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Coming Soon: Devstream #61!


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With Loki, Banshee, rhino, and recently Valkyr recieving new models (or atleast designs of them currently), will Mag be getting one soon as well?


Any updates to the Mag rework and any other frame rework?


What weapons specific weapons (and not weapon types such as snipers) are getting a change next due to them either not being played or just are lackluster in comparison to others? (speaking mainly of Panthera here)

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Alright, here's the question I wanted to ask two weeks ago. It's a simple yes/no answer. Developers love them!






With Star Chart 3.0, are you planning to make old events and quests replayable?


Tubemen of Regor, Natah quest and Tyl Regor's boss fight - if played in that order - create a linear 'story episode'.

The same could be said about events featuring Vor, Vay Hek, Alad V and others.

The New UI of Star Chart 3.0 seems like a perfect opportunity to bring those back and give new players this lore intake they deserve.





Separate coloring for cosmetics, please.

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Are you ever planning at looking at dismemberment again? The Corpus and Grineer showcase this in a way that is satisfying, but it feels like other forms are harder to see or not in the game. I'd love to be able to break apart robots in the future.

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I like customizing and personalizing my Warframes in certain way that I enjoy looking at, as I am sure a lot of other players do as well. Part of that is to have the profile icon matching with whatever Warframe and which helmet they have equipped at the moment. I also would like to see more freedom in customizing section of our Warframes/Sentinels/Kubrows/Lisets.

Is they any plans in the future to make color patterns more customizable, where the player can possible apply their own patterns with some sort of new in game tool? And will we ever be able to see the Prime Warframe icons that were previously just Prime Access, be available in the market requiring more Platinum that normal, but still able to be acquired by normals means instead of being locked forever (the OCD inside me hopes for a yes)?

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Is there any chance for the selective removal of "decorative" parts on Warframes, or just more customization options that are specific to the frames? For example, I'd like an option to freeze the jiggle effects on Trinity Prime's tail, as I find her constant twerking rather distracting, and not in an enjoyable way. Also, removing the cloth on her helmet that goes everywhere and clips through everything, it's pretty, but honestly somewhat annoying.


Also, will we ever get any "blank slate" weapons or armor pieces that we could potentially customize with syndicate sigils, badges, and/or patterns? A simple metal plate on the shoulder or knee with PBR metal edges that I can recolor and slap sigils or badges on would look great on a lot of frames, I think.


On that note, how about being able to wear multiple of the same Syndicate's sigil, and just coding so the one with the highest bonus takes precedence instead of potentially making them cumulative?

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I don't know if it is just me, but when i look at the moon concept art, i get the feeling that it will be similar to Uranus in that you will need to use an archwing in order to traverse some of the map. Will this be the case?


Any news on PBR'ing the older primes "excal, frost, mag" and will there be any sort of model upgrade for excal and frost given that they are essentially the base frame with a different hat?


Mios? it was targeted to be released with 17.5 but was then pushed back. any estimated date? or any progress what-so-ever?


Progress on the unique animations/function of the Cerata?


As it stands, the only way to use throw weapons "effectively" is throwing them, rendering the amazing animations mostly unused. Will throw weapons be looked at to be buffed/retouched? 


Will Deluxe skins only be a one time thing for each frame? as in only one skin for each frame? 


With the "explosion" of the void coming soon, will we see some more variety in game modes once we can actually reach the void portions? maybe void spy, void archwing? 


Any word on how we will be compensated for our void keys?


As it stands she is unbeliveably broken and boring to play. Excal has range with his Exalted Blade, however he can still die. Valkyr on the other hand can just press 4, go get a cup of coffee and lunch and stomp her way through the level with not a scratch on her. are there any plans on looking at valkyr's invincibility? 

Edited by LordOfScrugging
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• Will Warframe have any sort of support for the Oculus Rift or other VR hardware platforms?


• Will DE ever re-evaluate performance of thrown weapons like kestral and glaive when bouncing between individual targets mid-flight? As is the ricohet mechanic is very unreliable and it is a shame. As one of the (if not THE) iconic weapons of the original Tenno the glaive and her Prime counterpart needs more love at least.


• Has DE considering abandoning the reload mechanics of the primary and secondary weapons for the warframes and adopting the gradual replinishment mechanic of the Archwing primaries as a way to address the suggestion of making multishot modded weapons consume more ammo?


• Will the rework of the Solar Map increase the chances of finding other players to run with in non-alert/non-event locations? I think one of the greatest contributing factors to players spamming Lares/Apollodorus for leveling purposes is a lack of reliable places to find people to run with otherwise. Even the bosses like Ruk are sparse at times.


• After more than a month (or two?) or farming eggs and random incubations I have not seen a Chesa kubrow yet. Is the random chance of getting one of the fetcher kubrows where DE wants them, or is there a real problem in players getting them more than a perceived one?


• Is there any chance at all of a rework of Banshee's appearance in the future? I love the frame and with the syndicate mods it is a very powerful group contribution... but she's a wee bit fugly. Please?


• What progress has been made on the kubrow (and thus catbrow) ability to travel along walls and other advanced manuevers teased a while back? Looking forward to Spider-Dog.

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Perhaps we're just dumb, but me and my friends have found the voice comms in game to be very loud, and the slider in the options doesn't seem to actually turn it down. Is that an issue you're aware of?

Also, when the Moon is released, what are you gonna call it? My guess would be Luna, since Moon isn't really appropriate.

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Dear couch and the gang,


Welcome back!


I've been really enjoying the new Mantis with the Gloam skin, and I'm super excited wondering at what could be in store for landing craft. Still, I wish there was more that we could do with them in game besides waggle them before a mission, and the occasional fly-by in a cut-scene. Since we already have archwing, it doesn't make sense to add another space based combat mode, so...


Do you think landing craft races would be something interesting to the team? I really like the idea because it adds some form of potentially non-violent competition, thinking at worst towards Rock and Roll Racing and not Twisted Metal.On the other hand, it is of course a rather large detour from what Warframe has been.


Meanwhile, I've also been loving Trinity Prime--and finally getting my head around blessing/duration play, but there are couple of things that I'm curious about with her.


Most importantly, are there any plans to make some of her abilities castable while int he air? It's a tad sad that you can't parkour and cast with her, but I understand being grounded as a fair price for so tanky a frame.


Of slightly less import but a stubborn obsession of mine, the bustle on the back of Trinity Prime is a fish, right? It looks like the head of a Chinese New Year puppet clipped onto your hip and wiggles all along, though I no doubt get why the lobster-butt meme persists...


And, lastly--thinking towards of the end of the month, will the Naberus armor and Day of the Dead skins return to the market? 



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Will we be getting new variants of melee weapons soon? I highly suggest that DE takes a look at the fan art of a very original melee weapon concept done by Humbros in the link below. We've never had anything like this and I think that it would be a really good addition of variety to Warframe



Edited by Kalsiam
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1. What with Mios, Rapira, Cerata? previously you told all this will be release with 17.5

2. What with land Craft(new interior, new type) and will you change horrible way to farm mantis part?

3. Focus system

4. Nef Anyo, Kela De Thaym, we must wait another year until you rework them?

5. New raid?

6. New archwing? Itzal was released about 10 months ago

7. Hubs, Dojo? There are almost pointless right now

8. Quests?

9. Corpus female?

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What steps are being taken to reduce the grind? I would love to fight the new boss J-3 Golem, but playing the RNG game made me and my friends move on to another game with instant gratification. I really want to enjoy this game, but the grinding and farming make actually reaching the content such a chore that my friends and I just can't find the time necessary to enjoy what you guys have built.

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1) Kurbows still need a lot of love!


When will you be taking another pass on the players' issues with the companions?


The issues are here:



2) With the changes in the Distillers and overall wait times, there seems to be a push to use Arcanes more. Will we be able to install arcanes in other Armor parts aside from just the helm and syandana? I ask because syandanas get updates VERY often and it feels like waste to commit to it only to deny yourself the aesthetics of the new Syandanas.


An Internal limit of 2 can be put for balance's sake.


3) Arcane helms sometimes feel necessary especially when doing high level content. The problem is it constantly conflicts with the new aesthetic helms and skin stets. These be changed into something like a Warframe specific arcane that can be applied to a any helm for a specific Warframe instead of it's current state? This would allow players who already have these helms to enjoy the new aesthetics AND continue to enjoy their Arcane Helm stats.

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1. When can we expect weapon rebalance?  As it stands weapons are all over the place in power, and the requirements/means to get weapons almost never correlate to their actual value.  Almost all the alert weapons are extremely underwhelming compared to market counterparts, and the hek is by and far one of the best weapons in the game.


2. Will there be any additional moves to make arcanes more desirable?  As it stands, I can't be bothered to drop 200-500+ plat or god knows how many raid runs just to get 10 arcanes I'm going to put on one sydana I don't necessarily want to use for all my frames.


3. Will there be QoL improvements to syndicate sigils?  Swapping sigils around constantly, making sure the one I want is on the frame I'm using, and the fact that I can't equip some of the cooler designed syndicate sigils because of inter-syndicate sigil clashing or I just don't want to gain that particular reputation is a little troublesome.


4. When will the market prices be looked at?  Most of the market exists solely as noob bait, for example the stay frosty bundle is significantly less rewarding than equivalently-priced update bundles.


5. RNG is still a big problem right now, where some people get what they need within a few hours, and others spend literally a week plus of constant playing just to get that one warframe systems or weapon receiver they need to finally finish a build.  Are there any little hints you can drop as to how [DE] plans for making the grind a little more reasonable?


6. You talked about weapon scaling with rank and the removal of serration which got me very excited.  Not only because of the possibility that this could result in fixing a lot of the weapon balance I described above, but because it means we could expect more flexibility with mods in the future.  Has there been any more talks about this change?


7. Can we hope for improvements to the existing trade system?  Warframe market does a good job of filling in some of the odd nick-nacks, but some sort of ingame system would be greatly appreciated.  Even an auction house system would be better and more welcoming to new players than the current system where half the people are just trying to rip you off.


8. Speaking of new players, will there be steps taken to improve the newbie experience?  It's extremely difficult and takes a lot of hand-holding from veteran players to make new players stick.  People see this gigantic grind wall and without any real guidance they tend to get discouraged from playing.


9. Will there be any sort of dedicated servers for conclave or at the very least better implementation of host migration and detection?  All the balance changes in the world won't solve the lag problems and host migration running rampant in conclave.  Just the other day I played 10 conclave matches, 6 of them ended right away, all 6 resulted in host migration, and 5 resulted in me getting booted back to the liset.  2 of those matches I had over 20 oro and then the host left, which went to migration, which both times booted me back to my liset, with 0 standing earned... And I can't tell you how many times I've been killed by someone with their backs facing me.  Unless there was a &#!-mounted cannon in the patch notes that I didn't hear about.

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Dear DE, I was wondering how often are you working on fixing map glitches?


Example: being stuck in walls, jumping into walls, falling out of the map, jumping out of the map, [Ash] Being teleported out of the map at the end of bladestorm. This is happening rather frequently to me and it's becoming rather frustrating if it's often in a small period of time.

I've done many /unstuck (s) and tried to describe these as best I could. I believe you're doing a great job with the game and I like it, but.. Saving myself from falling out of the map with ash's teleport is losing it's funny element as it had in the beginning if you catch my drift :) (I know I don't die or anything but still a lot of time wasted, sometimes could've saved a friendly but didn't)


Another question regarding maps (seeds), Is it possible to change how map generation works a little bit so we don't have 3-4+ copies of 1 room, seeing it somewhat often. Or at least make it so I don't walk from 1 copy to next, that confuses me sometimes, more or less because I stop to think "How'd this happen?" ^^


Thanks for reading. Keep up the great work. :)

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