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What Frame Did You Hate, Try And Then Liked?


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None. I didn't have much interest in Ember at all but she was pretty fun to play still so that would be closest one. I do hate her non Prime version though~ it looks horrible. Wouldn't play it ever outside of mastery, but I have prime version anyways which looks much butterz so I hated her till I played that version i guess. 


Didn't like Nyx, tried her, still don't like any of her skills.

Didn't like Zephyr, tried her, jumping around was fun but meh... Her set doesn't make sense after parkour update and I still dislike Tornado. 

Had no interest in Banshee or Rhino, tried them, still don't really have an interest. 


The rest are all fun in some manner.

Edited by Wolfdoggie
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+1 for Hydroid!


I first thought he was a joke of a frame, and colored him completely in this orangish-brown vomit-like color to make him look as awful as possible while leveling him up.


Now he's probably the most fun frame for me to play. :)


I get to pilfer a bit for extra loot (unless the squad is like all nekros or other players specifically say they are fine with me spamming my ult).


I also get to marinate other fellow tenno in my healing juices!


I might get his other syndicate augment and run all 3 at the same time, just for the hell of it.  He's obviously not a min-max frame.  I wouldn't bring him on a difficult mission.  Other frames have more survivability, can deal more damage, or have better support capabilities.  But Hydroid is the frame I usually choose when the difficulty of the mission isn't that much of a problem.

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Nova, beacuse i didnt understood her at all (not to mention her low armor) but after putting some desication in her she was fun to play ^^.

As for weapons, Jat Kittag, felt too slow for me but i built it again and its still one of my favorites today.

Tiberon: im not a big fan of 3 round burst guns in tgis game and it felt weak at first untill i put a catalyst in it.

Spira: yea kill me for this one but it felt soooooo slow and underpowered when i began using it,i mean even kunai felt better. But it proved me wrong and showed me what it could do, and now i usually use Spira if i want a more stealthy approach to play.

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Probably Mesa, wasn't a fan of her looks and I just saw her as an AFK ultspammer, after I actually built her and realized how to use her other abilities more effectively she really grew on me. Today I even consider her one of my favorite Warframes both playstyle and appearance-wise.

I also have a weird thing for liking to play what everyone else hate(d)s.

Edited by Shockwhite
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I can't say I have ever hated a warframe then love them later on. I loved Every warframe from the start but there is one that I learned to hate. When I first got Nekros, I was very optimistic. I thought 'oh cool, a necromancer warframe. I can summon my own army of the dead? Oh f*** yeah!'. That optimism was soon pushed aside.


I  enjoyed playing Nekros at first, his desecrate was awesome for loot farming but it soon went sour. Using a desecrate build got boring and when I went to mod for different things I have to say it was very difficult to find a build I was happy with. Every advantage I gave to one ability would stunt the other and visa versa. There is just no way to mod Nekros to suit my playstyle. He became bland and for a frame that resembles death, he sure can die very easily. You can't say I did not try to like him, I put three forma in to him, experimented with his shield of shadows augment but ran in to modding problems for that to. I gave up on Nekros.


Other frames I loved at first was limbo and Rhino, although I do not hate or dislike them, I do not find myself rushing to play as them often. Still love dat Rhino though.

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There was this picture frame in a corner shop I never liked the look of, but then someone gifted me a small painting, and I decided to see if that frame works well with the painting. Turns out they were a perfect match, and from then on, I liked that frame.

I both hate and love you for this comment.

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for me it was i hated Nyx, Mag, Volt, Volt Prime, Mag Prime, Banshee, Mirage, Ember, Oberon, Vauban, Zephyr (Ember Prime isnt on the list because i managed to fall in love with Ember before getting Ember Prime). and so far i only managed to start liking Ember, Mag Prime, and Volt kinda.

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The only frame i hated was Loki for being so called "Master Race" (Rhino Main here).

However, after i got him and after his PBR treatment he suddenly became very cute.

However, i use him exclusively for Simaris Stealth Scanning, to quickly gain Simaris standing to buy transmutation cores in my desperate attempt to get that new fists stance.

That's literally the only purpose i use him for.

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Saryn. Again, never really used her until (fairly) recently. Regenerative molt and her ult makes her a complete monster. I can solo everything with her. I carry people in defenses with her. Criminally underrated frame.

Saryn was never underrated. There was even a statistic released by de early this year showing saryn as the most used frame (during that time nekros 3 was the most used ability and excalibur 4 had most kills thanks to draco, couldnt find it in the website though, it is part of "by the numbers" series). It is easy to mod and use her because of miasma.

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I recently decided to give ash another shot. He'd been sitting in my inventory forever, never touched. I'd ranked him long ago and was uninterested. I must say, I have a ton of fun using teleport to jump around the battlefield and melee enemies. I've always had fun with that kind of mechanic, zipping around, taking out enemies before they have a chance to really do anything to you.


It finally motivated me to get Ash Prime, which is currently building.

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