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Why Most Players Choose Hexis Suda And Steel


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It's all about ideology

Steel- Protect the weak

Hexis- Pursue and even greater truth 

Suda- Learn more


Perrin- Cold brutal Capitalism

Veil- Extremism that supports utter violence, also sounds like communism

Loka- Humans are the master race everyone else is inferior 

I don't know about you guys, but that's the vibes I get, and no one wants to be associated with the bottom 3 meanings

I think veil is not communism, its substantially more simple Totalitarism and fascism. They are extremely xenophobes and extremists. communism is much more.... complicated than that.

I honestly went with SM and Rv through a personal view...

SM is those who want to protect the weak not only cause of that but its due to themselves being weak...

RV, I don't view them as the "We want to burn everything and kill off everything on the face of our sol M.D. Geist style" That just produces Edgy outlooks. How I view them is that their the REAL weak ones in the circle and have been caught up in a war that they can't stand for themselves in... So what did they do? They want to "Burn" the galaxy, I use the term "burn" as more of a... "We want to stand up and be known and feared as our ancestors" was.

yeah... Kinda like, you know... post WW1 Germany? i.e. Nazis?

Like, I swear, wanting to kill  everyone else because you feel inferior and entitled to greatness is NOT a good line of thinking.

Edited by tnccs215
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Think you're way over thinking this. Suda is middle, Steel Meridian is farthest left. Without knowing anything about it, most people will usually either pick the one in the middle (Suda or Perrin, in this case) or the first thing in a list. I didn't realize they worked against each other and thought it was a typical rep grind system when I came back after my break and just started with #1 (Steel), intending to max all 6. RIP

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Think you're way over thinking this. Suda is middle, Steel Meridian is farthest left. Without knowing anything about it, most people will usually either pick the one in the middle (Suda or Perrin, in this case) or the first thing in a list. I didn't realize they worked against each other and thought it was a typical rep grind system when I came back after my break and just started with #1 (Steel), intending to max all 6. RIP

damn boy, sorry...


Anyway, I chose Suda and Steel Meridian, cause Suda is basically the search of knowledge, and thats honestly something I simply feel attracted to, and steel meridian doesn't have any other agenda than to protect the weak. No second intentions, no exploitations. Seems the best one for me. Hexis kinda came after those two, cause it had a bonus from Suda and was neutral to Meridian. However, they seem, ironically for a group that rejects traditional values, very strict. Another group "Those tradittional dudes were totes wrong, so closed minded. OURS is the ONLY AND ONE true path!"

Regarding the Right parties (ahah), Blind Capitalism... doesnt attract me in any, any way. New Loka are puritan who commit the falacy that "whats ancient is better", and that makes no sense for several reasons. Red veil... yeah, I dont think that, in a system filled with war, an even bigger war will solve stuff. Unless what you want is total and complete elimination of sentient life. You dont fight fire with fire. its stupid.

In the end, my true allegiances lie with Meridian and Suda. All the others demand their self-righteousness and that the only road to--what exactly? a better solar system?--is that one, strict road. I dont believe strict norms of conduct based on anything but universal moral laws are better for the world. People are simply too different. 


TL;DR: Suda and Steel are the best because they either protect the weak, and/or do their stuff without screwing others, and the rest either demand obediance to a strict set of rules, or believe in a burocratic survival of the fittest where no ethics apply. read capitalism.

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I originally chose Hexis for philosophical reasons. Suda was just along for the ride (and I never did care much for it). Steel Meridian was the 'off' beneficiary by virtue of not impinging on Hexis progression and offering some nifty guns (ironically, they were the first I maxed out).


Later on, all but Hexis were kicked to the curb by the realities of warframe mod availability. I would have liked to have traded for this stuff, but it's functionally impossible with the present system and no clan enclaves in sight on the relays. Oh, well.


Eventually, I'll mend fences with the SM, but I still couldn't care less about Suda. Nevertheless, there's still a lot of stuff I have to leech from New Loka before I abandon the orokin apologists to their fate.

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It's all about ideology

Steel- Protect the weak

Hexis- Pursue and even greater truth 

Suda- Learn more


Perrin- Cold brutal Capitalism

Veil- Extremism that supports utter violence, also sounds like communism

Loka- Humans are the master race everyone else is inferior 



Wow, so much hatred... And misunderstanding.


For me, personally, it is:

Steel Meridian, the resistance from the grineer colonies,

Hexis, a maniacal sect, denying the reality and following their own, delusional truth,

Suda, a broken cephalon that would like to see galaxies burn and collapse to satisfy its own, sick goals,

Perrin, the outcasts of corpus, who want to build the world on prosperity, opposing the corpus' ways of cold capitalism,

Veil, calling for a total war to begin the existence anew,

Loka, the belivers of salvation in purity, wanting to reverse the entire mechanization and corruption of flesh (Paradoxally using big infesteds against the ones that hate them)


Here, have my subjective and hateful point of view :3

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Right now I have Steel Meridian, Arbiters of Hexis, Cephalon Suda, and Red Veil maxed. It was a pain to max Red Veil with gains solely coming from friendly Steel Meridian bonuses. I also had to max our AoH and CS and get the items I wanted before working Red Veil. That kind of sucks now with the new weapons being added, but I wanted to be able to have four maxed syndicates.

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Tbh i chose those 3 at the start because of the rewards aligning more with the frames i like to play and the keys they would give before the change . Im just gonna slowly level up red veil through Steel Meridian when i feel like it .

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I started with Hexis, Suda and Meridian for pure convenience. i read about them (the little to be read) and saw flaws in every syndicate. But personal taste: the Loka purity ideal is dangerous, the veil methods are borderline death cult and perrin, a band of hypocrites. Then the others were the lesser evil. Even then, Hexis sounds too philosofic and they talk too much without saying much. Suda's amoral curiosity can create a lot of mistakes. Finally, Meridian's attitude looks nice, but how many helpless can you keep safe? And their future?


What i want about syndicates is lore quests for each and other quests involving their opinions about the other syndicates. I want to know what is this greater truth Hexis pursues, how meridian manages to do guerrilla against grineer (piracy and robin hood style, maybe?), how suda came to be independent, how perrin balances ideal of market balance VS cutthroat corporate politics (they were corpus; do you think they completely abandoned their ways in a snap?)and how is a Loka temple ON EARTH and how they preach their ideal.


Am i asking too much? Did i say possible content for an entire major update? Or more?

Edited by renleech
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At first, before release, I thought about going with Loka, but when it released, I decided nope, Suda it is, also, dat room. Meridian just happened because it's the best choice if you go with Suda/Hexis (like how veil is if you go with perrin), and then, Clem.


Even though Perrin has coffee mugs and the sad Moa, I still went to the other side.

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Even though I went for Loka because space hippies, I agree that some seem less bad than others.

Hexis ideology seems to be focused on individual improvement.

Meridian is all about helping people.

Perrin is about building a fair market.

Suda is kind of meh.

Loka are a bit too fanatical.

Veil are super antagonistic.


They can all look bad simply because they send death squads after you, but those are game mechanics, in ideology I think most are positive for the system, but I could see Loka and Red Veil easily going too far in their "purifications".

this. RIght on the money

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I started with Hexis, Suda and Meridian for pure convenience. i read about them (the little to be read) and saw flaws in every syndicate. But personal taste: the Loka purity ideal is dangerous, the veil methods are borderline death cult and perrin, a band of hypocrites. Then the others were the lesser evil. Even then, Hexis sounds too philosofic and they talk too much without saying much. Suda's amoral curiosity can create a lot of mistakes. Finally, Meridian's attitude looks nice, but how many helpless can you keep safe? And their future?


What i want about syndicates is lore quests for each and other quests involving their opinions about the other syndicates. I want to know what is this greater truth Hexis pursues, how meridian manages to do guerrilla against grineer (piracy and robin hood style, maybe?), how suda came to be independent, how perrin balances ideal of market balance VS cutthroat corporate politics (they were corpus; do you think they completely abandoned their ways in a snap?)and how is a Loka temple ON EARTH and how they preach their ideal.


Am i asking too much? Did i say possible content for an entire major update? Or more?

I actually joined Meridian mainly because I like the idealogy, but whoever did her voice, unlike Veil's and Loka's, did a superb job. and to be honest Suda, Hexis and Steel are easy to get behind.

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Do you guys think we should get some lore surrounding our syndicates, and well replace the regular death squad "mobs" with the syndicate guys, but better because the syndicate mobs now are kinda boring and all I like getting from them are their bps

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Veil is nothing like communism, they simply follow total war concept, loka however follow nazi ideology, then we know motivation of only right side syndicates.

Perrin wants to make money and veil wants revenge though unknown exactly for what, every other syndicate motivation is unknown


Then hexis simply wants to break down orokin ideology about tenno and suda is hypocrite which despises killing yet sells us weapons and gladly send us to kill grineer and corpus.


Ps dont mistake totalitarianism for communism, communism was never achieved in history.

yeah sorry about that was trying to make the closest feel I had about each of them

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It's all about ideology

Steel- Protect the weak

Hexis- Pursue and even greater truth 

Suda- Learn more


Perrin- Cold brutal Capitalism

Veil- Extremism that supports utter violence, also sounds like communism

Loka- Humans are the master race everyone else is inferior 

I don't know about you guys, but that's the vibes I get, and no one wants to be associated with the bottom 3 meanings


I totally disagree. It's a game, and it even has zero consequences for picking anything at random, other then the kill squads from the other sides.


I heard this argument in EVE Online saying that people don't want to be Amarr because they are religious zelots and endorse slavery, when people only really cared about what ships they actually had to fly.


People will pick a Syndicate based on things they want off their reward charts. If you think they really care about a non-existent, totally made up ideology, well, you worry me, actually.


With that logic, then no one would want to play a game like Call Of Duty, because you are killing hundreds of people in cold blood for your personal entertainment, and since no "normal" person would want to be associated with killing, then people that do play it must like killing.


You monster.

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It's easy to make every syndicate sound good or bad.


Steel - Abstain from outward conflict to maintain stability within small areas, never ending the true issues of the war and inevitably falling to their own stagnation.


Hexis - Abandon your culture to fulfill an ideology held by outsiders who proclaim to know best for you and your people.


Suda - Cold abhorrence for organic life, willing to discard everything that is not directly beneficial to her own narrow goals.


And for good.


Perrin - Using non-violent measures to bring end to conflict and close the vast fissure between the castes of the system.


Veil - Complete lack of self prioritization, willing to abandon their own life for the greater good. Acknowledged that for peace to be achieved, both the innocent and the guilty must spill blood.


Loka - Seek to re-establish the last bastion of hope for the scattered humans of the system and become a beacon for the oppressed colonies to seek out amid the chaos of war.

The problem with these is that they're kind of reaching and what you said about Suda is almost 100% wrong. What you said about Perrin is correct though.

Edited by Arcaedias
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I totally disagree. It's a game, and it even has zero consequences for picking anything at random, other then the kill squads from the other sides.


I heard this argument in EVE Online saying that people don't want to be Amarr because they are religious zelots and endorse slavery, when people only really cared about what ships they actually had to fly.


People will pick a Syndicate based on things they want off their reward charts. If you think they really care about a non-existent, totally made up ideology, well, you worry me, actually.


With that logic, then no one would want to play a game like Call Of Duty, because you are killing hundreds of people in cold blood for your personal entertainment, and since no "normal" person would want to be associated with killing, then people that do play it must like killing.


You monster.

The problem with that is that some people play games like Warframe for the immersion. That's why you hear people complaining about immersion breaking game mechanics or enemies. This is technically an mmorpg, which means people come here to role play even if they don't do it publicly, they're most likely doing it in their head. That is putting yourself in that fantasy situation and making a decision based on what you WOULD do if you were a Tenno. People who play Call of Duty are generally the ones who don't care about immersion and just want to kill time while pvping. You're comparing two completely different player bases.

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I picked Meridian precisely because the Tenno have the power to back up the syndicate's idealogy. I take the offensive so they can focus their efforts on rebuilding and garrisoning. Their idealogy is basically "save as many noncombatants as possible."


Arbiters are vague, but I interpret their message as "if this war ever ends, the Tenno will have to take up other tasks. We will ensure they are ready." It's not reflected in gameplay, but I believe that gameplay-story segregation is in effect for Warframe.


Suda, knowledge and record-keeping is important. And she plays nice with the other two.


Perrin I would absolutely support if the gameplay didn't say they were outright enemies.


Red Veil... meh. I'd only support or fight them out of convenience, and I've already gotten to negative rep with them so it's not worth it to try and redeem myself and juggle four factions. I don't value their goal, but they generally point their weapons at the right targets.


Loka is obsessed with things that are ultimately just an aesthetic to make them feel comfortable. Not to degrade nature, but they seem like they'll just bring about societal regression.


I understand if you picked syndicates purely based on weapons or mods, but please do not act like you represent all gamers in your lack of caring for the story.

Edited by HiroProtagonest
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