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Why Do People Use Rhino?


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There's always a place for Jack-of-all-Trades styled Warframes. Yes, we know that Oberon doesn't heal as well as Trinity. Yes, we know that Rhino isn't as tanky as Valkyr. Yes, we know that Ash can't do some of the things Loki can. That's the point. They are a mixture of different kits that allow for different kinds of playstyles.

Edited by PsychedelicSnake
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Each player is their own. In my case, it all depends on my mood really, so i am a jack of all trades, same goes with weapons.

Sometimes i just randomize my loadout out of boredom and see waht crazy combination i can make lol.


But on topic wiht Rhino. Like i said, each player is their own, and if Rhino works for them, aint no problem.

Rhino has a some neat abilities that can either buff him solo or in team, it pretty mcuh depends if you are solo or team player.

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Saryn is a nuker and like all nukers her damage starts to fall off at a certain point.


Stomp on the other hand does not have its stasis effect drop off. He is also highly mobile(Charge). Can provide a descent buff(Roar) and cover himself with enough glitter to make even a cheap stripper jealous(Iron Skin).


TLDR: He is a descent all around frame.

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Mod him right and you have the best drunk frame in the game, just keep spamming that skill button and you'll last forever.





There was a hole here, now it's gone. I guess...  (╯°Д°)︵ ┻━┻

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He's got a dash attack, some overshield armor defensive ability, a team damage buff, and a nice stunning aoe ult with adequate damage.


A well rounded arsenal of abilities allows him to be a jack of all trades master of none when it comes to direct combat. Due to the lack of any sort of specialization he is sub par for higher tier combat.

Edited by Deadoon
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There's always a place for Jack-of-all-Trades styled Warframes. Yes, we know that Oberon doesn't heal as well as Trinity. Yes, we know that Rhino isn't as tanky as Valkyr. Yes, we know that Ash can't do some of the things Loki can. That's the point. They are a mixture of different kits that allow for different kinds of playstyles.

I can't upvote this enough.

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Rhino is easier to get to early on....


Technically if you follow the starchart, he's the first frame you can farm.  I know back in the day before rampant taxiing and the new starchart, Rhino was pretty much everyone's second frame, and usually a big upgrade over then vanilla Excalibur or Mag, and an alternative playstyle to Loki.


And we had one Grineer asteroid tileset! And we had to extract through the Corpus snow tileset!  Uphill! Both Ways! And we liked it!

Edited by Gelkor
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Technically if you follow the starchart, he's the first frame you can farm.  I know back in the day before rampant taxiing and the new starchart, Rhino was pretty much everyone's second frame, and usually a big upgrade over then vanilla Excalibur or Mag, and an alternative playstyle to Loki.


And we had one Grineer asteroid tileset! And we had to extract through the Corpus snow tileset!  Uphill! Both Ways! And we liked it!

I had Mag Prime before she was cool

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I had Mag Prime before she was cool


Mag prime was my first farmed Prime.   Rhino was my first farmed prime I built. I just got tons of mag parts because I was farming other things, after a while I sat back and realized "I can build 4 mag primes, I guess I should build one and level her."

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Mag prime was my first farmed Prime.   Rhino was my first farmed prime I built. I just got tons of mag parts because I was farming other things, after a while I sat back and realized "I can build 4 mag primes, I guess I should build one and level her."

I've been a diehard Mag fan since I started, almost 2 years ago. XD

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