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Coming Soon: Devstream #61!


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Will DE ever consider giving more Warframes interesting, theme-relevant passives?


As an example, a passive for Banshee that would show sounds coming from enemies as radar pings on the minimap or making enemies within a certain range of Rhino stagger when he lands from a jump. (Codex says he's the heaviest Warframe)


Will we ever get to put Sigils on more than just our backs and fronts?


Will there ever be Orokin spy missions or will there be something different altogether?

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Is there a possibility of having multiple Archwing Nodes per planet? This way we can have more choices in progression of leveling our archwings vs hoping to find a leveling group, have friends who want to do archwing, or do a lower level node repeatedly for less and less experience until your archwing/weapons are able to handle a higher level node?

Is there any more info on the multi-shot and serration changes? Even making Serration a part of the weapon as it levels?

Are we going to see an event or slowly have the chance to re-build all the relays that were destroyed?

Possibly a better interface to manage co-op/archwing/Conclave? 
Example I posted on twitter 100 years ago:


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Noru Prime Syandana recieved some changes when it under went the PBR update treatment.

This includes the addition of two "danglie" bits on the sides.


Why was such a radical change made to a time honoured cosmetic over a year after the ability to purchase it had ended?

No one asked for this change and no one was consulted on if we wanted more danglies.

Can we expect other limited run,prime access cosemtics and maybe founders gear to change randomly at any time as well?


Though only a small blip in the sea of the forums. Two thread exist about this issue:



Edited by MDRLOz
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Will we see any variation between the relays, and will we ever be able to access the foundry, mods, and arsenal at relays?


Will we ever get anything like cosmetic effects for our frames, like smoke or having light shine off one's frame?

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My first question

Have you already defined in what way you will take care of "mandatory" mods and rebalance stuff ? To be honest, I'm a bit afraid of polarizing my weapons now, knowing something will happen sooner or later that may change our modding habits.


My second question

Will there be a rework for Rhino ? You said he's supposed to be "the" Tank, but he's clearly no more that Tank.


Third question

Will there be some improvements for Kubrow's AI ?

Edited by Arkhenbarn
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Are alternate holsters still being considered?


( not my picture )




this question has all ready been asked and answered. its to time consuming and prone to many clipping problems... that means they would have to go through every warframe and re-adjust positions for each individual ones... give new animations for new holstering positions, something of witch they stated is not worth doing at this time... 


while i agree yes. it would be nice to see more diversity! that time could be put into other projects for upcoming updates... it seems like something they would do once they have little to do IMHO

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Any plans on reworks / QoL changes for Rhino? With every new frame released / reworked it gets more and more obvious that Rhino is outdated and boring to play compared to them. And i'm saying this as the guy who played Rhino for 54% of his gameplay time.


Buffs for Gorgons just like for the Supra? PRETTY PLEASE?


Syndicate melees? 


How is the progress on PBR auto-updating? Thanks for Sybaris btw, looks sick.


Any ideas for grineer heavy melee weaponry like heavy sword or axe? Not a fan of hammers to be honest.


Btw, thanks for all you hard work. Every single time i see that you updated the game (even if it's just hotfix) i'm like "OH MY GOSH OH MY GOSH CHANGES EVERYWHERE \('o')/"

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Hey, DE, I was wondering if you guys will ever put cherry blossoms as a decoration option in the dojos. I love the look of them. Maybe have some animated with petals falling down. Also, I was wondering if you are going to add more variations of music in your game. Hearing the same type of music over and over again in certain areas kind of gets boring. Having a fast pace type of music when doing a capture mission might make it more interesting and fun to do. Also, I would love to have customized music for dojos as well. If not that is completely fine. The reason I am asking is because I am a musician and a variation in music and sounds always grab my attention. 

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Thanks for the awesome game and great devstreams! I've been compiling these over a bit so feel free to pick and choose from them :)

1. Is there any balancing goal for the power differences between the "strongest" weapons and the "weakest" weapons in the game? So basically how do you strike the balance between having a satisfying progression in the game and being able to take your favorite weapon no matter how "strong" it is into high level missions once you've invested the forma ect. into it?

2. Do you plan to include any options to allow colorblind players to enjoy the game more? I personally have a difficult time telling if lockers/doors are open in certain lights/ levels so even being to enable it that the "press x to open" would hover in front of an openable locker would be a huge help.


3. Will the newer warframes that missed out on the immortal skins receive a customisation option soon/eventually?


4. Would you consider adding sound customisations to the game? It could be anything from a higher/lower pitch to sounding like a suppressor/break is on the weapon to playing different music water splashes or something. I'd probably pay for that.


5. Any thoughts on giving a witchblade like melee weapon that can benefit from castor warframes pools of energy? Maybe a weapon with a higher channelling modifier or possible reworking energy channel? (for energy channel maybe something like the energy you use for an ability powers up your melee weapons damage by x% to a max of Y and that bonus decreases at a rate of z%/second, to reward castors while encouraging them to keep casting?


6. Since a prime is like an upgrade to a weapon/ warframe would there ever be a system so that if we have say a trinity with a potato and formas then we want to upgrade to a trinity prime some of those resources could transfer over?

7. Any opinions on having a lock on feature so we could pop grineer in the head while frontflipping over them? I think it could be a fun addition to parkour 2.0

Thanks very much and good luck on the devstream!

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A few questions:

1. I just built a sweet new gaming rig, purely for playing Warframe on the Max settings I remember from the start of the open beta, and to play Skyrim with ENBs (finally xD). Anyway, I turned the settings to max and... I was underwhelmed. It seems like a lot of the features that used to exist for high end pcs disappeared, and that the physx stuff is not half as badass as it used to be. Is this for a reason? Will we ever get a graphical update for the top tier machines out there?

2. I'll keep asking cuz I still want an answer! Excalibur prime- will he get an umbra skin so that way the founders don't need to have a spot in their inventory for both Excalibur prime and Excalibur umbra?

3. Old prime pbr update timeline?

4. Destiny found a good compromise for making an awesome two handed sword idle stance, and I've always felt like the current two handed sword stance is lacking. That, and I've always wanted to have an idle stance that harkens back to a chudan-no-kame stance for katanas instead of a sheathed blade stance. Anyway, tldr, will we ever be getting alternate idle stances for our melee weapons? Not one per frame, that's crazy talk xD more like 1 or two alternates per weapon category, just to give us more variety.

Keep on making Warframe badass, y'all are the best devs I know!!!

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Howdy doody devs, looking forward to all the shiny new content coming our way. 


Two quick little questions or you folks.


Is there any chance to add additional customisation tabs for colours and upgrades? I'll d certainly like to save time before a mission not having to re-colour/ re-mod my gear before a mission. 


Secondly which frame is next in line for the buff wand/ rework train?

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Some of the older clantech weapons like Lanka or Ignis could use a visual overhaul similar to Ogris. Can we expect them to be revisited anytime soon?


Also, any plans for making machete melee weapons relevant? They're in a terrible spot right now, only one stance is available for them (and it's not too great really) which results in barely anyone using this weapon type. Do you have any plans to rebalance them in near future?


Also, a new gunblade coming maybe?

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Dear DE, thank you very much for giving us a chance to answer question once again with your devstream.

Gameplay Questions

1 - Will we ever get a melee rework? There have been talks through the community that melee is weak compared to using primaries or secondaries as a source of damage.


1.1 - Would it be possible to get some old melee stances reworked? The difference in combos and quality (new stances having new quick attacks) is big, it would be great if old melee stances get the same amount of combos and different swings, that would differentiate melee play styles and weapons.

2 - With the recent talks of changing enemy and weapon scaling, and the mod changes, will Warframes also get scaling with their abilities?



3 - Are you considering energy draining changes on Chroma's Effigy and Mesa's Peacemaker?


4 - Have you also considered tweaking Excalibur's Radial Javelin? After the LoS changes, this ability became very lacklustre in my opinion comparing to the usefulness of the its other abilities, besides if you need LoS, what does it make it "Radial"?


Upcoming Content Question


5 - ETA on Excalibur Umbra and Wukong?



Miscellaneous Question


6 - ( I have been spamming this question for quite so here we go) When are old prime accessories coming back as paraphrased in the Prime Access FAQS? It would be nice to get those again as a Christmas promotion for example, and the icons please ^_^. The Chinese publisher is offering this option, giving the ability to buy any prime access at will from my understanding, why not consider that as well? It would be very advantageous for all of us :)

Thank you very much for your time, for making this awesome game for giving us a chance to say a word  ^_^


Edit Update: Added a question regarding Excalibur's Radial Javelin and Sub topics for better reading. ;)

Edited by douTeaEmperor
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