not:


a) outclass Carrier (P)/Sweeper (P)

b) the upcoming catbrows


As a matter or courtesy DE should offer a forma//potato refund if weapons/frames/sentinels/whatever are heavily altered since some people surely spend cash on getting the plat to forma/potato the stuff and they did so based on believing they would not get nerfed. And no the BETA excuse does not cut it, to be honest!   


The Elder Scrolls Online recently changed some skill stats and offered a free skill redo to everyone for example.


That´s one problem atm for me personally. I have a huge distrust against them when new things are coming out.

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A huge problem for me ... I bought two of the new sentinels outright (one of me, one for my son) and ranked the stuff up four times on mine.


This isn't just an issue in a small game or an issue in a big game. In EverQuest, 15 years of nerfs finally had me cancelling two accounts. There are tweaks, then there is changing the entire way something works. This is changing how the (product sold) works. Feels like a total bait n' switch to me. Hey, check out this new item we added.... annnnnd it's gone.


It was so fun for once (among a long string of so-so weapons and all the rest) and didn't seem too 'game breaking' to me - I couldn't say stand in the middle in Ceres and AFK (not that I ever DO!) and come back to a win. Point is - I still had to run about killing and all the rest. I've seen tons of arguments for accuracy this and nerf the firepower that but any of that STILL SUCKS - Let's say the fix was "mmm make it do a fifth of the damage it was doing... that's the fix!" So I still got ripped off then ... it is still super weak then even if accuracy is maintained.


If you're still with me to this point: Don't SELL US items that take 6 forma to kind of get back half of what the item already WAS. The fast fire rate and accuracy WAS the fun of it. It is like selling me a sports car then saying "oh sorry, we meant to put this tiny engine in that! oops!" Don't tell me there is NO testing or thought process in the design of items because of a small development team. The DEs own this nerf fully and it was the first nerf to really piss me off as a player. This was straight up "Players will be excited about this, we'll sell a ton of them - kill it a week later!"


/vent off

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DE regarding greedy pull: "absolutely everyone is using it, we better nerf it"

DE regarding carrier: "there are some people not using it, we better nerf the competition"





But yeah, it's $&*&*#(%&. The damage nerf was ok on the vulklok, but the accuracy nerf is just a hilariously bad decision.

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