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Volt Overhaul By D20 : Bringing Power Reattribution And Power Interaction.


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EDIT : new changes !




Okay, so : modified list of changes.


Changes :


Electric shield :

- Electric Shield still gives a stackable +50% electric damage bonus. All other bonuses are removed, as Overload will take the lead as a personal buff. This bonus will work with throwing weapons as well.

- Electric Shield's width is now affected by power range.

- Meleeing Electric Shield will emit a pulse with the width of ES and limited range, looking a bit like Exalted Blade's energy waves. This pulse has the same damage than your melee weapon, plus an additive +50% electric damage.


Overload :

- Overload now acts as a personal buff, granting Volt +X% electric damage bonus on every weapons. X should be a rather big value.

- In addition, every weapons used while under the effect of overload will now force an electric proc.

- Upon Cast, Volt will emit an electrical pulse that will deal an electric proc to surrounding enemies. Allies hit by that pulse will get a part of the bonus electric damage, but for slightly less time.

- Extended duration. 20 seconds feels fine.


Speed :

- Speed will now also increase parkour speed, reload speed and weapon switch speed +X%, X being the same value added for the speed gain and melee boost.

- Of course, add an option to disable the FoV change.


Interactions :


- Casting shock on electric shield will double the shield's width and increase it's curvature, giving you a charged shield. Charged shields with bring you twice the electric damage bonus as well. Charging a shield will however remove X% of it's duration. If multiple shields are stacked, casting shock on them will charge every shields on a single it.

- Casting electric shield while under speed will allow Volt to perform an extremely quick dash forward, dealing an electric proc to every enemy you cross the path with, without interupting himself with an animation. Performing this will still lay an electric shield at the place you pressed 3.

- Casting shock while under overload will double its target cap.

- Casting speed while under overload will extend its duration to overload's duration. Only works for yourself.

- Casting electric shield while under overload will directly lay charged shields.



How is it ?




Old :


Hello there ! Have a seat, or bring your own, whatever.


So, I guess everybody knows it : in the most recent hotfix, the "70m range thingy" on Volt's Electric Shield have been fixed. It was also stated that DE will try to find something else to compensate. In my opinion the correction of this bug is the opportunity to review Volt a bit.


Volt is considered as the most balanced and Versatile warframe in the game. He has a lot of possibilities : small CC, mobility boosts, gunplay and melee play enhancements... He is not considered as overpowered either. But Volt has one obvious flaw : Overload. This skill is looked as the worst ultimate powers in the game (especially since Crush is not as bad anymore). This is however compensated by giving Volt the most powerful 50 energy ability in the game : the sacrosanct Electric Shield.


My goal here is to fix Volt's design flaws while bringing him some interesting new mechanics that would, I hope, please every Volt players. Follow here my personal list of Volt's flaws :


- Electric Shield does too much, while on the other hand Overload does not feel like a 4th power.

- Because ES does so much, it seems oftenly glitched.

- Overload is underpowered.

- Using speed is annoying for gunplay, due to the change of FoV.

- Volt's efficiency is highly dependent of the weapon you use.

- Poor skill synergy/interactivity, though Volt is very adaptable.


Some of you may argue that Volt is supposed to be an alternative to gunplay, following his description. But actually he's not. He's more a gunplay enhancer. I don't really want to draw him away from that path.


Because ES feels so strong, yet Overload feels so underwhelming, my main idea would be the following : breaking down the bonus part of ES, and implement them as new bonuses for Overload. I would also bring some small yet fitting bonus to Speed.


ES change : no more bonuses given to weapon shots passing through the shield ! This would reduce ES to a purely defensive tool. However, I would like to add a change similar to how Snow Globe works. Casting shock on you shield would actually cause it to explode, and ragdoll enemies in the direction where the shield is faceing. I thing this is an interesting change. In addition, allow ES to have its width affected by power range.


Now about Overload : Overload is still a (poor) AoE CC skill, but now it would also be able to act like a self buff, with an extended duration ! Volt would overload himself, and give to his weaponry some insane bonuses :

- +X% damage as electric damage for all weapons, melee and gun alike. The number here have to be pretty big. It can still be converted into corrosive/magnetic/radiation, so don't worry if you fight some heavy armored Grineers.

- Force electric procs on all weapons. Now all weapons does CC ! Magic !

The AoE duration would still last 4 seconds, but the self buff would last longer than that. I think 20 seconds would be good enough. Also, maybe allow the bonus damage added to be affected by power strength mods.


I also would like to bring a small buff/change for speed :

- Does not change the fov anymore.

- Now also gives you +50% reload speed bonus and weapon switch bonus (like the melee speed bonus, but for firearms and switch).

- Will also allow you to use semi-auto weapons like auto weapons : no need to spam your click anymore !

I think this change fits Speed and Volt a lot. It's supposed to make your reflexes stronger, why would it only apply on melee ? :p


Volt would not be a "crit frame" anymore, but I don't think this is an issue. If anything, those crits pretty much forced a Volt player to limit his weapon choice. With those changes, one can play with whatever he wants and fits his strategy. I also did not really solved to "poor synergy" part, but I don't think this is such a big issue as Volt's powers are supposed to be like a toolbox. You just bring the one you need at the right moment.


I hope everyone like my suggested changes. I tried to keep the Volt feeling while solving the main issues, and keeping him as efficient as he actually is. Don't hesitate to bring up your opinions.


Please be constructive and courteous. :)

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I'm actually a bit nervous about any change to Volt, I feel he's pretty much perfect as is, apart from Overload, which I've always felt should be bumped a bit by making more items in the environment be "electrifiable" (like consoles, electronic door locks, etc.), and having their "electrifiability" respawn on a slow timer. 


I think removal of the damage buff from ES would render him useless in Void stuff, and as it stands that's the only thing he brings to the table in the Void that matches other powerful things other frames bring.


Agree with the Speed FoV thing for ranged and I like the idea of reload speed buff to match the melee buff.  Although I feel DE will be reluctant to do that, since the FoV change is actually a limitation that prevents Speed from being a tad OP (i.e. having to "struggle" with the FoV change, as it were, sets a bit of a necessary limit).


I hope DE aren't just fiddling around with him for the sake of it.  The old adage about not fixing things that ain't broke applies.

Edited by Omnimorph
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I'm actually a bit nervous about any change to Volt, I feel he's pretty much perfect as is, apart from Overload, which I've always felt should be bumped a bit by making more items in the environment be "electrifiable" (like consoles, electronic door locks, etc.), and having their "electrifiability" respawn on a slow timer. 


I think removal of the damage buff from ES would render him useless in Void stuff, and as it stands that's the only thing he brings to the table in the Void that matches other powerful things other frames bring.


Agree with the Speed FoV thing for ranged and I like the idea of reload speed buff to match the melee buff.  Although I feel DE will be reluctant to do that, since the FoV change is actually a limitation that prevents Speed from being a tad OP (i.e. having to "struggle" with the FoV change, as it were, sets a bit of a necessary limit).


I hope DE aren't just fiddling around with him for the sake of it.  The old adage about not fixing things that ain't broke applies.


It's true that ES was also damage bonus for your teammates. You brought up a good point. In that case, maybe we can also turn Overload into a team boost as well ? Or just keep the stackable +50% bonus ?

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Interesting. If you went this route, I would say Overload should extend the range of beams and increase projectile velocity, as well as being a team buff.


Shield should at least shock enemies that get near it, though. And I think it should keep the stackable bonus so it's the one buff with some scalability where necessary (i.e., damage).


Overload cast time reduced - lot of time to get shot while casting. Too much, really.

Edited by FelisImpurrator
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The suggested Overload changes are quite intriguing for sure, but I can't say I share your view on the other suggested changes.  Not entirely sure about giving it a forced Electric proc on all attacks though, because of how already potent the Electric element really is, as one of the only (2.5) AoE elements atop also being one of the few (2) elements with a hard CC.  Giving all weapons the capability but not guarantee of proccing Electric or maybe just improving the current proc chances of things seems like a more metered change, though that's just the vibe I'm getting there.  Still a very interesting take on his 4 that doesn't turn it into a simple nuke, so that's always a huge positive.


As a small side-note though;  Volt's Overload is actually capable of more damage outright than almost any 4 is, since it's not a true/standard AoE.  Instead it's triggering AoEs around every enemy within its range.  Ergo timing it when foes are near one another can and does directly multply the damage done to each foe who happens to be near one or more other foes.  Even without anything beyond 130% Strength it is capable of outright killing reasonably leveled foes if the right circumstances are met, something other skills just can't mimmic regardless of timing or skill in use.


ES change : no more bonuses given to weapon shots passing through the shield ! This would reduce ES to a purely defensive tool. However, I would like to add a change similar to how Snow Globe works. Casting shock on you shield would actually cause it to explode, and ragdoll enemies in the direction where the shield is faceing. I thing this is an interesting change. In addition, allow ES to have its width affected by power range.


I do think that seeing some style of direct synergetic "combo" between some of Volt's skills would be both an improvement and a genuinely good change for the frame.  However I don't at all like the idea of more or less just copying what Frost's shielding can do.  As Frost's Snow Globe is more "area denial" of a skill type the type of combo it has feels appropriate for the ability.  Doing something of that nature to Volt's shield just feels off to me.  Atop that it also doens't quite feel like it's as interesting for a more tactically offensive frame.


That all being said I'm not entirely sure what I'd actively like to see with any type of change within this general area.  One idea I've toyed with (it's both odd and more than a little strange) would be to grant an oddly innate synergy between Speed and Electric Shield rather than going the 1+3 route.  The basic/bare bones of the thought thus far would be that, with Speed on whilst casting Electric Shield, the player would gain the ability to sort of distort or morph the shield's shape in accordance with their momentum at the time of casting the 3.  As an example a player running perpendicular to their aiming direction could slide-cast 3 with 2 up, and create a longer Electric Shield.


Definitely an odd thought, but I'm just not on board with more or less giving Volt a copycat thing from Frost.  It could really be any sort of change as long as it's something more unique to Volt while also fitting in well with his current niche.  Even having combinations between other skills instead of having a focal point on his Electric Shield (though I do also feel like this is sort of a prime suspect to focus on).  Other stuff like somehow having 1 and 4, or 4 and 2 interacting could lead to interesting ideas.  But focusing on his 3 does seem like a solid thing to focus on, but at the same time knowing other routes are there could show something cool.


As an endnote I'm also opposed to the removal of the offensive bonuses gained by Electric Shield's usage.  Having something which may incentivize certain equipment types isn't (in my opinion) an inherently bad thing.  While I do understand what you were going for with this change, I can't agree with the entire removal of the offensive traits held by Electric Shield.  Those traits are part of what differentiate it further from other defensive barriers, ala Cataclysm or Snow Globe, while also speaking to Volt's niche as a more aggressive frame.


I also would like to bring a small buff/change for speed :

- Does not change the fov anymore.

- Now also gives you +50% reload speed bonus and weapon switch bonus (like the melee speed bonus, but for firearms and switch).

- Will also allow you to use semi-auto weapons like auto weapons : no need to spam your click anymore !

I think this change fits Speed and Volt a lot. It's supposed to make your reflexes stronger, why would it only apply on melee ? :p


I'm partly on board here, though only with the second suggestion noted.  Granting a Reload Speed bonus fits Volt's theme to the T, as does the increase of weapon swap speed (though I do feel that across the board swap speed is in dire need of an increase).  As for the FoV change, I actually enjoy it, widening FoV has its bonuses but I entirely understand that it causes issues for some players.  It's why I've always been in favor of a toggle which allows players to turn it off.  I however would truly regret seeing it go the way of the dinosaur.


As a final point on the Speed changes suggested here, being the trigger transition letting Semi-autos go Automatic, I'm not fond of that either.  I'd be okay with seeing it as an augment or something of the sort, but some Semi-autos can have very high fire rates.  Making them automatic would make single firing either unnecessarily difficult or outright impossible (without using bogus junk like macros) so that's why I feel that way.  That said this point is heavily bias on my part, because I more or less utterly despise all Automatic firearms across every game.  If Speed did this I'd straight up unbind ability 2 while playing as Volt to ensure I couldn't even use the ability by accident.


Volt would not be a "crit frame" anymore, but I don't think this is an issue. If anything, those crits pretty much forced a Volt player to limit his weapon choice. With those changes, one can play with whatever he wants and fits his strategy. I also did not really solved to "poor synergy" part, but I don't think this is such a big issue as Volt's powers are supposed to be like a toolbox. You just bring the one you need at the right moment.


This isn't a problem which needs to be addressed, at least from where I stand.  Certain frames incentivizing various types of kits or loadouts is an inherently good thing, at least I'd wager it is.  Like how Limbo for instance has a high deal of innate synergy with Charge trigger weapons like the one he was released alongside (the Opticor) or how someone like Loki or Ash are better off making use of a Dagger with Covert Lethality, or how Excalibur gets a straight up passive bonus with certain weapon types.  Another big example would be Trinity with anything self-harming, and the list can go on from here.


None of these frames really need to make use of these given bonuses at all, even slightly.  That's why I feel that such types of innate synergy are really good things.  They offer a potential but not needed benefit which players can make use of if they would like to.



At the end there is one thing I'd like to note;  It's nice to finally be seeing players who truly understand what Volt is who're making suggestion threads here and there.  A lot of them hit the sour note of trying to turn Volt into his codex entry as an "alternative to gunplay" which would be a very dire mistake.  Discussions and suggestions alike this one are a huge step in the right direction, which is just plain awesome and it's good to see more of them showing up amidst the more "make him a nuke frame" stuff that just seems very off point.

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These are my opinions, not targeting you, just trying to have a good debate and discussion on volt.


Volt is considered as the most balanced and Versatile warframe in the game. He has a lot of possibilities : small CC, mobility boosts, gunplay and melee play enhancements... He is not considered as overpowered either. But Volt has one obvious flaw : Overload. This skill is looked as the worst ultimate powers in the game (especially since Crush is not as bad anymore). This is however compensated by giving Volt the most powerful 50 energy ability in the game : the sacrosanct Electric Shield.



Volt is actually considered one of the weakest frames due to his poor scaling due to electric damage on his abilities, since all armor has bonuses to reduce electric damage by 50%, which on the flip side makes electric damage one of the best elements against infested with no downsides or upsides. I just can't justify bringing electric damage to corpus when magnetic is so much better, and toxin damage bypasses shields.



Volt is considered as the most balanced and Versatile warframe in the game. He has a lot of possibilities : small CC, mobility boosts, gunplay and melee play enhancements... He is not considered as overpowered either. But Volt has one obvious flaw : Overload. This skill is looked as the worst ultimate powers in the game (especially since Crush is not as bad anymore). This is however compensated by giving Volt the most powerful 50 energy ability in the game : the sacrosanct Electric Shield.


Electric shield is powerful, but it is not the strongest 50 energy skill in the game. Honestly that title should belong to Banshee's sonar, showing every enemy in a wide range and giving allies up to 1420% increased damage for hitting the spots shown (and resonance makes it even stronger). (and inb4 loki invisibility master race I know you guys are out there!)



- Electric Shield does too much, while on the other hand Overload does not feel like a 4th power.

- Because ES does so much, it seems oftenly glitched.

- Overload is underpowered.

- Using speed is annoying for gunplay, due to the change of FoV.

- Volt's efficiency is highly dependent of the weapon you use.

- Poor skill synergy/interactivity, though Volt is very adaptable.


-Electric shield also has many negatives, being stationary, limited area coverage, and only lasting for 25 seconds at max range unless you mod specifically for duration. Which is then an issue of mods being too strong rather then Electric Shield being too strong.

-Electric shield has often been glitched (pretty badly too) allowing people to hit damage caps by stacking it and doing other things. Nothing that severe lately.

-Yes overload is horribly underpowered, but the main factor behind that is because of the poor scaling of electric damage and relying on the environment for increased damage for the first cast, after that the skill loses a huge amount of damage.

-I'm arguing against you on the FOV because I love it, giving people an option in the menu to allow it or not would be the best solution (DON"T TOUCH THE FOV ON THE SKILL!!!)

-Again, mostly because of how badly electric damage scales, but most frames efficiency is based on what weapons they bring, besides a few with amazing skills that can wipe a whole room of enemies around level 100.

-I agree, volt's skill arsenal is very independent of each other and offer little to no skill synergy.



Some of you may argue that Volt is supposed to be an alternative to gunplay, following his description. But actually he's not. He's more a gunplay enhancer. I don't really want to draw him away from that path.


As a frame that is advertised as a offensive caster and alternative to gunplay he should drift closer to that rather then away. So I technically disagree with you. A gunplay enhancer would be better off for a new frame design rather then for volt.



Because ES feels so strong, yet Overload feels so underwhelming, my main idea would be the following : breaking down the bonus part of ES, and implement them as new bonuses for Overload. I would also bring some small yet fitting bonus to Speed.


Never have I heard people complaining that electric shield was too strong unless it was bugged/glitched (which has happened in the past like I said) and due to the negatives electric shield has it should be left as it is. For Overload it should take one of the augment suggestions in the design council that came in first to arc to enemies for increased damage. Add in a rebalance for how electric damage scales and overload would be tremendously improved.



ES change : no more bonuses given to weapon shots passing through the shield ! This would reduce ES to a purely defensive tool. However, I would like to add a change similar to how Snow Globe works. Casting shock on you shield would actually cause it to explode, and ragdoll enemies in the direction where the shield is faceing. I thing this is an interesting change. In addition, allow ES to have its width affected by power range.


The bonuses for projectiles and bullets passing through has been one of volt's main attraction, no reason to take it away. The bonus is only 50% increased electrical damage added onto shots anyways (and the critical damage boost of 200%). Also no to using shock to detonate electric shield, it removes a lot of defensive ability of electric shield if you accidentally shoot a shock through the shield to kill an enemy only to destroy your protective wall. Also Electric shield is affected by power range, just by a very very little amount. Rather then giving synergy you would make it a weaker version of Banshee's sonicboom, it would be better for shock to get amplified and turn into a smaller version of the opticor when shot through the shield for a very interesting mechanic (damage, range, and costs would have to be balanced though).



Now about Overload : Overload is still a (poor) AoE CC skill, but now it would also be able to act like a self buff, with an extended duration ! Volt would overload himself, and give to his weaponry some insane bonuses :

- +X% damage as electric damage for all weapons, melee and gun alike. The number here have to be pretty big. It can still be converted into corrosive/magnetic/radiation, so don't worry if you fight some heavy armored Grineers.

- Force electric procs on all weapons. Now all weapons does CC ! Magic !

The AoE duration would still last 4 seconds, but the self buff would last longer than that. I think 20 seconds would be good enough. Also, maybe allow the bonus damage added to be affected by power strength mods.


I don't see the reason behind completely redesigning overload, the changes you have proposed would again be better for a frame that revolves around buffing allies and debuffing enemies. But like I said before, make overload arc to enemies and rebalance electric damage scaling and overload becomes extremely better, since it would increase in damage as there are more enemies so spamming the skill wouldn't be the best option.



I also would like to bring a small buff/change for speed :

- Does not change the fov anymore.

- Now also gives you +50% reload speed bonus and weapon switch bonus (like the melee speed bonus, but for firearms and switch).

- Will also allow you to use semi-auto weapons like auto weapons : no need to spam your click anymore !

I think this change fits Speed and Volt a lot. It's supposed to make your reflexes stronger, why would it only apply on melee ? :p


- Don't change FOV I like it (make an option in the menu to allow it or not to make every one happy)

- I like this bonus, I always wondered why you ran and swung your melee weapon faster but reloaded at the same speed.

- I'm not sure how you would balance this, because this would break weapons like the vaykor marelock and others (even though I would love to try it, I think it would be too overpowered or broken to add in).



Volt would not be a "crit frame" anymore, but I don't think this is an issue. If anything, those crits pretty much forced a Volt player to limit his weapon choice. With those changes, one can play with whatever he wants and fits his strategy. I also did not really solved to "poor synergy" part, but I don't think this is such a big issue as Volt's powers are supposed to be like a toolbox. You just bring the one you need at the right moment.


This is just a question, where are you getting the term crit frame? I know long ago that electric shield made it so certain weapons would always crit, but this was fixed a long time ago too but I don't remember when though. Electric shield just adds 50% electric damage which is additive for each shield down so if you place 4 in one spot you get 200% increased electrical damage. Had to do some research to find out about the 200% increased critical damage increase so ignore what I said before.



I hope everyone like my suggested changes. I tried to keep the Volt feeling while solving the main issues, and keeping him as efficient as he actually is. Don't hesitate to bring up your opinions.


While your suggestions are interesting and a very cool ideas, they are better off for another frame in my opinion. Sadly you took away a lot of volt's feeling with the nerfed down electric shield, removal of FOV on speed, and the huge discharge of electrical power from overload, you nerfed him more then actually fixing the issues that plague him which is just bad developer design on electric damage scaling.


My opinion differs completely because I want volt to slide closer to the combat mage with offensive skills and defensive skills rather then the buffer you want volt to be. But I do agree that volt's skill arsenal needs to be changed so he has more synergies.

Edited by Cranial_Enigma
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It seems we will be getting the volt rework soon then. Because removing his shields perks have almost literally made him useless. I'm just glad that his happened. Because it finally draws a huge attention to Volt (from the community and DE) and give DE a chance to relook at his abilities.

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I would not like removing the team benifits from electric shield, because this is one of the strongest things the frame brings to the table for a team, especially 60+ minutes into survial or 40+ waves of defence, even if I would like haveing the damage bonus as flat out extra element for added CC(bonus points when it gets a seperate high proc chance as additional proc instead of being a extra value in a IPS + 3 element mix) instead of combining it with single elements on your weapon(what currently removes CC or dps when you look at fire/toxin).


Overload: Duno, damage is fairly pointless later on, so I would like it more geared to CC. Why not make any enemy(with a chance for it, based on power strength) you hit with it a the repeater, so anything you hit will also send out a new puls, vastly increasing the range/CC potential, spreading out to a point where you will most likely get full stunlock on the map. If you add some travel time, you could actually have something like a ping pong effect, what bounces between targets and would work very good when the effect takes range mods and power strenth mods(if the chance to make something a repeater that sends out a new puls like status works on Ember with Wof, where sufficient 200%+ power strength actually adds serious CC to the abiltiy) into account.  As for self damage, I think that would be only useful on solo. In the end Volt is more of a utility based team focused frame, it can defend stuff, it can do revives, it can be super fast, it can buff damage with volt shield by a ton and it can do ok CC as we speak.


Volt speed: Make it so!

Edited by Djego27
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Your proposal has a few issues:

Turning his ultimate into a ungodly buff monster would only serve to open it up to critique (either it is too weak, or too strong especially when stacking with banshee), it is also completely superfluos considering that we already have #1 Buff Augments (and everyone loooooves these right?)


Electric Shield is perfectly balanced, it does comparatively less than snowglobe but backs it off with offensive power.

At the same time it is difficult to use because it is so stationary so the offensive power has a boundary.




In low levels this is a great #1 because of the chains, however it quickly becomes superfluos.

The CC part does not work since Animations override it (which really needs to get fixed)

-Bumping up the damage to 400 at max would be good since one Shield drone completely negates it on baselevel.(It cant even kill level 20 enemies when maxed)



I agree that the violent FOV change can be annoying but it is also a critical Indicator.

You might know about the buff but if everyone on your Team permanently slams into walls they will rage

-Affecting Reload and other speeds would be great indeed maybe scaling inversely with powerstrength (aswell as a smaller FOV effect on negative strength)

-Also maybe Volts buffed running speed should be applied to any frame affected instead buffing their own sprint values (so overextended volt speed with Rush and armored agility would have a greater effect on slow frames than powerstrength)

-In my opinion Speed should be buffed to 25-30 secs duration and its power usage (25) increased to 50.

This would be more consistent with other buffs and allow for much less recasting (which greatly interrupts teammates) aswell as allowing to focus on other stats


Electric Shield:

Scaling with Range would be appreciated by me too.

-I think it should also be slightly curved to give a bigger firing angle, right now it is a straight wall

-Taking away it's stackable buff would ruin it but changing it to give less weapon discrimination would be nice

-Shields should swallow Rockets whole



-Like previously said the Arc Trap effect on it (aswell as removing the destruction of affected appliances) would be great

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Thanks for the great comments. :)


About the fov change ? Fair enough. Add an option to disable "fov changes", like this everyone will be happy.


About the removal of ES's buffs. FelisImpurrator and Omnimorph got a point : ES was also bringing a strong team buff (+50% stackable electric damage, +200% critical multiplier, no falloff). However after thinking a bit, I don't really want to see Overload becoming a team skill, because I really like the principle of Volt getting his own "badass mode". I guess Electric shield have to keep some kind of stackable buff, so keeping the +50% electric damage could be a thing I guess. Or we could go into something a bit more original : there's already a lot of powers that give you a straight damage bonus, so how about allowing ES to give you critical chance bonuses instead ? Bringing back that "critical frame" part to Volt.


About ES interactions, I think you're right about this Bobtm, but I'd like to keep the interaction between 1 and 3. On the other hand, we could still change how it acts, and I would like also to add your 2 and 3 interactions but heavily modified, because it's still a good idea on the principle (so there would be two power interactions, bot involving ES) : I'd more make it an advanced mobility combo. While under the Effect of speed, if you press 3, instead of staying static, Volt will perform an extremely quick forward dash, and bring an electric proc on every enemy on his path. This will still lay an electric shield at the location where you pressed 3. The goal here is to allow a Volt player that wants to rush to an enemy to cover his allies on the fly without interrupting himself, or just protecting your back while fleeing.


Thanks for the support everyone. By the time I written all of this, it looks like 4 more posts have been brought up. I have to read everything. :p

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About ES interactions, I think you're right about this Bobtm, but I'd like to keep the interaction between 1 and 3. On the other hand, we could still change how it acts,


Yeah as noted I also feel that his 1 and 3 are generally the best candidates for synergetic combos, I just wanted to say we shouldn't rule out other combinations.  There are a lot of really cool ideas folks come up with, so being broad can lead to some wicked concepts, which leads me to...


While under the Effect of speed, if you press 3, instead of staying static, Volt will perform an extremely quick forward dash, and bring an electric proc on every enemy on his path. This will still lay an electric shield at the location where you pressed 3. The goal here is to allow a Volt player that wants to rush to an enemy to cover his allies on the fly without interrupting himself, or just protecting your back while fleeing.


A literal perfect example of the above notion.  Honestly this sound both really fun and quite useful and also does "feel Volt" to me.  Awesome idea D20, much more interesting and fun sounding than my hobbled together half-baked concept.

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Okay, I read everything !


Electric Shield brings a lot of good things, but let's face it : it brings too much on the table. It's at a point that ES suffured from a lot of bugs : some being actually useful and fun (like the punch through interaction on energy projectile weapons, giving you an insane multishot bonus randomly. It's a very old one, not sure if everyone knows it), or some being utterly a nuisance for Volt players. We should make the skill simplier IMO. It's already an invincible stationary cover, and it does the thing very well. Fine. Let's add the two interactions. Finally, we would just add one kind of bonus for projectiles that passes through, and IMO it'll be enough. It should be too buggy after that, right ?


Because ES was so efficient, to compensate, we have to make Overload a team skill... But gosh I like that idea of a badass mode for Volt so much ! He'll already CC a bit everything with electric procs while under Overload, if we add it a shareable (and stackable) crit chance bonus coming from ES isn't it enough ? An ult that takes the form of a player massive self boost is brand new in Warframe as far as I know. And crit chance boost could lead to awesome things, like red crits on Tonkor or Soma.


I don't want to see him becoming that much more efficient after the rework. I am one of those who thinks that the actual Volt is already strong enough, so I don't want to overtune him. He'll be for sure probably be made slightly more powerful, but he shouldn't become an insanely strong one. Most of people before that agreed that Volt was in a pretty good state after all.


I should make a post with some "sure changes" in order to clear my mind. Starting with the Speed changes that everyone seems to like (adding also the "disable fov changes" option too), and the 2+3 interaction.


Also, how about a 4 + 1 interaction ?

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I completely disagree with changing Energy shield in any major way.


Making it be affected by range means Narrow minded can no longer be used with it, so you lose max duration.

Removing the crit damage bonus means you lose a lot of compatibility with crit weapons, which throws away many weapon choices.

Removing the electricity damage not only hurts the flavor of the skill, it also removes the ability to proc standalone electric procs, which splashes and stun groups, which would make status weapons not as good when fired through the shield, which also hurts weapon choices.


The removal of the extra beam range on his shield ALSO removed many weapon choices. Amprex, Synapse, Phage, Ignis, Grammacor etc all suffered from this change.


The only change overload needs is to be better at CC.

Edited by PrivateRiem
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Before wading through all the posts and reading the OP, I think it's safe to say, since they removed the 70m range and not about a week ago they posted a poll on which of his abilities should be reworked...I think it's safe to say they're already looking at Volt.



Edit: In response to OP's suggestions, I like them all.

Edited by TGKazein
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I would like to suggest a few things if I may:


-Overload will do the electrical arcs from friendly Tenno, but only one and to one enemy. So assuming there are no more electrical devices nearby, we at least have some form of extra crowd control and damage


-Electric shield zaps enemies who touch it +once+, thereby helping it make a sort of 'this is my line in the sand touch it if you dare' like Frost globe


-Passive added to where kills via his abilities have a higher chance to drop energy orbs with a subchance for it to be a large energy orb, helping him be the alternative to gunplay that he is advertised as


Other than these three additions, I think your rework is great

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I agree that Electric Shield brings too much to the table, projectile hitscan conversion, range extension, fall off removal should be removed because it just clutter E shield with potential bugs. However i do think that the offensive capability should be kept because it's what separated E shield with other defensive and offensive ability. Electric Shield won't be worse than Snow globe because it also buff damage, Electric Shield won't be worse than Sonar/Eclipse because it also gives protection.

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Okay, so : modified list of changes.


Changes :


Electric shield :

- Electric Shield still gives a stackable +50% electric damage bonus. All other bonuses are removed, as Overload will take the lead as a personal buff. This bonus will work with throwing weapons as well.

- Electric Shield's width is now affected by power range.

- Meleeing Electric Shield will emit a pulse with the width of ES and limited range, looking a bit like Exalted Blade's energy waves. This pulse has the same damage than your melee weapon, plus an additive +50% electric damage.


Overload :

- Overload now acts as a personal buff, granting Volt +X% electric damage bonus on every weapons. X should be a rather big value.

- In addition, every weapons used while under the effect of overload will now force an electric proc.

- Upon Cast, Volt will emit an electrical pulse that will deal an electric proc to surrounding enemies. Allies hit by that pulse will get a part of the bonus electric damage, but for slightly less time.

- Extended duration. 20 seconds feels fine.


Speed :

- Speed will now also increase parkour speed, reload speed and weapon switch speed by +X%, X being the same value added for the speed gain and melee boost.

- Of course, add an option to disable the FoV change.


Interactions :


- Casting shock on electric shield will double the shield's width and increase it's curvature, giving you a charged shield. Charged shields with bring you twice the electric damage bonus as well. Charging a shield will however remove X% of it's duration. If multiple shields are stacked, casting shock on them will charge every shields on a single it.

- Casting electric shield while under speed will allow Volt to perform an extremely quick dash forward, dealing an electric proc to every enemy you cross the path with, without interupting himself with an animation. Performing this will still lay an electric shield at the place you pressed 3.

- Casting shock while under overload will double its target cap.

- Casting speed while under overload will extend its duration to overload's duration. Only works for yourself.

- Casting electric shield while under overload will directly lay charged shields.



How is it ?

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I feel that giving the shield too much will detract his use elsewhere. If he is to be a front-line assault frame, the sheild should match this.



I would have thought the 4th ability should be more offensive.


1st. crowd control. although minor, stuns are nice. Leaves things open for headshots.

2nd. Utility. Mixed with the shocking speed augment, fun for all.

3rd. Defencive. Only takes 3 shields to give decent cover to a pod in a triangle shape. Plus of course mobile cover which make Volt excellent on front lines.


I'd quite like to see Overload turn into something more directed instead of an AoE. Perhaps creates an extra large electric sheild and pushes it forward, shocking enemies along the way in one big wave.



It wasnt until I played with another volt Spamming speed that I noticed just how annoying the FoV was. Also suddenly slamming into walls because there is no warning. Would it benefit from a gradual speed increase maybe?

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