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Would You Say Trinity Is Boring?


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It seams to me that trinity is only used as a crutch for the rest of the team, like she has no umph to her. Sure she's effective with what she does but we have to all admit that she's nothing more that a pack of health, shield and energy restores. Might I also mention how absolutely pointless her first ability is. Bless does that and gives you over shields and energy is no problem with EV around do it really is pointless.

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"crutch" he says, lol


In all seriousness though, she is a solid frame to use. A duration build can get her tanky, more than rhino and chroma if I may say so. Build her for some range and strength and your EV affects a whole room (energy-gain wise).


She is one of the more versatile frames IMO.

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It depends on play-style. Ask a player who likes to play supportive/healer role, he/she would say Trinity is awesome.


Ask me, I would say, its ok. Not that interesting, not that boring.


You see, I am more of a Invisibility and tactics dude. Naturally, Loki and Limbo are my favorites and to a great extent , Ash(because bad-a$$). Other than that, Excal is my go-to because energy sword. =P

Edited by NN13
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I'm going to start with my opinion here, I don't think trinity is boring, at all. I find her really fun to play, because I like the feeling that I'm supporting my team, either it's with energy or healing, I do know certain people that find her boring, but after talking to them, it's because she didn't fit with their playstile, they liked frames like ember, saryn, etc, where you could destroy enemies with your abilities, or frames like nova, loki, nyx, either CC or DPS frames, no one mentioned support or healers, so I think it comes down to each one's playstile


Bless does that and gives you over shields

Last time I checked blessing didn't gave you overshield

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Trinity is really fun to play. She requires alot more as she doesn't really have a ability that causes mass damage like most caster frames do - Plus it's always fun playing the support role knowing you just saved a team member when they had about 19 health remaining.

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It seems to me that trinity is only used as a crutch for the rest of the team, like she has no umph to her. Sure she's effective with what she does but we have to all admit that she's nothing more that a pack of health, shield and energy restores. Might I also mention how absolutely pointless her first ability is. Bless does that and gives you over shields and energy is no problem with EV around do it really is pointless.

Blessing doesn't give you over shields. Energy Vampire augment does.

You can use her first ability to stun lock an enemy for few second. So you can divert your attention to healing team mates or dps-ing that enemy.


Duration build Trinity is just absurd to play with as she becomes super tanky, allowing you to concentrate on going ham on enemies with your weapons.


I think your problem is you only see her when she's supporting players rather than being the center attention. Try using her solo.

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"crutch" he says, lol


In all seriousness though, she is a solid frame to use. A duration build can get her tanky, more than rhino and chroma if I may say so. Build her for some range and strength and your EV affects a whole room (energy-gain wise).


She is one of the more versatile frames IMO.

More tanky than Rhino? Like that's a challenge anymore.

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As someone who plays Trinity far more than any other frame, I personally don't find her boring at all. I find having to keep track of my teammates health, and balancing their and my energy reserves so I can use blessing and link to the fullest extent, to me is quite engaging. It should be noted that I don't follow the EV trinity build and build her to be actively running around, shooting and taking damage with link to get the best blessing for the team.

I understand if not everyone else feels that way but to me she's quite an engaging frame. I can understand if some might not find her abilities flashy or beyond their simple purposes such as getting energy, getting health, not to mention well of life is generally not used but it is handy for dire situations or simply removing a target from play. Overall I'm constantly using my abilities and using them in tandem with my weapons and I find that fun, both in team play and even more so in solo, which is how I play most of the time. If DE made changes to make her abilities more complex, I'd be fine with it.

That's just me, though.

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Trinity is actually quite an interactive frame, albeit a completely broken one. Timing when you use Blessing is everything, managing how much damage you're taking and trying to get the greatest possible damage resistance out of it. If you use the right combination of mods, it's literally impossible for Trinity to die. That doesn't even consider how Trinity provides completely infinite energy for her entire team; I think an EV spam build is what the OP meant by "boring", and standing in one spot pressing 2 over and over again is only one step above AFK turret Mesa scumbagging.


This is what's so broken about Trinity; it creates the same problem that Tic Tac Toe has. If the player is playing optimally, it's literally impossible for them to lose.

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It seams to me that trinity is only used as a crutch for the rest of the team, like she has no umph to her. Sure she's effective with what she does but we have to all admit that she's nothing more that a pack of health, shield and energy restores. Might I also mention how absolutely pointless her first ability is. Bless does that and gives you over shields and energy is no problem with EV around do it really is pointless.


Boring? No. Highly confused? Yes.


One of the most overused questions/statements I've ever seen in the Warframe forums since it's inception. And it's mostly because of 2 factors from what I've seen. First being a lack of gaming experience playing a specific class/role, and the second being how newer games have made the switch from class/role based teamwork to having players be a 'jack of all trades' class -so they can do a little of everything on their own. Your attitude on her demonstrates those factors.


Anyways, calling her a crutch, saying she needs more umph or even calling her a pack of health/shield/energy restores is the wrong perspective, that blanket generalization could easily be applied to numerous damage frames. It's also why shes been reprogrammed to death and unnecessarily changed back and forth.

It seems to me that Mesa is only used as a crutch for the rest of the team. Sure, she's effective with what shes does but we have to all admit that she's nothing more than a epeen pew pew machine. Booooring, right?


Poor Trin, still a mess and now all we worry about is getting her switched to the new animated mesh model and re-skinned. Relegated from OG healer to a Platinum-Digger Space Barbie.

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Boring - possibly?

EV Min-duration builds kill her Link and Blessing Damage Reduction.

As for a Crutch:

If you play Trinity like I do using self-harm plus max duration, then yes Trinity is used as a Crutch.

I don't really need to watch other player's health, because I can just Glaive bomb my feet and give whole squad 98-99% Damage Reduction for 27-30secs depending on whether I have Transient Fortitude or Intensify slotted and whether some teammate has Rejuvenation equipped.

Rejuvenation hurts a self-harm duration build as it heals too quickly to maximize 99% DR

If DE removes self-harm: Trinity would need to be played more actively than just keeping Blessing DR active.

I don't find Trinity boring.

Only way Well of Life will be more useful is if Blessing's effectiveness is decreased.

Well of Life could have been an ability to turn enemies into Ancient Healer DR Aura plus healing pulses.

Blessing because instant infinite Range just trumps all team healing abilities.

-If they implement energy drain over distance like Oberon's Renewal on Blessing there might be an incentive to use Well of Life.

Right now Blessing and EV are Trinity's bread and butter for team-play.

Well of Life and EV are great for single Target killing....this power combo scales with enemy health and is always effective.

(Just wish Well of Life could be toggle cancelled or have a shorter duration...miss having an Unranked Well of Life slotted with Max EV for God-killer builds)

Link is decent for Status protection, but with a self-harm build the DR gets in the way of consistent 99% Blessing.

Trinity is one of the few Warframes that has an actual Mod-gate to be played effectively.

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I routinely get the most kills on my team as Trinity, even when playing with 4 spam frames (Saryn, etc). Her kit allows you to play the more passive support, the long-distance battery, the rapid siphoning brawler; the only thing she lacks in her kit is AoE damage, which you can easily supplement with explosive weapons.

There's nothing bad or boring about her. I just wish her Link could be recasted before it expires, and that WoL was a bit more useful considering it's her first ability and is almost useless without the rest of her kit to take advantage of it.

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It seams to me that trinity is only used as a crutch for the rest of the team, like she has no umph to her. Sure she's effective with what she does but we have to all admit that she's nothing more that a pack of health, shield and energy restores. Might I also mention how absolutely pointless her first ability is. Bless does that and gives you over shields and energy is no problem with EV around do it really is pointless.

So you're complaining that trinity is a support frame and because of that she has no purely offensive abilities?

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It seams to me that trinity is only used as a crutch for the rest of the team, like she has no umph to her. Sure she's effective with what she does but we have to all admit that she's nothing more that a pack of health, shield and energy restores. Might I also mention how absolutely pointless her first ability is. Bless does that and gives you over shields and energy is no problem with EV around do it really is pointless.

Less of a crutch, more of a foundation and supporting structure on which the rest of the team sits.

But she's also a beast of a tank. Link is incredibly powerful -- especially since she can heal herself while tanking damage. She can be an up-close fighter or a ranged sniper (works with EV mostly), or just an average frame like any other -- shooting things and trying not to die.

Well of Life provides CC (see those two bombards? Lift one up and EV the other so neither can attack, then take them out individually) or comboes with EV to kill any target that isn't invincible. Level 200 Heavy Gunner in your way? Well of Life, wait, cast EV before it runs out? Ded.

Yeah, it's not as great as Blessing, but it serves a purpose.

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As someone who mains Trinity, I'd say that she is fine the way it is, she is not boring, in fact, building her and managing the balence between HP and energy is very entertaining, she is not that godlike tho, past wave 50 on late insurvival, i can get downed very fast even with link and QT/rage, and geting the 99% damage reduction takes either an entire weapon build (explosive weapon with reduced damage so inefective)or a good timing to get damaget by enemies just at the 2 hp limit, and this is the tricky part once you get in higher tier missions, she is very versatile however.

IMO she is just suited for certain playstyles, but definitely fine as she is, i really hope the nerf bat stay far away from her, she got beaten sooner (with some justification tho)

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Trinity has been my main for a very long time now and I do not find her boring at all.  In fact, during hectic games or high level areas, she becomes one of the most challenging (in a good way) and difficult frames to play as IMO.  Here's why I think that.


1.  The Trinity player has the task of keeping an eye on all allies hp to the best of her ability and this includes other player’s sentinel and kubrow health.  While you can’t directly see the hp bars of your allies’ followers you need to try and have a moderate guess of how their companions are holding up and use Blessing as needed.

2.  Trinity has to try to judge energy consumption of her team and use EV as needed.  She will be using it even more so if she is providing overshields with the augment mod.  

3.  Trinity has to keep a constant eye on her ability timers, especially in the more difficult bits of combat as one badly timed moment of Link going down and you’re dead.   

4.  And after you manage all of this it would be nice if you remember that you still have weapons and need to try and kill stuff once in a while.


To touch on a few other points.  


Aside from the obvious use of tanking and damage mitigation Link allows Trinity to basically be a goddess of melee combat and EV means channeling to your heart's content.


Well of Life may seem useless but there is one thing it can do.  It can be combo'd with EV to basically be an instant kill move on a single target.  It takes a bit of work but whatever you do it to pretty much dies.  To give you the short version Well of Life increases enemy health (by 10x I think?) and EV does damage based on the enemy's health at the time it is cast.  So if you cast EV on a target a second or two before Well of Life wears off then the target goes back to its normal hp but EV will continue to strike damage equal to the enemy still having the 10x health.  Basically it's instant kill on almost any target.

Edited by Ralsk
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