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Coming Soon: Devstream #61!


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So I'm all for nerfs for the sake of balance, but many players were very surprised by the changes made to Mag's Pull in 17.5 (LoS requirement). I was wondering if we could know what the mindset behind this change was? After changing Greedy Pull to a local effect it didn't seem to be particularly disruptive to the game...

Also, Rebecca recently mentioned that Mag is on the radar to receive some changes - any insight into what those could include?

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Question 1:

I'd love to see my Kubrow roams my ship, sleeping, walking, yawning, and playing around, and when you go to Arsenal to chose him\her, he walks to Incubator section, can you please consider this idea? It will make our Kubrows more ALIVE.


Question 2:

Will you add different decorative items other than wobble-heads to our ship's interior?


Question 3:

Can you please create "logs" section in the game's UI, I'd like to read what I missed if some important messages showed up, for example if Lotus said something about an objective during a quest and I wanted to read it again.


Thanks DE!

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So, this is kind of a minor concern but can we ever expect some sort of option to change the lighting in the arsenal when customizing appearance? It kind of bothers me that I'll do something like change a sigil on my frame to black or gray, and it'll come out white or purple under normal lighting on planets like Earth.


Also, when do we get Wukong? :D


keep up the good work DE <3

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1. I've always wondered if the Mantis skin will change the inside of the Liset. Would be interesting to see a 2 story Liset.


2. Steve I know that was an ingame model I saw of the Guardian Rhino skin. Pls show


3. Railgun?


4. Since the moon is going to be revealed, also assuming that the orokin prime vault is on it, would you consider making a dungeon-style mission on there? Where the farther you go deeper the more rare mods, parts and such you acquire?


5. I've always wondered what a space time manipulation frame would be. To me it sounds highly complex but I wonder if the idea has ever been brought up to you guys?


6. The starchart 3.0 pls showcase,talk about, something, bcuz the grind is somewhat over-real.

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Can we get a look at the new star chart? (It's been a while since it's been even talked about in a devstream)


Saryn rework ideas/progress?


Will the J3-Golem raid come out before U18? (Also some new game play on the new raid)


Can we see some the feral kavats in game soon?


Any new umbra news?


+1 to talking about star chart updates and Saryn.


oh, and kavats too! :)

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- Do you have any plans for new game modes? some of us veterans need less things to level, and more content to play.

- Obligatory "Mios Where??"

- Sniper buffs are planned for U18, what do you have in mind so far?

- When can we expect to see fixes for certain level lighting draining the color from PBR'd warframes and equipment?

- How many lifting injuries can Geoff get within a week?

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With all the feedback in the forums about valkyr Hysteria being overpowered I'd like to hear what DE thinks about how it's currently scaling.  


Also some of the minor tweaks to abilities that have been going on have had some great results for certain frames.  I'd like to hear if they have plans to make more of these types of changes so as not to ignore the other frames while they are doing their complete reworks.  There are a few that keep popping up on the forums for example Limbo, Ember, Mag and Ash.

Edited by Machayna
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Can we please get Fluctus Limb drop fixed? I've ran erpo about 70+ times and it has not dropped. It either got accidentally vaulted or maybe wrong decimal placement. I've wasted so much time trying to farm this stupid part. It would be nice if you guys at least acknowledged this drop is screwed up and hopefully compensate us somehow for all the time wasted farming something that seems to be currently unattainable .

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Are there plans being made to introduce more submersible Tile sets? If so when can we expect them.


Interesting Nikana Stance idea: Duel Wielding the blade and the scabbard Ala Blake Belladonna from RWBY, using the scabbard as a primarily impact damage weapon.


Could we move the old arcane enhancements off the affected helmets and onto a general option for the frame. This should happen because eventually, the helmets will become virtually unobtainable

Edited by MattmanTheComet
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