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Best Aoe Weapon?


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So I started playing limbo recently and I guess I adapted to what I call the ״divide and conquer״ play style, so usually I hang around in the rift and hunt for priority targets. But sometimes there's those moments when you get that perfect cataclysm on like 20 enemies and you just wanna wreck them all with rift surge. The problem is with a soma, is that it's kinda tough to aim at all of them with impaired vision. So I'd rather have a good uncontrollable kinda giant AoE wep. I can't think of a better alternative to the quanta. Any ideas? Also, random question to top it off: is the quanta vandal available from trading? Cuz I missed the event

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Vandals/Wraiths are untradeable.


For AOE weapons, you could go with secondaries; Kulstar, Angstrum, Atomos (chain weapon), Castanas (Sancti).


Of the more popular primaries; Penta (Secura), Tonkor, Synoid Simulor, Amprex (chain weapon), Torid, Ogris.



Some of these are more powerful than others, but all are decent AOE weapons.

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one more vote for Tonkor. Frankly speaking, I don't like grenade type weapons, and I don't really like Tonkor (just being honest. and it's personal, so Tonkor fans don't need to get riled up).


But it gets the job done. Especially in later waves of endless missions where effectiveness of most other weapons will fall off, Tonkor will keep going a little longer.. (i can sort of imagine bunny years and a little drum on it...)

Edited by smithf
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Firstly, I use black energy color on Limbo to see better.

You can also try the Amprex, since if they are all inside cataclysm, they are close to each other and the chain damage should wreck them pretty fast, and provide CC as well.


BTW, does anyone know if the Amprex chains to enemies outside the rift ??

Edited by X5934-078FR1
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Amprex is nice because it hits so many enemies at once. I use it with Limbo to great success. 


Synoid Simulor is nice because no self damage from aoe and Limbo is squishy enough as it is. 


Tonkor doesn't do as much self damage so it's a good choice too. 


I would use one of those three, or better yet alternate between them based on mood/mission. 



Oh and as someone else pointed out already, although it's a melee, a properly modded Jat Kittag could wreck the face of everything in a properly sized Cataclysm to great effect. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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