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What Do You Believe Will Be Your Biggest Disappointment With U18?


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Hmm, nothng like some pessimism while on the Monday morning commute, just the the thing to start the week right?

All looks good tbh but to echo someone else's fears, the lore. Not just that it won't match my personal head cannon but also I find something's are better left as mysteries, I'm not sure I want to know what "we" are.

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Hmm, nothng like some pessimism while on the Monday morning commute, just the the thing to start the week right?

All looks good tbh but to echo someone else's fears, the lore. Not just that it won't match my personal head cannon but also I find something's are better left as mysteries, I'm not sure I want to know what "we" are.

You'll have to be careful with your personal head cannon on your commute, sounds dangerous. In my experience people don't like high velocity cannonballs flying at them first thing in the morning.

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New star chart.

For once, since 2014, I'm excited to see the improvements they will make.

It has been requested by players ever since close beta.

And the way they describe it, sounds exactly like what we wanted and need.


But yet again, I remember the promises of the codex, of Awing, kubrows, it all seemed good, until it was proven it wasn't.



Ohhh, and the new raid thingy, its supposed to be something very similar to the jordas boss, Awing against giant boss in space.

If the jordas boss was terribly bad, and also taking in account Awing did not improve at all, that new raid is a fail I cant wait to see and laugh.


They have been pretty silent about the new star chart though. The last specific thing we heard them specifying about it was that they were taking away player choice and putting in a stupid mission roulette wheel, before that extreme skinner box crap was blasted by everybody and then the devs backpedaled on that awful idea and said they were just spitballing. The devs have been pretty vague about current plans ever since and anything they are stating, are things we already knew then, that the void is getting blown up.

There was also few complaints for star chart 1.0, most of the starchart complaints came from 2.0 confusing progression, along with the era of siphoning off great rewards to one specific area over time, nor this grand issue of planets being baron, even back when much less people were playing.

For something that had the ability to take out an orokin empire, it should.


Infested took out the Orokin too.

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