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Why Do People Use Rhino?


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Pretty sure more 'frames are used as one trick ponies than just Equinox.

I don't disagree. My point was that instead of saying a frame that people use multiple builds for he lists one that people almost exclusively use the 4th and thats it. Most other frames you may use the 4th a lot but an example is excal you can use slash radial blind ect while with equinox it's just maim.
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Why do you play Valkyr? Hysteria is probably the only ability you use, simply because it provides invincibility. Warframes can fit a variety of roles outside their implied, based on the weaponry and mods they equip.


Personally, I like to treat Saryn like a tanky AoE-oriented support, firing from behind the frontline of my friend's Rhino and another's Valkyr; popping a molt to cover myself when I do need to revive someone; etc.


People play how and who they choose, attempting to tell others how to play on their time sounds like you've just got nothing better to do.


And as far as endgame goes, I've seen "meta" and non-meta squads accomplish their missions.



That said, I registered to have fun with DE's baby, not obsess over min-maxing like I'm playing professional LoL - League of Legends.

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I love rhino with augment ability that radially blasts on demand. He makes searching for medallions easy by destroying all chests (can located medalions faster on mini map) and is very fast without needing energy (arcane helmet, rush, armor agilty).

When properly modded, can make medallion searching faster and easier.

Also agree with above posters, why not?

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I don't disagree. My point was that instead of saying a frame that people use multiple builds for he lists one that people almost exclusively use the 4th and thats it. Most other frames you may use the 4th a lot but an example is excal you can use slash radial blind ect while with equinox it's just maim.

We're over thinking this.

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Rhino brings a lot of Versatility to the table.  Also, if you accept the queues the game gives you, he can offer a lot of learning abilities.


People focus on his Iron Skin and his Stomp, but his Roar and Charge are extremely useful.  Roar is a good teambuff with a decent duration, easily increasing the DPS for the entire team.  Charge is good and cheap, though admittedly crude, crowd control.


I'll fully admit I'm a newer player.  Rhino has allowed me to relatively easily unlock everything up through Sedna.  Now, I'm noticing Iron Skin is becoming less valuable, so I'm adjusting my build to incorporate Roar to a much greater degree.


He is also a safe pick, especially if you are running with public matchmaking for any reason.  His survivability means you aren't dependent on any other player to be effective, his Roar increases the capability, and durability, of all other players by allowing them to drop targets faster, and his Stomp is an EXCELLENT tool for reviving downed team mates.  On Survivals and Defences, I always keep enough energy for a Stomp banked in case someone goes down.


As far as the Valkyr comparisons, she has a strong melee leaning.  I prefer to use my guns primarily, with melee for advancing strikes or digging our of a crowd.  Rhino allows this.


He may not be "God Tier", but he is a perfectly suitable frame that can be used on high-end content.


And codpiece.

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Personally, I prefer Chroma to all other tankish frames.  Easily the best T4S solo frame IMO.


Though, I've got no problem playing with others who like Rhino.  Though it is nice if they don't forget that there are numbers other than 2.

Edited by Athurio
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Pretty fun and only outclassed as a tank for content you do less than 20% of the time.  You can only play so much valk/chroma you know..  And unlike the other frames mentioned, rhino keeps new warframe players playing.  Going Excal->Rhino->Frost is a pretty nice way to get people interested and keep them playing long enough to get hooked while letting people farm basic things while not being dependant on a squad.  Valk is just as early, but needs halfway leveled mods for both frame and melee.  Rhino?  Just skin up and easily farm half the frames in the game and breeze through early nightmare modes.

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Personally, I prefer Chroma to all other tankish frames.  Easily the best T4S solo frame IMO.


Though, I've got no problem playing with others who like Rhino.  Though it is nice if they don't forget that there are numbers other than 2.

I honestly don't get how people neglect his Roar and his Stomp.  Both are incredible abilities.

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When I mentioned that I like to use Rhino when I might have to play various roles it is quite true. He can get up close and personal or hang back and support with roar, use his rifle for ranged support, and use iron skin to run up and revive a downed team mate. Depending on your weapon load out he is not a one trick pony. He can't heal, but otherwise he can be used in a variety of ways to help the group depending on what the team needs. As mentioned above Saryn can also be very useful in a variety of roles, as is Chroma. Most frames if played well by people who are familiar and comfortable with them are capable of being very useful the only time you really get "one trick ponies" is when the player only uses one ability, which is usually the ones with the "spam 4 to win" mentality.

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I don't disagree. My point was that instead of saying a frame that people use multiple builds for he lists one that people almost exclusively use the 4th and thats it. Most other frames you may use the 4th a lot but an example is excal you can use slash radial blind ect while with equinox it's just maim.

It's almost as if Maim is the strongest ability in the game, it's almost as if is the only ability in the game to take enemy health and turn it against them.

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